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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3028840 No.3028840 [Reply] [Original]

Fate/Stay Night movie announced.

Bets on which path it takes?

>> No.3028845
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there is only one canon ending.

>> No.3028850

Fate path with UBW plot points randomly thrown in without being properly explained. HF is ignored.

>> No.3028854

Guys, what if it's NEW CONTENT?

>> No.3028856

>Fate/Stay Night movie announced.

For the real?

>> No.3028858

It's just another hypothetical thread

>> No.3028859

directed by Uwe Boll fuck yeah

>> No.3028861

Starring VIN DIESEL as Emiya Shero.

>> No.3028864


>> No.3028867

They should take none of the already existing paths, but rather write their own. That way the fans get the maximum number of paths and they can't bitch about inaccuracies that much because, hey, alternate universes mofos.

>> No.3028869

It looks like an UBW movie, maybe.

>> No.3028873

>HF is ignored
and nothing of value was lost

>> No.3028877
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>> No.3028884


That looks kind of like Excalibur and Caiburn in the foreground. Is that the same graphic they used in the VN's?

>> No.3028891

I'm guessing that ufotable needs something to work on after KnK...

>> No.3028896

Oh boy. If there's one thing that can improve this convoluted pile of wank, it's Japanese acting.

>> No.3028903

Does it mention live action anywhere?

>> No.3028904

Why did you assume it's going to be live action?

Anyways, I'd much rather have them do Fate/zero

>> No.3028907


Seeing as it mentions project fate in the bottom right it has about a 100% chance to be animated.

>> No.3028908

With Sakura shitty popularity.
The only choice would be UBW.
So who is doing it? ufotable after they finish KNK?

>> No.3028909

Fate route works best on its own and it's no surprise that's what they used for the animu. UBW's main contribution is that it explains what the fuck is up with Archer, who was left as a cipher in Fate. basically, what the anime writers tried to do was the right idea, they just botched it.

HF is the most complete route, in that it explores every character fully (except Caster/Kuzuki) plus some that don't even exist in the other routes, and has the "biggest" ending. Its main problem is that Sakura just kind of sucks as a female lead and Shirou's obsession over her is poorly explained and reasoned. And if they're not going to go with the ;_;-inducing Cherry Blossom's Dream, the only ending option they have is the silly fanfic ending.

>> No.3028910

Considering its Shirou's UBW as the picture i'm guessing a UBW movie(s)

>> No.3028915


>> No.3028916


>> No.3028927

Archer story prequel.
Also, it mentios something about mobiles?

>> No.3028939


Yeah, I don't get the mobile thing. Could be a troll. Sankaku confirms it for whatever that is worth.

>> No.3028941

Now imagining Vin Diesel doing the UBW chant.
This might not be so bad.

>> No.3028946

If it's an UBW movie, would this tie into the already existing anime?

>> No.3028951

If only it was an Archer prequel...
Then they'd need to do a Kiritsugu movie.

>> No.3028953

>HF is ignored
>and nothing of value was lost
Fag detected. HF is the greatest cooking story ever to grace VNs, even better than Ever17's chicken sandwich story.

>> No.3028958


>> No.3028962
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I have no regrets. This is the only path.
My whole movie was Unlimited Bladeworks

>> No.3028975


>劇場版『Fate/stay night』 制作決定!
"Movie's Fate / stay night, making the decision!

I'm pretty sure that's confirmation. If someone can read moon runes go ahead.

>> No.3028988


>>I'd much rather have them do Fate/zero

Id let them do FSN, so Fate Zero would be made.

>> No.3029008

I wonder if they go with Harem end or true end?


>> No.3029015

The path that sucks the most.

>> No.3029019

The one that is not determined yet?
Yeah, the worst of them all.

>> No.3029021

But all paths are equally bad.

>> No.3029039

The Mobile thingy is that missingno in the corner.
A lot of Japanese sites have this.

A phone can scan the picture, which works as a link to the website or something.

>> No.3029043

ED 40 is the harem end. ^_^

>> No.3029044

Oh I just thought of something. Since it is a movie they might change some things like...perhaps...they could have Lily Saber!!!!

