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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 57 KB, 500x300, Katawa-Shoujo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3064031 No.3064031 [Reply] [Original]

I just played the Katawa Shoujo demo, and thought it was great! I had never played (read?) a visual novel before and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Are there other decent visual novels you would recommend?

>> No.3064037

Get out KS devs, stop whoring your shitty game. You know yourself that no one actually likes it.

>> No.3064035


>> No.3064041

You don't deserve to play good visual novels since you think Katawa Shoujo is good.

>> No.3064044

I'm glad I decided to lurk moar instead of pester /jp/ after trying this and Clannad as my first VNs.

>> No.3064045

I suggest "Suck my dick or die"

>> No.3064050

You obviously didn't lurk enough. Use the sage function more often.

>> No.3064052

I thought that was dropped.

>> No.3064055
File: 715 KB, 1096x1400, 1249105623134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played Katawa Shoujo myself and I think it's okay.

>> No.3064056
File: 433 KB, 1600x2000, VN list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh, in b4 shitstorm.

Anyways, here.

>> No.3064058

You can tell it's a troll because of the extremely old picture.

>> No.3064062

KS dev spotted. Get out. Nobody here likes your game.

>> No.3064066

So....If this one sucked so bad most of them are way better? I'm not trolling or whoring here, and seriously asking for recommendations. Though in retrospect I can see how it would make it look like I was >___>

>> No.3064073

Get the fuck out.

>> No.3064077

I told you we need a rec image just to shut them up.
I'm gonna continue working on it.

>> No.3064074

Asking for recommendations is trolling. Use google.

>> No.3064072

Go back to /a/, we don't take kindly to your type here.

>> No.3064083

That will only encourage them to ask for it to be reposted, stop doing it and just tell them to go away.

>> No.3064085

That won't shut them up, that will just invite more of them here. They need to be told to lurk more, use the archive, or get the fuck out.

>> No.3064089

Obvious dev is obvious


>> No.3064092

Stop bumping your thread, KS dev.

>> No.3064094

Good Lord!

Look at yourself /jp/! What have you become? Sages everywhere and not one of you helping the man out! When did you change? What happened?!

>> No.3064097


My god I hated that Wind game, to me the main character was in the same league as Takumi from chaos;head. And that's pretty fucking bad

>> No.3064098


>> No.3064106

It's not like you're gonna post it when they ask for it.

>> No.3064102

Fuck off, OP.

>> No.3064143

I'm not OP, but I refuse to allow people to be treated this way on /jp/.

OP I recommend you give True Remembrance a try. It's pretty short, shouldn't take you more than a couple hours, and I myself thoroughly enjoyed it. You can download it here and the whole thing is in English.


>> No.3064158
File: 708 KB, 1920x1200, 1036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be nice if the art in the game was this good.

>> No.3064161

don't feed the trolls

>> No.3064167

Not everyone that comes here asking for recommendations is a troll.

>> No.3064168

No Anonymous, you are the trolls.

>> No.3064170

>Sage everywhere
You obviously haven't been on /jp/ very long if you think people here use sage as an insult.

In addition to the bland protagonist the scenario was also complete shit.

>> No.3064177

I didn't think you could make the art any worse, but good job you showed me that it's possible

>> No.3064184

>You obviously haven't been on /jp/ very long if you think people here use sage as an insult.
I don't recall ever saying that. Thanks for putting words in my mouth. I think the board you meant to click on was >>>/b/, asshole.

>> No.3064187

It's shit, but it's better than the game's art.

>> No.3064190

You clearly implied that using sage is a negative thing.

>> No.3064213

When over 50% of a thread's posts are saged and all of those sage posts are useless "fuck off" comments, sage IS a negative thing; just not in the way you ASSUMED I had implied.

>> No.3064223
File: 129 KB, 369x1100, 471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3064241
File: 97 KB, 988x885, 470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3064251

Taimanin Asagi, Kangoku Senkan, Shion: Zankokuna Mahou no Tenshi

>> No.3064260

What about The Maiden Rape Assualt: Violent Semen Inferno?

>> No.3064267

That's right /jp/, keep screaming dev every time someone mentions KS, you're only making yourself even more pathetic, and irrelevant.

I'll be looking forward to when KS is released fully and /a/ gets it because /jp/ saged it.

What do you even have to offer anymore except for 'KS dev!' and japanese bird?

Enjoy your insignificance, I'll just be back to /a/ now.

>> No.3064282

That board's even worse than /jp/ Enjoy your shit.

>> No.3064320

Okay, you convinced me to stay.

>> No.3064342

Enjoy insulting yourself, faggot.

>> No.3064347

No, the sage itself still has no negative implication.

>> No.3064409

Retard Katawa Shoujo Devs I love Japanese Bird. Happy now? Sage!

>> No.3064483


Just as planned

>> No.3064719

We sage because we don't want to bump this thread. Frankly I don't care if /jp/ hates KS or not. I rather have /jp/ be all elitist to filter out faggots like you and op.

>have to offer
Nothing /a/ related.
