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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 81 KB, 700x706, 1618949463564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30154638 No.30154638 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

The ona guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

The doll guide: https://pastebin.com/rrUa6jKF

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Old thread:

>> No.30155046
File: 75 KB, 540x540, D4BB06A5-DF89-44B3-AD13-2F504CC53A0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my black friday order and tried out pic related. I’m not sure I have a dick anymore. I certainly can’t feel it at the moment at least.

Easier to clean than a virgo though and the outer material doesn’t get sticky at all. Feels like it could last years if I take care of it. Thumbs up.

>> No.30155539

Thoughts on the Puni Ana Suke Suke? It's either that or the DX Kiwami for me.

>> No.30156348

what's next for onahole technology?

>> No.30156461

self heating

>> No.30156694

self lubricating
self cleaning
squeezes your member
repeatedly squeezes your member when you have an orgasm like it's having it's own little orgasm
does the dishes for you

>> No.30157106
File: 728 KB, 390x740, dsfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried this one? Would be my first onahole

Its called albedo onahole, only wanna buy it cause it arrives tomorrow and im desperate lol

>> No.30157323

Isn't suke suke the same as regular DX? Except the transparency gimmick

>> No.30157412

heres a review but I dont know if its worth it
Its kinda expensive will express shipping and all that, but i'd be willing to pay extra just to get it tomorrow lol

>> No.30160097

Fun for whole family!!

>> No.30161801

Wasn't aware of that since I couldn't really find reviews either.

>> No.30161901


All of

As well as realistic motions synced to VR porn.

>> No.30161977

Still need to find a girl to move my ona for me.

>> No.30163220 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 488x580, 1607086289430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the looks of the design, it looks functional just be prepared to be underwhelmed, not great but not bad. Parody toys are like that. I will say I have a Taimanin hole and it's good but not my favorite due to the tits hanging off of it making it unwieldly.

>> No.30164574

Then again, it might just be a bit more hard thqn Puni ana DX hard, since transparent or rather, "crystal" versions tend to be harder

>> No.30164686


>> No.30165136
File: 213 KB, 719x1225, Screenshot_20201204-005956_Gmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which should I try first?

>> No.30173144

put the bag over your dick and shove the drying stick up your ass

>> No.30176442

It's a parody hole. They're meant to pull in suckers like yourself. You can do much better.
>im desperate lol
Don't buy while horny/worked up. You're just going to end up regretting it.

>> No.30178159


>> No.30181090

>haven't bought an ona in 4 years
>Oh boy I kinda wonder how the technology has advanced
>It's all parodies of flavor of the month waifus
>Nothing new

Incredibly disappointing.

>> No.30182104
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The perfect ona has already been invented and the Valve Index exists. What the fuck do you want, an anime Sex Robot?

>> No.30183692

Has anyone used a sex pillow for their hips/torsos? I need something to raise the torso up a bit since it's too low without pillows.

>> No.30183904

I did once, but to be honest, I preferred having it on my lap and thrusting into it while I used both of my hands to slam it against me at the same, might just be me though

>> No.30184353

Fair enough. The big oppai real body arrived recently and it's heavy as shit so sometimes I want to lay it down so I can look at it.

>> No.30184618

Well, the hip that I had was Ikappara girl, which is almost 3kg, which is quite light, however, maybe once I am bored, I might get one of the SSI Japan Torsos, mostly so that I could have it pressed against me

>> No.30184914

what's the perfect ona

>> No.30185104

Objectively? There isn't one, because everyone's penis is different, however, there are universally loved ones, like mouth of truth, Lolinco Virgo, Venus Real, Lilith Uterus, Virgin Loop etc

>> No.30185218
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>> No.30185524

Does anyone lose all control and spray on the walls and break lamps, windows and stuff when they orgasm? I got so many drywall patched places in this room it must be 50lbs heavier.

>> No.30185621

Because of the reccomendations of someone here, I bought four bottles of Onatsuyu a few months ago. I am already running out. I was afraid of this. Water helps some.

>> No.30185718

You can re-activate water-based lube by utilizing water. It's meant to mix with your fluids to last longer, especially when you're a woman.

>> No.30185825

Might be worth keeping a small spray bottle by my work desk then.

>> No.30186061

What the fuck. Do you start throwing punches at the wall when you cum?

>> No.30186180

I go full ape sometimes but never break windows.

>> No.30186206

My legs actually.

>> No.30186251

This is how so many kids die during sex. Their partner goes apeshit.

>> No.30186319

Not really, I do remember screaming out the name of my oneitis from long ago out of the blue and then crying aftwerward. That's one of the times when I realized I still have some deep feelings for her

>> No.30186451

Wow, thanks anon. Why are you so angry at me

>> No.30186458
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>> No.30186621

It was odd because it never happened to me before that and whenever I do longer sessions now I will always remember it. Never happened since. The feeling of cuddling a pillow with tears coming out of your eyes while your dick is still in a cum filled hip is strange.

>> No.30186674

I actually cry during sex sometimes as well, but it's not an emotional thing, its an exertion thing I guess. I cry after I rinse my mouth with listerine as well. Also yawning. If I yawn, I tear up.

>> No.30186876

Just tried out the Anal Kaikin Gal Bitch and it's okay. Entrance is tight but the insides are bland as fuck. Lubed it up with Meiki Bliss and it wanted to shoot off my dick. I'll try it again with Onatsuyu eventually. I also got in the Student Council President to try out and compare.

>> No.30186882

See I'm not like that and I'm a virgin too. This was like a onetime thing. Maybe is some alternate reality where she and I lost our virginities to one another I would've cried real hard. Who knows.

>> No.30187367

>Also yawning. If I yawn, I tear up.
That's a pretty common thing.

>> No.30187871

Puni Ana DX Hard

>> No.30187906

Any updates or new news on highly stylized anime style dolls? Catgirls?

>> No.30187984

What do you prefer between Meiki Bliss and Onatsuyu?

>> No.30188002

you got it boss

>> No.30188099
File: 1.46 MB, 527x250, 0501C000-E88E-4085-8CC7-B94C2AE3F50F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got so many drywall patched places in this room it must be 50lbs heavier.
top kek

>> No.30188178

Yes. Yes it is definitely worth it.

>> No.30188258

If you could go back and tell yourself one thing the moment you opened your first ona/hip/doll what would it be?

>> No.30188478

You could've kept your virginity intact with this.

>> No.30188495

>When you finally start dating your 8/10 thicc Latina friend before your 300 dollar toydemon order finally arrived.
I'm just sitting here looking down at the box contemplating if I should return it (if possible).
Any of you anons still use onas while being with someone?

>> No.30188553

I can't physically be with her except on rare occasions so I gotta have the hole and media.

>> No.30188584

Not that anon but meiki bliss is way better than onatsuyu. Onatsuyu is thicker than the bliss. So if you prefer thicker lube then go for it. The bliss just feels like the right lube to use. I've tried all the ones that come with toys and the onatsuyu but still find myself running back to the bliss.
I also like how you can just leave the bliss on your dresser and no one would know it's lube.

>> No.30188617
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Sell me the Puni Ana DX Hard

>> No.30188648

I see.... I just hope it doesn't affect my performance or anything.

>> No.30189041

How to affix ona to drill?

>> No.30189316
File: 86 KB, 525x503, CD775C44-3B60-4506-9FC0-D39E9050B483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a meiki plush hip on Black Friday and it arrived yesterday. So this isn’t really a proper long term review. Just a first impressions kind of thing.

