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3052800 No.3052800 [Reply] [Original]

is rance a bad person /jp/?

>> No.3052813


>> No.3052815

No, he's the paragon of masculinity we must all strive to emulate.

>> No.3052819

Rance is a Hero.

>> No.3052861

Rance is just as much a threat as the demons are.

>> No.3052868

>a threat
So far he did nothing bad by medieval standards.

>> No.3052877

Rance sucks. Kenshiro is more of a man.

>> No.3052882

He is a man of his whims.
What he does can be good or bad.
So unless you get a ratio, an actual judgment is difficult.

>> No.3052893

He dirtied the purity of fair maidens.

>> No.3052894

Yes he is. If Rance was gay, he would still be a bad person.

>> No.3052899


Every route where Rance wins, Japan is relatively safe.

Nearly every time he loses, it's destroyed by demons or something.

>> No.3052900

When Rance takes over a country, often its state gets better rather than worse.
He does bad things and his motives can be questionable, but on large scale, he's not a bad person.

>> No.3052924
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There are often those who do bad things to some but is celebrated as a hero by a community because his actions have helped them regardless of his intentions. Such a person could be called an anti-hero.

Do you have any other concerns to ask me of?

>> No.3052979

If he ran it himself instead of leaving when he gets bored, it would be a tyrant state.

>> No.3053006

Only in definition, since Rance doesn't really give a shit about political power he'd just spend all day in his harem and would have minimal influence other than acquiring more bitches and whores.

>> No.3053014
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>> No.3053023

So how the fuck do you beat Nobunaga

>> No.3053027

By punching him in the face with a sword.

>> No.3053026

Which fight?

>> No.3053219

The first one

>> No.3053225

Have Rance hit him at least once in the start.
Then just keep fighting.
If you suck so much that you still cannot beat him of got too many casualties from Byakko, either accept the -6 penalty, or recruit/train before temple event.

>> No.3053226

I don't think you even need to hit him, just have Rance in the attacking party. You can stick him in the back if you want.

>> No.3053307

Oops, right.

>> No.3053350

He is like most of the men around that time. They rape, loot and fight.
He is just a bit more caring for girls.

>> No.3053364

Kenshin's uncle deserved more punishment than the swift death he received.

>> No.3053367

Especially if you do not rescue Kenshin fast.
...My god.

>> No.3053368

Byakko kill several of my commanders, yes. By train do you mean get affections up and clear dungeons?

>> No.3053373

Yeah, when I first played the game I heard about the H-scene happening if you don't rescue her in time and I thought it cant be too bad so I'll just earn the H-scene and reload. Boy was I wrong, especially after taking over Uesugi. ;_;

>> No.3053374

Yes.Generally, the best plan is to NOT use Rance on Byakko and send EVERYONE else, starting from weak guys.
If a team of 6 survive, including Rance and a footsoldier, you should have no problem with Nobunaga.

>> No.3053999

But those countries all happened to have demons and stuff trying to destroy them. They were conveniently conflicted worlds.

What if you unleashed him in a perfectly peaceful environment? He'd start bloody wars just to get a princess or two into his bed.

I'd say he's more of an equalizer. Throw him into a country that's being destroyed and he'll make things better, but throw him into a peaceful one and he'll mess things up.

In any case, he'll rape any woman he finds attractive and murder anyone who gets in his way. I guess that's pretty evil, though it's natural behavior for a human male.

>> No.3054012

He's a caveman in the middle ages.

Guys like him don't belong anywhere.

>> No.3054015

What happens in that scene? I don't feel like starting again just to watch that.

>> No.3054104

He's not evil, but a pretty bad person, good thing he isn't real so I don't feel bad about fapping to the girls he fucks

>> No.3054125

kenshin is raped by other female commanders and when you take over uesugi you find her gruesomely killed

>> No.3054150

No. Women were designed to be bred by men, and men were designed to sow their seed in women. In nature, females go into heat to attract males who then compete and fight for the right to breed the female. Rance is simply exerting his dominance and following nature by raping women.

>> No.3054157

And that wasn't much compared to some of the more extreme rapes in the game, though Rance isn't the one to do any of those.
I've had to tell a lot of people not to play the game. Most would be freaked out.

>> No.3054168

Rape is perfectly natural, yes, but one should ask themselves if "natural" automatically means "good".

