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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 93 KB, 397x392, JapansdemographicCollapse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3023071 No.3023071 [Reply] [Original]

Nippon is the most geriatric jurisdiction on the planet, and the rising sun has now passed into the next phase of its long sunset: net population loss. 2005 was the first since records began with more deaths than births.

Japan's population peaked in 2004 at about 127.8 million and is projected to fall to 89.9 million by 2055. The ratio of working-age to elderly Japanese fell from 8 to 1 in 1975 to 3.3 to 1 in 2005 and may shrivel to 1.3 to 1 in 2055. A nation that doesn't replace itself becomes an aging nation, and that's why Japanese economists are terrified. Old people no longer generate wealth, yet they require huge amounts of state support in the form of health care, pensions and other programs...

In what is now being called a "super-aging" society, about 22 percent of the population is 65 or older, the highest proportion in the world. And that number is on the rise. By 2020, the elderly will outnumber children by nearly 3 to 1. By 2040, they will outnumber them by nearly 4 to 1.

Japan celebrated a national holiday in May in honor of its children. Children's Day will soon be a national day of mourning.

>> No.3023093

The first thing Japan has to do is to lower their ridiculous cost of living. Then you'll see more children starting to pop out.

>> No.3023088

That's pretty depressing.

>> No.3023100

Sage for nationalist tripfaggot.

>> No.3023104


best way to reduce cost of living is to get rid of a bunch of people

>> No.3023111

Learn some economics bro.

What Japan has to do is promote immigration.

>> No.3023105

This isn't /n/, CB, despite what you and ISM might think.

>> No.3023112

>>3023071 Japan celebrated a national holiday in May in honor of its children. Children's Day will soon be a national day of mourning.
That's stupid. If children are going to become more rare, every child will be considered MORE precious, not less.

>> No.3023116


>Then you'll see more children starting to pop out.

That's just not the case. For much of the developed world, the "credit crunch," the debt burden, and the rest are not part of a cyclical economic downturn but the first manifestations of an existential crisis.

The transformation of developed societies — either into old folks' homes (like Japan) or semi-Islamized dystopias (like Amsterdam, Brussels, etc) — will lead, in fact, to emigration. A young German or Japanese circa 2040 will have no reason whatsoever to stay in his native land and have most of his income confiscated in a vain attempt to prop up an unsustainable geriatric welfare system. So many will leave.

>> No.3023123

Look at the bright side: all the old people dying is going to free up housing. Cheap real estate.

Oh, and if you go to med school and work in Japan after you're done? Shit, you've got it made.

>> No.3023130

That's actually what Japanese ultra-nationalists fear the most: That the Japanese will get replaced by coreans, flips and gooks.

>> No.3023136


This is a general discussion about Japan.

You have plenty of threads to post about your figurines and bento boxes.

>> No.3023141

The problem is the old people aren't dying.

>> No.3023145

We don't give a shit about Japan here.

>> No.3023149

reality is a much stronger force than any long-term attempt at protectionism

>> No.3023168


Such a decline is cataclysmic for an indebted country that values infrastructure and personal service. (Who is going to maintain the trains, pay for social benefits, slice sushi at the Tsukiji fish market?) The obvious answers—encourage immigration and a higher birthrate—have proved difficult, even impossible, for this conservative society.

Immigration can't solve a baby bust as severe as Japan's.

>> No.3023172

>>3023116 semi-Islamized dystopias (like Amsterdam, Brussels, etc)
You're a fake, you're not a real American, you're a Euro-fag trying to pretend that they're an American. Do you know how I know?

The only thing Americans know about Amsterdam is that pot and prostitution are legal there, and we honestly aren't even that aware that there are significant muslim populations outside the middle east.

Still, pretty decent troll. 9/10

>> No.3023173

>despite what you and ISM might think.
You say that like they're two different people.

>> No.3023181

Japan has the highest suicide rate.

>> No.3023187


Worked for countries in Europe.

