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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3001347 No.3001347 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread hit the water and is autosaging (5th thread in a row?), so obligatory Rance thread.
Hannys are having fun.

>> No.3001437

If the Hannys weren't so obsessed with seeing my favorite glasses girl be miserable I might actually like them.

Before people get started, here's a protip.
The very same guy you idiots argued with in the last thread was also in a Rance thread a few nights ago doing exactly what he's doing now.

That is to say, trolling.
You can tell because of his Grammar, and by the general lack of direction his logic has.
Please cease further communications with him, and any other individuals
you encounter that cannot operate the Shift key.

>> No.3001447

But it's fun to argue.

>> No.3001451


we're different people you massive faggot

>> No.3001458

eh, normally I'd agree but he's not really being fun about it.

Just the same circular motion of "that is not what I said"

"Yes it is, you said it right here >>XXXXXX"

"stop misinterpreting what i say you asshole"

"Debate debate debate debate debate"

"troll troll troll troll troll troll"

>> No.3001467

But you still cannot use the Shift key.

>> No.3001468

Then how do you explain your matching sentence structure, lack of Shift key control and fundamental basis of debate?

>> No.3001478

He is enough of a fucktard to think it's funny/cool to annoy people using that style?

>> No.3001485

People imitating Sion? I don't believe it.

>> No.3001489
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Needs more Rance in Gensokyo.
Sengoku Gensokyo doesn't count.

>> No.3001496


lots of people don't use the shift key faggot. my logic is fine. you guys just not smart enough to understand it.

>> No.3001497

Pathetic, you need the last word or you're going to loose sleep?
There was absolutely no need to bring up this topic at all, however, you did, why not just hang yourself?

>> No.3001502
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>> No.3001503

Please add "戦国ランス スレ pt *" next time for stylistic consistency.

>> No.3001504




You're all equally retarded, it's a petty squabble between retards.
Even if you think you've won, you're still a bunch of retards.

>> No.3001510

Why are you quoting the OP?

>> No.3001511

Why do you care?

>> No.3001516

Why would anyone think that?

>> No.3001517

Looking kinda luca blight thar.

>> No.3001522

Just curious, since he opened a thread for discussion, adding nothing else.
Perhaps you meant to quote the following post?

>> No.3001525

Well, quoting the OP doesn't seem to be productive toward your overall goal. The OP himself seems to be trying to continue Rance discussions in /jp/ by bringing up a new thread. He doesn't even seem to be part of the argument at all.

>> No.3001527

Anon here is kindly requesting any game saves for H scenes.

>> No.3001532

Once again, why do you care?

>> No.3001546

>He doesn't even seem to be part of the argument at all.
I was. But that ended in the previous thread, so who cares.

>> No.3001549


check out mine. it should be in rs. just search for the same something.sys from your save folder

>> No.3001551

Does she have an H-scene? Besides that one with Ran.

>> No.3001554

Well, I don't want you to inadvertantly discourage the OP just because you slipped up on clicking a post number. At least, not without having the reason cleared up.

>> No.3001555

Nope. Enjoy being cockteased.

>> No.3001558

>in 56 route, Rance's baby gets to succeed Oda
>so women are all over him
>but being Rance as he is, doesn't tell anyone and keeps fucking, so people start thinking he's sterile
>"I can keep fucking all I want as long as I dont have a kid!"
I am looking forward to 56's route.

>> No.3001562

Why DID you care to make the post?
Are we gonna run circular arguments?

>> No.3001568
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Sure is internet white knight in here.

>> No.3001572

Ha, that sounds interesting.

>> No.3001581



sadly no. she and omachi didn't get one with rance as they are too awesome for him.

>> No.3001583
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>>People imitating Sion? I don't believe it.

Some people here really like Sion enough to imitate him. It's happened before; I'm sure you've seen it. Anyways, they all have failed; they are not manly enough to faithfully capture Sion's unique posting style.

Rance is the only one manly enough to imitate Sion.

>> No.3001588

Hmm. Nothing is coming up. Could you narrow it down a bit more?

>> No.3001592

Fair warning:
The actual content/events of the route are somewhat underwhelming compared to the others.
However a couple Big event moments and the climax are of the best in the game.
And Yamamoto's second H-Scene is of my personal favorites.

Also, unlike Kenshin and even Ran who had a few lines and events translated even before their patches, Yamamoto has not been translated at all, which makes one curious, I guess.
She is a surprisingly sweet girl.

>> No.3001610

I'm ending this here. You follow a pattern that is too predictable, now that you have your baseless accusation that does not affect anybody that remembers their status on an anonymous imageboard. If I choose to follow your tired game we'll only go in a roundabout fashion, ruining the discussion and starting a cycle that is commonly seen in the more popular boards. So I'll end it here, now, say whatever you want to get the final word. I'm sorry for the both of us for our wasted time.

>> No.3001612


>> No.3001628

Hard to tell by the few times I could understand her lines. I see her as a very stoic character so far.

>> No.3001648

Hence the 'surprise' factor.
Unlike Kenshin who can be brought to love regardless of route and has a few scenes on her own (due to leading her country) or Ran who has all the scenes with Sou, Yamamoto gets almost no screentime outside her route.

>> No.3001651

Guys, please just let this drop. Move on and start discussing Rance again.

Last thread someone suggested getting Elina for my 2nd game bonus using the 5 points I had. I tried her and I feel she's not that useful. The All guard shikigami's a bit pointless right now since there's nothing really that powerful early on. Her Shikigami attack is pretty strong, but for some reason it takes forever to pull off. Am I missing something here?

>> No.3001660

It helps to bring less people into the battle, you'll be able to pull it off with more time to spare.

>> No.3001663

Geez, mr. Janitor. Her shirt was non-transparent and she wore panties. Look at pictures a little bit closer before you delete them.

>> No.3001669

When you start the game, and you have not unlocked house bonuses and have no battle permits (usually, second/third playthrough where you do not have many points), you need to manage your resources well early on to be fast and being able to defend.
Deploying Elina with just a Footsoldier can win you the early battles.
She also can pile on good damage in bigger battles (coupled with Natori for example). And all-Guard becomes useful later on.
Another example of good management resources is using ONLY Morita Ai (the warrior) with an Armor item and have her win on her own (since she has 5 actions).
If you keep sending 5-6 units for all your battles to win, you will be hampered.