As soon as I opened it, two things happened.
1. I fell in love with the look and feel and shape of the thing
2. I immediately wished I had bought the full torso instead

Here’s the thing. It feels amazing. I don’t mean that it feels amazing to fuck with an ona inside—I mean that the hip itself as a standalone object feels great to hold and play with and squish. I so wish it were a bigger full sized torso I could cuddle to sleep.

Now, I don’t really regret buying a plush hip. It’s great for what it is. I just wish I’d bought the torso instead. The reason I got the hip was because I figured it would be easier to hide (still live with parents) and a torso would be more unwieldy.

But thinking about it now, you could pass off a plush torso as a body pillow type sleep aid.
>“I think I wanna get one of those body pillow things for sleeping. Yeah, those pillow things. I looked them up and there’s all kinds. Some that are long tubes, some that are c shaped, some that have arms, some that are shaped kinda like a person, some that are shaped like weird oblong animals... l think I’m gonna get one.”

The Meiki plush torso could conceivably be a plush sleep aid. People actually use them for that a lot. So I wouldn’t have to hide it. I’d only have to hide the insert hole, which would be easy. The Meiki plush torso I could hide in plain sight.

The plush hip VERY OBVIOUSLY is exclusively sexual in nature and must be kept hidden in its entirety. I got the hip because I thought it would be more discreet. But that’s actually not the case. The torso is more discreet because it’s dual purpose: sleep aid/sex toy. And you do more sleeping than fucking so actually it’s primary function is to cuddle while sleeping.

Anyway the meiki hip as a hip is phenomenal. It’s so well sculpted that it’s sexier than some tpe hips. It can take most any onahole and turn it into a full hip experience. The hole is positioned perfectly for doggy cowgirl missionary whatever. It’s sometimes a bit low for doggy but a pillow props it up nicely.

And thanks to the design of the thighs, you can use them as a pivot. If the hip is on top, lift it up and let go, and it rocks back down onto your dick. If doggystyle, press it against you and let go. It rocks forward and away. But the midriff bumps into the bed or pillow before it can pull the ona all the way off you. So it can halfway fuck you back which is pretty goddamn cool. It’s light which is both pro and con for obvious reasons. Weight feels good but is less convenient.

It’s great. But, I’ve only fucked it twice so take this with a grain of salt.

10/10 hip. I wish I got the torso instead.

>> No.30189643

Yeah i ended up getting a cyberskin shit, still kinda regret it tho.
I was horny and no longer want it. Lmao

>> No.30190001
File: 21 KB, 600x400, Onahole saw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a hole saw of the appropriate size, file down the teeth and central drill and then glue your ona to the inside of it.

>> No.30190157

That's literally from a hentai animation, except it was the sister behind the wall.

>> No.30190313

>Sleep aid with a giant gaping hole in the crotch area
Anon, please. My plush hip also arrived today, and I'll be spending the rest of the day "evaluating" it. Time to bust out the VR goggles.

>> No.30190597

So I'm guessing you pass off the crotch hole as a hand warmer?

>> No.30191110

So ToyDemon only accepts Paypal, huh?

>> No.30191238

Is it because of the tightness? I have one and my wang gets soft because it grips so tight.

>> No.30191299

Why don't you do me a favor and cum into over 5lbs of loli pussy and ass while staying out of jail

>> No.30191383

Can't he just cum into 62lbs of loli pussy and ass just the same?

>> No.30191425

Not if he wants to keep his butthole virginity

>> No.30191503

They should release a version of Puni Ana DX that isn't a loli hole, while at the same time not being too expensive (Kiwami)

>> No.30191567

What do you mean? Just bigger Puni ana?

>> No.30191591


>> No.30191645

Is the Lolinco line really the definitive loli ona experience?

>> No.30191708

Is it anything like an actual little girls canal or is it just marketing?

>> No.30191800

I'm still deciding on whether I want a Puni Ana DX or a Venus Real

>> No.30191815


>> No.30191817

I'm not talking about authenticity here. Just quality. Nobody here wants to fuck actual little girls, FBI-kun.

>> No.30191873

妹ビッチに搾られたい Episode 2

>> No.30192004

If you market it as a loli replica there should be at least a few of them that are designed to best simulate or duplicate a young girls hole.

>> No.30192073

Just get the Sukesuke DX if you dislike the artwork so much. The concept of loli hole is literally meaningless marketing, a lot of onas are small and tight.
For your first hole or just in general?

>> No.30192210

not my first hole, I just want something that feels like I'm not jerking myself off, but don't wanna spend too much, but then I realize I could get a venus real for the same price and I heard a lot about the sensations that it gives not sure if it's a meme
a lot of conflicts

>> No.30192256
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>designed to best simulate or duplicate a young girls hole.
And how would we know how true-to-life it is? Hmm?

>> No.30192259

You don't typically get Venus Real for the stimulation factor unlike other onas. There's barely anything going on there.

>> No.30192338

I mean, my personal favourite ona is Lolinco Virgo (as you can tell from my namefaggotry), but I didn't buy it because of the loli marketing on it, nor am I a lolicon. Usually, when it's labeled as loli, it just means small and tight. Besides, the vast majority of Onaholes are not modelled on actual female insides, because they, quite frankly are boring, with sex being primarily psychological (at least for me anyway), therefore true replicas are quite boring.
However, I am fairly certain that it's illegal to model it to true to life lolis(since that would imply they were part of the sex toy making process)

>> No.30192342

Venus real in regular was my first hole, and it's still in my rotation after 5 years of use. It's a good starter, and it's built like a tank.

>> No.30192350

I heard it feels realistic, so I guess that's the stimulation

>> No.30192418

Well, because the insides are realistic, it doesn't mean it's going to feel all that good, after all, it's missing a lot of the parts are found in an actual vagina(being it adjusting, clenching, warm, self lubrication etc etc). With Venus Real, you only 1 part of the entire, let's call it experience

>> No.30192432

You get it for the durability

>feels realistic
Kind of a moot point really. Real ones don't really compare to well-crafted ona, especially when it comes to pleasuring the head.

>> No.30192587

that's it, I'm going to put an order in for Puni Ana DX first thing tomorrow morning, but again, should I just get the regular or the hard? definitely not the soft cuz durability

>> No.30192741

What country and what website are you on where the Venus Real and the DX are the same or even similarly priced? I just checked a few websites and it's $100+ everywhere except for otonajp where it's $90, but Venus Real is $60 at TD

>> No.30192959

>What country
>what website
local distributor

I've bought several onas from them in the past so they're legit
I was going to get the Kiwami, but they're selling it for double the price, and also the Suke Suke DX for double the price, but yeah DX and Venus are only a $5 or something difference on here

>> No.30193289

Oh nice I'd definitely get the DX then honestly. Hips are almost always going to be more expensive because more material goes into them. If I could find one at handheld-level prices I would jump all over that shit. Yes some will have more interesting and better feeling tunnels but there's something to be said for being able to go hands free (or in the case of my one cheapo hip that I have, nearly hands free)

>> No.30193319

Some handhelds*

>> No.30193392

>can't buy from Toydemon because Paypal does not accept my bank
Any alternatives to someone that lives in Canada?

