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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3058971 No.3058971[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Weeaboos are the new furries.

Furries and weeaboos lurk on the internet in groups of their sub-culture, making sure to drown out any outside influences in a self-congratualatory environment.
Both go to cons to re-affirm their belief that they are not alone in their choices, and thus feel validated about their way of life.
Both claim to 'feel love' for something that isn't even human. Claiming you love an anime character isn't different from loving an antromorphic wolf.
Both sub-cultures like to take potshots at mainstream society without participating in it.
Both have their own vague hierarchical systems, not based on income, friends or status, but based on animes watched, figures owned, knowledge of Japanese language and such.
Both groups are extremely closed, making sure to drown all non-conformists and sources of critique.

Disprove me with actual arguments, without using the following:
reaction images
posts that are just greentext
accusations of trolling

NOTE: I do not normally tripfag, this is a one time thing only.

>> No.3058972


>> No.3058975

Also thank you for proving my point on weeaboos drowning out all sources of critique.

>> No.3058978

I don't know what you're thinking trying to troll /jp/. Maybe it will work at /a/ or something.

>> No.3058979


>> No.3058980
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>you stupid troll tripfag

>> No.3058982
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>> No.3058986

I'm not trolling I am merely trying to prove a point. Why don't you try to actually disprove what I'm saying instead of just crying 'TROLL! TROLL!' every time someone says something that you don't like.

>> No.3058988

I see you're from /b/.

>> No.3058990

That could be said of any fanbase, regardless of the targeted subject or genre. None of those criteria are exclusive to furries or weeaboos, so the comparison is worthless.

>> No.3058994

/jp/ isn't weeaboo, /jp/ is NEET.
/jp/ hates Japan in general.
You best go to >>>/a/.

>> No.3058995
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>> No.3058997

Wait. What kind of weeaboos are we talking about here? Those children who watch naruto and are all like NIHONGO WA ICHIBAN UGUU~~, or those who are mentally ill and fall in love with fictional characters?

I don't really think the latter counts as a weeaboo though. But one thing you missed though, was the way furries go; "I AM A WOLF, I LOVE WOLVES MORE THAN I LOVE HUMANS SO THAT MAKES A WOLF! YOU'RE JUST A FASCIST WHO etc. etc." while those who are obsessed with anime characters most likely do not believe they are anime characters themselves, yes?

>> No.3058998

I have actually not been on /b/ for well over a year.
Also so far noone has offered any insightful counter-arguments.

>> No.3058999
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>> No.3059001


>> No.3059003
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>> No.3059004

Because no one gives a shit.


>> No.3059007

Where's your tripcode?

Obviously forgot to put it back on because you were samefag bumping your own thread. It's pretty sad if you have to do that in order to even mildly troll.

>> No.3059008
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>> No.3059009

I agree with you sir and everything, but what after the 7 proxiys run out? Why not use a dynamic IP it's easier.

By your hierarchical system i would be quite low since know nothing of the jap language and i dont own anything besides 2 figs.

>> No.3059010


>> No.3059011


but I am totally a kawaii anime character ^___^ *sweatdrop*

okay I am never making a post like this again I apologize for wasting the photons to project this post to your eyeballs

>> No.3059013

Weeaboos and furries stand out in the way they close themselves off from outside critique and create a self-congratulatory environment.

Both are delusional, the exact nature of the delusion is irrelevant.

Herp derp, forgot my trip.

>> No.3059014
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>> No.3059018


>Both are delusional, the exact nature of the delusion is irrelevant

Psychologists will punch you for that.

Different delusions are different delusions. Get over it.

>> No.3059019

Furries fuck their pets.
Weeaboos don't fuck anything.

>> No.3059020
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>> No.3059021

I know. These Touhoufags don't really know Japan like we do, they're just fakers.

I hate weeaboos. I don't conisder myself a weeaboo, I'm actually Japanese for real, well almost. I will be when I live in Japan though. Right now I'm studying japanese, japanese history and I'm following Bushido, the way of the warrior. This is why I hate weeaboos that know 5 words in japanese and use them all the time, kawaai baka DESU NE MOTHERFUCKER. I'm actually trying to become Japanese for real unlike all these faker wees. FUCK YOU WEEABOOS

So my question is, how good are my chances of becoming Japanese for real?