>> No.3054183

No it doesn't automatically mean good. Every creature is designed with a strong urge to propagate. Is following that urge and adding to the chances of species survival wrong or evil?

>> No.3054193

It's evil. Murdering everyone who could compete with you could also be seen as natural.

>> No.3054194

Are animals evil?

>> No.3054204

Animals can't be evil, they lack the capacity to understand morality.

>> No.3054210

Humans are merely more intelligent animals. Morality is a creation of man. If animals are not evil, then man cannot be by engaging in the same behavior.

>> No.3054214

Intelligent enough to understand morality. As soon as you become sentient, you cannot go back to the ignorant bliss of an animal.

>> No.3054220

Natural instincts are the result of millions of years of evolution and were never "evil" until humanity's creation of something unnecessary like morality.

>> No.3054232

You're following the "alignment" definition, which is faulty, as it implies good and evil are objective qualities. In reality, "good" is defined as "good for me/my clan/my society", while "evil" as "bad for me, etc.". Animals capable of fighting humans can and often were classified as evil.

Morality can only be discussed if it's agreed upon by all sides of the discussion. This rarely happens. See this thread.

>> No.3054237

If you believe it's unnecessary, that's fine, but you know of morality and if you refuse to follow it, you are evil.

>> No.3054244

>"evil" as "bad for me, etc."

What? Evil is almost always taking advantage of other people for your own good.

>> No.3054257

Can someone explain what I'm supposed to do for Okita Nozumi's character clear? I've gotten her to trust, got the "ero candle" and saw her H-scene with it. Now I just get an event every turn that makes it so I can't use rance if I do that event with her. I've done the S&M dungeon in MAZO but never found the item she needed, or even if I did I never got the event needed to clear her.

>> No.3054267

You're assuming what you and I would consider to be moral is the same thing. Evil as per your own view, not necessarily anyone elses.

>> No.3054438

Get her at 7 Trust and wait a few turns. The clear will trigger at the beginning of a turn.

>> No.3054447

How would having sex with someone against their will possibly be considered good?

>> No.3054474

Listen... Just remember this...
Human females are just like any other living thing. Since they always want the seed of a strong male, their rate of fertilization rises when they are raped. In other words, when she's being resistant, it's just a sign that she wants to become pregnant even more.

>> No.3054616

I don't think it rises any more than during consensual sex...

It wouldn't necessarily be considered "good", but passing on one's DNA is pretty much the one goal of every living being. Going against that would be unnatural, or "wrong". In that sense, improving one's chances as much as possible (regardless of the lives or comfort of others) could be considered "right".

I think it's a bad idea to just label things as "good" or "evil". There's positive and negative effects of varying strength and conciliating all that isn't easy.

>> No.3054664

But Rance has magical means to prevent birth. Even if he didn't, do you think he is going to bother raising a child? He isn't doing it for procreation, he's doing it because it's fun.

>> No.3054678
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high caliber people

>> No.3054752

Not really. Humans arn't animals afterall.

>> No.3054760

We do everything because of "fun". Things like fucking feel good because of natural selection, and in turn fucking feeling good generally causes procreation. Paternal instinct does play a role in passing down your genes, but nowhere as much as one's love for sex, so "not bothering to raise a child" is not incompatible with spreading your DNA.
Birth control doesn't have anything to do with anything. People using it consistently will be removed from the gene pool, but that doesn't mean they don't possess the natural urge for sex that everyone else does.
I love that a question as seemingly stupid as "is rance a bad person" could spawn such complex thoughts.

>> No.3054766

Humans aren't animals?
...you're gonna have to explain that one.

>> No.3054782

Humans have souls which differentiate them from animals.

>> No.3054787

inb4 200+ replies due to these two comments.

>> No.3054815

I know for a fact that it's useless to attempt logic when it comes to any religious matter, but we have sufficient information to know for a fact that humans are mammals while the existence of the "soul" is, at best, a theory. And even if you proved that humans have one you'd have to prove that other animals don't.
I wouldn't claim things like "humans are not animals because they have souls" without some sort of evidence. It's just too random.

>> No.3054823

Hah, good point.

>> No.3054834

They should probably also talk about immortality and it's nature while they are at it too.

>> No.3056302