>> No.30193775
File: 86 KB, 680x764, F1C79137-EF6F-4623-A1F5-91517CA0E4B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon what the fuck is that
Oh that?
Th-that’s just the...
The uh...
*louder-than-normal swallow*
The cup holder...

>> No.30193824

A more "believable" reason would be that it's for a stand, especially after cleaning it.

>> No.30193946

couldn't you just just a credit card?

>> No.30193994

Paypal requires bank verification. Shit's fucked. My other option is OtonaJP for buying new fucking lube (Meiki Bliss) for fucking $60.

>> No.30194731

Unless Canadian credit cards are different, you don't have to bother with PayPal on TD.

>> No.30194927
File: 113 KB, 1855x921, Paypal_Toydemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Am I doing something wrong here?

>> No.30195048 [DELETED] 

What is the best onahole for maximum stimulation? I need a hole or hip so I also do this while thrusting plugged.

Warning: Possible adult content


>> No.30195076

Is a microfiber cloth necessary for cleaning or can I make do with just a washcloth?

>> No.30195105

>possible adult content
Anon, that is bona fide adult content.

>> No.30195156

You might need to make an account.

>> No.30195169

Oh, I couldn't really see anything but something may have slipped by.

>> No.30195255

I do have an account

>> No.30195281

I have to try out Meiki Bliss with my other holes but I do like that it's thinner than Onatsuyu. Meiki Bliss can probably work better with holes with more pronounced ridges and bumps so you can feel it all on your dick as you use it. The higher viscosity of Onatsuyu can be used for smoother holes to provide more friction.

>> No.30195291

No, you misunderstand. It's not that he's not showing any dick. It's a man hilariously fucking a fleshlight with an anal plug. That is inherently adult content, is what I meant.

>> No.30195335

And if you go to your profile and try to edit your saved payment methods, does it give you a credit card option?

>> No.30195347

I think you should delete that before mods get angry and smite you

>> No.30195390

Sure. Though it's set to expire in an hour.

>> No.30195519

But to answer your question, the carnivorous mermaid ona is quite the hard and stimulating one. Also Virgo Premium Hard is high up there too. Sometimes I can't stay hard long enough inside Virgo PH if i am not horny enough. Unfortunately I don't have hands on experience with Carnivorous mermaid, only from other people

>> No.30195543
File: 47 KB, 1865x733, Paypal_Toydemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am completely lost on what you're trying to make me do.

>> No.30195615

what kind of lube did the gal bitch hole come with?
can you post a pic of it next to another hole to compare size and color?

>> No.30195667

if you don't want it well... it's the Christmas season anon, maybe a needy boy here will want it *cough*

>> No.30195683

I don't know. I get the option to pay with credit card right above all the PayPal options when I try to check out, so it could be that they don't take credit cards if you're shipping to a foreign address.

>> No.30195715

You live in the US, correct?

>> No.30195782


>> No.30195895

That's definitely why. Also I made an error, OtonaJP doesn't have Meiki Bliss but some random shopping site Desert Cart does.

>> No.30196534

some generic, no label packet.
I'll take a pic later.

>> No.30196585 [SPOILER] 
File: 19 KB, 540x540, 1607123023947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you guys say boob toys are worth it
some of the big ones get pretty expensive and it seems hard to justify it for simulated paizuri

>> No.30196927
File: 28 KB, 343x298, d94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damnn, I wish I lived in US/Europe/first world
They all do not deliver to Brazil. Do we have any Brazil/Latin america anons here?
Do you have any website shop recommendation?

Amazon doesnt have shit and all the sexshops I know only sell basic shit and tenga eggs.

>> No.30196990

thanks friend

>> No.30197087

Has anyone tried kissing their Mouth of Truth? How does it compare to real kissing or deep kissing?

>> No.30197171

I still have yet to try mine one. I keep ordering toys and forgetting that I live in a crowded house where I can't just jerk off all the time.

Mircofiber just leaves less lint.

>> No.30197350

At this point I think for you, hiring a prostitute is cheaper than buying from vendors due to import fees .

>> No.30197443

>How does it compare to real kissing or deep kissing?
Before or after you bust inside of it?

>> No.30197639

I snowballed my mouth of truth and it was great
what more can you want?

>> No.30197650

Yes but hiring a prostitute is a one time consumible, having a good onahole is way more cost-beneficial.
Besides, fucking a prostite is kinda wacky, when you are fucking you mentally reminds that you need to impress and not cum fast, smile, etc.
Whereas with a doll this problem doesnt exist.

>> No.30197685

She'll clench and moan for you though.

>> No.30197763 [DELETED] 

Did Gura just cum live on stream thinking about Anya or was that just me?

>> No.30197845


>> No.30198050

aw i missed it

>> No.30198105

wrong thread bucko, but timestamp me

>> No.30198155

now we need to find holes that match each EN

>> No.30200814
File: 2.23 MB, 4096x3222, 1605872751881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks that there's a buffer for deletion so you're forced to endure the shame of wrong-thread posting, lol

>> No.30201024

I just got my Perorin today and holy shit I love this thing. Although it's only my third hole so I'm basically new, the teeth are great and not painful at all like I was anticipating. I especially appreciate how you can move the tongue around if you do want the bottom teeth to make contact.

Also got a thinner lube than I usually use with my order and don't like it much at all. It just gets all over the place and the friction within the hole is really rigid and not smooth. Guess I'll stick with Tenga Real for now.

Trying out Lolinco Virgo tomorrow.

>> No.30202469

I doubt it even compares to the real thing, the warmth their breathe the smell and taste the softness is what makes kissing pretty fun.

>> No.30203442

If you are questioning whether it's worth it for you, you don't want it enough that it would be worth it. I don't have a boob toy myself, but I'm a degenerate footfag and when I found silicone feet online I just KNEW. So I immediately went and ordered them despite the $250 price tag. I feel like this is the kind of reaction to tits you would need to justify getting them over getting an ona. One of them is built to provide pleasure and the other is built to simulate tits, with the pleasure being more a consequence of the primary function instead of the primary function itself.

>> No.30204152

I heard "lovely Girls Drool is sweet" is pretty nice to use with it with that kind of purpose in mind. I don't get anything out of it myself though (I have a perorin), I just feel like I'm licking plastic rather than kissing like an android or something. I do think it's fun to kiss my lolinco on the belly button though. No pedo I swear. Im into fairies not little girls.
Good choices.

>> No.30204220

It's a shame they only sell those feet in the US, the import fees would easily add another 60€ on top. They might also put me on some sort of watch list for dangerous individuals for shipping disembodied feet into my country.

>> No.30204579

For kegals am I supposed to do the muscle that controls pee or the one that lifts my dick? I know I'm not supposed to do the butt one.

>> No.30204918

What country? That sucks fren.

>> No.30205175

Germany. We've got the second highest tax rates after Belgium since the government just loves to fuck us over.

>> No.30205656

when i kissed girls i dont remember smelling anything
also tongues don't taste like anything either which is probably not the case for the mouth of truth since it's got some TPE taste or lube taste

>> No.30207745
File: 148 KB, 953x953, 1583908444367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nice. Let me know what you think of your plush hip.

IF I were to get one, I'd just say
>I've been wanting a body pillow for sleeping, and I've been doing research on them and the one that looks like the best value for what I wanted ended up being... well... It's a body pillow that's marketed as being "double use" so you can use it with sex toys. So it has a hole in the crotch-ular area. Which is not technically a problem, but it is weird. So I might have to put like pajamas on it or something.