>> No.3059024

My proxy resets my name and tripcode.

>> No.3059025
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>> No.3059029
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>> No.3059034

I absolutely agree that they are completely different delusions, but it doesn't change the fact that suffering from any kind of delusion is unhealthy.

>> No.3059035

>Both go to cons to re-affirm their belief that they are not alone in their choices, and thus feel validated about their way of life.

That's not why I go to cons at all.

Wait, I don't go to cons, I go to fairs.

That's right, Comiket bitches. I will rub my Umineko 5 in my pants for you.
07th Expansion's stall typically empties out in the first hour or so, right?

>> No.3059036


>> No.3059037
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>> No.3059039


Unhealthy, but not the same condition by any respect. You might as well say "eating poisonous mushrooms is bad and eating raw meat is bad therefore raw meat = poisonous mushrooms"

>> No.3059040


>Both are delusional, the exact nature of the delusion is irrelevant.

Yes, but that is the only common factor between these two example groups. It's not as much as weeaboos and furries are mentally ill and live in a delusional world created by their own sub-cultural hierarchy, it's just that most fuck-ups are delusional about themselves and may some times think that a sub-cultural group such as the furries is a proper community for them to satisfy their sense of belonging.

>> No.3059041
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>> No.3059044

OP is a moron who seems to have mistook someone who likes anime and touhou with someone who wants to be japanese and loves their culture and shit


>> No.3059045

Comiket is the same as every other anime convention: it is a massive circlejerk for the sole purpose of allowing social deviants to call their delusions a 'lifestyle choice'.

>> No.3059048

By the time a person reaches their teenage years they are expected to conform with "normalcy", they are supposed to give up comic books and cartoons and in the case of boys focus exclusively on girls, sports, and cars. Anyone who does not conform to this "normal" behavior is subject to ridicule until they conform. Which is what you are attempting.

At this point anyone who chooses to live freely the way they desire becomes a sub-culture that will exist only while being ridiculed by mainstream culture. Be it 'trekkies', 'weeaboos', or even a lover of ballet. I have received ridicule for enjoying reading books because kids my age in high school couldn't imagine someone actually ENJOYING to read. I needed to conform to social normal behavior and spend my time comparing cars and bashing other guys in football.

All you are trying to accomplish is affirming your own behavior as "normal" and any outlying behavior as "abnormal" in order to justify your place in society but try as you might you cannot change the minds of others who do not agree with you on what constitutes normal behavior.

>> No.3059049

>it doesn't change the fact that suffering from any kind of delusion is unhealthy

Prove it.

>> No.3059050


Except in anime cons you usually just look at stuff and I go to Comiket to buy shit en masse.

I walk outta there with stacks of futa doujinshi and I don't care who sees.

>> No.3059051

Except that unlike most anime cons, it provides original content.

>> No.3059057
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OP can't take it eajy!

>> No.3059059
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>> No.3059064

Believe you me, I hate weeaboos about as much as I hate furries, which is why I haven't been to 4chan in a month or so.

Your statement it somewhat flawed, and clearly a troll, but I'm bored so I'll address it anyway.

Let's first discuss the certain weeaboos that are hated by their own kind. This category largely includes yaoi fangirls (and pussywhipped fanboys who go along with it), naive jackasses who just discovered naruto, and people who think mixing 4chan with real life is a good idea (rare exceptions including cosplaying as "successful trolls")

Let us assume that simply visiting 4chan defines you as a weeaboo.

In this case, I would strongly disagree with your statement and ask that some distinction be made between the different tiers of weeaboo.

>> No.3059065
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OP is FOE!

>> No.3059067


I agree, but at the end of the day both are still a delusional fuck-ups. Both are different groups but they draw from the same fucked-up pool of recruits. This is their biggest common divider.

>> No.3059069


Even in /jp/?!

>> No.3059077 [DELETED] 


>Comiket is the same as every other anime convention

Translating from "Retardese"...

>I have never been to Comiket

>> No.3059081


>Comiket is the same as every other anime convention

Translating from "Retardese"...

