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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 121 KB, 640x480, girl in panties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3020126 No.3020126 [Reply] [Original]

Why would you have your panties up while using the bathroom?

>> No.3020135

Because Peter Payne said so.

>> No.3020151


Those are diapers.

>> No.3020152

She just got finished and was about to pull up her pantsu

>> No.3020159

the magic of localization

>> No.3020292

Curses. Naked bottom and clothed top scenes are so rare too.

Maybe I should send Peter a mail anyway and point out that he shouldn't put extra work on something that people don't want.

>> No.3020319

So where's the unofficial CG swap patch?

>> No.3020495

Making a patch for the CGs is easy. Changing the 4 lines that acknowledge that she is wearing underwear in those scenes, not so much.

>> No.3020520 [SPOILER] 
File: 235 KB, 640x480, 1248269415204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3020527


Where's the patch that makes Matsuri less annoying?

>> No.3020535


Peter Payne is an awesome name tbqh.

>> No.3020547

Of course, we agree to disagree.

>> No.3020567


Personally, I think the panties are an improvement. I'd rather have the scene not happen, panties or no panties. Matsuri is annoying.

>> No.3020761

Random person on the Otakuism forums

>I don't know if this has been stated or not, but, all of you guys bitching over this isn't going to do anything. Those of you that are bitching over not being able to see an underage girl naked are quite troubling. Don't start with the she's 18+ crap either, You can clearly tell that she is much younger than the rest of the females in the game. I for one stand behind Peter's decision to censor those bits that can be viewed as CP. Getting mad over PP protecting themselves so that they can continue to release these products to us is ridiculous to say the least.

>Also, to those saying it takes away from the game, no it does not take away from the game one bit. Get your heads out of your asses. I bet none of you get pissed off like this when a console game gets localized and has some things cut out or changed that was in the original version, but isn't anymore.

>PS. I understand being pissed about not being informed about the changes, but honestly, how many of you really and truly wanted to see a 15-16 yr old nude in the first place?

>> No.3020782

>>PS. I understand being pissed about not being informed about the changes, but honestly, how many of you really and truly wanted to see a 15-16 yr old nude in the first place?
That made me laugh so fucking hard.

>> No.3020787


>how many of you really and truly wanted to see a 15-16 yr old nude in the first place?


>> No.3020794

Why does Chunhua seem more like a pet than anything else? Is it because she's Chinese?

>> No.3020796


>> No.3020799



>> No.3020815

Tsukasa is a pimp

>> No.3020831

I wish they'd replace Jun with Kei... or Sayo.

I hate Jun.

>> No.3020838
File: 71 KB, 640x480, 1248806288661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>how many of you really and truly wanted to see a 15-16 yr old nude in the first place?
I know I don't, 15/16 is pretty much a granny.

>> No.3020848

better then aoba

>> No.3020853


Take it back.

>> No.3020892

Fuck you faggots, what FP really needed was a Lau route.

>> No.3020919

I agree completely.

>> No.3020929

I wish my manager was like Lau, sans the making advances at me part.

>> No.3020931

Or who was that Chinese Triad fiance what about her?

Matsuri was 18 tell them that.

>> No.3020944

I want a fight scene where Lau and Hiroshi team up. Or a fight between them both.

>> No.3020957

Who voices Lau anyways? He sounds familiar.

>> No.3020960

Fuck you, the advances were the best parts.
The VAs alone would be enough for me, those two were the only reason I kept playing FP.

>> No.3020971

I thought it was Fung?

>> No.3020993

A Fung route would be awesome.

>> No.3021020

Fung, Jung, whatever. Some weird Chinese name. I liked her hair, though.

>> No.3021050


Takehito Koyasu? It's too much of a stretch but that's the only one I could think of that sounds even remotely like that.

>> No.3021160


> I bet none of you get pissed off like this when a console game gets localized and has some things cut out or changed that was in the original version, but isn't anymore.

Actually, people get pretty fucking pissed when stuff like this happens.

