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3010635 No.3010635 [Reply] [Original]

post here if you never beat a Touhou game on any difficulty

>> No.3010639

OP here

>> No.3010648

I refuse to set my lives to max or do easy mode, so never. I've gotten to Remilia on EoSD a few days ago though.

>> No.3010651

Lunaticfag here.

>> No.3010664

IN normal difficulty no continues

>> No.3010713
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>> No.3010721

I'm fucking horrible at touhou and never beaten it on Easy even with all my bombs and lives. I gave up a while ago and the furthest I've gotten was the same as (>>3010648) and got to Remilia's stage. I don't feel like playing this thing every day for a month just to memorize danmaku patterns.

>> No.3010733


You'd probably only have to play one round with out continuing every day to beat it on any difficulty level within the scope of a year.

Just play one round of every game every day, going a bit farther every time, far as you can.

>> No.3010740

I beat Easy without continues on the 2nd try when I first started playing. If you really hate patterns so much, play PCB. It requires less memorization than the other games.

>> No.3010749

It only took me a couple months on and off to get to the point where I could do EoSD on normal (from practically 0 experience with danmaku and half the time I was playing IN or jumping around different touhou games). Just a little every couple days; push yourself on one continue, some day spend all your continues to see what the last level and a half are like, then practice the tough spots for a little bit. It probably wouldn't even take more than a month if you were good at identifying spots you need to work on.

Also, learn to bomb, if I could bomb perfectly I could 1cc any touhou on normal.

>> No.3010759

I beat EoSD Normal to get the Extra Stage. Flan is LOVE and RAPE.

>> No.3010760

I've finished SWR in Easy with no continues.

>> No.3010762

i've beaten Imperishable Night on Normal.

oh wait.

>> No.3010765

also, there's a huge stigma on playing easy mode, but unless you have a lot of experience with shmups, you started playing on easy until you got a bit used to the game.

>> No.3010768

Never, not even with continues, and after years of practicing the same fucking levels over and over.

Yup, I suck that bad. Though I've never tried Easy.

>> No.3010769

I've pretty much quit the games for good since I suck too much at them.

>> No.3010771


>> No.3010782

I'm actually able to easily 1cc and score well on EoSD, PCB and IN on normal and I've nearly 1cc'd EoSD on hard, but I get curbstomped by MoF and SA.

It's funny how these things work.

>> No.3010789

What is wrong with you people? Sure, it's hard in the beginning, but after a few months practice 1ccing normal should be easy enough. If you can't do it, it's probably because you haven't practiced enough.

>> No.3010793

This. Nobody has any fucking patience.

>> No.3010794

This thread is proof as to why we get 100+ replies in "x is a slut" or "CIRNO R KAWAII DESU YO NE BAKA XDD" threads and yet barely get participation in Let's Play Danmaku threads.

Then again, it's not that surprising given that by definition, NEETs expect everything to be handed to them and don't want to work towards anything.

>> No.3010805

That's how it's always been. Unfortunately, most Touhou 'fans' nowadays are casual secondaryfags.

>> No.3010809

I'm quite surprised that the guy making those thread have standed all alone for all this months. Any sane person would have quit with this idiots running around the board.

>> No.3010827 [DELETED] 

There are Touhou training games out there.

Moedan should help you learn the basics do danmaku.

>> No.3010834

There are Touhou training games out there.

Moedan should help you learn the basics of danmaku.

>> No.3010836

I tried doing 1cc PCB normal, but couldnt pass stage 5.
Sure, with a little more practice maybe I would probably make it, but I'm too lazy to do it...

>> No.3010837

There's plenty of participation in danmaku threads. Consider the limited time span they are open, the fact that not every touhou player actually has every touhou game ready on their computer with all the practice levels unlocked on every character, the number of players who can't reliably get good runs and just don't bother, and the fact that some people just simply don't feel like participating in every round.

I don't want to be competing with a crowd of people anyways, it's nice and relaxing in those threads as they are right now.

>> No.3010841

Because I can't "lets play Danmaku" at any hour because I am IEET.

>> No.3010851

Moedan doesn't work for Vista, does it?

>> No.3010852

that's about where i'm at right now in PCB, just decided to switch from marisa a to reimu b. could only just make it to stage 6 before and now i can't get through 5. but i've seen all the spell cards, just need to practice saving lives on the tough stages.(especially stage 4, something about all the stage 4's fuck me up sideways)

>> No.3010855

Personally, I would have quit a long time ago.

>> No.3010856

I haven't played any of them.
Once I find some I might.

>> No.3010877

Some pepople only come here for vns and don't give a shit about touhou, faggot.

>> No.3010879

I'm not sure but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't.

>> No.3010896

Well, I got it the other day out of curiosity, and when I tried to install it, some message came up. As I can't read the moonrunes and asking you people would only get me a response of "the pleasure of cumming inside," I could only guess that the letters OS in the message meant that it probably wasn't Vista compatible.

If any of you have it on Vista, your advice is appreciated.

>> No.3010916

Hurp durp retard. Nobody was talking about non-touhoufans, just secondaries and the ones that actually play the games.

I have Vista, and all of them work on mine, so I can assure you that the games are compatible. For some of them I did have to try installing them several times, and I believe I had to set my system locale to Japanese (it's in the Control Panel, you can change it back afterwards).

>> No.3010922

I was refering to Moedan, not the main games. I have all of the main games as well and I know it isn't Japanese system locale in this case, because I keep my computer set to it for convenience.

>> No.3010937

My bad, I probably should have read the posts you were quoting. Either way, I'm afraid I can't help you there. I don't have Moedan.

But if you have any computers lying around with XP installed, you can try installing it on them and transferring the folder to the computer with Vista afterwards. It's actually worked for me before.

>> No.3010943

Still haven't finished Touhou 7i on Easy.

>> No.3010952

The only Touhou game i ever managed to complete was Phantasmagoria of Flower View on Normal with Youmu

>> No.3010976

It took me about a week to go from being curbstomped by Cirno's nonspells in EoSD (my first real topdown shooter ever, incidentally) to 1CCing Remi. Are you guys really *that* goddamn lazy?

>> No.3010981

To be fair, I don't participate because I'm not good enough to play Touhou for scoring yet.

I've hit a roadblock in StB on 3-1, my computer fucks up playing EoSD for some reason, I get stuck on Yuyuko normal in PCB, fighting games are easy modo regardless of difficulty, get stuck on Eirin normal in IN, just dabble in PoFV from time to time, MoF is a hellhole for me, and I can't beat Orin in SA.

>> No.3010983

wel... I'm really lazy. I'm a NEET after all...

>> No.3010990

Please don't say that.

>> No.3010992


>> No.3010993

A couple of Lunatics, everything on Hard, all extras. Next target is SA Lunatic.

>> No.3010996

reporting in

>> No.3011000

How much do you guys play anyways? Usually in a day I'll get about five practice runs in and a full one.

>> No.3011001

Are you calling him crazy?

>> No.3011035

I've beat every game on normal except SA so far.
I only ever play when I feel like it, which is a couple of times per month at most.

>> No.3011060

I don't even play touhou anymore, not until 12 comes out anyways, then maybe marathon through a few games and the th12 demo. Even though its what got me into shmups, there are way better shmups out there. Unless you get your jollies from seeing Cirno and going "lol cirno so baka xD" the series is overrated.