>I have never been to Comiket or an anime convention and only have a vague understanding of either

>> No.3059082

why would you even be on 4chan if you hate weeaboos?

>> No.3059085

What's the prize for disproving you?

Personally I wouldn't mind if you made that comparison and held that belief, since you'd be in the minority.

If anything it just sounds like another way to blindly hold contempt for a subculture without comparing it to one's own values and deciding if it's worthy of one's contempt.

But I disgress,

"You see us as you want to see us: in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a fan of anime, and a figure collector, and a danmaku shooting fan, a visual novel reader, and a student of the Japanese language. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, /jp/"

>> No.3059090
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>> No.3059096

Why are people replying seriously?

>> No.3059097

>Both go to cons
There are furry conventions? Didn't know that. Also, hardly anybody in /jp/ goes to conventions, and when they do, it's not for social aspects, but for goods and the occasional VN panel.
>Both claim to 'feel love' for something that isn't even human.
Feeling love for anything or anyone that does not/cannot return that love is the same as love of a fictional being. Claiming you love a celebrity isn't different from loving an anime character or anthropomorphic wolf.
>Both sub-cultures like to take potshots at mainstream society without participating in it.
The same can be said of any sub-culture, or just young people in general.
>Both have their own vague hierarchical systems
Every group has this. New people are at the bottom, whereas more experienced and mature people are at the top.
>Both groups are extremely closed, making sure to drown all non-conformists and sources of critique.
If someone critiqued your lifestyle, the most it's likely going to accomplish is piss you off and waste your time.
sage is not an insult. It just causes a post to not bump the thread, thus causing the thread to be less visible. If you wanted to insult someone, you'd want them to see it, right?
>reaction images
/jp/ looks down on these. A lot.
>posts that are just greentext
Posts that are just greentext usually point out something flawed in the post, many times in the form of satire. You don't read Huckleberry Finn and say that it was bullshit that didn't prove anything because it just parodied the problems of society.
>accusations of trolling
Your post screams "You're all faggots, prove me wrong." Hardly worthy of discussion
Wouldn't tripcodes be better for a debate? If everybody were using tripcodes, you'd get less of the other four points.

>> No.3059100

There is a difference between enjoying anime and claiming to be in love with an anime character and telling yourself you are unattracted to real women. Somewhere between those to you go from 'person who likes anime' to 'weeaboo'.

Haha, oh you.

I am dissappointed in the fact that whenever someone makes a thread that requires any form of critical self-reflection, they are immediatly accused of trolling.
That said, I agree my definition of weeaboo has been relatively vague. Of course there are varying shades of gray here. Just because you like anime does not mean you are a reclusive faggot who cannot handle talking to real people. The term is simply to vague for a single definition.

>> No.3059105
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>> No.3059107

ordinarily, /a/ has a thread about the new anime season (although it happens less and less often now)

also, most anons only use low-end weeaboo-isms like "LOL SUPA KAWAII xD" for trolling purposes.

I mostly click on /jp/ out of habit (partly because of umineko), as I find my interest in touhou and VNs waning.

>> No.3059108
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>> No.3059109


>Just because you like anime does not mean you are a reclusive faggot who cannot handle talking to real people.

Excuse me, but a hikikomori does not even have to like anime/manga/VNs/japanese culture.

>> No.3059114

Remember the days when we used to ignore trolls?

Me neither.

>> No.3059116
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>> No.3059120
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>> No.3059121
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JoPereira's TF2 genderswapping is lovely.

I especially love the brief Fem-Pyro we've seen.

>> No.3059126

People like you should be banned.

This board is NEET only; if you don't spend all of your waking hours on /jp/, hotglue figs or play eroge religiously; if you don't hate 3d, piss on the floor and have a neckbeard, you're a butthurt normalfaggot who needs to get out, or better yet, kill yourself.

Go back to your job, education and social life, you delusional douchebag.

>> No.3059127

fucking tripfags

>> No.3059129


>> No.3059135

If you weren't trolling then what was the point of making this thread.

>> No.3059136

You have failed to address my argument by simply trying to restate your own.

I will devolve your argument to it's core:

"You're different, change or sod off"

Please answer for me why your arguments that we're worse than you are is any different from people in mainstream culture telling any subculture this.