>> No.3001674

Elina is okayish, I guess. Shikigami in general aren't that good, with the exception of Omachi that has both speed and power.
You just don't have a choice, as far as five points go. It's either elina or one of those bushi bonus units with decent stats and a lot of moves or popularity wand. Everything else is either far worse or you don't have points.

>> No.3001681

Yeah, it didn't help that Ashikaga House is always the second or first house to take over.

>> No.3001695


Morita Ai? I don't remember ever getting a character named that in the beginning of the game.

As for attacks, I tend to send out Rance, Ranmaru and Elina for medium battles, maybe just Rance and Elina if it's an easy win. Of course, this got a bit harder to do once I fought Isoroku. I had to replace Rance with someone else that was less attack capable.

>> No.3001698

Oh, our poor maid is trying so hard!
Good luck, /jp/ maid! Do your best!

>> No.3001703

>Morita Ai? I don't remember ever getting a character named that in the beginning of the game.
That's another useful bonus character. She is bushi unit with average stats and a lot of moves.

>> No.3001724


Ah. Well I only have 5 points, which means I can either get Elina or her. But in terms of early game bushi units, I think one of the sisters you get from Kyo is pretty good. Guard Break+Light Attack+lots of action points. Don't remember her stats though.

>> No.3001732

First game, used 13 guide. Who should I go for next? Hojo or Uesugi? I want Ran and Soun...but Kenshin is also awesome.

If I go to war with Imagawa early, I won't be able to get the H scene and recruit Nozomi because the events leading up to them won't appear yet, right?

>> No.3001754


You can take both if you don't mind a bit of difficulty. Declar war on both, fend off attacks from Hojo and focus on taking over Uesugi by abusing Kenshin's retreats. Save, scout and if Kenshin's defending, send Rance in alone. Bam, free territory. This nets you one territory, but you have to fight properly for the other. The good news is that you don't have to worry about fighting Kenshin or just about anybody who'll put up a fight. Once done there, you can take on the Hojo.

>> No.3001781

The standard idea is to go after the Miko institute, then Tokugawa, to get Satisfaction and units. If you want to be sure, you can leave Imagawa alone and go after Asai-Asakura and Kenshin, then return to them. Okita is not really worth it though, unless you want her for dungeons and character clearing.

Also, Kenshin is probably the best choice for the first playthrough(easier spoils and rewards).

>> No.3001793

Uesugi are generally more useful. Hojo are kinda subpar. You have to fight them both if you don't want autotake over of one of the houses. But going for them so fast will nullify your chances to get Mouri and Takuga though and they give you a bunch of good units.

>> No.3001794

Yes. You have to wait till their convey hits the capital. You'll get a cut scene like above. After that, you can invade. A few turns later, they'll start causing trouble there and a few purple events will pop up over time which will eventually lead to her acquisition.

>> No.3001799

Hmm, sounds difficult, but I'll try that.

What about Imagawa, though? I won't be able to see those events of them exploring my area if I conquer too quickly, will I?

>> No.3001815 [DELETED] 

Unless you plan to take on the Blitz, Takuga should just be conquered fast for territory.
Mouri gives better bonuses/spoils.

>> No.3001822


sure is derp.

moving on! replying to this post means you are petty!

i refuse to explain!

>> No.3001826

Imagawa is of the least beneficial territories, you can just leave them alone while you are at war with Houjo/Uesugi, and Okita will eventually be available.

>> No.3001829



>>3001793 brings up a good point though. I totally forgot about the gourds when I recommended that plan to you. For your first playthrough, you generally want to stop taking over houses with gourds after your 3rd or 4th gourd's been cracked. That way, you get more time to prep for the DA.

>> No.3001846

I honestly didnt bother with any of the extra characters available.

Unique characters are more than enough. but "additional characters" is worth it, Gekko is broken.

>> No.3001859
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I've done Kenshin and True History. Also have a decent amount of char clears but I'm the guy that isn't looking forward to doing Ran at all. Cleared Mori House bonus as well. Would have gotten One Eyed but for some reason, despite me not clearing the guardians, Masamune never showed up for me. Have to finish that along with Takeda, Shimazu, Ran route, 56, and that cult nation. Probably won't do 56 route till it's done so basically one 5-star kill the monkey route (does it count the same as FFA?) and one 1 star Nanjo Ran. Hopefully after that, I'll have most of the cgs but somehow I doubt it considering I'm missing like 15 of them.

>> No.3001860

>Gekko is broken.
He is actually pretty damn well balanced. A wide range of stats, a special with very specific requirements, no ass 2 from the beginning. He is on the same level as Takeda ninja, I say

>> No.3001884

Don't those houses have the gourds, too? I can start with Uesugi, then Hojo, then work on Takeda, then finally Mouri.

I think I'll lose Akashi, though since they'll be taken over by the Morui by the time I work on Hojo. Speaking of that, is Akashi Kazemaru + Hibachi worth the recruit?

I'll hit Uesugi first, so I hope they will appear during my assaults. If they do, I guess I can work on taking over Takeda. That means, I have to go to war with at both Uesugi and Hojo to prevent Takeda from taking over any of them.

To get to Hojo, I have to make my way through Imagawa, though. And I don't believe I can go to war with them and still have the events of the Hanny still appearing, no?

>> No.3001924

>Don't those houses have the gourds, too? I can start with Uesugi, then Hojo, then work on Takeda, then finally Mouri.
Takuga don't have any gourds.
Problem is
Fighting Uesugi/Hojo = two gourds at the same time. If you destroyed Iga = you have no gourds at this point. Didn't = one left. With just one - you won't be able to get Takuga and Morui because there is one gourd on the way to them so you lose a whole lot of really good units. (better than anything Hojo can offer.)

>> No.3001932

The problem is that after all that, you have broken 5 gourds (also, Mouri will probably only take over Tanegashima first).
Akashi CAN be valuable, but for a first playthrough, it may not be worth the trouble.

I'd suggest leaving out Hojo, since even getting Soun can be tricky in timing and events, and you do not want to pile gourds fast.