>> No.3029047


>> No.3029048

It's probably going to suck.

Just like the VN.

>> No.3029049


>> No.3029050

By thought of you mean saw OP?

>> No.3029054


Bitches don't know about my QR codes


>> No.3029057

The point is , if for the many people who liked the VN, it will be as enjoyable.
Not if those who didn't like the VN in the first place get suddenly hooked.

>> No.3029061

its what the japanese have for barcodes, iirc theres like double or triple the data in that square compared to your traditional barcodes.

>> No.3029066

Now only if the actual game were actually good I'd be overjoyed with this news.

>> No.3029074

'But it was good'
'But it was not'
'Was so'
'Was not'
'Fuck you'
'No you'

Okay, now that's out of the way.

>> No.3029078

VN movie? Great!

FSN? Shitsux.

>> No.3029080

>now that's out of the way.
We can finally start calling names without second thoughts. Faggot.

>> No.3029082

I was waiting for that to happen, thanks for ruining my fun.

>> No.3029083

It would sell more Lily Saber merchandise!

>> No.3029087

Saber merchandise already sells ridiculously well.

>> No.3029095

Well then...more Saber Lily doujinshi!!! ^_^

>> No.3029097

No, fag, let's not.

>> No.3029098

She is mostly naked either way when it's a doujin, what's the point?

>> No.3029108

I just hope they filter the shitty parts.

>> No.3029109


>> No.3029113

Sadly, your opinion may be different than theirs considering good and shit.

>> No.3029118

If they delete the shit parts there won't be anything to show, retard.

>> No.3029121
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>> No.3029122

/jp/ your cynicism is showing.

>> No.3029127
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ok I lol'd

>> No.3029129

You did?
Wow, did not think it would actually work.

>> No.3029135
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>Implying FSN has good parts.

>> No.3029136

Unlimited Blade Works chant -> Tofu eating -> Manly Kotomine fight

Focus 30 minutes on each and you've got yourself a winner.

>> No.3029138

Admit it. You all want to see Kotomine VS Shirou zombie fist fight made by Ufotable with Kalafina chorus on the background.

>> No.3029139

Too late on the joke train.

>> No.3029142

What's the studio?

I have a feeling this is going to sell out while being worse than the tv series.

Seriously I don't think Nasu adapts too easily; the director has to be good.

>> No.3029144

seconded you, aniki-tachi

>> No.3029150

If I get to see animated Archer vs Lancer (Round 2) Archer vs Shirou, and Shirou vs Gil...I will be able to die a happy man

>> No.3029152

Too bad the VN is shit.

>> No.3029154

I want it sooo fucking bad.

>> No.3029159
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Forgot your pic.

>> No.3029161

hey, you forgot MANLY FIGHT!

>> No.3029180

Yes, because that also happened in UBW

>> No.3029185

Have you noticed how all the reasons to have sex in F/SN are wildly implausible plot device ones? "Mana recharge", "mana transfer", "penis worms". It's as if the writers don't know a non-magical reason to have sex, or don't trust the readers to buy into one.

>> No.3029190

>It's as if the writers don't know a non-magical reason to have sex,

>> No.3029196

sex is good

>> No.3029198

FSN is shit, get over it dude.

>> No.3029203
File: 771 KB, 1280x960, fate_stay_night-illyasviel_von_einzbern-nopan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illya route is the only way.

>> No.3029205

Actually, about half of them.
And excluding one, the characters wanted to be together with each other regardless.
Beating old horses has gotten old.
Get over what?
He did not seem trying to defend it.
Kneejerk posting.

>> No.3029216

Good to see more Nasu shonen crap being animated when the real good visual novels are completely ignored.

Then again it's Japan, garbage is always more profitable.

>> No.3029217

>Actually, about half of them.

Actually, all of them. Saber route, mana recharge. Rin route, mana transfer. Sakura route, penis worms. Even Kuzuki's off-panel sex was mana related.