IF I were to get one that would all be true. I have been wanting a hug/cuddle/sleep pillow thing. But this hip has me thinking I might want a plush torso. It's too late to return it as it didn't occur to me that I wanted a torso until I had already opened the packaging.

So if I get a Meiki plush torso, that would make my meiki hip completely redundant, right? I'd have just wasted $90 or whatever on the plush hip.

So... I guess it's a choice between
>get a meiki plush torso and be stuck with a hip I'll probably never use again
>get a dakimakura or something and keep a hip I'll probably use regularly

So what would be better? Meiki plush torso + hip? Or daki + plush hip?

>> No.30209296

>one of my orders came in but also got emailed of potential rona exposure
not sure if I'm in the mood now...

>> No.30209634 [SPOILER] 
File: 709 KB, 1483x1500, 1607139124752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this kinda sexy Corona-chan will help.

>> No.30209755
File: 512 KB, 1000x1000, 1606323589499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I use foot powder on my holes?
it makes sense right since it's anti-fungal?

>> No.30210067

they should make robot girl sex dolls with cool removable holes like this
also, I have no idea about the foot powder, you are mostly worried about mold and bacteria from not properly cleaning and drying the holes
I've never heard of a fungal growth in an onahole

>> No.30210406

If mold does grow on an onahole, it'll grow on the inside. And you don't powder inside the tunnel anyway, so the foot powder would have no benefit over corn starch... Except for making your onahole smell like foot powder. Is foot powder okay to inadvertently get on your dick?

Like anon says >>30210067
>you are mostly worried about mold and bacteria from not properly cleaning and drying the holes
Cleaning and perhaps most importantly drying your ona is the key to keeping it fresh and stuff.

>> No.30210662

>>I've been wanting a body pillow for sleeping, and I've been doing research on them and the one that looks like the best value for what I wanted ended up being... well... It's a body pillow that's marketed as being "double use" so you can use it with sex toys. So it has a hole in the crotch-ular area. Which is not technically a problem, but it is weird. So I might have to put like pajamas on it or something.
There is no way in hell anyone would fall for this. At that point it would be less embarrassing to admit to buying a sex toy holder, because at least you wouldn't be insulting anyone's intelligence with such an obvious lie.

>> No.30211002

Spent hundreds during black Friday sale and forgot the fucking mouth of truth. Today is really a sad day indeed. Am I gonna be missing out much? I've never had a mouth toy.

>> No.30211718 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 428x428, 1607141554394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall for this
But... It would all be true. I'm just not volunteering that I'd also be using it with onaholes. Although, "true" does not necessarily equal "believable" so you might be right. I sometimes have trouble with these kinds of things. pic related

>> No.30211863

>letting my laptop's exhaust fan heat up my lube
eye'm a genius

>> No.30212102

I do that but I put my lube on top of my router, that thing gets really warms

>> No.30213960

Try Amazon JP. You'll have to make a new account.

>> No.30214065
File: 9 KB, 300x400, tenga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question I have pic related for 4 years in a box can you clean this up or I should throw it away? You are the experts what do you think? it smell like something died there. I used it a few times 4 years ago

>> No.30214195

I thought they were one and the same?
But if not, then the one that controls pee.

>> No.30214505
File: 327 KB, 1290x968, 20201204_233426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go anon. Anal Kaikin Gal Bitch with the included lube on the left, Atelier on the right.

>> No.30214628

>it smell like something died there.
That's a no go partner. Gotta throw it out. She's chooched her last.

>> No.30214920

Just get some corn starch already, it's dirt cheap.

>> No.30215086

Yeah I'm not sticking it there no more. The thing is it cost me a lot to pass that shit through customs on my third world shithole.

>> No.30215225

nice, doesn't look as purple as some pictures made it out to be
you mentioned the insides were boring but did you try a different lube this time?

>> No.30215351

haven't tried it a second time yet but I'll get to it eventually. I don't like using the same hole twice in a row.

>> No.30215486
File: 80 KB, 949x678, 1584081652243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sucks anon.

>> No.30215739

Does amazon still sells this I got it from there I guess I could get some tenga eggs if not

>> No.30215829

Amazon.com from the US or...? Because amazon US has plenty of sex toys. Amazon Japan has lots more.

>> No.30216079

Yes the US one they used to sell these things there. I bought eggs twice in 2008-2013 and that regular Tenga

>> No.30216275

My Mouth of Truth came in today. Are there supposed to be extra bits of the inner layer visible behind the teeth, or is my hole a bad build? (it still felt pretty good either way)

>> No.30216341

Now I''ve seen it all...

>> No.30216388

Already tried that.

>> No.30216493 [SPOILER] 
File: 142 KB, 468x600, 1607146281379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news, Anon!

Is Tenga's amazon storefront. pic relatedAnd then there's this:

is, I think, CoolMaleSexToys's amazon listings. Scroll through the pages and you'll find all kinds of onaholes there. From mouth of truth to meiki ZXY. Have fun.

>> No.30216898

How do you spot a fake onahole? Apparently there's some fakes circulating around.

>> No.30217000

Be prepared to potentially get absolutely raped by shipping.
and if that somehow doesn't work, you can use OtonaJP as a last resort.

just buy from reputable sellers and you won't have to worry about (as in, make sure the transaction doesn't ship from China).

>> No.30217080

I've looked at Kanojotoys and OtonaJP as well. I can't find it in their listings.
I am absolutely cursed in finding this lube that I am already hinging at buying it off from any of you FULL PRICE USED as long as there is still at least half left. That's how desperate I am.

>> No.30217145

$9 dollars for a regular Tenga that will cost me like $86 at the end lol

>> No.30217176

What in the goddamn.

>> No.30217338
File: 603 KB, 200x189, 1598510371266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT. 86 dollars? What the absolute fuck

Is Amazon literally the only way for you to buy something? How is it that expensive?
Does the added import cost scale with the cost of the toy? Would an $18 toy cost you $172? Or more like $95?

Because if it's that much fucking money to import something, you might as well import something better than a tenga cup.

>> No.30217475

That and customs will open it they always open odd stuffs and charge extra because of that. You see there is a list of Items and masturbators are in the red list

>> No.30217815
File: 106 KB, 698x658, 1606475362868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the red list
the what
dude where the fuck do you live

>> No.30217826

No wait just checked it will cost $29 I guess lots of people buy these now

>> No.30217896
File: 435 KB, 500x288, 1595867002108.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay! You should still import something better than a tenga cup though.

>> No.30218124
File: 1.23 MB, 1242x1642, Whats in the box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It Came! Guess what''s in the box /ona

>> No.30218193

Dragon pussy.

>> No.30218242

A Christmas tree
Moth pussy
A second, smaller box

>> No.30218258

hopefully a dildo and this is the femanon posting it

>> No.30218319

I always wanted the 40 pounds of ass and pussy do they still sell that thing?

>> No.30218429

idk. Probably not as good as a japanese hip toy though. You can search amazon and see.

a bunch of LEGOs?
butterfly nets?
A torso?

>> No.30218528

I'd rather have a box that big full of legos than ANY sex toy.

>> No.30218676
File: 1.34 MB, 1242x1661, Surprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep it's the Meiki Plush!

>> No.30218713

the one with the legs and head or the svelte nugget version?