>> No.3023200

How dare these fuckers get old and leave us jobs!

>> No.3023206

They give me Tanimura Nana as a wife and 10 billion yen, I'll repopulate the country myself.

>> No.3023212

if the women in an ethnic group aren't gonna bear children there's not much point in trying to sustain the race's hold on the country. if they wanted a labor force they could just drop immigration restrictions and be full of gooks in a few weeks

>> No.3023218

But CapBast is obviously a eurofag reactionary that hates how his culture is being eroded by migrant workers from northern africa and the middle east; that's probably what bothers him the most: that it IS working.

>> No.3023220


Yes, because in a nation of 300 million people not a single one could possibly know about Europe's problems with Islamic immigration.


HA! White Europe is in just as much of a demographic collapse as Japan.

>> No.3023238

They don't want your pig-disgusting Halfanese urchin offspring. I don't care if you're of Japanese descent living in the U.S. or Chile; if you aren't a pure Yamato-blooded patriot born and raised in the land of the rising sun, they don't want your children.

>> No.3023244

As an American I did know that France and England have sizable Muslim populations but admittedly not Germany.

>> No.3023252


>White Europe

Oh, I see. I thought we were talking populations of countries, not races within the countries. Carry on with your trolling then.

>> No.3023255

Oh, us Americans know; we just don't give a shit about what happens to Europe, or Japan for that matter.

Now if you were making a case for how Mexican immigrants are going to make the U.S.A. go the way of Europe, I might believe you. But you're talking about motherfucking Japan. Even American weeaboos don't really give a shit about Japanese society.

>> No.3023263

Everywhere outside of the US is a hellish land populated by bomb belt wearing ter'ists.

Heard it here first.

>> No.3023270

That's not true; if it were Canada might actually be interesting.

>> No.3023271

And like everything else in the economy, it's obviously the fault of John Maynard Keynes.

I am being 100% serious here.

>> No.3023277

keep this here, we don't want other boards getting word of it

>> No.3023281

Well shucks, that's what I get for not reading enough conservative blogs.

>> No.3023285


In combination with Europe’s demographic decline and guilt-laden multiculturalism, unchecked immigration has created a massive and growing population of unassimilated Muslims, hostile to their own countries and determined to transform Europe beyond all recognition, through a combination of violent and non-violent means.

>> No.3023289

nobody's actually followed keynes since stagflation

>> No.3023312

If Japan wants to not collapse on itself, they need some serious social reform. Why the fuck would a Japanese male want to start a family when he's either at work or getting drunk at a bar his entire life with cheap hooker blowjobs aplenty? Why the fuck would a Japanese woman want to start a family so that she's stuck at home doing laundry or fucking the delivery boy while her husband is doing the above and her kid at school the entire day every day of the week except Sunday?

>> No.3023321


japan tried keynesianism after the 1989 asset crash, and it basically turned their economy into a stagnant debt-ridden mess. They've basically had a 20 year depression, because they wasted a lot of money and failed to liquidate the literally scores of unproductive firms existing in the Japanese economy.

>> No.3023332

Seriously; maybe things would be different if the Delivery Boy had a big cock, but these are the Japanese we're talking about.

>> No.3023334

the same reason people in every other country have babies

>> No.3023339

If you're talking about America then you're kidding yourself.

>> No.3023359

Yeah, make-work projects are kind of a shitty investment if the work you're having people do isn't valuable. Japan didn't need to build ten bridges between every single piece of water they could find; literally "bridge to nowhere" bullshit.

It MIGHT be worthwhile when you're actually building things that the country needs. Debated.

>> No.3023364

you're right, i was thinking strictly western. reminds me of how in GTO the adult characters would occasionally make some subtle references to the country stagnating while all the kids were oblivious to it. it was pretty depressing, actually.

>> No.3023370

And what would that be?

>> No.3023383

as far as policy is concerned it's gotten bastardized into some combination with supply-side so that the answer to everything is deficits and bubbles.