>> No.3029224

Half of them 'That's why we even started it and we considered it more of business'.
If they'd fuck regardless and get recharge as a result too, it's different.
Unless 'I want to feel your embrace' does not cut it, then I'm out.

>> No.3029223 [DELETED] 

UBW was the best route, but HF had the best finale.

>> No.3029226

UBW was the best route, but HF had the best climax.

>> No.3029229

It's amusing to see the jealous butthurt fsn haters are putting out.

Sorry Bro's, F/SN is the defining title of your beloved VN genre. Deal with it.

>> No.3029233

VN stand alone is not a genre.
F/SN is not the defining anything, by any means.
Blind Supporters are still faggots of a different spectrum.

>> No.3029237

It's really more like a medium, or a subgenre if you put them under adventure games.

>> No.3029241
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>> No.3029244

Good news

Too bad it's just FSN and I don't give a crap.

>> No.3029251

Why would you say good news, if it's something you consider bad?

>> No.3029258

And thus, visual novels quality just got downhill.

>> No.3029260



>> No.3029262

It was always well-appreciated, critically acclaimed and popular in the VN market.
Are you late in the wagon or something?

>> No.3029266

I'll approve of an UBW movie if it includes the jackhammering scene. I want to see delicious rintears.

>> No.3029267
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Fully animated.

>> No.3029269
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More like 'I'll never share mana with you again'.

>> No.3029279

So is Twilight.

Your point?

>> No.3029281


Twilight is NOT critically acclaimed. Everybody agrees it's shit, except the millions of illiterate teens that flock into it.

>> No.3029288

FSN isn't critically acclaimed either. Everybody agrees it's shit, except the millions of illiterate otaku that think porno games are literary masterpieces.

>> No.3029293

Well considering it is a movie, they will have no problem putting in the sex scenes.
But will they do it?

>> No.3029295

You said 'Just'. While it has been so from the Get-Go.
So, the VN quality was down since 2004.

>> No.3029297


>> No.3029299

Needs more Typemoon shit cashcow.

>> No.3029318

But this isn't done yet.
Barely started.
And you want more already?
You greedy boy, you.

>> No.3029335

I, for one, am hoping this movie will go about Archer's past.

>> No.3029338

New content? Sounds too good to be true.

>> No.3029348 [DELETED] 


>> No.3029356

/jp/ sure is tsundere about Type Moon

>> No.3029357

Probably, but hey, a man can always dream

>> No.3029358

Goddamnit, that broke through my spam filter.

>> No.3029360

Add 'DOT' to your spam filter.

>> No.3029374

>/jp/ sure is tsundere about Type Moon


>> No.3029376

add type moon.

>> No.3029379

>>/jp/ sure is tsundere about Type Moon

This is because of two things:

1) The only VN they have ever read is FSN or FSN and Tsukihime.
2) They didn't like them, due to shitty translation or whatever.

The result: they only talk about Type-Moon, and they only say bad things about it.

>> No.3029383

/jp/ has read everything that has been translated, not just Type-Moon.

>> No.3029386

Haha, so this.

I don't get why some kids think it's cool to hate on something that's gotten popular.

>> No.3029387

This does not make much sense.

>> No.3029391


I seriously doubt it.
I mean, I wouldn't even consider reading any non-Typemoon VNs except maybe Saya no Uta.

>> No.3029389 [DELETED] 


>> No.3029398

If you like FSN and haven't read Radical Dreamers, you don't belong here.

>> No.3029416


I don't really like FSN. It has some nice character designs and such, but I read it because it's the Final Fantasy of visual novels. The only thing you have to know because it's the most popular.

I just don't see a need to read any other visual novels because they aren't as big and popular (no matter what their quality may be).

>> No.3029415 [DELETED] 


>> No.3029422

>but I read it because it's the Final Fantasy of visual novels.

Radical Dreamers was made by Squaresoft, for crying out loud.

>> No.3029424

That's some horrible logic there. You listen to bad music because it's popular?

>> No.3029425

It's not the most popular, not is it long-standing or anything.Bad analogy.
It is a best seller and well acclaimed, but you give it MUCH more hype than anyone did.