>> No.3021220


>> No.3021260

I'm surprised no one's made a patch that just swaps the CG.

>> No.3021259

Theory: They photoshopped underwear on Matsuri solely because it would cause a shitstorm. The shitstorm of the censorship has completely overshadowed the numerous problems with the script that they had two years to work on.

>> No.3021275

I'm surprised that you've ignored all the posts about the fact that changing the script to match the swapped CGs is in no way easy.

>> No.3021276

> I'm surprised no one's made a patch that just swaps the CG.

>Making a patch for the CGs is easy. Changing the 4 lines that acknowledge that she is wearing underwear in those scenes, not so much.

>> No.3021320

Does Hayato Jumanji ring any bells?
According to credits He is Lau's VA

>> No.3021335
File: 250 KB, 933x1401, user1367_1166697156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3021337

Yeah I noticed him too, he's in a lot of stuff. I always think of the Yakitate Japan judge when I hear him.

>> No.3021347

Wiki says it's a pseudonym of Takehito Koyasu.

>> No.3021356

So...in the game the sex scene will involve making out with her in her pajamas or something?

>> No.3021360

A Jumanji VN could be pretty good.

>> No.3021374

Cuddling her in a fursuit.

>> No.3021381

I'm not sure but I think that's him ( 十文字隼人 )
He indeed played a shitloads of roles.

Hell, he even played Kojiroh Amagi in all the EVE series. Damn how I wish they'd translate more of those...

>> No.3021397

That doesn't matter.
Since we already know, we can just apply common sense and overlook it. But as an image you can't ignore it.

>> No.3021407

Forgot to mention that it appears that Kazoku Keikaku / Family Project isn't uploaded on the site, as there doesn't seem to be any entry about it in the "game" section, and when I looked up Wakamoto I couldn't find KK there either. (Hence the reason Juumonji doesn't seem to have KK on his list in the link I've linked)

>> No.3021416

>So...in the game the sex scene will involve making out with her in her pajamas or something?

Nah, both CGs and dialog are uncensored.

>> No.3021420

>Nah, both CGs and dialog are uncensored.

yeah, she becomes 18.

>> No.3021421

They don't have sex, they...caress each other lovingly.

>> No.3021449


That sounds... wholesome.

>> No.3021464

So does Casual Romance Club take place in college or something?

>> No.3021485



>> No.3022689


I guess that wasn't such a stretch after all. No wonder he sounded familiar. You've got to love his voice. I like him more than Wakamoto.

>> No.3022762

Also Sakurabo on Cross Channel.

Voice talent in VNs astounds me at times.

>> No.3022773


Thanks for Suika A.S. +

Sage for contributing nothing to the thread.

>> No.3022788

So, am I supposed to sage you for the same reason now or something, and enter a circular sage bombing?

>> No.3022809

dipshit, he was saying that his own posts contributed nothing

>> No.3022827


This is what idiots still think

>> No.3022839

This is what actual idiots still think.

Seriously, are you really too dumb to understand what just went on or are you trolling?

>> No.3022851

I found it hard to believe someone popped in just to thank me and then saged himself.

>> No.3022855

Oh you smart

>> No.3022857

Stop interpreting sage as an insult. He just didn't want to bump the thread with an off-topic reply.

>> No.3022866

Such use of sage is a sad minority though.

>> No.3022878

Not in /jp/.

>> No.3022879


It's obsolete to be exact

>> No.3022883

I know, but honestly I don't give a damn about the text.

>> No.3022908

Someone need to make a sticky so that everyone know that using sage is not an insult.

Unless I say "fuck you" or "you're an idiot" in the post, why do people think that I am insulting you if I am using sage. I never understand this logic.

>> No.3023017

Most of the time ,sage is used for insults and disapproval of the threads existence with no other comment ( 'Sage this thread' and that is it).
Not just on /jp/, but 4chan overall.
The idea of meaningful contribution or simple comment without bumping is almost alien.
Kinda sad.

>> No.3024553

Where is Peter's email anyway?

>> No.3024944


It's useless. He won't give a shit anyway.