>> No.3059139

>Both go to cons
>There are furry conventions? Didn't know that. Also, hardly anybody in /jp/ goes to conventions, and when they do, it's not for social aspects, but for goods and the occasional VN panel.

I am not making accusations at /jp/ in general but at specific people in it. If you feel that the definition of weeaboo I apply doesn't include you then it probably doesn't.

>Feeling love for anything or anyone that does not/cannot return that love is the same as love of a fictional being. >Claiming you love a celebrity isn't different from loving an anime character or anthropomorphic wolf.

Claiming you have actual love for a celebrity is indeed not much healthier than 'being in love with' a fictional character. The difference is that most people have a crush on a celebrity, instead of being in love with them.

>The same can be said of any sub-culture, or just young people in general.

This is true, but weeaboo's and furries tend to be more aggresive against mainstream society than average teenagers would be.

>Every group has this. New people are at the bottom, whereas more experienced and mature people are at the top.

This is a fair point, almost all social groups have some kind of picking order.

>If someone critiqued your lifestyle, the most it's likely going to accomplish is piss you off and waste your time.

There is a difference between defending your lifestyle and disallowing any and all critque.

>sage is not an insult. It just causes a post to not bump the thread, thus causing the thread to be less visible. If you wanted to insult someone, you'd want them to see it, right?

As for the things I listed: these provide no meaningful insight, facts or opinions into the debate, and are thus counter-productive.

>> No.3059140

Because internet.

>> No.3059143
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how bout more TF2?

>> No.3059145

Which is why I am not using the term Hikikomori?

>> No.3059146

>Haha, oh you.

For someone who claims to not be a troll and to desire genuine discussion and reflection, you're certainly dodging answering any questions.

All you're doing is repeating your original talking points. I'm willing to have a discussion with you, so don't run away and prove your claim that

>it doesn't change the fact that suffering from any kind of delusion is unhealthy.

If you can, that is.

>> No.3059149

>suffering from any kind of delusion is unhealthy.
All of the top contributors to science were once called delusional by society. Society would stagnate if it weren't for the delusional who question the limits of reality.
Copernicus was deluded with his idea of heliocentrism.
Pastuer was deluded with his silly idea that tiny, invisible lifeforms could carry sicknesses.
The Wright brothers were deluded with ideas that things heavier than air could fly.
Salvador Dali was deluded with ideas that clocks melt and that elephants have swans as reflections.

>> No.3059153

>>There is a difference between enjoying anime and claiming to be in love with an anime character and telling yourself you are unattracted to real women.

You can also have the impression that there's lots of people on 4chan like this, but if they anything those types of people just stand out more because of how outspoken they are about the things they like.

Not only that, but often people will say things like that in jest, because it's part of the big inside joke that liking x thing on 4chan means you're an adamant participant in a sort of 'Loser Olympics'.

The sad part is when people take outlandish things said seriously, or worse, try to incorporate that kind of behavior in hopes of being accepted.

>> No.3059159

You're wading into /jp/ leading off with an outrageous statement relevant to most of its population. It's trolling, though I'm not necessarily claiming you're insincere. Heck, I (easily)trolled /a/ with the honest belief that Strike Witches is complete bullshit. It didn't change the fact that I only wanted to cause a shitstorm.

Anyway, if you're singling out the low-end fans that cannot adapt to social situations and are only further hindering themselves by interacting only with people as inept as themselves, then I agree that they are a massive problem.

Unfortunately, that means there isn't much left to discuss.

>> No.3059163

Gee whiz kiddo, why do you think they call it a 'mental sickness'?

Because despite refusing to take part in society, you sit on the sidelines, taking potshots and rolling your eyes, pretending to be better than everyone else.

>> No.3059165

this thread

>> No.3059173

>Because despite refusing to take part in otaku society, you sit on the sidelines, taking potshots and rolling your eyes, pretending to be better than everyone else.

Fixed to describe you, faggot.

>> No.3059180


>> No.3059188

There is a difference between having revolutionary ideas about the functioning of the universe and going 'ASUKA-CHAN IS MOE, SHE IS MAI WAIFU'.