We are not unlike /a/ on this one, we make vague guesses when we can mostly read whatever we are graced with a translation, and we have a false idea about a very different market and audience.

The reason you should read it, it's because it's simply enough above average on most standards.
Whether it appeals to you or not, a different matter.

>> No.3029423 [DELETED] 


>> No.3029430


Then I'll stay away from it even more. I don't like Final Fantasy either. It's another thing that I only played because it's popular.

Some things in this world are popular only because they're popular.

>> No.3029433

no one notices the huge-ass "for mobile" at the lower left corner?

lol phone gaems

>> No.3029438


Yes. And so do you, you're just not honest about it.

Harry Potter books are shit, but you have to read them because everybody else has and you can't talk to other people if you don't know most of the same things they do. Religions are shit, but you have to belong in one too simply because other people do.

If I only did things that are fun to me, I would have no human contact, because nobody else likes the things I do.

>> No.3029443

What the fuck are you talking about?
I try different things, but I do not force myself ever.
I stopped at the second HP book, I do not belong in a religion, and I did not force myself to play Touhou.
And here I am.
Shitty standards and logic are shitty.

>> No.3029444

I hope the Radical Dreamers you are talking about is different from what I am thinking.

Because that pseudo CT sequel was fucking horrible

>> No.3029446

Bar code.

>> No.3029449

Not a sequel.

>> No.3029454

It's their 2 dimensional "Barcode" for phones.

Also, let's bet how many movies will be made for UBW.
I'm guessing 8-9.

>> No.3029471

If it's UBW, with 40 minutes per movie, not including other routes and keeping the important stuff, it could be about 6.

>> No.3029473
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the important question is if they'll have an implied sex scene like they did with the Tsukihime animu that doesnt exist

>> No.3029483


No, they will have DRAGONS.

>> No.3029492

You guys do realize FSN became popular because it was great right? That and it rode on Tsukihime's popularity.

But still if it wasn't any good, it would have been dropped by most people and word of mouth would have retarded it's growing popularity way back in 2004. It's only after a few generations of fans to the series that the newer genration think it's cool to be a noncomformist and hate on the game. Of course there are those who really didn't like the game who also thinks it's cool to be noncomformist so they voice out their dislike over and over and over again having an ethnocentric stance thinking their taste is superior to everyone else's.

>> No.3029495

man, possibly a bigger shit-storm that "Shiki can kill Servants"

>> No.3029493 [DELETED] 


>> No.3029500

Nowhere near close.

>> No.3029506

Tohsaka? A Dragon?

>> No.3029511
File: 100 KB, 800x600, FSN_KALEIDO_RUBY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cat is fine too

>> No.3029512

Greetings, I am from the future.
I just watched the new Fate/Stay night movie and it was awesome. They stuffed an entire route (UBW) in 90 minutes. You might think that won't be enough, but it's alright, they start on the third day and every time something happens that also happened in the anime, they just put a reference with "Watch episode x, time y".
The best part was when Rin suddenly turned into a huge 3-D dragon and Shirou had to fight her with a gigantic drill.

>> No.3029513

wtf are you on about? I read all the HP books, and have not discussed them with anyone. I couldn't give a shit if anyone enjoyed the same crap i do. None of my friends ever liked anime and the like but i watched it anyways cuz i liked it.

Jesus, by your logic nothing new would ever come about because nothing is immediately popular, therefore nothing would get watched/read cuz its not already popular. Stop trying to sound cool by making some "Popular stuff sucks" statement and backing it up with bullshit logic. Maybe when you get out of high school, you'll see that no one really cares.

>> No.3029514
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>> No.3029518

Fate had 24 episodes and it felt rushed and unexplained. Of course we could cut 4 eps out because it covered other routes so thats 20 eps. Minus 2 more because UBW is shorter, that makes 18. 20 mins per ep Cutting out OP and ED so 18x20/60= 6 hours.
So if it's hour long movies there should be around 6 parts.