>> No.3023404

For a long time, Republicans, and conservatives, and libertarians, embraced a strategy known as "starve the beast". The idea was that you pass tax cuts now, and the resulting budget deficits will hold down spending increases. Eventually, it will get so bad that they'll have to cut spending, because tax increases will be so unpopular.

Didn't work out as planned. Arguably, in fact, it made things worse: by assenting to budget deficits, Republicans took a price tag off new spending.

>> No.3023411

>>It MIGHT be worthwhile when you're actually building things that the country needs. Debated.

Not even that. How the hell is the government going to decide what the country "needs"?

>> No.3023435

a giant sea wall around the country to keep out the gaijin

>> No.3023444


>It MIGHT be worthwhile when you're actually building things that the country needs.

You should read more neo-Keynesians. They argue that ANY sort of make-work deficit spending during a recession has a stimulative effect.

>> No.3023455

Don't you mean "how are they going to decide what the country needs, AND get it right"?

>> No.3023466
File: 35 KB, 341x305, barack-obama-for-president.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What do you think a stimulus is? It’s spending — that's the whole point! Seriously."


>> No.3023467

Well, it does, in a myopic sense, in the form of the wages payed; however, if the net cost of the project is greater than the stimulus from wages + the benefit derived from the produced infrastructure or service, it obviously isn't a net-stimulus.

>> No.3023469

That's sort of redundant, but yes, that's what I mean.

>> No.3023494

The developed nation will be the same as Japan.

Japanese paces will be fast.

>> No.3023499

But look how well Nana turned out living abroad for a few years ;_;

>> No.3023498

Rome had this exact problem in the early empire/republic transition. They just offered incentives for making children.

Projections are bullshit. They don't take into account that at certain points the scenario changes.

>> No.3023506

Srsly, big time cut spending to health care for old people, let them die, they need to die.

>> No.3023515

dpj might end up doing that when they get elected in a month or so


>> No.3023519
File: 25 KB, 358x512, ALeqM5i4UaRvSwOUlnAUbUzGfFwtLHlG0w..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3023498 incentives for making children
I think you'd better include the specific phrase "human children" in your incentives package.

This is Japan we're talking about.

>> No.3023536

Not really. Government takes money from you. Government hires you to make some unnecessary bullshit. Government now pays you the money that they originally got from you. How does this stimulate anything?

>> No.3023553

if they would ban animu the number of employment-age virgins would drop by half in less than a year

>> No.3023580

Well, it's stimulus compared to if the government took your money and then did jack-shit with it.

So yeah, its complete bullshit unless you attribute the effect to some psych bullshit like if people were to get their paycheck and think "Oh shit I can buy stuff lets stimulate the economy!" but don't think "Oh shit I better spend less" when they get taxed.

>> No.3023581


You've confused the chicken and the egg

>> No.3023594

we could ban both and call it the extended family act

>> No.3023654

I believe the obvious answer would be to legalize and encourage rape

>> No.3023660

I see a mass immigration of both educated and uneducated workers. Japan will be the next great melting-pot.

>> No.3023664

Because they all killed themselves.

>> No.3023670

well that's what the johnny snatcher lady was gonna do anyway

>> No.3023679

You're working.

>> No.3023692

the act of work itself is meaningless except in some self-actualization sense unless you're doing something that's needed though. i guess if you think the problem is that the japanese need more fulfillment in their lives it works...

>> No.3023695

It is the economic equivalent of having a job where you twiddle your thumbs all day, and you're not getting paid. At least you have a job, right?

>> No.3023708

Or getting paid for digging up holes and filling them back up.

>> No.3023711

That's not true, you're getting payed.

It's just that you're the one paying yourself.

>> No.3023715

You're not even getting paid because they're paying you with your own money.

>> No.3023719

Hey, at least you're mixing the soil; plants love that shit.

>> No.3023720

how about a godzilla movie with like 200,000 extras to stimulate the economy?