>> No.30218744

build a LEGO sex toy

no on second thought don't

>> No.30219280
File: 1.21 MB, 1777x3137, Cosdressing is soo fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting on clothes is so much fun. Pretty based. The sausage fingers is commical though. Also I wish there was a face as well.

>> No.30219368

Is it reasonable to cuddle a torso? I'm looking for a sleep aid and want something realistic I can dress up and spoon. Can't afford a TPE or silicone doll and I don't want to break my back.

Will any of the Puni Ana products suffice? Miracle DX is 50cm tall and that does not sound large enough (I'm 5'11").
Or should I just buy a Meiki Plush? Cloth skin never appealed to me but I am willing to change my opinion. Spooning TPE / silicone skin sounds better than spooning a big teddy bear.

>> No.30219392

>sausage fingers
oh wow those were a... bad decision on TD's part

>> No.30219456

I'm not sure. To just hug and cuddle it, it's probably fine. As far as something to hug and snuggle as you sleep, if you just get a torso then you can't swing your leg up over it. In that case you'd want something like a daki

>> No.30219477

Are those fingers...meant to squeeze you when handholding?

>> No.30220367

The downside is that I can't even fingerlock since they are stiched together

>> No.30221211

I swear this nigga's a bot, I see this question being asked on a weekly basis
you kiss rubber thats it

>> No.30221337

how hard is Puni Ana DX Hard? I have a R20 3rd gen for reference and that thing feels like a rubber mallet

>> No.30221586


>> No.30222103

I recognize that swimsuit, also you should get a wig

>> No.30222393

Do you ever casually keep your dick inside an onahole while you browse /jp/ or use your computer in general? Sometimes it gets hard and I have a few fun minutes of stroking, then I go back to playing games or whatever

>> No.30222855

Heh. I figured someone would. I have another cos set that I’m excited to put on and I’ll post pics when I get the chance. I do have a wig bug haven’t put it on. Still trying to figure what to do with the face though

>> No.30222877

I prefer not to multitask while fapping.

>> No.30222950

Wouldn't that ruin the experience, when you're not fully in the zone so to speak?

>> No.30223251

I don't know how to edge so this is the next best thing for me. And it does keep the whole warm in the meantime, I guess

>> No.30223604
File: 39 KB, 680x501, jokerWehrmacht1604072312202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking nightmare fuel.

>> No.30226386

>went to town on my new ona that came in today
>another one is arriving tomorrow
Lord, give me the strength

>> No.30229619

How is it for hitting pro wrestling moves on?

Want to get one and hit that motherfucker with lariats, powerbombs and pipedrivers.

>> No.30235403
File: 100 KB, 748x556, 計画通り1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy who made that thread on /fit/ a few days ago about using onahips for cardio.
My hip arrived yesterday, and I promptly spent about 2 hours "training" with it, and another hour today in the early morning, and so far had 3 orgasms inside of it. I had to take plenty of pauses to catch my breath, because it really is good cardio. I was planning to go for another romp this evening, but now I have such wicked DOMS in my abs and obliques that I'll probably wait until tomorrow, or even monday. I plan to completely abstain from manual masturbation for as long as I have this thing.

I almost feel like an idiot for not thinking of this sooner. Now I can be as big of a coomer as I want, and it'll actually help
me become ripped as fuck and get better in bed.

10-year old me could've had SO much fun with that thing.

>> No.30236139

which hip

>> No.30237733


>> No.30238145

this looks gay

>> No.30240843
File: 1.22 MB, 3900x3000, __original_drawn_by_avogado6__68cf6adf1b89fdcae908720cf59ffc18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the SPDX tighter than it's booba equivalent?

>> No.30241334

TOMAX venus real, worth it?

>> No.30241731


>> No.30241845
File: 3.21 MB, 3748x2178, 1606882744470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you anon!

>> No.30241993

Soft or regular?

>> No.30242391

Regular if you want to feel something. Soft if you want to fuck a cloud.

>> No.30242559

>Soft if you want to fuck a cloud.
Is it really that mild?

>> No.30242621

Well, it's modelled directly after the real thing, so yes

>> No.30242811

Rich soft is my favorite.
I think it's crazy to buy non-soft Tomax holes, because they excel at soft ones.
Plenty of good normal/hard holes from other manufacturers, but nobody compares to Tomax for quality soft holes.

>> No.30242838

Gonna see If I can clean it up I grabbed a bowl and added the ruber bleach soap and disinfectant. I'm gonna leave it there a few days to see if the odor goes away. Anyone have tried this before?

>> No.30242906

I have it in rich soft and it's like fucking jelly

>> No.30243045

>Rubber bleach
Don't ever use bleach on onas, lest you want to have a puddle of molten plastic mixed with bleach at the end

>> No.30243585

I've heard the soft toys are much less durable. How true is that?

>> No.30243638

Get a Virgo and be done with it, the Venus Real isn't that stimulating because of muh realism. You're buying an onahole for your dick, treat it with something that actually stimulates it to the fullest.

>> No.30243666

It'd depend on how well made they are and their tunnel design I guess. I've got a TOMAX Clone in soft I've used almost daily for a year and it hasn't torn yet. Meanwhile I've got soft holes from other makers who definitely feel like "yeah this will break after a while".

That being said my Muse Arkhe from TOMAX in very soft tore after a couple weeks, but that's because the tunnel design is pretty stupid

>> No.30243674

Got the Meiki doll. I've lost all desire to fuck 3D women ever.

Plush is the way to go, TPE and Silicone dolls seem like memes due to the weight, insanely difficult nature of cleaning, difficulty of repair, fragility, and lack of softness.

Hopefully there is a super high quality plush anime style doll in the future. The Dagmar doll seems less than ideal.

>> No.30243816

get very soft

I get better orgasms with venus real than virgo and I'm not even a fan of soft onaholes, I'm used to toysheart dick bullies but my dick seems to really like venus real

you just need to know that venus real is not for fast fucking, you need to go slow with it to feel good

>> No.30243900

Fuck it I already throw it to the garbage can. The odor is fucking horrible

>> No.30244008

Hard, regular, and soft are all extremely durable. Very soft is supposedly a little bit less durable, and rich soft is maybe a little less durable than very soft, maybe not.

I’ve got a Venus clone in regular and I cannot imagine it ever tearing. I’ve got a muses fillo and Lilith uterus, also dolphin and romanesco in soft, and I can’t imagine them tearing either.

Btw a Venus real in soft will not be like fucking a cloud. It will be soft and mild, but you’ll feel it. I have the Venus real in very soft and while it is very soft, almost but not quite on the border of being too soft, I can still feel the texture of the tunnel and once you get close to climax it becomes very intense because it’s so completely enveloping. I don’t think you should start with very soft though. I think soft is Tomax’s best material and I highly recommend it for basically everything.

>> No.30244164

AvE needs to do a teardown of a super high end automatic ona.

>> No.30244381

Have you tried the clone in rich soft?

>> No.30244430

Thanks for the info, that's good to know. I might have to pick up the soft one next time there's a sale.

Also has anyone tried the Bocca Ochoboguchi or Puni Virgi Mini? Been thinking of getting some smaller toys as shower buddies so to speak.

>> No.30244753

If you want mouth of truth, then get one of the Perorins, rather than Ochobo

>> No.30245465

>I can't even fingerlock since they are stiched together
jesus fucking christ, why even get hands then?
that seriously made me not want to buy it

>> No.30245482

I know there's boob onaholes, and foot onaholes, are there any armpit onaholes?