>> No.3029520


See, you're just being dishonest again. You can't bring yourself to admit that there's nothing original about your likes and dislikes, you just like things that other people like. And that's okay, everybody does that. Homo sapiens is a herd animal.

>> No.3029543

...Poor,poor boy.

>> No.3029545

No anon, you are the Homosapien.

Personally I got into FSN because of the anime. Youtube was new back then and it had a hell of a lot of anime in there. Didn't care if it was popular or not, I just watched anime cause I was bored in college and it was a few hours till my next class. I choose some random anime which happened to be FSN. Liked it, got depressed at the ending. Wiki'd that it begun as a VN with more parts to the story. Read it, loved it.

>> No.3029660

Movie1 = Prologue till just before Berserker fight
Movie2 = Berserker fight then end with cooking/dinner
Movie3 = End with caster fight at ryudou
Movie4 = Caster rule breaked saber and end with caster fight at church
Movie5 = Einzbern Castle UBW fight
Movie6 = Rin End True

>> No.3029673 [DELETED] 


>> No.3029753

The movie will be by DEEN, no way it will be good.

>> No.3029763

I'd rather have a Tsukihime animation that I can say exists.

>> No.3029805

Movie1 = Prologue till just before Berserker fight
Movie2 = Berserker fight then end with cooking/dinner
Movie3 = End with caster fight at ryudou temple
Movie4 = Caster rule STAB saber and end with caster fight at church
Movie5 = Einzbern Castle UBW fight
Movie6 = Rin + Saber Good End

>> No.3029810

Most critically acclaimed VNs: Yu-No with Ever17 and Clannad a little behind.
Most popular: Rance franchise
Best sale : Machi

You guys think FSN is more popular than it really is, it's definitely very popular but it's nowhere near being the defining eroge or the most critically acclaimed one.

>> No.3029836

This thread greatly confuses me, why do people who dislike FSN bother to post in this thread? and why do the Typemoon fags keep trying to prove the former faggots wrong when it is to no avail?

this whole discussion sounds like the type of idiotic bashing I would see on /a/.

>> No.3029862

They will probably do UBW route cause it has only one, easily omitable sex scene. It would be cool to see HF though - it's the only route that wasn't remade in other media.

>> No.3029868

It's also the most hated route in Japan.

>> No.3029875

Just the usual responses to the "[any and every VN/eroge in existance] is shit" trolls.

>> No.3029879

Japs sure are faggots.

>> No.3029884

Not really, apart from an extreme hard-on for Saber, the rest of the opinions are vague and divided.

>> No.3029886

Well I don't see how anyone could really like HF personally.
Only good thing about it were Ilya and Kotomine but it was also full of boring shits, contrived relationships, contrived character development and a really shitty true end.

>> No.3029889


It is? I always thought that only english speaking communities hate it.

>> No.3029901

Boring shits exist in other routes, relationship development is different but noting too extraordinary or more sudden than the others, Shirou's character development is valid and sensible as much it can be like each route due to his weird psyche, and your reasoning for Shitty True end, if anything like the rest of Anons, is objective and has nothing to do with it being fitting in style and context.

Do not push your opinions too much.

>> No.3029904

Fate is the most liked route, UBW is close, HF is far behind.
It's not vague or anything, and Sakura is by far the least liked heroine.

>> No.3029905

It's easy to like HF, if you're not a faggot.

>> No.3029909

English community is so divided, it's not even funny.
We are also far smaller in number to get concrete results.

>> No.3029934

route != heroine.
Fate is NOT the most well liked route. You are mixing up between the heroine and the plot in the route.

>> No.3029940

If it's not UBW, then they're just wasting their money.

That's the only path that deserves an animation.

>> No.3029947

HF has MUCH MORE boring shits than the other routes, which speak for itself, could have been half the size easily without losing much.

The relationship between Shirou and his girls are always pretty shitty in the game but ShirouxSakura took the cake, especially Sakura's reason to fall for him.

Which bring to the following point, Shirou's development, in this route Shirou's development is largely tied with his relationship with Sakura but because his relationship with Sakura was mostly boring, convulsed and without any chemistry between them, his decision just felt contrived.
The reasoning was good, the execution was shitty, I don't see anything sensible in this.

