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2997493 No.2997493 [Reply] [Original]

Do most /jp/ anons like strong females as a girlfriend because they themselves are afraid of making any moves? Having an ojou-sama or onee-sama archetype frees up the anon from the responsibility of being the man in the relationship.

>> No.2997503

I prefer a strong male to love me.

>> No.2997505

My girlfriend is 20 but look like 13.

>> No.2997507

One, saying most of /jp. likes these archetypes the most is false.
Secondly, since it's 2D, ane 'relationship/psyche analysis is useless.
Finally, even for 3d, pseudo-pshychological analysis from Anon for Anon is bullshit no matter what

>> No.2997506


>> No.2997522

I want a small, cute girlfriend so I won't feel intimidated around her. I do not enjoy being dominated or pigeonholed.

>> No.2997523
File: 36 KB, 575x470, shinji1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong females are scary.

>> No.2997535

I prefer a strong bulldog.

>> No.2997536
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Strong girls are totally uncute.

>> No.2997540

Strong Girls are hot. I don't feel right if a girl doesn't tell me what to do.

>> No.2997541
File: 8 KB, 294x400, www.public.asu.edu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous wants to fuck his mother. You act like this is something new.

>> No.2997552

I prefer a cute and passive waifu that depends on me.

Ojou-sama is not moe at all.

>> No.2997554

Strong... Good.
Tsundere... BAD.
Yandere... Maybe.

>> No.2997557

I would if she looked like she did in her childhood photos.

>> No.2997561

A weak, cold girl is the best. You have no taste.

>> No.2997564

I wouldn't mind a strong girlfriend, Actually we would compliment each other well.

Me being the brains, she has the voice.

>> No.2997568

Aeka would be the perfect waifu if she hadn't been such a slut.

>> No.2997566

Yes, actually, that's a pretty big reason for me liking them. Well, that, and the fact that I like being dominated and bossed around by a hot girl.

>> No.2997573

I actually had such a 'strong female' approach me. Now that I think about it, it was probably the only reason I ever had a girlfriend because I wouldn't have the guts to ask one out myself.

Anyway, such females are very manipulative and self-centered. While I don't regret the experience (because I'm wiser for it), I wouldn't recommend it in general.

>> No.2997577

i like a strong girlfriend because i like it when she hits me back after i hit her

>> No.2997586

That is why you have to be sharp on the situation, you have to know her weaknesses as well

Whoever loves less has strength in the relationship; Emotions cloud one's judgment.

>> No.2997587

>had one experience with a "strong female"
>applying his judgment of said strong female to every other strong female
cool logic bro.

>> No.2997588

>themselves are afraid of making any moves

What is wrong with having a pure relationship?

>> No.2997590

I like a strong girlfriend because I'm a housewife type of guy. Cooking, cleaning, I fucking love it. There's no feeling better than supporting another girl to be the best she can be. Giving her massages when she comes back from taking a test, or if she had a hard day at work. It's the best.

>> No.2997594

I prefer the lovable but bitchy student council president.

>> No.2997596

Strength is power.
Power corrupts.
Corrupt people are self-centered.
Therefore, strong people are self-centered.
Women are people.
Therefore, strong women are self-centered.

>> No.2997602
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i think strong waifu is a pretty strong waifu. eh carries giant axe, doesn't talk much, obeys, and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.2997604

Wouldn't a weak girlfriend do all those things, while a strong one would be out trying to make political connections through sex?

>> No.2997609

I don't want a girlfriend to do those things. I want a girlfriend to do those things to.

>> No.2997612
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My gf is the strong type. Mostly uncute, scary, and often bad-tempered (bitchy). Perfectionist, cunning and manipulative person with emotional issues... That's predictable sometimes so I've learned to manipulate a lot of situations too.

She makes me happy.

>> No.2997620

I don't look for my mother in love interests, unlike some of you guys. One of the earlier posters put it best:
>I do not enjoy being dominated or pigeonholed.

>> No.2997621

>She makes me happy.

>> No.2997629
File: 18 KB, 225x250, com-grip-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ anon girlfriends
0-1 - weak girlfriend
2+ - strong girlfriend

>> No.2997636

So if you are willing to be someone's bitch, you can get plenty of girlfriends? Makes sense, but is it really worth it?

>> No.2997645

I don't mind who I end up with, as long as they're flat chested.

>> No.2997648

I didn't really have a "strong" girlfriend, more like a very independent one. She seemed really ambitious and such but inside she was kind of messed up due to a rather checkered past and wanted someone to emotionally depend on (plus she was Korean, might have affected things some). So once the relationship started instead of having the strong girlfriend I expected she was a bit smothering and as some have noted, manipulative. I'm the type of person that likes my space so eventually I just axed it.