>> No.3001933

>I can start with Uesugi, then Hojo, then work on Takeda, then finally Mouri.
You can't, because Takeda will be the last gourd before the temple event.

>> No.3001945

Get him assassination 2, Naritama dog and he's invaluable

6 action points too!

but in the end, that's like, your opinion man.

>> No.3001950

no reason to be so ambitious with the territories in a first playthrough

>> No.3001981

>Naritama dog and he's invaluable
Kousaka works better with this thing, considering his stats + buffs.
>6 action points too!
That you rarely actually need outside of dungeons.
Special is pretty cool, but you need Uruza and Kenshin to max the effect.
Kousaka doesn't have anything that fancy, but he has a better damage, and that can be really useful.
They are about on the same level, as far as ninjas go. Both a top tier.

>> No.3001985

Every time I dare to travel to /jp/ this is always there. I have no idea what it is. Anyone care to elaborate the obsession over this particular game?

>> No.3001991

It is good. Good is good. We like good.

>> No.3002002

There are few translated eroge with good gameplay

>> No.3002034

I usually don't take the Takeda house bonus because none of those characters can be worked to give satisfaction but thats' just me. I try to make it so most of the commanders I recruit give satisfaction eventually.

>> No.3002041

Ah so it is Eroge. Looked like a copy of Heroes of Might and Magic.

>> No.3002056

With house bonuses statisfaction isn't a problem. And Takedas are incredibly useful all around. Cavalry generals pretty much nulify any need to use majority of bushi units.

>> No.3002066

well I mean, I like having the fourth fan in the midgame

>> No.3002070

My bad, read too fast and thought it was Takeda.

I see. So it comes down to Hojo or Mouri? I'll have to decide and read study the wiki more. Or forget about Hojo after Uesugi, and let Takeda take over Hojo. Maybe 2nd game for Hojo? Ah, but Ran seems so fap worthy.And reep worthy.

if not Hojo, how about Tenshi? I can probably go for them after Uesugi to Iga then Tenshi

Seems like I'll have to.

I see. Hmm, It seems like the wiki have the order backwards.

>> No.3002083

Holy shit, a Rance game that plays like Heroes III would be awesome.

>> No.3002087

Going after Ran is pointless.
You can only see proper events on her route.
Finish this playthrough first.
Aslo, don't realy on the wiki too much.
Just save often and finish once.

Also, the wiki is not wrong.
What matters is the number of gourds (press F5/System Info to see the Gourd status).

>> No.3002113

I have a question here.
In order to Character Clear Toshihime Shimaze (third brother), you need Komatsu at love.
But IIRC, Komatsu only gets to love if you get rid of diviners(that's what she kept saying in-game).AKA, impossible in Ran's route, where the brother is available.
Is he clearable in Ran route?
I must miss something

>> No.3002119

lol thats a good point, even if he's not clearable in Ran's route there's still kill the monkey I guess

>> No.3002122

>Or forget about Hojo after Uesugi, and let Takeda take over Hojo
Still breaks the gourd. A better idea would be leaving Uesugi as the final gourd to break.
Kenshin is useful, but she can wait. You still start the war with Hojo and Kenshin at the same time, only later in game - destroy Kenshin, Temple event, finish off Hojo before DA arrival. That way you can pretty much clear all map before DA arrival and they won't have a whole lot of stuff to conquer while you have majority of good commanders.
>if not Hojo, how about Tenshi?
Tenshi don't relly give you anything if you conquer them right away but this starts the war with Iga. And Iga are more annyoing, don't give you anything either and destroying them breaks the gourd.

>> No.3002152

It kinda bothers me, since outside most males (like Raccoon squad, Ikkyou, Genri, etc) that have simple requirements and a few females (like Natori and Fuuka with Orochi and Agireda who I never bother with), I have gotten all the female and tricky clears, except his.

>> No.3002164

Question: How much does this game cost? (both to my wallet and my dignity) and does it warrant a purchase?

>> No.3002178

>>and does it warrant a purchase?

In all honestly, no. It's fun the first and second time through, but after that it's very repetitive. The story and writing is also really bad. It's a decent game but there's much better out there to buy.

>> No.3002181
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>> No.3002190

Daidoji is a girl for fucks sake

>> No.3002194

I see. Seems like I'll have to forget about Hojo for first game then.

Also, to get the H scene from Tenshi sect, I'll have to conquer them before they go to war with me or is it before the temple event?

>> No.3002200
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and yes it's worth buying

>> No.3002202


>> No.3002222

Eh, fuck me. I though you guys were talking about her chara clear. Missed the Shimazu brother.

>> No.3002241

Before temple incident.

>> No.3002244

Derp. That's what you get for staying up all night.

>> No.3002264

Fine then, where might I find an adequate torrent? I've become wary of using Piratebay.

>> No.3002278

Google or just buy it.

>> No.3002284

Just fucking google it. People this days...

>> No.3002292



>> No.3002302

I smell troll...

>> No.3002360

>Turn 9
>Use affection items to boost Suzume to 7 affection.

Ah. Still can't get the necessary items, even after so many reloads. Such misfortune...

>> No.3002402

Just ignore it. It really isn't that important.

>> No.3002432

I really want to get the fan by the 13th turn though.

Is it that hard to get the necessary items? Seems so.;_;

>> No.3002444

It's entirely random. Enjoy your hours of reloading.
It's really not worth it, even for a point run, unless you really need those few points you lose by getting it five turns latter.

>> No.3002479
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I deployed Shizuka, Akashi Kazemaru with Light Attack and Yuzumi with Defeated Warrior Hunt just to capture Ootomo Sorin, but I failed. Are the special cannon units non-capturable in non-FFA game?

>> No.3002503

Dunno, but she needed two scenes instead of just one.

>> No.3002525

Perhaps the same could be said about a lot of girls. Only few characters had a good amount of scenes, sadly.

>> No.3002531

And her own route also.

>> No.3003246

So I just finished the Ran route on my second playtrough. The same excuse for raping Ran over and over and most of the battles had no really challenge value. Compared to True History it was easymode. Please tell me that the other routes are better

>> No.3003255

Kenshin route was fun.