And I don't see how the true end was fitting in context, DEUS EX MACHINA everywhere, no comeuppance for Sakura and generally an ending that didn't fit the mood of the route.
Pretty mediocre route as a whole, the idea was good but the narrative sucked.

>> No.3029954

Cool entirely objective and educated opinions bro

>> No.3029961

Fate is the most liked route, I'm not confusing with the heroine.
Second is UBW, HF is far behind.
Incidentally the favorite scene in the game by the fans in Saber's farewell to Shirou, second is Shirou vs Archer.

>> No.3029963

Fate route, because of Shirou throwing himself infront of Gilgamesh

>> No.3029970
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A fish, actually

>> No.3029976
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>> No.3029985

>173 posts

Reading this thread gave me a headache.

>> No.3029987
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>> No.3029989
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>>3029810 critically acclaimed VNs

>> No.3029998

Yeah, what?

>> No.3030000

the critics are acclaiming the wrong VNs

>> No.3030004

>That's the only path that deserves an animation.
As long as they don't have any regrets

>> No.3030059

Oh, impressive. I liked that.

>> No.3030061

My whole life was mediocre adaptations?

>> No.3030063
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>> No.3030102


You are fucking kidding me ...

Rin is even worst because its not even Shiro but Archer.

UBW have some good parts but God, you have to take Caster as the mid boss and Gil as the final boss.

>> No.3030113

Same studio that made Full moon wo sagashite? Maison Ikkoku? Rorouni Kenshin and it's OVA?

>> No.3030121


Underage b&

>> No.3030128

I'm not even sure what your point is.

>> No.3030130


Oh you mean that bullshit OVA were Kenshin comes back from China and DIES along with whatishername from tuberculosis.

>> No.3030140
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The movie should be 107 minutes of animated Lancer being manly and kicking ass.

We can call it the "Godspeed Spear" route.

>> No.3030142

Including that, yes.

>> No.3030150


Sakura at least filled the childhood friend shoes, Rin on other hand was not even that.

Rin is liked because she is a Tsundare, her route is to be the romantic interest of Archer because UBW is Archer route ... not Rin and certainly NOT Shiro.

>> No.3030157

>This thread greatly confuses me, why do people who dislike FSN bother to post in this thread?

I told you, because it's the only VN they have read. If they want to post about any VN at all, they must post about FSN.

>> No.3030164


Well fuck this then ... no way this is going to turn out well.

>> No.3030170


I do have to admit that Lancer is the only genuine badass hero in the whole novel. Kotomine is close but he's not a hero.

Lancer has no respect for anybody except bad motherfuckers like Saber and himself, and only wants a good fight.

>> No.3030173


Woah, this is my new wallpaper. Possibly mousepad.

>> No.3030175

Shit movie for a shit VN.

>> No.3030178

Wait is it even confirmed DEEN is doing it ?

>> No.3030185

...Spelling aside, using traits and archetypes to support arguments is a bad idea.
Rin supports Shirou in each route for various reasons.
Silly requirements like 'Childhood friend, mysterious foreigner, loli cousin' are not needed.
Do not underestimate fans to the level 'Regardless of everything else, she has the tsundere trait, thus we must like her'.

And her relationship with Archer is important because it once again showcases the consistent strong relationship she and Shirou have, and the understanding ONLY she develops concerning Shirou's mentality(except maybe Ilya).
They simply become each other's strength and support, each having traits they admire.
Whether you LIKE it or not, different story.

And the Archer focus is because in each route, a strong catalyst is needed for Shirou's different development, and Archer is that for UBW.

>> No.3030188

Shit post from a shit poster

>> No.3030191

So there is a good OVA and a bad one.
Which way will it turn out?
Who knows.

>> No.3030198
File: 89 KB, 800x600, 9bb438d990290d39aef23d19e68fdb42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MOTHERFUCKING Lancer. That badass came in to rescue Rin, fucking bitchslapped Matou Shinji across the room (and admit it, you were fucking waiting for that shit to happen the entire route), and then mouthed off against the King of Heroes.

