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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 35 KB, 385x584, 3896991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2994958 No.2994958 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2994977

Is that the guy who made the original Ransmirk or something?

>> No.2994992

It says he uploaded it Coolier a few years ago. Who knows though.

The Ransmirk mystery will never be solved!

>> No.2994995


>> No.2995005

He uploaded it when he realized it was being edited here. I can even say that in red.

>> No.2995016

He also sucks at drawing.

>> No.2995014

I like how he favorited the Touhousmirk image

>> No.2995045

He was pretty shocked by it.

>> No.2995064

so... since we have no confirmation on that, I suggest we make of this a Pixiv general thread. just post some Pixiv artists.


>> No.2995119

that's boring.

how about posting some deviantartists?

>> No.2995131

What the hell?

>> No.2995132

Confirmation on what?

>> No.2995149

Whether or not the guy on OP post was really behind Ransmirk.

>> No.2995164


>> No.2995198

I visited some pixiv artists that made me do an mspaint reaction face. I try to forget them so as to prolong my eye's life.

Usually involves exaggerated parts of human anatomy commonly found in the chest and/or crotch region sometimes involving bodily fluids/matter usually including but not limited to feces, sweat, blood, and/or cum. Not limited to a single person. May also involve animals, otherworldly and/or mythical creatures.

>> No.2995211

Now I'm interested.

>> No.2995227


Oh, so he is the original creator!

Mystery solved then.

>> No.2995234


>> No.2995335

Now is the time for you to post it.

>> No.2995366

Ask /d/, I don't bookmark those shit.

I was just browsing along then "oh hay, this pic is cute" the get linked to the artist, when I look at his gallery "holy shit is that a shadow tentacle dog raping that giantess pussy-tits?". Not really something I get off on.

Alternatively, try random-browsing pixiv, chances of you running into one of their pages is around 10% or so.

>> No.2995401

considering the pixiv tag system is worthless, random browsing from redirects is the only way to find good shit on Pixiv

>> No.2995520

I rarely found something good.

>> No.2995549

That's usually how I start.
If it's a good artist, they usually have good taste. I like going through what they've added by other artists.
You can find some nice lesser-known stuff that way.

>> No.2995555

You know, after that whole editing deal the ransmirk fad died, very few people even bothered using the different versions in fact.

>> No.2995552

I just wait for images to be ported over to Danbooru and browse them there.

>> No.2995560

In the end, there's only one ransmirk.

>> No.2995570
File: 268 KB, 1250x1425, chensmirk, final - 1245261765399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, there are some truly awful smirk edits. I wouldn't want to use any of those.

I remember a frightening Mikusmirk made about a month ago or so.

>> No.2995577

You don't have a danbooru account?
I didn't know there were still people like you in this world.

>> No.2995585

Get a free account bro.

>> No.2995587

Enjoy seeing nothing.

>> No.2995593

Then ones by KoG suck.

>> No.2995594

I enjoy actually being able to do proper searches, for one thing (something your precious anisearch always fucks up: search for a girl with a common first or last name) and I never get yukkuris, so yeah.

>> No.2995621


You're doing it wrong. You have to pay for a premium account to see the religious shit. If ya know what I'm implying, ar har har har har.

>> No.2995640

Oh, I thought you were talking about topology there.

>> No.2995648


by suck their cocks massively, you mean donate, don't you?

>> No.2995649

Or you can just, you know, use the greasemonkey script to see your lolis with a normal account.

But I guess paying for it is fine too if you're an idiot.

>> No.2995650

That or post a hundred images, a truly terrible thought.

>> No.2995651

I just use this: notfourchan.net/dtabooru/
Works pretty well. Haven't see any yukkuri.

>> No.2995659

So I go to this page expecting loli, right? And I'm greeted by the site of Keine, naked, horny, and full of milk.

>> No.2995678

Well, if you really wanted to, you can search for the loli. Otherwise, it's just danbooru, but without the other stuff. You're still restricted to two tags though.

>> No.2995681

Isn't that....ok?

>> No.2995697

Just unexpected. "notfourchan" threw me off.

>> No.2995709

I actually used that script, but it didn't work so hot when looking for shota for some reason.

>> No.2995718

It's not your fault, fags will never learn that the not4chan joke has been dead for more than 3 years.

>> No.2995751

Only faggots like shota

>> No.2995758

Yes, homosexuals are gay.

>> No.2995776

Are you retarded?

>> No.2995789

Don't knock it until you try it!

>> No.2995877

Nope, it's gay

>> No.2995911

Well, I hope you only use lesbian porn lest the sight of a penis will burn out your retinas.

>> No.2995982

That's completely different

>> No.2995987

No, it isn't. Enjoy your small selection of porn, stupid Anon.

>> No.2995995

Dude, you're talking about shota porn, what the fuck is going on with you?

>> No.2996016

What of it, stupid Anon? Shota by their nature are very girlish so it's quite gentle on the eyes, stupid Anon. Also, you're forgetting the fact that there's also straight shota which is basically normal porn, but with at least one young male, stupid Anon. Stop being stupid, stupid Anon.

>> No.2996036

Y-you're the one who's stupid!!

>> No.2996039

No, you are, stupid Anon.

>> No.2996040

Just for the record, this anon is not me.

>> No.2996055

I don't care, stupid Anon. As long as you're Anonymous and you're posting in this thread, I shall call you stupid, stupid Anon.

Don't worry about it, stupid Anon. I'm about to go to sleep and it's just a stupid whim, stupid Anon.

>> No.2996071

ITT: Attention whores saging each other in an attempt to "insult" with blue text

>> No.2996075

The person who calls another person stupid is the stupid one

>> No.2996105

So tsundere

>> No.2996200

Isn't that calling him stupid, thus making you both stupid?

>> No.2996234

Pretty sure most of the "saging" in here isn't meant as an insult.

>> No.2996375

Well of all the boards in 4chan, /jp/ users are the ones who know what its for.

>> No.2996462

That was like 6 months ago.

>> No.2996471


>> No.2996479

Well, it's because the original concept actually works on /jp/, considering that we are pretty slow board.

>> No.2997194


>> No.2999058

Define original concept

>> No.2999138
File: 255 KB, 1250x1425, updated yuyukosmirk - 1245262070026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2999182

Those filenames...who are you?

>> No.2999947
File: 655 KB, 2048x1517, Touhousmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking forward to seeing more sleeved characters in UFO.

>> No.3000364

You know, that is really the one how made ransmirk.

>> No.3000399

this thread survived?

what are we even discussing here?

>> No.3000419
File: 182 KB, 500x500, etrian odyssey, gunner - 1230796353879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some anonymous poster. ┐(´ー`)┌

I've never used a tripcode, so I don't have a 4chan identity.

>> No.3000426

Whatever the hell you want

>> No.3000430

Tripcodes are shit, it's you personality that identifies you, and I've seen you before.

>> No.3000460

Whether OP guy is really the one that made ransmirk.

>> No.3000605

Well, I do post relatively often here when I'm feeling too lazy to draw or do other things.

So you'll probably see me again and again, but whatever.

>> No.3001728
File: 25 KB, 587x291, Tori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3001755

The red truth

>> No.3002318

I guess this is enough proof