Don`t powerlevel kenshin to much if you want a challenge.

>> No.3003257

If we're going to go that far she may as well get her own game.

Where she travels the world capturing cute things.

>> No.3003267

Try higher star ratings. Get raped, because you have shitty bonuses.

Travels the world, collecting cute things, and shooting people that threaten said cute things.

I'd play it.

>> No.3003283

Maybe she can pick up a few tenancies from Rance and start collecting a Shota harem.

>> No.3003292

Maybe Rance gets shotafied, and Yuzumi is hunting him for her collection at some point.

I would think that she would have more interest in cute animals and such, though.

>> No.3003311

I did the Ran route with one star, now I started kill the monkey with two, but maybe replaying True History with five would be better.
Anyway, what does "Additional Character" do at the family bonuses?

>> No.3003316

You start with an additional character from a choice screen...

>> No.3003317

If I remember right it lets you get an extra person from calling for Reinforcements.

not too sure though.

>> No.3003603

On Hara's province, after abou 7 turns or son, a non-coloured event(Lightning during the day) will appear (I think only if you have conquered them). Click on that to recruit one of the best ninjas in the game, Gekkou.

Also, when you call for Maria (Reinforcements from Sat.Bonuses), a few turns after she arrives, Shizuka will arrive (magician unit with White Destruction beam and the skill Sticky that makes capturing easier).

It's worth it if you have not unlocked other house bonuses, and do NOT want to start with others already at war.
And Gekkou is just cool.

>> No.3003605


...Damn. I never bothered with Yuzu's scenes, but after seeing this I have to now. Where do you get this scene? From raising affection or capturing her in battle?

>> No.3003613

Affection, I think Trust and then deploy her and Rance in battle.

>> No.3003610 [DELETED] 

Affection, I think Trust and then deploy her and Rance in battle, I think.

>> No.3003619


Thanks. Next time I get some spare affection items, I'll try using them on her.

>> No.3003645

Shizuka comes with Maria in a random event, and Gekko comes on turn 8 during an event in Ise.

>> No.3004004


>> No.3004614

I'm on my first playthrough and currently on turn 23, having taken over Ashikaga, Tokugawa, Imagawa, and Hara. I was thinking of taking over Naniwa from the Tenshi sect but right now fighting there seems a bit brutal and tough. I was thinking of taking over that area so I could take over Akashi before Mouri does if I decided to take over Tanegashima, but these fights with the tenshi sect in their territory has me rethinking that. (Forgot to mention I have 3 fans cause of the 13 turn 3 fan thing) I was thinking of fighting and taking over Asai Asakura and/or the Miko institute then pushing towards Uesugi or something. Just need an opinion or tips on what I should be focusing on. I also need to be explained the whole gourd thing as well if possible.

>> No.3004635
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Forgot to mention that my satisfaction points that I've spent have been for zeth reinforcements along with Aburako Dousan. Here's my current troop screen as well if I could have any pointers or tips on what I should improve.

>> No.3004688

When you break 5 gourds an event occurs and the game enters the second phase/half. Basically after this you can't capture anyone or recruit any decent commanders after the things hastens up. If you declare war with Uesugi the game autobreaks one of your gourds and if you take over the Tenshi sect Iga declares war on you. The first walktrough is a gigantic motherfucing minefield

>> No.3004720

What you should do now: get more reinforcements, they are really good units. Power up Rance, get more units for him, go to dungeons, to level up your commanders, you'll need it later. Uesugi has a great warrior commander and a decent tactician. If Mouri wants to crush Akashi, declare war on them as soon as possible (Akashi), but don't destroy them. You should maintain a certain point without breaking their gourd, since they are weak in military.

>> No.3004740

One more thing: take over Houses without gourds before breaking the fifth one. And don't even think about attacking Takeda

>> No.3004803


Thanks for these tips guys. So I should focus on not completely conquering a house that has a gourd unless I can't help it? And I guess how would I go about leveling up my commanders and beefing up Rance?(Dungeons I am assuming though) Should I also go through with taking the area near Akashi from Tenshi or just focus on working on my commanders or moving towards Miko & asai-asakura instead?

>> No.3004836

Just go to Uesugi while conquering Miko institute, Asai and Tenegashima. Tenshi sect's lower province, Mikan is easy to capture without battlefield bonuses. Uesugi might declare war on you at some point, just abuse the fact that Rance can autowin battle's alone against them (you'll see). When you conquer one of their provinces, don't accept their proposal, they are strong but after the first territory is taken they weaken

>> No.3004863

When you go against Iga, put Suzume in the group during the final assault. You can get level up item by releasing prisoners, when you get 7 affection point you can choose the +2 level option, or when you finish a dungeon for the first time every commander gain 1 level. You can just wait with them until the fifth gourd, because after this you have a few turn to prepare. During that you should have your army of choice, so rush through most of the dungeons at that time. But concentrate on the army first, then the commanders personal level.

>> No.3004948

Is there a time limit to Kenshin route beginning? I got the rice balls pre-battle event, but then Xavier never got one of the emperor items and I'm stuck in the True History route again.

>> No.3005002

have to start kenshins route before the temple event

>> No.3005179

Since the Temple Incident does not have a set limit (can change depending on the gourds you break), BEFORE it happens, you have to raise Kenshin to trust.
Then, a Purple event at Mazo will appear (Picnic).
Do that before the temple, and you enter Kenshin's route.

>> No.3005248

It HAS a time limit. 90 turns

>> No.3005262

Yes, I know that he breaks them on his own.
But I meant, that depending on how you play, that changes ,and I do not know what gourds has the guy broken and what turn he is.

>> No.3005328

For anyone that was whining about getting Cheat Engine to work, I finally tried it out of whimsy.

It's insanely easy for basically anything you want to do involving numbers you can see, so long as you can record the instance where the number changes.

Gold, turns, and satisfaction are done in seconds. Troop size, as well.

If you ever feel like you got completely shafted by something, it's there for you.

Now I just have to uninstall the damn thing after proving that guy from the last thread was a huge baby. Granted, I didn't follow all the pointers stuff/address update stuff, but this game isn't that technical.

>> No.3005359

What happens after you wait 90 turns?

