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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3004661 No.3004661 [Reply] [Original]

What did Ange see in the storeroom that freaked her out so much?

>> No.3004665

A dick as big as her

>> No.3004668

Implied to be a Sakutaro doll

>> No.3004670
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>> No.3004678

did you mean Sakutaro troll?

>> No.3004679


Why couldn't anyone else see it, then?

>> No.3004681


>> No.3004684

A weighing scale, she obviously hadn't use one in years

>> No.3004689

It's more like they couldn't understand her reaction, rather than not seeing it. It's just some stupid doll that's been laying there for 12 years, so it's natural that boat captain wouldn't think it's what's causing her to freak out.

>> No.3004690

It's not that anyone else couldn't see it, it's that Sakutaro only has value to Ange. The boatguy and Juuza couldn't care less about some stuffed animal.

>> No.3004691
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Then that would mean that Sakutaro was mass produced, and that Rosa lied about him being hand made.

>> No.3004698

I wish you Umineko kids would go back to /a/.

>> No.3004699

No, it means that she fixed it. She probably was going to give it to Maria if she was a good girl during the conference, so she left it with the captain.

>> No.3004704


I'm discussing something that hasn't happened in the anime yet, so it makes more sense to post it here than /a/.

>> No.3004852

no sir, you go back to /a/

>> No.3004875

That or after Maria loved it so much she tried to sell the design. No wonder her company fails.

>> No.3004893

I don't think Rosa fixed it. Why would she wait until the conference to give it to Maria? I really can't see any reason.

I think she just keeps it with her, the remains of it, to try to remind herself to not be such a terrible mother. For some reason she left it with the captain, maybe just for safe keeping until the return trip. The captain forgot about it and Ange found it, realizing it was Sakutaro from the pictures Maria drew in her diary. She then mended it using the magic of resurrection, love, and brought it to Rokkenjima to return to Maria.

>> No.3004912

Yeah an adult just happening to carry around a torn up stuffed animal all the time makes a whole lot of sense.

>> No.3004922

Rosa isn't a normal adult.

>> No.3004935

So does a nine year old girl carrying around occult items in a pink handbag.

Think about it. Sakutaro fit in Maria's handbag. Maria carries a handbag because she mimics her mother. Rosa's bag is likely much larger, and probably filled with clothing design materials like cloths and such. It wouldn't be that strange to find what seems to be an unfinished doll among stuff like that.

>> No.3004937

Well, Rosa fixing it makes a lot more sense than "magic of resurrection"

>> No.3004994

>Why would she wait until the conference to give it to Maria? I really can't see any reason.
Because she wanted to reward Maria for being a good girl during the conference?

>> No.3005049

Maybe a present for Halloween?

>> No.3005079

No, that's the HAPPY HALLOWEEN MARIA message she drew on the chapel door

>> No.3005131

Battler's severed head.

After it

was blown off by

small bombs.

In photo form