Again, there are shades of gray in being a weeaboo or liking anime. I am not making accusations against every who likes anime.

Trolling is making a post for maximum disruptive effect. I am merely trying to have a civil discussion. Also, I've said it a few times, but THERE ARE SHADES OF GRAY: I am not pointing fingers at everyone on this board. Also holy shit you are pretty much the first person to respond reasonably.

>> No.3059192

>Gee whiz kiddo, why do you think they call it a 'mental sickness'?

This is circular logic; you're using one of the premises of your argument to prove it.

Saying that "DELUSION IS A MENTAL SICKNESS BECAUSE IT IS A MENTAL SICKNESS" doesn't do anything except restate your premise.

I am asking you to PROVE your statement.

>> No.3059194

Once again you return to restate your original argument and fail to address what's at issue with your complaint. This proves two things.

1. Your argument is weak.
2. You are an intellectual novice.

I hoped for better.

>> No.3059195

I can't believe you people fell for this.

To OP, you don't know what you're talking out.
Get out.

>> No.3059198

>I can't believe you people fell for this.
You then proceed to respond to the troll. Is this some sort of meta-troll?

>> No.3059200

are you taking the time to manually change your ip's from a list, or are you using a program that makes it easier?

>> No.3059201
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>> No.3059207

A group of delusional misfits who lurk their parents basements are not a society.

I am not going to play semantics with you: Delusions are a mental sickness because currently, expert on psychology agree it is. If you don't like that, take it up with them.

>> No.3059211
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>85 posts and 22 image replies omitted.

>> No.3059212

Ironically, your weakest argument is your claim that your OP was an attempt to initiate an argument.

I think you could have worded it better if you wanted more civil replies, though I can't blame you for wording it the way you did to guarantee responses.

>>3059159 here, btw

>> No.3059216

>why do you think they call it a 'mental sickness'?
Because it is not the norm in society.
Why is Sickle Cell Anemia called a disease when it's a nucleic polymorphism just like White Skin?
That's how bad society wants conformity. Even if more than 99.9% of your DNA is the same as the rest of humanity, if parts of the remaining .1% aren't considered "normal," you have a "disability" or a "disease."
Lactose intolerance is considered as a genetic condition, when it is actually the wild phenotype. Lactose intolerance functions as a natural way to wean young off of their mother's milk to force them to feed themselves; lactose TOLERANCE is the mutation.

>> No.3059220


>Even if more than 99.9% of your DNA is the same as the rest of humanity, if parts of the remaining .1% aren't considered "normal," you have a "disability" or a "disease."
>Even if more than 99.2% of your DNA is the same as the rest of humanity, if parts of the remaining .8% aren't considered "human," you have an "animal" or a "creature"

In other words, DNA is fucking long and mostly repeating junk data across all creatures who utilize DNA (read: all of them).

>> No.3059222

This whole thing is an exercise in futility.
Give it up, accept that neither side will budge or relent. And that the fact that not allowing sage as part of the discussion speaks clearly of the true nature of OP. After all, what kind of poster still believes that sage is a negative action when it does nothing?

Besides, you can say the same about any subculture. Just because you happen to have come in contact with two of them and found similarities doesn't mean that every single one of them are the same, nor that every member sticks to such stereotypes. It's a void argument, and it doesn't deserve to be continued.

>> No.3059225

Oh look, personal attacks, that's nice.

I'm just changing my IP manually everytime I get banned.

A more civil original post would have still been called trolling, this atleast assured replies.

>> No.3059227
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>> No.3059230

I am not claiming they are identical, but that they have strong similarities.

I am seriously not going to argue with you on the merits of delusions. If you are honestly that far gone I suggest professional help.

>> No.3059231

There's probably shades of gray between say, liking an anthromorphic character like Daffy Duck and wearing a fursuit also.

In either case, if your argument's essentially "Weeabos are similar to furries. And, like furries we should hold contempt for them." then there really isn't anything to discuss.

People with 'weeabo' tendencies have always existed in anime fandom, they're just now having a trendy name attributed to them.

Also, can't really have this discussion without agreeing on a definition for weeabo. By it's origin it's supposed to refer to a white person who likes Japanese culture so much that they want to be Japanese. Nowadays though you'll see people interchange it with the word otaku.