>> No.3005375

Rance leaps out of the screen and rapes everyone within a 90 mile radius

>> No.3005380

Has anyone tried the Demon King route yet?

>> No.3005393

The gourds brake

>> No.3005399

Yep. I was skipping events since I knew what happens at True History, and suddenly, Miki, Kentarou with 4000 and Xavier with 5500 attack me.
But if you abuse permits, cause political turmoil and choose your battles, you can conquer it all.
And be called a cheater at that.

>> No.3005403


So how do you enable demon king route, let miki turn into demon?

>> No.3005405

Is this some ultimate lunatic mode route?

>> No.3005409

Pretty much yeah.
Don't go for the lemons, and Little Princess will arise and try to wreck your shit.

>> No.3005412
File: 42 KB, 296x325, brake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3005433

The problem with Cheat Engine is getting the pointers though at least in x64. I'm unable to do that or I would have made a cheat list for everyone already.

>> No.3005435

Silly me

>> No.3005442

Is there a way to actually "hurt" Miki?

>> No.3005456

Can Rance hit her?

>> No.3005458

>People talking about cheating with no mention of SpoilerAl
Good thing I'm a cheating faggot. Enjoy your moon.
Run SpoilerAl.exe, click on the bottom left button, point it to 0509Sredcat>Redcat and find Sengoku Rance in the list. It's all in moon, but us /jp/eers are all nihongo masters so it doesn't matter.

>> No.3005465

>First Game three moves in thirteen turns
>Turn 3
>Make sure the Ashikaga House declares war on you during their phase.
I swear, this shit must have been decided at random when you started the game....I reloaded at least 20 times without luck.

>> No.3005468

Yea, Rance can hit her but it don't cause her any damage. And she can do like 9000 damage in one hit...

>> No.3005494

If you can't rape everything with max gold, satisfaction, and ungodly point bonuses, you should off yourself.

Those are the only three things you really need.

>> No.3005505

Also, once you get 1 or 2 of any affection increasing item, you can spam it as much as you want to, which makes character clears simple, and you can buff your army as much as you want to.

>> No.3005514

Actually, just save before you end your turn.
Only 3 events can happen, which are Kojika visiting, Talking about Aki if you conquered Hara or them asking for money(which you can decline and we have a causus belli)
And it's random.
If you reload from the end of the 2nd turn and it never happens 20 times in a row, you better not go out in a stormy night.

>> No.3005577 [DELETED] 

>If you reload from the end of the 2nd turn and it never happens 20 times in a row
I kept reloading from the end for 3rd turn....that might have been the problem.

>Use affection items to boost Suzume to 7 affection.
One thing I did notice though, Affection items, I seem to have gotten 2 of those just from the battle with Hara alone...
Given the nature of Akihime and Hara's relationship, it might make sense that you get a lot of those items from there.

So if anyone wants to reload games for affection items, the Hara battles seems to be a good candidate.

>> No.3005590 [DELETED] 

>If you reload from the end of the 2nd turn and it never happens 20 times in a row
I kept reloading from the end for 3rd turn....that might have been the problem. And yes, I constantly got that annoying Kojika... ;_;

>Use affection items to boost Suzume to 7 affection.
One thing I did notice though, Affection items, I seem to have gotten 2 of those just from the battle with Hara alone...
Given the nature of Akihime and Hara's relationship, it might make sense that you get a lot of those items from there.

So if anyone wants to reload games for affection items, the Hara battles seems to be a good candidate.

>> No.3005597

>If you reload from the end of the 2nd turn and it never happens 20 times in a row
I kept reloading from the end for 3rd turn....that might have been the problem. And yes, I constantly got that annoying Kojika... ;_;

>Use affection items to boost Suzume to 7 affection.
One thing I did notice though, Affection items, I seem to have gotten 2 of those just from the battle with Hara alone...
Given the nature of Akihime and Hara's relationship, it might make sense that you get a lot of those items from there.

So if anyone wants to reload games for affection items, the Hara battles seems to be a good candidate.

>> No.3005609

>So if anyone wants to reload games for affection items, the Hara battles seems to be a good candidate.
Can someone test this and confirm? It might be a valuable hint to put into the walkthrough.

>> No.3005628

Battle Spoils are largely random.
It usually decides before the battle WHAT kind of spoil it will be if you fight in that round (affection item, textbook or medicine), and after it chooses, you get a random item of the catgeory (aka, if in one round, you reload and fwin a battle, you may get a Senri's cup, or just a jaws screen.).

I have conquered Hara and Ashikaga many time within 6 turns, and even Ashikaga and Tokugawa, and sometimes I only get affection items, sometimes I get two textbooks.

The game usually gives you at least 1 or 2 affection items (remember, it's random which you get) in your first 10 battles or so, regardless who you fight.

>> No.3005653

For some reason I can't seem to get a lock on National Power when trying to use Cheat Engine.

Has anyone had luck with this?

>> No.3005705

So I just finished my first playthrough and got 23 points to spend on bonuses, what should I get?

>> No.3005712


>> No.3005718

Just use
It does everything.

>> No.3005729

Care to clarify?

>> No.3005750

Well, someone finishing the first possible playthrough with points to spare, and more than 10 is quite the achievement, FAQs or no FAQs.

>> No.3005763


it's an hgame. you should be trying to get as many girls to h as possible

>> No.3005771

You don't get points from ero scenes. You get one from chara clears, I think, but that doesn't necessarily mean sex.

>> No.3005790

If it's helps to explain I inadvertely broke the gourds really early and didn't use any of the affection items so I ended up reloading to just before the battle on the bridge and just using all of them to get everyone the end game points ability.
Now I was thinking of getting the 3rd action fan bonus and the kill the monkey bonus, but I don't see anyone recommending it, is it too much of a waste of points to get the action fan early on?

>> No.3005817

Well, I guess luck of the gourds and giving end-game points instead of desperately boosting your characters can do.

And yes, the 3d Action Fan is a MUST.
Gives you at least 12 extra actions (if you followed the FAQ) and spares you one satisfaction bonus.

I also suggest to get Elina and Morita Ai from the additional characters, and the Five rangers from Item Page 4.