And as if that wasn't fucking enough, Kotomine used a command spell to make him Gae Bolg HIMSELF, piercing himself straight through the fucking heart, and what does Lancer do? Die like a little bitch?


He fucking kills Kotomine Kirei; THE Kotomine Kirei. Now then, he's earned his rest, right? I mean, he fucked over a major villain despite having his heart stabbed by a fucking Noble Phantasm. It's enough, right?

Fucking WRONG!

Matou Shinji starts fucking with Rin again, and Lancer's like, "bitch, step the fuck away from my woman." And this fucking half-dead servant scares that little fucker so much that he has no choice but to run away.

And then he makes his own funeral pyre to burn in, all while wondering what it would've been like to bang Rin just like she deserved.

Finally, as if all of this wasn't enough, the ashes of his pyre also dirty Gilgamesh, striking one last blow. His motherfucking funeral ashes cause the King of Heroes to suffer indignity. Even posthumously he pisses off that golden-haired faggot.

Holy shit, Lancer is awesome.

>> No.3030205

Copypasta I can agree with.
What was Lancer even competing in the war for anyway? For shits and giggles or did he actually have a wish?

>> No.3030206

Also, kicks Saber's ass in their first encounter and survives each Servant at least once (excluding Gil who he did not have to fight)

>> No.3030213

It's not like they actually have a CHOICE in answering the call.
But since their human personality, grudges, wishes etc are carried over, it's the system design that Command Spells+Chance at the holy grail will ensure they do the job properly.

But Lancer had no real wish, and just tried to enjoy his fights.

>> No.3030214

Site is registered to Geneon.

>> No.3030216

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>> No.3030220

Go play F/UC and see Lancer epilogue

Fucker needs his own series

>> No.3030222

Lancer's only wish was to have fun fighting strong servants. That's why Kotomine pissed him off so much, because he was like: "you're going to scout. Fight every single one of the servants, but don't kill them."

How can he enjoy a fight against a strong servant if he has to hold back?

>> No.3030224


You need to play F H/A to know that.

>> No.3030237

Well, that and the whole killing his hot female master thing.

>> No.3030242

Makes sense that he had no wish like his Master

>> No.3030256

Regarding the most least hated route thing above - doesn't Japan have official popularity polls for that? That's how we know Sakura is shit tier, because she was ranked 9th place or something while Saber and Rin were like 1 and 2.

So I do wonder if there isn't a simple "your favorite route" poll somewhere there too so we don't have to guess.

>> No.3030262

Character Poll, no 'Route' poll.
No, one does not lead to another.

>> No.3030266
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HF is good because of Ilya, manly Kotomine, and badass Shirou

>> No.3030267

These are goods parts of HF.
They don't alone make HF good.

>> No.3030268


Are you a idiot or just retarded?

Lancer was not summoned by Kotomine you stupid FUCK, he was summoned by Bazett.

>> No.3030269

Shirou wasn't that badass, fights against Berseker and Kotomine were short but enjoyable but the rest was a clusterfuck.

>> No.3030274
File: 20 KB, 158x183, fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fight scenes
>good parts

>> No.3030280


No need to get so angry about it, not all of us have read Hollow Ataraxia in original nipponese or the 2 lines in all of FSN where it is mentioned that Kotomine wasn't the one that originally summoned Lancer.

>> No.3030283

Dammit, am I seriously the only one looking forward to this? You people act like something getting decently animated makes it the work of the devil.

>> No.3030288


Then dont make bullshit about it.

>> No.3030290

What is it with that "servant resembles master" thing anyway? They repeat that often enough so it has to be true, but they also tell us that servants are chosen based on what holy relic you summoned them with (like Avalon for Saber, or Rin's pendant for Emiya). Those seem to contradict each other.

>> No.3030291

The important parts about both these scenes, is not the swinging of fists/swords, is what predates it and the impact it has in the story and characters.
Especially with ShirouVsKotomine.

>> No.3030293

Serious? I thought the OP was just speaking in hypothetical.