>> No.3023721

Not true; sometimes they're paying you with loan that your children are going to need to pay back in 20 years.

>> No.3023768

I don't see how this is a big problem. a sure fire way to increase population is to ban all forms of birth control. have you ever wondered why there are so many fucking spics? it's because they're all catholics who aren't allowed to use condoms.

>> No.3023818

I lived there for a bit, and I have to say, for a first world country it sure is depressing.

>> No.3023825

i thought it was because they were like niggers without the aids

>> No.3023963

It's easy to solve this problem in japan: just tell everybody over 55 to kill themselves for the glory of the nippon. BOOM, median age falls back to 30 or so overnight.

Europe has a stickier time solving this shit because they are too pussified to think of the suicide solution. So instead they allow themselves to be eaten up by durkas in the vain hope that 25 year old male religious radicals would want to wipe their geriatric asses instead of burn down their whole society.

>> No.3023983

So in other words, it's our duty for the glory of Nippon to move to Japan and start making babies with all the christmas cakes out there.

>> No.3023987

i still don't see how that's gonna fix the anemic birthrate

>> No.3024057


Why would the birthrate need to be fixed? Japan is overpopulated. Lowering the birthrate is a GOOD thing. The only problem is that it causes a temporary flux of geriatrics who need to be handled somehow.

>> No.3024066

Isn't it just the urban areas that are too densely populated? Everybody wants to live in Tokyo so Tokyo's a shithole but there's plenty of space in the sticks?

>> No.3024077


Great, so they can have 9 million aids-infested niggers come in and run up the same bills regular Japanese do.

>> No.3024078


They've got 125 million people in an area that could maybe support 25 million comfortably. The entire island is overpopulated, like most of the world actually.

>> No.3024090


Actually, you're right. Most of Japan is still heavily forested.

>> No.3024112

Not that it actually matters, but Japan can support 90 million, unless the continue to overfish tuna like they have to.

>> No.3024143

Gaijin worries about the Japanese population.

When around 25,000,000 decrease becomes 100,000,000 population, Japan becomes livable.

>> No.3024153
File: 104 KB, 1497x1260, Islamineurope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the few good things about Japan besides animu and mangos is that they haven't let the human rabble seep into their society. Although the situation here in Finland isn't nearly as bad as it is in other Nordic countries, it is still intolerable. I don't even want to know how Germans are trying to cope with their Kanack dilemma and I think France has already lost the battle.

Face it, Europe. You're fucked!

>> No.3024164

Yes, if you enjoy living on vertical slopes.

>> No.3024166


Meh. History has taught me something: As soon as the whites in Europe start feeling themselves threatened as a whole, they'll solve that problem so efficiently and brutally that nobody left alive can believe they felt themselves threatened in the first place.

Durkas will spread their corruption and decay for a year, five years, ten years, but eventually they will reach critical mass and smoke will be over Auschwitz again.

>> No.3024168


The problem is, you'll probably have starvation due to problems associated with shipping before you'll have a self-sustainable population.

>> No.3024172

>how Germans are trying to cope with their Kanack dilemma

Wait for a few years. It won't be pretty, but we DO have a final solution for this problem.

>> No.3024175
File: 750 KB, 2244x1600, thefuture..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen the future Japan and it's actually a pretty cool place.

>> No.3024179

>>final solution

I lol'd.

>> No.3024185


You realise this is good news for weeaboos?
No children = no workers = relaxed immigration

>> No.3024187


Actually, there's only one lonely and morose loli in that pool.

>> No.3024191

Actually, Japan is facing the exact same problem due to mass Chinese/Korean immigrants. You might think most asian are college educated more civilized than durkhas but that's because only the educated middle/upper class asians can immigrate to the other side of the globe such as America and Europe. 95% of Asians are no better off than durkhas or any other third world country civilization level.

>> No.3024496

I'm in Beijing right now and I can attest to this.