Also, since you seem to handle yourself well, replay True History in 1-star for an even better score, before going for the other routes.

>> No.3005824

Get the 3d action fan, Elina, popularity staff, and the Protection Paper.
Also, could you post your troop page, out of curiosity?

>> No.3005825

where can I download this game?

>> No.3005828

Ok, I see, also what's the difference between kill the monkey route and the normal one? Other than you killing Nobunaga's monkey eventually.

>> No.3005834

No demon/route events.
The Game ends when you conquer all. No time limits or sudden events.

Perfect for acquiring house bonuses and character clears.
Also, if planned properly, one of the better routes to get points since you can do the extra events (fuck 300 women, 30.000 army, beat Youkai king etc) with greater ease than normal routes.

>> No.3005842

So wait, is it the monkey that actually breaks the first gourd when he shakes the box? That makes more sense than it should.

>> No.3005858

When you play Kenshin's route, you will realize the monkey is the true evil of this game.

>> No.3005878

I heard that Ran's route is the best route for netting points. How is it compared to Kenshin's route in terms of end score? To be honest I'd much rather play Kenshin since Ran sucks as a heroine.

>> No.3005905

You should play both.
One, for the +5 each route gives you upon completion, secondly, for a few different challenges presented.

Ran's route is the FASTEST to finish, hence the score advantage.
However, you do not have as much time to do stuff like beating the Youkai king, fucking 300 women etc.

>> No.3005911


Thanks. I'll play kill the monkey then.

>> No.3005916

I deleted my old saves when I started my second playthrough so I don't think I can do that unless there's some way to get them back but I don't think my team really matters much in this case since my points mostly came from the bonuses and probably from the fact that i actually followed 3G's advice and pressured west when he told me to.

>> No.3005947

For future notice try google before asking


>> No.3005950

Not so much, since usually no matter how fast you are, you don't do it much sooner than 3 turns.' Most people pressured west when the DA came.
But clearing characters and choosing End-game points instead of combat/asset bonuses, that's something a first-time would not usually do.

>> No.3005963

So I finally got Uruza.. Jesus christ you guys weren't kidding when you said she's good.

>> No.3005979

I didn't get end points during the playthrough, I'm always hesitant about using items in games so I ended up not using any affection items. I just used them to get bonuses after I cleared the game and realized the only things that counted for points were turns and character clears so there was no point in keeping them so I thought I might as well as use them. Also I only got ranmaru's character clear the rest came from having like 14 captains with end game points

>> No.3005991

You got 30 extra points, pretty damn good for a first try.
Got Accurate Shots?

>> No.3006006

Not yet, she's pretty much just arrived for me near turn 20ish, my jaw dropped at her stats and how many actions she had. (Probably would have had her sooner had I wasted a turn when I was doing the 3 fan thing, it's my first playthrough still.)

>> No.3006010

Is there any way to get Keikoku out of the free for all mode?

>> No.3006089

I can't find Sengoku Rance.

>> No.3006106

What else is Fuuka good for? Haven't found a use for her possibly outside of dungeons.

>> No.3006143

Extra troops after a battle(helps to build up strength early on if you have no bonuses), plus easy +5 Sat, from her H-Scene (speak to her twice after conquering 3 territories), plus Orochi.
And an extra healer in dungeons can be welcome.

You should at least get her for her H-scene.

>> No.3006276

Can't find Sengoku Rance in the list.

>> No.3006351

Nevermind, found it.

Too bad I don't speak moon. This thing might be handy if I could.

>> No.3006390

I'm seriously bad at this game.

I must be retarded or have smoked too much weed, but I can't even follow the 13 turn guide correctly.

>> No.3006405

nah dawg you just need to smoke some more weed while playin

i'm serious if you can't play good while not high you might play good while high

>> No.3006412

Apart from a few elements that require luck, you should be able to do it by turn 14, 15 at most.
Also, if you can't finish the game once on normal, you are just lazy or completely incompetent.

>> No.3006502
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I'll answer any questions.

>> No.3006518
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>> No.3006521

cheat engine doesn't work or something?

>> No.3006533

It does, but I turned to SpoilerAl since it does everything for me.

>> No.3006738
File: 116 KB, 801x591, ASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, this game pisses me off so much sometimes...

>> No.3006750


I would be pissed too if everything was in moon for some reason.

>> No.3006812

Have you given Yamato her penetration shot?

>> No.3006830

If you know what I mean.

>> No.3006883

First game here. So I recently finished completing the 13 turn guide. I called for reinforcement on turn 14, then started war with Miko institute. On turn 15 now, and just need to win two more battle to conquer that territory.

What should I do next? Declare war on Tanegashima and conquer them or hit up Uesugi first? I don't want Tanegashima to be taken over by Mouri. I kinda want to save/conquer Akashi too. Hmm.

If I plan to do Ran's route for 2nd game...any suggestions for what bonus I should pick, assuming I have any or enough after finishing my first game?

>> No.3006887


Did you remember to actually patch the game man?

>> No.3006901

I'm on my first game as well, and I would recommend going after Tokugawa(You can recruit Senhime when you take them over) and (If you're not getting the swordsman unit from the Hannys when they visit Kyo) attack Imagawa, but don't forget their purple event and keep the secret if you want 5 satisfaction when you take over Imagawa. Try and take out any of the racoon units when you're at war with Tokugawa (defeating them, and hopefully capturing them) because it makes the fight at their capital so much easier. Keep in mind also that near turn 20 tenshiism declares war on you but most of the units they send to attack you (with 1k units +) are pretty weak so you only need 2-3 commanders (one if it's a really good one). Also look out for the event in your capital after calling for reinforcements after 6 turns, you sometimes have to activate it yourself.

>> No.3006912


Tanegashima doesn't really have any good officers for you to capture except for Yuzu and even then, she's a pretty iffy officer. However, they don't have a gourd so you can freely conquer them. But if you want to get the Akashi house, you can't wait too long after conquering Tanegashima or else Mori will crush em.

On the other hand, Uesugi has Kenshin, who's practically a must have for all parties thanks to her nifty ability. But they DO have a gourd, which means conquering them puts you one step closer to the DA. And unlike other territories with gourds, you can't just take everything but the last territory. Stalling like that results in Kenshin getting raped and losing her for your army.