>> No.30245997

Is fingerlocking actually that fun? I've never tried it during sex

>> No.30246748

There's enough rubbery pieces to make it potentially usable.

>> No.30246954


>> No.30247020
File: 1.08 MB, 1378x2039, CBBE9AE0-4840-4A47-8641-23E1F5AD29C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to not leave feedback for sites like Motsu via eKomi when they ask.
Your full irl name will be published publicly reviewing a rubber vagina shop, and Google searches for your name will return it in the first handful of results.

>> No.30247118

is ToyDemon safe for reviews?

>> No.30247149

A real man shouldn't be ashamed of his love for rubber holes!

>> No.30248091

everyone was sayin get the original during the black friday sale. did i fuck up by not getting perorin?

>> No.30248162

That would be a lot of fun. He did make this thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCLzLGYD8jI

And he’s got a tear down of a magic wand style hoo-ha rattler.

>> No.30248238

Yeah... they should’ve gone more abstract like they (I think maybe) did with the Meiki plush DX.

>> No.30248262
File: 1.92 MB, 320x514, chad1607050584131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makes me wonder if the people in this general have, on average, different body types depending on whether they prefer fucking hips/dolls or just use their hands to slide their onahole back and forth.

The Virgin onahole users who are either fat, skinny or skinnyfat VS the Chad doll fuckers who all have bodies like professional swimmers or Brad Pitt in Fight Club?

>> No.30248270

As far as I know, yeah. When you make an account you give them a nickname and the nickname is all that shows up on forum posts or reviews.

>> No.30248314 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 320x320, 67741758_2096994273943041_8193749918373240318_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(I think some of the "I"s can be replaced as him/Eren)
>Me: Also, Eren said he was disappointed that humanity is alive and well...

>Sensei: I guess so.

>Me: ...I was saying...you already knew that Reiner and others were already out there, didn't you?
Teacher: Yes
>Me; When did I get really discouraged? And so on. (I thought it was Grisha's memoir, but I've been reading too much into the words "knowing the human race is alive" and I've been losing it... because it's Ellen...)

>Sensei: Yes, (laughs) I don't know what it is. (laughs) I don't know what's out there. I wanted to believe that there was something out there... something... vast that nobody knew about yet. That was a very realistic view of the world. I was disappointed in the fact that it didn't come out of thin air.

>Me: So, seeing Grisha's diary was still the most disappointing moment? Or Historia's... hand.

>Doctor: That's a memoir by Grisha. I think I felt a sense of emptiness at the time of the war and was disappointed.

>Me: Ah! Thank you!

>Sensei: I mean, I guess I was trying to speak for the readers.

>Me: Oh! Representation! ...!

>Sensei: People who were disappointed by this development?

>Me: Oh! I see!

>Sensei: Actually, there are people who agree with Eren's actions and so on. There were quite a few. But for some reason, it's the complete opposite of what it is overseas.

>Me: Oh, really?

>Sensei: Overseas, it's pretty much like... "This is not allowed.

>Me: Oh, that's the kind of opinion I have!

>Teacher: You have a clear opinion.

>> No.30248381

Dollchads are not just a meme. Plush dolls and to a lesser extent dakimakuras make you a little more of a Chad mentally, since they’re out in the open and cultivate a tough give-no-fucks mentality, but the full on sili-con-carne or tpe dollchads are on another level. They’ve gotta be fucking stronk to manhandle those things.

>> No.30248944

really wonder how they messed those up when they could have just cut open a glove to use those as a pattern

>> No.30249574

Do the Japs have something that simulates a rimjob yet? That way I don't have to see prostitutes anymore.

>> No.30249913
File: 471 KB, 472x482, vitaminecream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i rub my penis with this

>> No.30250570

Don't you have to wax or shave if you want a rimjob

>> No.30251317

New age hippie product.
Try leaving a drop on the back of your hand first to see if you get an allergic reaction.
Then you can try a drop on your foreskin or glans.

>> No.30251515

Yeah, shave it and make it squeaky clean. I usually bring the peppermint wipes with me when i go.

>> No.30251523

Ok, so I do have a report to make. So a while back, when I reviewed Lolinco EX Virgin, I was kind of meh about it(thought that Virgo was much much much better)
However, since then, i started to deflate(or rather try to create as much vacuum as possible, by forcing all the air out before I put it in). And holy crap, because of the hard tight red ring, the vacuum doesn't go away in time and stays that way for the entire duration of the session, combined with the fact that it's incredibly easy to force most air out of it,made me very much rethink what I thought it. To put it on a scale, without vacuum I would rate it as 6.5/10 as in good at what it does, while not being incredible. But with vacuum, holy hell, I think I would put it at 9.25/10 (I rated Virgo at 9.5/10).
So yeah, if any of you bought Lolinco Extra Virgin, try forcing all the air out it, you'll get so much more out it.
As another point of reference, my sessions usually last around 45-60 minutes,(even with Virgo) With this, I lasted around 30, so yeah
Well, I am fairly muscular, I prefer to use my hands, since my upper body strength is much higher than say, my legs or hips. even with onahips, I basically lift them as if they were weights and then slam back them into my crotch.i just don't like hands free,I don't know, maybe I am too autistic
However, I do agree that it's a much better activity than just masturbating with your hand

>> No.30251642

Mouth of Truth > Mouth of Truth Perorin Hard > Mouth of Truth Perorin normal/soft > Mouth of Truth Ochobo

>> No.30251689

In other words, if you got Mouth of Truth (as in the original), you're good.
Because Ochobo is mini normal mouth of Truth, but it's actually worse than Perorins, at least in my opinion

>> No.30251760

Another thing, just to show much the vacuum worked wonders, after I pulled out of it, I had a red ring around the base of my shaft, where the entrance ring was.

>> No.30251799
File: 46 KB, 940x940, 61FjleRsaGL._SL1024_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shave completely smooth and clean? Cos doing that myself is difficult not to mention all the things I've heard about shaving your ass leading to problems down the line. I wanna try getting a rimjob though since I imagine it's feels pretty good having your ass licked out whilst she strokes your dick

If you were truly desperate you could maybe consider clit toys? Some of them are designed to imitate the tongue, although being designed for clit they don't really rim so much as just lick randomly

>> No.30251855
File: 1.35 MB, 320x229, animation-5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think something like this would be better, for more random licking and penetrating motion

you know, except the knife

>> No.30251898
File: 13 KB, 560x560, 5b4c9e81Ncf9062c3.jpg.dpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah there are toys which have a floppy thing that's supposed to imitate the tongue, but given I don't see them much when I was researching clit toys I'd be inclined to think they might not be that good

>> No.30253076

>I've heard about shaving your ass leading to problems down the line
Like what besides possible ingrown hairs and infected follicles?

>> No.30253103

>Plush dolls and to a lesser extent dakimakuras make you a little more of a Chad mentally, since they’re out in the open and cultivate a tough give-no-fucks mentality
There's also the psychological aspect of letting out sexual aggression and cumming by actually fucking something using your whole body versus just using your hands. Right now I can't help but feel kinda proud of how hard I pounded my doll's ass earlier today, and think of how loud a real girl would've moaned if I had performed like that in a multiplayer sex session.
Rubbing one out with my hands or onaholes never gave me that sort of satisfaction with myself.
For someone like me who has some serious anxiety issues related to sex, it seems downright therapeutic.

