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30200030 No.30200030 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth it getting a Japanese bed

>> No.30200076


>> No.30200382


>> No.30200596

do you already have a bed?

>> No.30200617

Won't insects and spiders keep crawling on you? Mice and rrrats will hide under the blanket

>> No.30200680

not if you get a pet snake

>> No.30200715

I just recently had to throw it out. Now I have to get another and thought I might try this

>> No.30200841

get a hammock

>> No.30201555

I dont want a hammock

>> No.30208417

There is a reason why western style beds are more popular in japan now, futon aren't comfortable. They are a nice novelty while staying in a ryokan but thats it.

>> No.30208869

close your door so mice don't come in.

>> No.30209544
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I was actually wondering about if western beds were becoming the majority in Japan. I havent done any research into it or anything

>> No.30210511

The reason is that they have less tatami rooms nows.
Normal floor->bed

>> No.30210599

so with tatami they are just as comfortable, or you were just giving an explanation of why it changed?

>> No.30211092

If you want to sleep on the floor, just do it. Don't need to buy all the expensive stuff

>> No.30211257 [DELETED] 

The reason why Japanese use beds like that is because they have no fucking space in their homes so whenever they are done sleeping they pick the bed up and store it to make use of the space.
Don't think it's because of some sort of mythical japanese comfort materials or some shit, it's just because space in Japan is extremely expensive so they have to make use of it wisely.

So just go buy a proper bed

>> No.30215667


>> No.30218980

sounds like a plus to me

>> No.30219547

Yeah Im also thinking that if you like firmer bedding, wouldnt this be a plus?

>> No.30221416

just get a regular bed you fucking weeb, get a metal frame queen-sized bed.

>> No.30221866

if you're not a back sleeper you will basically die

i bought one but couldn't deal with it so now it just sits on top of an actual mattress

>> No.30222425

No, you belong to te streets

>> No.30222540

if you're a back sleeper then go for it.
I fucking hated my bed so much because it gave me the comfort of sleeping sideways fucking up my muscle.

I transferred to a small and stiff bed. Shit feels so much better now and my lower back doesnt feel fucked up.

Also i like cleaning things easier. Dirt and trash can go underneath your bed. Having a futon eliminates that and actually makes you clean your room to avoid mouses and shit.

>> No.30223621

Sorry, I didnt mean they were more popular. I meant becoming more popular, I have no idea on the actual stats over there.

>> No.30223764
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If you want to save space just get a fold out sofa bed, I've been using one for the last year and its great if you have a small room. They sell with foam bases now rather than the shitty old metal frame and springs holding the base. The space savings is the only upside to a futon.

>> No.30225072
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In order to comfortably sleep on a futon, you'll need tatami mats underneath it. Unless you live in a traditional Japanese house or are willing to shell out hundreds of dollars for tatami mats or a specialty bed frame, then don't bother.

>> No.30226262

doesn't your breathing get strange lying on your back?

>> No.30241157

why does this shit cost 300$

>> No.30241621

>not having temple guards and maidens

>> No.30248458

the futon is kinder on my back than a western style mattress

>> No.30249508

I was thinking of buying one or two tatami mats and putting a futon on top of mats.

>> No.30252821
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What Ive been considering is getting a futon with a tatami. They cost about the same as a mattress with a frame. I like firmer beds and sleep on my side, though Ive been slowly getting used to sleeping on my back. Only problem is as soon as I fall asleep while on my back I immediately wake up as if im falling. Just giving this information since I cant go out and test these things for myself and find out what I would actually want

Very poor timing

>> No.30252910

I feel like my swallow reflex engages and I stop breathing and panic if i try to fall asleep on my back

>> No.30253080

Its difficult for me to recollect what is causing me to wake up, it just feels like falling after the fact

>> No.30253303

I'm actually looking to furnish a room in near future. It's bare concrete now, I was thinking of making a tatami section. Is this a good idea nowdays or will it get old super fast and I better get simple laminate or tiles or some carpeting like a boomer?

>> No.30254143

Might be sleep apnea.

>> No.30268535

Is it really? Why is that?

>> No.30269067

if it was good, japs wouldn't be buying western beds.

>> No.30279384

a cheap futon on carpet was perfectly comfortable for me and being able to fold it up and fit it in the passenger seat of my car along with the comforter and pillow was very nice.

>> No.30280193

Is a tatami mat redundant if you have carpet?