IMO, Uesugi should go first since Kenshin is so useful. But if you still have places like Asakura/Tokugawa/Imagawa to take over, I reccomend taking those out first. For Imagawa though, if you want Okita Nozomi, you'll have to wait until they march to Kyo.

>> No.3006931

I forgot to mention also, if you need some good generic units still, I suggest recruiting the 3 units from the oil field, then using a satisfaction bonus to get Dousan as well.

>> No.3006976

Which penetration shot? Whirlwind Shot?

>> No.3006981

I think I might do Tokugawa after Tenshi or before. I want to conquer Tenshi as soon as possible.

For Imagawa, I'm not so sure yet. I either want to wait until they hit my town so I can get Nozomi. If I don't let them march, will I still get the H scene after conquering? The two events will only appear if I let them march, no?

Ah, I'll keep that in mind. From what I understand, if I declare war on them, Mouri can't take over, right? So, maybe I can declare war and conquer them later. But then, I unfortunately might miss out on Mouri if I conquer too many houses with the gourd.

Perhaps I can declare war on Uesugi, and leave them with one area, then wait. Then hopefully, Imagawa will have had marched already so I can conquer them, and get Nozomi.

Alternatively, I can forget Mouri and Akashi, and declare war on both Uesugi and Hojo so Takeda can't take over either one of them.

>> No.3006983

Two questions:
Does Yukihime going cum crazy give you a new cg scene? How many turns does it take since she's taking her sweet time.

I also am unable to clear Ranmaru despite having her counterpart without giving him Kouhime. The wiki doesn't list a specific route so I should be able to complete it whenever right?

>> No.3006989

It may be a faggy thing to ask, but could somebody use the cheat thingy to make a turn 1 save that will make the game easy mode, then upload it?


I tried and failed that blasted 13 turns guide like 8 times.

>> No.3006996

I'd do it for you but eh, someone already has uploaded one somewhere (off the english patches as well.) Don't remember if it was /rs/ or the hongfire thread though so check both.

>> No.3007002

If you take over Tenshi too fast then you've gotten one gourd closer towards Xavier being revived. Not only that I think Iga goes to war with you soon afterwards. Akashi can't get taken over by Mouri or interfered with at all until you take over or vassal a territory right next to it so the events start up. I was holding off on Uesugi til I took over what I wanted to take over and that's nearly done now.

Let me know how that swordsman is too if you're holding out for her, I was somewhat impatient and just decided to take over Imagawa. Oh and you still get the Hscene, you'd just have to do the purple event twice in imagawa while you're at war and choose to keep the secret.

>> No.3007006

You are a saint sir, and I shall search hongfire and /rs/.

>> No.3007013

hey /jp/, I hate to ask and being a slow-poke but
Where do I download this game?I'm dling the demo from getchu.com. I thought maybe 4ch /rs/ might have something but I'm having no luck. Please help this fellow anon.

>> No.3007026

try read the thread you retard

>> No.3007028

There should be a hongfire link in the thread bro, as for a download link, I'm not sure.

Here it is.

>> No.3007037

Oh god shadow clone Suzume's. Awesome.

>> No.3007048


You don't have to follow that guide you know. In fact, I really don't see why everyone doing their first game is trying to hard to.

That guide is meant for when you're playing under extreme difficulty, meaning something like playing 5 stars without any bonuses. But since you're just playing your first time, it doesn't give you that much of an advantage.

Instead, what you should do is focus more on getting those reinforcements. Call in the first one using sat bonus 10, save up bonuses until 6 turns later when that reinforcement arrives, call in the next one. Repeat until you get all of them, although when you get the option to take the third fan you might want to take that first.

Meanwhile, make sure to expand at least one territory every turn. Don't send a full party out to attack, send 2 or 3 units. If you're ambitious and the enemy's weak enough, you can even take over two territories in a turn using small parties. Defending those territories won't be hard either, since you can win using the battle rating if you fight defensively.

Consider this too. You go out on a limb and take over two territories, in the process you weaken your enemy greatly due to the units they lost. If you hadn't forced them to defend that second time, they might've used those units to attack you and possibly take over the one territory you took. And furthermore, also consider this. You take both territories, but then the enemy attacks. You know you can't defend the territory from their attack, but you still have units left over from that turn. What you can do here is deploy those units and focus on weakening the enemy as much as possible. Although you lose the territory, there's a chance you've killed an officer or two, or at the very least you've hurt their troop counts. This softens them up and helps makes future conquests easier.

>> No.3007073

If I want Akashi, I have to declare war on them right after I take over Tanegashima then, and it has to be within the same turn I conquered them. I'll figure something out. That's if I decide to forget about Hojo.

Heh, it'll be awhile until I hit Imagwa. And checking Nozomi's stats...isn't all that good, so I'm not sure if she's worth the wait. She's pretty high level, and has a fair amount of hp, though.

>> No.3007082

I got the rance7-104.zip file. But I have no idea what to do with it. I'm getting the latest patch from yandere, But which one do i use it at? The file I stated above or the demo? My head is killing me.

>> No.3007086


Leaving Uesugi with only one territory eventually results in Kenshin getting raped which in turn means you can't get her for your army.

If it's just your first playthrough, I recommend letting Hojo get taken over by Takeda. You lose Ran and Soun, but (from what I've heard) neither of them are all that strong nor are they necessary unless you plan to do Ran's route. Which isn't available yet.

If you take over Uesugi, which gourd will that be? The third one? If that's the case, then you still have some freedom. After taking Uesugi, you can take Takeda down for your fourth gourd. They aren't too challenging if you take them down before the 4 generals come (3 turns). Additionally, you only have to conquer their orignal two territories to take over everything. After Takeda falls, you can take down Tanegashima and then fight Akashi.

After those three unavoidable losses against Akashi, they are extremely easy to defend against. Most of their units will be at a measly 50 troops. So you can safely take them down to their last territory and leave them there.

By now you should have all of the east taken over (except for One Eyed) and most of the west. Take down Mori, capture the officers you want (Be sure to take Teru, she's very useful). That makes your fifth gourd. Quickly finish off Akashi and whatever else you have left to take down. By now it should be cake since you have some really powerful units.

