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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2987102 No.2987102 [Reply] [Original]

A Chinese writer writing that “the Japanese woman we know is a thing of the past” has unexpectedly been hailed by 2ch as possessing an accurate grasp of the state of the nation’s womanhood.
A perfect life is said to be “an English house, an American salary, a Chinese cook and a Japanese wife.” Probably the whole world thinks of Japanese women as meek and obedient.
What we see in movies shows them making breakfast for their husbands, getting his clothes ready, taking care of the kids, doing housework, and greeting the husband on his return with supper and a bath.
I asked a Japanese friend about this. He laughed and said “That’s the past.”
I heard a relevant story about this; a romance between a Chinese man living in Japan and a Japanese doctor ended in marriage.
After they married, the doctor never once used her money on household expenses, everything was paid for out of the man’s earnings. Later, when the economy weakened, the man lost his job and his wife told him “As you can’t fulfil your responsibility as a man, we can’t go on living together.” She divorced him.
I was surprised when I heard this. It seems Japanese women think a man with no job is utterly worthless. They seem cruel and heartless.

>> No.2987105

He goes on to talk about the bizarre behaviour of Japan’s “gal” subculture, saying a visitor to their haunts might think they had stepped into another world.
Fortunately for what remains of his image of Japanese womanhood, he seems not to have heard about the vast numbers of Japanese girls engaged in casual prostitution, else he might truly despair…
Coming from a Chinese person, it might be thought that the immediate response of 2ch would be to tell him to go back to eating cats and Tibetans, but this seems not to be the case, as the responses overwhelmingly agree with him:
“He’s really hit the nail on the head.”
“Well, they are still preferable to Chinese women…”
“Exactly. There’s no way to dispute this.”
“This is probably written by a Japanese.”
“I can’t dispute any of this.”
“What about Chinese women? At least the Japanese ones won’t marry you then kill you.”
“He finally discovered reality.”
“With all the sex in shoujo manga and the sex tips in teen magazines, and with ‘keitai novels’ being nothing but sex, it’s obvious women will turn into bitches when surrounded by it all. Instead of banning loli they might want to try banning those.”
“I don’t know about the past, but he certainly knows about the present.”
“We don’t want to be told this by the Chinese!”
“The truth is worse. 90% of Japanese women are prostitutes…”
“This is correct. The ‘Yamato Nadeshiko’ has fallen…”
“This thread is going to be long…”


>> No.2987116

What's so special about the houses in England?

>> No.2987137

Go away.

>> No.2987143

lol sankaku

>> No.2987148


They are not made of wood

>> No.2987156

moar like shitkaku

>> No.2987158

Wow, delivering Sankakucomplex's old news right to our doorstop? Thanks man!

>> No.2987171


If you'll pardon my newfag, what's wrong with Sanaku Complex?

Granted, I've only seen a few pages, but it seems like a pretty average otaku (derogatory sense) website.

>> No.2987199

I've seen nothing wrong with sankaku. But apparently there is this hateful relationship between here and there. Not sure why.

>> No.2987206

Hi, welcome to /jp/.

>> No.2987216

>what's wrong with Sanaku Complex
>otaku website

Answered your own question.

>> No.2987217
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we all know which waifu is best anyway

>> No.2987220


Wouldn't this be more like... a generational thing? I doubt its just japan with these problems.

>> No.2987234
File: 28 KB, 121x180, 1246071034917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese are the scum of the earth

>> No.2987270

shitkaku has a lower power level than /jp/

Also it's kind of like psychological projection. We hate sankaku because it represents the worst in us.

>> No.2987279

Meek subservient japanese girls are a thing of the past. And that's good, imagine to be one of them, basically a lifelong slave to some guy that cheats around and doesn't really care for you.
This doesn't mean that all the modern women are bitches obsessed with money and good looks. They too feel the pressures of a modern society that demands to be both a pure virgin and a slut.
What I'm saying is that such a description can't cover the whole population, only the loud, representative part. With only a small sample of experiences, it's not surprising that most agree with this view. But personally I find it naive.

One story of one woman being a manipulative bitch doesn't mean everyone fits into this new stereotype. So, as usual, I call bullshit on sankaku for being the otaku version of a tabloid.

>> No.2987292

I see it as /jp/ and Sankaku being about the same thing, except more touhou here, and more 'everything else' over there. The dick waving contest is just a given.

>> No.2987290

Why do you say sankaku sucks and then tell me that this is really old sankaku news. How the fuck do you know this is old sankaku article if you purportedly hate it and presumably don't visit it?

>> No.2987301

Well, there's a link in the second post.

>> No.2987324

So you want to know why we hate sankaku?
It's superficial, nothing but cheap attempts at steering visitors and hits with ero images and tabloid headlines. It's meaningless, nothing but a commentary made by low-level idiots that have mangled plenty of news on the way.
And what do they attract? The lowest of the low, comments praising their every step and action.

Focusing on reporting only the most vain and distorted news from Japan, they give an image that couldn't be farther from the truth. No need to go too far, just compare their coverage of the eroge restrictions with other sites and you will see the deliberate instigation and misrepresentation of the news.

As the people that tend to go for that kind of site are not welcomed here, we don't receive links kindly. So find new sources and I suggest you move on from that shameful blog.

>> No.2987335

>Women “Cruel & Heartless”

>> No.2987367

>Humans "Cruel & Heartless"

>> No.2987381

>Reality "Cruel & Heartless"
Fixed again.

>> No.2987399

>Reality "Reality"


>> No.2987484


>Also it's kind of like psychological projection. We hate sankaku because it represents the worst in us.

This. Absolutely this.

I think that this goes for quite a lot of the things that are hated on 4chan.

>> No.2987514

Women are jerks, and yet we give more power to them year by year. Why would you give jerks power?

>> No.2987520

Any link to the 2ch thread?

>> No.2987576

For those of you asking, /jp/'s problem with sankaku complex is that it's a tabloid that churns out sensational crap (or at least that's my problem with it). Not that I don't read it from time to time, but it's still just crude, unintelligent entertainment.

>> No.2987613

that somehow describes 60% of the female populace of the WORLD.
The Chinese writer is just a pussy who couldnt keep his bitch in the kitchen.

>> No.2987631

>that somehow describes 99% of the female populace of the WORLD.


>> No.2987639



>> No.2987674

Great job. Now you're going to get the man-hating feminists crying about misogyny and their internet white knight supporters in here.

I'm out.

>> No.2987684

than what are you doing on a board where wannabe-ikaruga game kiddies are ?

>> No.2988025


I do agree with this. I visit sankaku, but I love their polls percentages of "80% of Japanese women don't want poor men". Although I don't blame them, they do make it sound far worse than it is. Plus, as with ANY statistic, its never going to be perfect. And their statistics usually taken from Japanese sites, tend to range no more than 1000 or so participants, SURELY REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COUNTRY AS A WHOLE.
