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3068546 No.3068546 [Reply] [Original]

I beat Holdover in one sitting last night. The O2 mechanic produced some very tense moments, and the part where YOU BECOME A FIGHTER PILOT FOR NO FUCKING REASON made me rage hard. Is there a new game plus or anything?

>> No.3068551

Not that I know of. Still need to finish this game off, I've just been too lazy to get the last few hearts.

>> No.3068553
File: 45 KB, 637x443, Attention to Detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I very much admire the author's attention to detail.

>> No.3068557

>made me rage hard

Why? You only had to shoot those things for like a minute.

>> No.3068565

Huh? You get something for getting all the hearts? I didn't know that.

>> No.3068571

I seriously thought that the author was doing a Kojima-style MGS2 troll and the rest of the game was going to be like that.

>> No.3068622 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 1024x768, secret_cg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother, all you get is concept art.

>> No.3068658


You pretty much NEED to max out your O2 level to beat the game, though.

>> No.3068675

1.04 Mo

Each time I think about it, my mind is blown.

>> No.3068699
File: 9 KB, 204x462, secret_cg_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want it uncensored, finish the game in less than 30 minutes without saving.

>> No.3068709


Does quick save count?

>> No.3068744

How is that even possible?

>> No.3068765


> 30 minutes
Okay, that doesn't sound so bad...

> Without saving
Uh...okay, let's try that.

> Room where you have to unlock the security system twice and destroy a shitload of blocks that respawn


>> No.3068774

Its not he edited it on Mspaint, i remember the thread about it.

>> No.3068856

Thanks, Captain Obvious.

>> No.3068914


>> No.3068930

sorry if I got your hopes up bro

>> No.3068980

What the hell is drowning fetish?

>> No.3069050

ask gurochan

>> No.3069121

There's not nearly enough different ways to drown for this to be a drowning fetish game. It's more of a swimming suit fetish game.

>> No.3069337

Well the whole shump thing was kind of weird as you suddenly change the point of view to becoming the rescuer. I really didn't like the fact there were no checkpoints at that part as I died quite a few times and having to start shootan them all down again suuuucks.

>> No.3069350


A drowning fetish is a drowning fetish. Images of drowning people arouse you.

>> No.3069351

I was thinking "fuck yeah game finished" and didn't save for all the way I used to get there.

Thankfully I didn't die. I'd be annoyed if I did.

>> No.3069412

Did you see the other two games by this guy?

Both about drowning.

>> No.3069433

Then he's doing himself and drowning fetishists a disservice with the lack of drowning options.

>> No.3069483

wait, there's more??

>> No.3069540


Though it's just demos for commercial games.

>> No.3069875

Did someone make a translation patch for this? I think someone was talking about doing it, since the engrish wasn't perfect.

I still played through it all (and max hearts first run, though I guess that isn't such an amazing accomplishment)