>> No.30253208

moth pussy? link? i want a fluffy moth ona

>> No.30253697

No, ESPECIALLY the knife.

>> No.30254471
File: 164 KB, 1000x1000, 71yssPYcdDL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30254757

what do i do with the packet of lube that came with the lolinco, is it all for 1 use? is it concentrated or do i have to prepare it?

>> No.30254846

I would say 2 uses and unless you have a personal preference in terms of thickness, you don't need to thin it with water. You just use it as is

>> No.30256465

i think the kiwami is tightest

>> No.30256685

ok thx

>> No.30257663

Anon who tried out the anal kaikin gal bitch the other day here. Just tried out the Student Council President and it's so much better. That ring at the entrance feels like a fucking vice grip if you squeeze out all the air before sticking in your dick. The suction is strong and is comparable to the Atelier Onahole. Again I used Meiki Bliss but this time I had to rehydrate it mid session. I'll try it another day with Onatsuyu after I give my dick a rest.

>> No.30258193

don't get high and use an onahole....too intense....

>> No.30258934

moths suck ass, I've personally zapped 100s of them this year alone

>> No.30259108

Im buying a torso unfortunately.

>> No.30259588
File: 79 KB, 800x815, coomageddon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was planning to go for another romp this evening, but now I have such wicked DOMS in my abs and obliques that I'll probably wait until tomorrow, or even monday
welp, I couldn't help myself and fucked it again in the evening, about 6 hours ago. Took me about 90 minutes of prone bone until I finally came. My abs are killing me.

And just now I was lying in bed and for some reason suddenly got so horny that I couldn't sleep, so I coomed into it another time. Luckily cumming took only around 5-10 minutes due to how aroused I was.

It's not unusual for me to fap 3 times a day, and also to fap several times after I already had sex on a given day, but I thought the physical effort required would make me tone it down a notch. Looks like I'll finally have a proper sixpack and a lung like an endurance athlete by the end of winter.

>> No.30259689

I had two back-to-back sessions and then a third one later that day, but my Virgo just arrived right now. I'm worried that my experience will be affected by using the MoT so much yesterday so I will wait a couple days then give it a whirl

>> No.30259806

Can anyone recommend me something that's fairly quiet and I can flip inside-out to clean without worry?

>> No.30260232
File: 60 KB, 1087x401, スクリーンショット 2020-12-06 004900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I choose?

>> No.30260318

Damn I admire your dedication. I have a hip myself but I'm forbidding myself from using it until I get some shit done. Might relax some of my self imposed rules though in light of the potential health benefits.

>> No.30260542

I always do EMS

>> No.30262173

From the recommendations, which hole is the most durable, easier to clean and compact? I wanted to buy a new oral one but I've been indecisive since my Bocca de la Verita (tiny ones) broke in a World Record of 4-5 months. Should I just go for it again? I was satisfied with the normal one that didn't break in a few months of constant use, but it was hard to clean. Also I think the teeth were part of the cause of my skin infection that made me not be able to fap for the entirety of November.

>> No.30262960

I can say that if you don't mind a shorter tunnel (around 10 or so cm, but it can stretch). Then go for Perorin Hard. If you're a fan of oral, then go for that or the original Mouth of Truth you had before. But after using Perorin a couple of times now, despite not owning the original Mouth of Truth, I think it's quite decent. It's fairly small, seems durable (surprisingly, given Magiceyes durability track record). And washing it is really easy, you might struggle with drying, not because it's difficult, but you just have to be thorough because of all the crevices and what not inside the mouth

>> No.30264510

Oh I had a Perorin. That's the one I wanted to say that broken within 4 months. The regular one broken after 10 months.
Drying it was annoying, for sure.

>> No.30264641
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Another cos
>need to put a wig
Do you recognize her
>wrestling moves
She is surprising well built. Can handle some moves, not all. Neck holds up but any force, her neck becomes a freshman on their first day of joint the wrestle team. Her core could use more rigidity if that matters for you. I kinda like the slight lack of rigidity for mating press or hugging cowgirl. She molds pretty well. Love cuddling with her. 2 hours of going to town and 30 mins of post coital slow love made me oversleep today.

Only downside, honestly, is no face and stitched fingers. I couldn’t put Ereshchan’s glove...sigh but the cuddling is to die for.

>> No.30267564
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>no face
>get some of those velcro sticker things
>stick em on
this shit is horrible yet strangely amusing

>> No.30271180

Hope you actually have her in game

>> No.30273696
File: 80 KB, 640x480, 3C74E4B4-C843-4C8A-81C8-B1979CC39401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately between the 2 banners for her I’ve spent around 800sq and like 150 tickets but no luck. I do have Ishtar and that’s nice...still want eresh though

>> No.30274775

damn this position makes me diamonds
how is it banging her like that?

>> No.30275320

Can anyone recommend a torso? The spdx type torsos don't have very large breasts so I don't think I would like those. I've been looking at the maria nardahl.

>> No.30275694

Amazing. When I got the cosplay I was so hard. When the meiki came I checked the articulation of the legs and I knew I would be the first one to give out. So much precum was leaking when I dressed her up honestly. It’s not perfect but it’s basically as close as possible to the real thing. If you put a blanket warmer on her and let her heat up the feel is on point.

>It’s also a pretty cool experience of the hair rubbing next to my face, being able to hold something of similar proportion in my arms, and the exertion causing me to take deep breaths.

The next step honestly is just finding someone that would be cool to do cosplay. Previous experience has just pointed me towards women who’s idea of sex is spontaneous and not really planning it out. Plus it would probably be the best for a real person cosplay since I probably wouldn’t last. I don’t think I need to get a real doll. Plus the weighting is on point. Not light like a pillow but not too heavy where I’m left wishing it was real so. Oh also the canal to hold the hole is pretty tight, at least on mine, so the onas I’ve used so far on her have left me feeling extremely satisfied. Would recommend and honestly I should do a full blog/review on my experience and shortcomings of the meiki evo cosplay edition.

>> No.30275827

> Plus it would probably be the best for a real person cosplay since I probably wouldn’t last.
For a real person to (not) cosplay

The load though. Jeez I don’t think I’ve ever came this volume before. Cheers!

>> No.30276622

This convinced me to start saving up for a Meiki Evo. Thanks anon. I feel like a TPE/silicone doll is too much work and maintenance compared to one of these, not to mention the insane price difference. I only wish they had options for a thicker body and bigger tits.

>> No.30276701

Meant to add on to this, but I would love to read a full review on this and learn all of the ins and outs, pros and cons, what to expect, etc.

>> No.30276841

Are there any options for smaller dolls?
I went through the guides but only dollter seems to offer some around 2ft models.
I'm looking for something around 1-1.5ft range. I don't care if you can't fuck it.

>> No.30278165

Gucho Nure Meiki Kiwami.

>> No.30279643

Well the most durable is gonna be anything from Tomax in medium or soft.

>> No.30279843

What are you physically doing and how are you doing it that you’re exerting yourself so much? I wanna know.

I just got a Meiki plush hip. Give me a good “workout routine.”

>> No.30280402
File: 394 KB, 600x578, 6ACD6DB7-FDD0-43CD-9E3C-ADCC553AA218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was referencing meme related. I would love a warm fluffy onahole though.

Pic sauce is Layers of White by SOLOPIPB. Incredibly fucking hot. But beware that the horror tag is not at all a joke. I highly recommend reading the wholesome spinoff too.