>> No.30286865

get a hard spring mattress

>> No.30306985

perhaps it's particular to my circumstance, but I benefit from a firmer surface
>>30286865 is an alternative but the futon performs the same and is portable so I don't ever need to use more than a passenger vehicle to move

>> No.30308907

Insects and animals sleep on the floor, humans sleep on elevated beds, if you wanna be a weeb then buy the bed but other than satisfying your weeb heart futons have no pro

>> No.30315505
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>elevated beds

>> No.30323749

I very nearly bought one a few years ago because it was cheaper than a mattress and bedframe, but I ended up not doing it, saving longer and got a cheap mattress at Ikea.
I feel like I dodged a bullet since they're apparently bad if you don't have tatami flooring, require a good amount of maintenance, and they really only come in one size whereas I benefit from my bed being a double.

>> No.30324299

Bed, probably not unless you are a back sleeper and like a firm bed. The comforters however I can vouch for. At least if you live in a cold area or for winter. You will never go cold in Japan.

>> No.30325087

I've had the same issue, usually I just prop up my sleeping position with a couple pillows underneath your mattress or whatever you're sleeping on.

>> No.30325403

You mean extra pillows under your head to raise your head?

>> No.30346397

I can't sleep on hard floor

>> No.30346908

Depends how your house is. If your floor is clean enough and doesn't get any bugs, then yes.

>> No.30361193

Only if you're a fat pig.

>> No.30366765

This. I recently disassembled mine an have a thin mattress on the floor. Works wonders for me, I wake up very well rested, with spread shoulders and perfectly fixed spine.

>> No.30369555

I have a 9x9 room that's currently carpeted but in kind if rough shape. Convince me to spend $1000 on tatami instead of $300 on new carpet. Is there a noticable difference between the two when sleeping on a futon?

>> No.30383363
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this little guy is gonna crawl on you while you sleep.

>> No.30383561

FUCK those fuckers

>> No.30384063

Only if you're a fat bastard

>> No.30415223

Why was this deleted?

>> No.30415257

I literally only sleep lying on my back.

>> No.30423675

if you have carpet
you are just inviting whatever bugs live in your caroet onto you bed

hard wood
very much yes
comfy as fuck

>> No.30424271
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>> No.30426067

I sleep on a stearns and foster twinxl mattress from ~1967. I don't understand why people change mattresses. If the side sags some, rotate and flip it. You can do that forever.

>> No.30429517
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Has anyone used a kotatsu before?
Is it as cozy as the anime characters make it out to be? I'd try making one myself but I'm scared of fire

>> No.30430086

how are you supposed to sleep?

>> No.30430348

Yeah, they are pointless. You only burn your legs and it takes up a bunch of floor space. Also good back posture is impossible with maximizing heat exposure. A dumb as fuck Jap contraption built out of neccesity and outdated unneeded efficiency.

Just upgrade your heat pump if you have forced air.

>> No.30437292
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This is OP. Still haven't made a decision. I live in southern California so I wasn't too concerned with mold becoming a problem, but, I have carpets

Is the dream over for me?

>> No.30463683

>You only burn your legs
You're doing it wrong if you're burning your legs
>it takes up a bunch of floor space
It's supposed to be an alternative for a coffee table. If you're worried about real estate, then don't buy any furniture at all.
>good back posture is impossible
It's called a chair, or propping it up against a wall.

>> No.30502014

>Having your spine bent for 8+ hours

>> No.30502092

Those guys are bros, though. They feed on bugs and other insects.

>> No.30504986
File: 26 KB, 320x320, 18056842_10100365514492935_2819343574553304270_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worse, Japan has these motherfuckers

>> No.30506281

Harmless to humans, but eats all the other bugs

>> No.30508086

No. One of those fuckers bit mom and we had to take her the ER and it hurts like hell.
And also sleeping on the floor exposes you to cockroaches.

>> No.30510559

It's very rare for them to be aggressive and even be able to pierce human skin.

>> No.30510608

No, don't get memed into sleeping on the floor. It's a slippery slope from tatami mats to sleeping in cubes and eating bugs.

>> No.30514198

they can eat the bugs far away from me

>> No.30528456

what even is the point of the bed? why not just put the mattress on the floor?
there's also the fact that you can move it easily and you don't have to spend that much money on it.
>thin mattress
I've been looking into getting something like this, what type of thing did you go for?

>> No.30528494

can't they just crawl up the edge of the bed?

>> No.30550319

Not if they're not in this continent.

>> No.30550872

that's definitely not ogey with me

>> No.30556928

surprised no one has really mentioned the advantage of space saving
i guess you dont live in urban shoebox studios
having a futon means my bedroom is useful for things other than sleeping. I like the little ritual of getting it out and putting it away too
i dont know about creepy crawlies because there arent many where i live but it works best on a wooden floor

>> No.30558285
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How about like a tatami bed? You can always not use a mattress if you want to go full weeb.

>> No.30570659

Depending on what you need the space for you could get more space with a bed if you can put things under it, that's one thing the bed is better at than sleeping on the floor.