>> No.3030297


There is not yet enough information to get excited about. All we know is that something that my or may not be UBW is maybe getting animated in some fashion. Perhaps.

>> No.3030299


Because ...

a) There is the F/SN anime, that in many ways was fail.
b) Unless these are 3 movies devoted to each route we are either going to get one route (and that will be Fate) or a mix of the route like the anime (with the Fate route ending).

>> No.3030303

If you have a specific connection to the servant, being relic, bloodline, land you summon him etc, it takes priority.
If you have nothing of the short, THEN you get the 'Similar personality/mindset/circumstances deal'.

>> No.3030309

Basically, on becoming a master, the Grail checks to see if you have a relic first. If you do, it gives you the servant tied to said relic; if not, then it gives you one of the same alignment as yourself.

Also, as I haven't read it, how does Kariya summon Lancelot?

>> No.3030316



That only happens if the summon spell is casted without help, in Rin case she had the pendant and so summoned Archer just like Shiro had Avalon and so summoned Saber.

Sakura ended up with Rider because they were similar as she did not seen to used any help but Rin ended up with Archer because she had the pendant.

>> No.3030321

Accurately, Archer had the pendant.

>> No.3030325

That's plenty to be excited about in my book.

>> No.3030329

So it is between DEEN or geneon for the movie? What are they thinking?

ufotable turn a below average novel into an above average anime. Why doesn't they let ufotable do it?
Damm if DEEN is doing it, we can expect some QUALITY UBW fight scene.

>> No.3030330


>> No.3030338

The rumor about the movie was going on for about 6 months now and the rumor specifically said that DEEN was doing it and that the release would be in early 2010.

>> No.3030348

Fucking DEEN already spoil 07th expansion VN.
Now it is gonna butchered TM stuff.

>> No.3030375 [DELETED] 

One FSN hating trol (or perhaps just a troll period) leads /jp/ along by the leash. Way to go.

>> No.3030383

Not really, it does make a difference, however it meets the condition needed.

>> No.3030556

UBW best

>> No.3030566

They making a movie of this piece of shit?

What a waste.

>> No.3030610

ufotable worked with Aniplex for KnK, DEEN worked with Geneon for FSN TV
>early 2010
Same time that ufotable releases their next Tales of Symphonia OVA, so it can't be done by them.

It's DEEN.

>> No.3030620

DEEN isn't that bad

>> No.3030628

Wait, didn't Geneon go bankrupt? Or was that only it's U.S. division?

>> No.3030645

Yeah, that's a different branch of Geneon.

>> No.3030674


if you look at fall's anime roster, it's at least something.

>> No.3030689

Sure is butthurt anti-Type-Moon trolls in here. Your tears are delicious.

>> No.3030696

God this thread is terrible.

Uh, you realize they already have with the F/SN TV anime, right?

>> No.3030697

Jesus Christ, I hadn't checked it yet. It's fucking awful.
The only interesting thing would be Darker than Black 2, and that's not even really interesting.
Now I feel stupid for rewatching all the quality anime I had this summer. Should've saved something...

>> No.3030703 [DELETED] 


>> No.3030721
File: 1.15 MB, 848x472, shot0063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Type-moon is doing a lot of movies recently, huh. There's the Canaan one coming up too.

>> No.3030864

There is a huge difference if you compare what DEEN done and what ufotable done.
I don't think DEEN did any worthwhile movie so lets see what they did.
DEEN did read or die and kenshin ova(the first one) which was pretty good. The rest of their stuff were all shit. That include both the 07th expansion series and FSN was pretty average.

ufotable did manabi straight, futakoi and shinobuden which was all good.

>> No.3031581

holy shit

The amount of butthurt anti F/SN is fucking amazing.

>> No.3031614

holy shit

The amount of butthurt F/SN is fucking amazing.

>> No.3031643

its popular /jp/ hates popular stuff. or stuff in english
that too.

>> No.3031717

there were never good movies comes out from japan, I believe most of them sucks. stick to ovas and series.

>> No.3031724

KnK has been enjoyable.