>> No.30281095

The best part is if you hold the legs of the doll in cowgirl and it rotates backward the leverage will break your dick.

Also I'm fairly certain the DX's proportions are overall like 10% bigger in all aspects. Much easier to fit onaholes on it. Also the DX is easier to angle the hips. The leg articulation points mean it's much harder to bend the torso properly. Honestly just wanted a DX with legs, the articulation points are neat for posing but not good for fucking.

>> No.30281456

I have the spdx for a week now and tested both holes. I think they are very tight. Can't compare it to the one with jugs. But like the other anon said, Kiwami is way tighter, but that's not a torso. Still recommended.

>> No.30282049

Moved to Japan and I'm about to embrace degeneracy. I decided that If can make it till new years without fapping, I'll treat myself to a Busty Ai-chan. Wish me luck.

>> No.30282241

why not just go to the soaplands if you're in Japan?
if you're white you're basically on easy mode

>> No.30282341

Quality soaplands are expensive, while an ona is kind of a lasting purchase. And I'm not white, so it's not like I'm gonna get lay here any easier than I did in my home country...

>> No.30286272

okay I went for it anyway, and I'm pretty sure I should have waited. It felt REALLY fucking good up until I came, then I don't think anything came out and my dick started hurting a little. It's not sore but I'll leave my poor guy alone for a few days

>> No.30288605

Is there a hole safe edible lube? Preferably unflavored. I want to suck my load out after

>> No.30290467

>1ft doll that you can't fuck
you're literally asking for a Barbie doll. You're in luck, there are two gazillion variations, and you can easily buy them for cheap at any yard sale from a household that had a daughter who grew out of playing with little dolls.

>> No.30290501
File: 240 KB, 1000x835, barbieSet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30295779

I mean, you might as well buy a normal baby doll, remove the limbs and attach them onto Virgo

>> No.30308943

Busty Ai Chan is S tier. Never been much of a boob man, but Ai Chan's tiddies are so much fun to play with.

>> No.30311099

>Daily reminder to not leave feedback for sites like Motsu via eKomi when they ask.
Shit. Does this count for product reviews on their site as well?
Of course I did not use my real name when writing the review and when googling I am not finding anything. But I'm still worried that I might get associated with buying underage rubber pussy.

>> No.30311239

You are looking for Phicen dolls
Or any 1/6 scale seamless silicone dolls (Phicen is the most popular but there are other ones on ali and etsy and elsewhere)
They are too small to be used as ona even if somebody would want to produce it, but they have bobs and vagine

>> No.30313523

I left a review for Quatro natural girl on Motsutoys a while back, There's nothing else besides a nickname I chose to put there, so I wouldn't worry about that

>> No.30314602

Any edible lube that’s water based. Can’t be oil or silicone

>> No.30315384

I would suggest getting it a zentai suit since it'll make clean up for it easier, like a bed cover for a bed, I think you can get crotchless and headless zentai suits.

>> No.30315569

I know that bad dragons cum lube is edible because the owner of the company drank a whole bottle of it to prove it's safe
but it tastes terrible, why couldn't they make it taste like cum seems like a missed opportunity

>> No.30315671

>because the owner of the company drank a whole bottle of it to prove it's safe
Do you have a sauce for that? Because that's hilarious

>> No.30316210

65cm, 75cm, 80cm and up sex dolls
Janky site though, be warned

>> No.30316649

personally, I've never looked at a scarecrow and thought "Wow, I want to fuck that!" But you do yours bro.

>> No.30317627

I haven't found any lube that doesn't taste gross, just use a condom

>> No.30320862 [DELETED] 
File: 393 KB, 1016x483, 1604895048141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought HololiveCN was all retired. Why are these 3 still being advertised on the official holosite. Also, HoloEN details aren't filled out yet.

>> No.30320901

Wrong thread fren, unless there are hololive themed onaholes

>> No.30321313

Sorry. ona was mentioned in that thread and I got curious.

>> No.30321726

It's only a matter of time, If it hasn't happened already

>> No.30322550

I did actually find a Vtuber one on Kanojo toys
It's probably meh, as most "branded" onas are, but it was amusing nonetheless

>> No.30322658

J-list has better description of it, apparently

>> No.30322697

Damnit, forgot the link

>> No.30323232

I bought some chinese water-based lube and it tasted somewhat ok, even sort of sweet. It's meant for actual sex though so I guess they made it like that to flavour things up?

>> No.30325957

moysu uses your nickname on reviews, but forwards your shipping address name for an ekomi review.
review the products all you like, it's free points, unless you give a toy less than 4/5, then they'll just not publish your review.
ekomi will take down your review as long as you can post them your receipt for the order you reviewed

>> No.30330186

Back two or three threads ago, someone posted some pics of various toddler like dolls. Who manufactured them?

>> No.30330370

Before a few months ago I used strictly Astroglide in my holes and never had a problem with it. It tastes very good because it is a water and glycerin based lube and it didn't appear to do ANY damage to the holes. I think it is very neutral. It tastes sweet but not like candy and the kids didn't mind. I think that was one of it's selling points. As for sucking your cum back up that is pretty darn gross to me but will probably taste... fine?

Have at it, you can get it most likely at your grocery store. I've moved on for the most part to Onatsuyu for most things but I keep Astroglide as my backup for other activities.

>> No.30330616

>It tastes sweet but not like candy and the kids didn't mind
Wait a second

>> No.30331086

>Be international student w/ a US debit card
>Wants to buy from ToyDemon
>Right now I'm back in my country so I would need to the package to be delivered to a different address than my apartment
>ToyDemon doesn't give the option to buy to point out a different shipping address unless you use Paypal
>Since I'm an Int'l Student I can't make a US Paypal
>And to use my normal paypal account would imply telling my parents to put money on my card since they have more control over that.
Am I shit out of luck?

>> No.30331502

Cant you just pay a proxy or a neighbor/friend to buy it for you and just give them the money?

>> No.30331656
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>and the kids didn't mind.

>> No.30331677

>Just tell your friends you want to fap to a pair of titties with a mouth, bro
I would need to find someone quickly since it would take around a week for it to be shipped back here and since I'm going back to the US next month I run the risk of just having it stuck in here

>> No.30331963

Well, most proxies will hold an item and not reship it out to you until you give the go ahead.

Shit, ive bought porn and weird things for enlistedmen when I was in the Navy. One of the perks of having my own address and being an officer. Beamed wifi to a friend in a pringles cup antenna as well back in the day of 802.11g days.

>> No.30331968 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 629x275, fbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the virgin /pol/fag threatening blacklists for "degeneracy"
>The Chad coomer providing multiple gifts

I know what side I'm on

>> No.30334108
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Is it worth the money?

>> No.30334430

Fuck no, you can get it for like, 3300 yen on amazon JP.

>> No.30334474

Parody onas are rarely worth their price tag especially at 70 dollars

>> No.30334906
File: 11 KB, 228x221, srs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the kids don't mind

>> No.30340029

just get a lolinco and fap to demon slayer h-doujins

>> No.30340365

Gotcha. I've got a thing for vamps (especially the loli variety), so is there anything else out there with fangs like that?

>> No.30343553

there's that hotpowers mouth ona which is shaped like a funny vamp face.

>> No.30343904

You could just get the La Bocca since it has teeth that make a difference