If anything, this is a stark example of ignorance inherent in the anime community; by its origins otaku was never meant to be used as a term of endearment, and now it feels like the word weeabo is getting that treatment(though usually when spouted by people unaware of its origin).

>> No.3059232


That movie was pretty funny.

"Why the fuck would they send it to the Russians?!"

>> No.3059240

Weeaboos are the source of a large part of 4chan's culture and memes. Furries are only part of it because when we see them, we desire to inflict exterminatus upon our planet to purge heresy. However, to try to separate 4chan from it's weeaboo roots is like trying to have icing without the cake.

>> No.3059243 [SPOILER] 
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What's funny about this thread is that furries aren't really that hated, all hate generated around them is mostly an illusion because they react funny to being hated so much.

In other words, yiff me you otaku studs.

>> No.3059246

>lurk on the * in groups of their sub-culture, making sure to drown out any outside influences in a self-congratualatory environment.
>Both [gather] to re-affirm their belief that they are not alone in their choices, and thus feel validated about their way of life.
>Both claim to 'feel love' for something that isn't even human. Claiming you love [figurehead] isn't different from loving an antromorphic wolf.
>Both sub-cultures like to take potshots at mainstream society without participating in it.
>Both have their own vague hierarchical systems, not based on income, friends or status, but based on [aspects specific to the group]
>Both groups are extremely closed, making sure to drown all non-conformists and sources of critique.

Perhaps the same can be said of all religions.

>> No.3059247

Let me attempt to give my personal definition of weeaboo:

Owns and anime related figure: Not weeaboo
Owns a room full of anime related figures: Weeaboo

Watches anime occasionally: Not weeaboo
Watches anime for several hours a day: Weeaboo

Likes a character, possibly collecting (fan)art: Not weeaboo
Claims to be in love with a character: Weeaboo

Owns an anime t-shirt: Not weeaboo
Owns an anime body pillow: Weeaboo

>> No.3059256

I did not want to get into the religion comparison because that's an even uglier can of worms.

>> No.3059258

Erm guys why arent you guys reporting him and actually responding to him?

Go to /a/ to find your answer there is no weaboos or furries here.

>> No.3059260

Then what's a "furry?"

>> No.3059262

You're right OP. As a normalfag who lurks /jp/ it is impossible to even mention anything connected to normal life (eg. I have a girlfriend etc) without being accused of being a troll, derailing the thread and causing MASSIVE butthurt.

A lot of people here just pretend to be neet so they can actually discuss stuff.

>> No.3059263

How is owning an anime t-shirt not weeaboo?

>> No.3059264

>Owns an anime t-shirt: Not weeaboo
>Owns an anime body pillow: Weeaboo
Wahaha. You seem to have your definitions mixed up. Weeaboo are supposed to be weaksource, they socialize with other similar people and retain typical moral hangups. Owning a T-shirt fits, a body pillow really doesn't.

>> No.3059266

Haha OP they're doing EXACTLY what you said they'd do.


>> No.3059269


I fall under all your definitions of "Not Weeaboo", yet I still live at my parents with no job and am afraid of social contact and whatnot and spend 90% of my time on /jp/.

>> No.3059270

Why would mentioning you have a girlfriend ever be /jp/ related?

>> No.3059293

So in other words, a person who likes anime is a weeabo if their indulgences become excessive and/or irrational.

Does that sound accurate to you?

>> No.3059311

As I said, this is the definition I am using for this discussion, almost everyone could find something they dislike about that definition, but again, I am not here to argue semantics.

Well congratulations, you are not the most fucked up person on this board. By far.

This is because it's easier to attempt to discredit me or the argument than it is to make any worthwhile attempt at self-critique.

This sounds about right, if slightly over-simplified.

>> No.3059312


Would mentioning you're a NEET ever be /jp/ related?

>> No.3059314

>Weeaboos are the new furries.
weeaboos draw antropomorphic animals having sex with each other? no.

>> No.3059317

>112 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

lol /jp/

>> No.3059325
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>112 posts and 26 image replies omitted.