I think that most people on /jp/ (excluding the trolling summerfags), no matter how bad they think of themselves, are fairly decent people and can eventually find a girlfriend. So I'm not necessarily saying the strong type is bad, but what I've ultimately learned through the whole thing is if you're a bit timid about things you shouldn't just "give in" to the strong girl's advances, and instead be very aware of your own wants and desires in a relationship. I had thought that things would work out but in retrospect it was because she approached me so strongly and I had settled instead of carefully thinking it through.

>> No.2997653

I want someone to dominate me. So yes.

>> No.2997659

I always favor the Rei type characters in any media, I guess that says a lot about me. Second choice would be genki Nono or Nodame type characters. Bitches (tsunderes) can go die.

>> No.2997665

I'd prefer to be dominant, actually.

>> No.2997673
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Perfect gf/waifu.
She is a strong individual, not some passive, mindless doll that does whatever you tell her to do. Still, manages to be extremely cute and lovable without going uguu~~.

She always tells you what's on her mind whether you like it or not, but that's because she cares for you and wants to do what's best for you, even when you think otherwise.
Even though she smacks people that piss her off left and right she's always nice to you and shows you her defenseless and vulnerable side.

I got bored of the one-dimensional tsundere/yandere/etc archetypes that behave the exact same way in every VN just with a different face. We need more characters that behave a bit more like a human instead of trying to fit into some stereotypical role.

>> No.2997674

stop fuckin with us

r u babboon
http://www.AnouTalk.com/ (Anou = Anon)
> hcett iy

>> No.2997676

I like the older type for similar reasons to why I like the tsundere type. The tsundere type has the barrier that has to be crossed or broken before getting to the girl.

The older type can be the independent type which means a different barrier has to be broken. The barrier of whether or not an older women should care about a younger man. Or, whether or not the younger man can work hard enough to be worthy.

It's these gaps that make them appealing to me.

>> No.2997679

that shouldn't be too hard

>> No.2997681

stop fuckin with us

http://www.AnouTalk.com/ (Anou = Anon)
> gg c hti cbrfrfcrdfcggub 2 cyh 5i h5cehdy3dt

>> No.2997688

This anon may be an odd case, but I have no such motives, I simply love antitheses. For that reason, I like small and cute, yet smart and powerful girls, e.g. eternal lolis.

>> No.2997696

Tsundere characters are so fucking awful. Most of them don't even have a reason to act that way, they're just selfish cunts. Fuck you all for liking women like that.

>> No.2997734

Yes, I want to be that boy in that picture.

GOD, I want to be the little boy.

>> No.2997736

I don't know if I've ever met a strong girl.
I thought I had, but in the end she turned out to be quite fragile, seems to me like she was putting on mask after all.
Anyway, I fell in love with her, but only told her when I was sure I wouldn't see her again.

>> No.2997741

stop fuckin with us

op shud go an hero nao
http://www.AnouTalk.com/ (Anou = Anon)
> i rfdb iy 3fwxb

>> No.2997747

Depens on what you intend as "strong".
For me a strong female lead is a woman who's got determination and style, not necessarily tsundere, Erica from Tsuyokiss is a perfect example of that, even a moe stereotype can be a strong woman, like Sakurako in Flyable Hearts.
The good part about them being strong is that you know that you can depend on them as much as they can depend on you, an equal relationship you might say.

>> No.2997752
File: 91 KB, 800x600, f3d0cf8643272fa6d331968b597e3af7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely love onee-sans, ojou-samas, girls who could kick my ass, etc.
I don't know why, but the idea of them pinning me down and taking my virginity by force makes my penis harder than tender love ever could.
Also yes, I would be completely useless at ever approaching a woman. I want them to overpower me, not the opposite.

>> No.2997756

>The good part about them being strong is that you know that you can depend on them as much as they can depend on you, an equal relationship you might say.

It depresses me to no end that women are simply so generally inferior that we have to think up a special "type" that is capable of fully equal relationships with men.

>> No.2997760


>> No.2997765

Well, seems like I can't type anymore.
>putting on a mask after all.

>> No.2997779

I like bokukko who only show their feminine side to me. Does that count?

>> No.2997781

Onee-type: Ditches you for a stronger male.
Imouto-type: Ditches you for a stronger male.

>> No.2997782

Shirou isn't really a little boy.

>> No.2997786

>We need more characters that behave a bit more like a human
>posting a picture of Tomoyo
Oh you.

>> No.2997789

Whatever, I want to be that guy.

>> No.2997813
File: 295 KB, 1000x652, 1247703031134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a strong, knightly onee-sama as a wife. She would boss me around but protect me whenever I get into trouble and scold me lovingly.