Don't forget about the reinforcements though.

>> No.3007107

So, how many gourds does it take until DA shows up? So far, Takeda just annexed Houjou, and I took Ashikaga, so I've lost 3 so far, and Uesugi declared war on me earlier, so that might be a 4th soon.

And please don't tell me that Takeda will declare war on me if I take over Uesugi.

>> No.3007118

download iso
mount iso
run patch

seriously, stop being stupid

>> No.3007122


That zip file is a patch for the main game. You need to find the iso and install that first, throw the 1.04 patch on, then throw the translation patch on. Both patches are applied by unzipping the files into the directory where you installed SR.


Nozomi's greatest strength lies in her moe-ness and...uh...well that's about it really. She's an okay officer for dungeon fights. But other then those two points, she's not that impressive.

And I don't think you have to be THAT quick with declaring war. I think it's safe to wait a turn before declaring war on them. I remember when I played through the first time, I conquered Tanegashima first, waited a turn and THEN started attacking Akashi.

Oh yeah. You can use those automatic losses when trying to character clear Senhime. While the points might not help just yet, clearing Senhime stops her from leaving your army if you don't fight with her.

>> No.3007128


5. Takeda will not attack after you take Uesugi.

>> No.3007147

They will, however, attack you, if you are too strong.

>> No.3007171

Takeda after Uesugi sounds pretty good. After that, Tanegashima then Akashi. But of Iga? Won't their gourd be taken away at the dated turn?

Are Hojo really not that awesome? Stat-wise, Souun seems too good to be true, and Ran is pretty good too.

>> No.3007200

> Are Hojo really not that awesome? Stat-wise, Souun seems too good to be true, and Ran is pretty good too.
Ran dies like a little bitch in a majority of routes. Soun is okay, but suffers from being a shikigami.
Hojo are only good for their route, otherwise all big houses have far better rewards for conquering.

>> No.3007211


The 5th gourd only breaks on turn 90 if you don't break it yourself. Plenty of time. You don't gain anything special like officers if you take over Iga.


explains the problems with Hojo's officers pretty well. I totally forgot about that fact about Ran. She dies no matter what if you don't play her route?

>> No.3007220

And is it just me going crazy, or is everything bolded in the OP post for every thread?

>> No.3007221

Souun is a solid unit, and his Souun's Summoning ability makes him a good bit more flexible offensively than most diviners. But diviners in general (with the exception of Omachi) are pretty low-tier. Also you can't have Ran permanently, except in her IF route, which is just as well since Ran is nothing special. The only other unique Houjou commander is Komatsu, who is ho-hum at best (although if you keep her in prison long enough you get the opportunity to violate her, which is quite enjoyable).

Contrast this with Uesugi, which gives you Kenshin - one of, if not the, best warrior units - and Ai, a very solid tactician.

The Takeda generals are intensely powerful, but you can only get one of the four (Sanada Tourin, the tactician) on the first game. The others don't become available until the second playthrough.

>> No.3007232

4chan was dying or something.. 4chan addon was going crazy too.
But now, suddenly, everything works fine.

>> No.3007235

moot probably broke something when he added the news thing

>> No.3007236

>The others don't become available until the second playthrough.
And even during the second walktrough, they are bitch to catch. Fucking amazing as a house bonus though. Easily my favourite one.

>> No.3007245


>> No.3007261

Is there any reason I am not getting the event where Rance and Katsuie see Ranmaru getting undressed? Not doing katsuie's char clear at all (true history route anyway) and I got the event where Rance sees ranmaru and Katsuie talking then I talked to her again after that event, waited a few turns, still nothing.

>> No.3007272

Ah, I see. I kinda forgot about troops proprieties.

Iga will be last for me then. I'll keep that in mind.

Do I at least get to H her before she dies though? I'll make a save to conquer Hojo just for that scene.

I'll save Hojo for my Ran route on the second game then. Speaking of One Eyed House, when is it a good time to try and conquer them? After the DA shows up?

>you keep her in prison long enough
Oh, did not know this. Are there any others that, if left long enough, H events will appear?

>> No.3007303

Fuck, Kou in armor is moe.

>> No.3007308

>Speaking of One Eyed House, when is it a good time to try and conquer them? After the DA shows up?
Any time you want, really. Just be prepared, they are quite strong.
But with them, Mouri and Uesugi you can pretty much steamroll the Demon army.

>> No.3007311


Yeah she is, but I wish she would've chosen a better unit to command. A foot unit that results in instant lose if it gets wiped out? No thanks man.

>> No.3007319

Rance isn't much better. The whole idea with them always dying is a royal pain in the ass.

>> No.3007343


Rance is a bushi unit though. He does great damage and normally heals all of the counterattack damage done to him. You just need a foot unit to guard him from being attacked.

On the other hand, Kou is meant to take hits for everyone, which is not good when that could easily lead to her being annihilated.

>> No.3007366

Just took over Miko Institute, and first power up for Rance here. What should I give him? Warrior attack 2, more troops, or status up?

>> No.3007370

I'd give him better stats, anything that is 6 or higher I'd put it in, since anything below that you could buff through items later if you wanted.

>> No.3007410

Sadly, he has nothing that's 6. ;_; Sorta wished I used that atk item to raise his atk to 6, then use this power up to raise his atk to 7.

Is warrior attack 2 any good?

>> No.3007419

>Is warrior attack 2 any good?
Not very useful in the early game, but by mid-end it's incredible.

>> No.3007426

In my opinion.. Not really. What are his stats? Cause as long as it's 5 or so I suppose that's fine as well. Could use another opinion on this though so I'm not the only one giving this tip or something.

>> No.3007443

If I leave Natori is prison for long enough, will H event occur? Or is that event for Komatsu?

>> No.3007453

You need warrior attack 2 for guard break.

>> No.3007474

5 4 5 4. I reloaded the fight with Mino, so I went back to raise his atk to 6 now. I'll raise it to 7 at the power up.

>> No.3007492

Just got Uruza, but where's her accurate shot thing? Is it a relationship bonus level up thing?

>> No.3007498