>> No.3059331

I like how you ignored my arguments, created your own and then attacked it. This is commonly refered to as sockpuppeting.

>> No.3059335

They're referencing Dracula's quote from the opening to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
Because an actual discussion without reaction images and accusations of trolling is actually kind of nice.
I agree completely. You can't say you like regular sized breasts, dislike touhou, claim to not be socially withdrawn, or actually talk about general Japanese topics without screams of bloody murderer. Sadly though, by posing as neets as opposed to actually being neets we're in fact enabling this type of behavior. That's not to say it's not funny to poke fun at neet-ism by saying outlandish neet things though!

>> No.3059339


OP is referring to the classic NEET that you see on /jp/. That means self-delusional, selfish, anime/eroge obsessed leech to society.

If you are a man who has a passive interest in anime/VNs then I don't think he has any problem with you and you can go on your merry way with a smile.

>> No.3059347
File: 54 KB, 457x348, 1242674696800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disprove me with actual arguments, without using the following:
>reaction images
>posts that are just greentext

>> No.3059352

>Disprove me with actual arguments, without using the following:
>reaction images
>posts that are just greentext
>accusations of trolling

Trying to hard.

>> No.3059362
File: 67 KB, 798x587, 1242673884103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure OP is samefagging in this thread.

>> No.3059367


Nice, so I see you read the insurgency wiki on how to troll and pretend to use actual arguments article. Bit of truth and a bit of lie to make it seem more credible.

You at the 'list of common logical fallacies' yet? That part could really aid your trolling more.

>> No.3059381

I got the quote, but I wanted to explain that I considered comparing weeaboos to religious zealots but decided against it because argueing religion with any form of logic is like trying to set water on fire.

This. Absolutely this. I am not trying to accuse everyone on /jp/. The people who I am accusing know exactly who they are.

Wow you sure showed me who is boss on the internets.

>> No.3059385

ITT: Embarrassingly poor trolling.

>> No.3059386

>>This sounds about right, if slightly over-simplified.
But isn't this very close to the definition for otaku?

Could we find some common ground and say that the differences between an otaku and a weeabo is that a weeabo's excessive indulgences are irrational?

>> No.3059391

Actually no, except for the few posts where I have forgotten my trip.

Why do people keep insisting that any form of real discussion HAS to be trolling?

>> No.3059392
File: 68 KB, 640x472, 1239276539639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow you sure showed me who is boss on the internets.
i am boss

>> No.3059403

To me, otaku and weeaboo are pretty much the same thing, mostly because of their definitions will vary incredibly from one person to the next.

I remember when Minami-ke was good. ;_;

It's okay, we know you're trying your best.

>> No.3059428


You're just to obvious.

Subtle is the key, I've trolled /jp/ with a 3 phrazes and 1, READ, ONE post, no samefagging even needed to spark it.

That proved that sadly, most of /jp/ takes the bait.

>> No.3059441
File: 22 KB, 317x317, ワハハ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do people keep insisting that any form of real discussion HAS to be trolling?
Comparing the most, if not most numerous population of this board to a an annoyingly vocal and hated internet group, isn't trolling? Wahaha.
Not to mention references to old /b/ memes.
Still, it's trolling well done. This is going to hit the bump limit.

>> No.3059461 [DELETED] 

I'm going to go ahead and outspond and say that if weeabos are excessive and irrational within their hobby then yes, they are similar to furries in that aspect.

They may have not garnered as much baseless contempt, but they would get their fair share of flak just for being irrational. The contempt for furries is actually pretty hard to top though, so I couldn't agree that weeabos are the new furries, though I will concede that on some level they get they are similar in being irrational and garnering contempt.

>> No.3059471

I'm going to go ahead and outspond and say that if weeabos are excessive and irrational within their hobby then yes, they are similar to furries in that aspect.

They may have not garnered as much baseless contempt, but they would get their fair share of flak just for being irrational. The contempt for furries is actually pretty hard to top though, so I couldn't agree that weeabos are the new furries, though I will concede that on some level they are similar in being irrational and garnering contempt.

>> No.3059480

Weaboos hate furries since they originated in the same place. That place being the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization. Furries and early japanimation fans originated here!
