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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2982780 No.2982780 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone on /jp/ believe in otaku pride?

>> No.2982793

Otaku have no pride.

>> No.2982789

There is nothing to be proud about.

>> No.2982794

No. Either you take it in moderation or you are an otaku.

>> No.2982807

People who like anime are far too low-level to ever be considered otaku.

>> No.2982808

I fucking hate kids that act like that. Weeaboo activities are a shameful hobby. Back in my day we anime fans just kept it to ourselves and nerded out in private in at hour houses and dorms. We don't bring this shit to school or in public.

>> No.2982818

My MOM is more otaku than half the kids that consider themselves otaku these days. At least she reads untranslated light novels.

>> No.2982825

I find sports shameful and lots of faggots are proud of that.

>> No.2982830

This really doesn't affect his point at all.

>> No.2982836


My mom reads yaoi doujins my cousin buys from comiket. My cousin used to live with us and when my mom was cleaning her room she found all these yaoi doujins and started reading them.

>> No.2982838

I don't parade my hobbies out in public but I'm not ashamed of them either. Only normalfags care if people hate them for liking anime or whatever.

>> No.2982840

There is no pride to be had in weeaboo.

>> No.2982843

I apologize, I'm high. It sort of made sense when I typed it in.

>> No.2982865

I don't mind if people know I'm into anime and shit like that but I don't make it a point to let people know. I really hate it when I have some friends that I can talk Touhou with that have IOSYS as their ringtone or custom Tshirts with Reimu on them.

>> No.2982873
File: 64 KB, 692x519, marimite_shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Offical /jp/ shirt.

>> No.2982899

wtf is wrong with your moms?

>> No.2982919


Eh my mom was a fujoshi before she discovered yaoi doujins. She used to read smutty gay romance novels when she was a highschool student in Hong Kong.

>> No.2982930

It's sort of odd not that she read them, but more that she told you she had...

>> No.2982942


Well I still have a pretty good relationship with my parents. I still talk to her every night at dinner. The topic kinda came up when I left my browser at shoujoai.com and she went in my room and saw. She said it was ok since she read gay romance stories when she was younger as well.

>> No.2982970

I bought Do-re-mi keyholders and my mother found them cute. She's ok i like to watch cartoons being 22 y old.
Other relatives found it weird, but they never said anything except that they think i will marry a japanese girl someday.

...they are so innocent.

>> No.2982992

> they think i will marry a japanese girl someday
Ah, my grandfather also thought that when I began studying Japanese. Luckily, he is not alive to see the failure of a person I am now.

>> No.2982999

My dad screams at me to get a job and to stop watching cartoons...why do other anons have such understanding parents?

>> No.2983001

>>2982942The topic kinda came up when I left my browser at shoujoai.com and she went in my room and saw.

What is wrong with you people.

>> No.2983018

I want it ;_;

>> No.2983022

Meh, I don't particularly take pride in being one, it's just a hobby.

Also, yay for understanding parents who don't mind if I watch anime / read manga / play VNs / go to conventions / etcetc often. I do well in college and work anyway.

>> No.2983027

close friends know, public does not.
i am a mechanic and a regular shit shovler of society, i will continue to fap in private and not have sex with 3dpigdisgusting

>> No.2983030
File: 41 KB, 600x399, Toot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Guilty Have No Pride.

>> No.2983034

I don't advertise the fact that I like playing VN's and watching moe moe anime but I don't particularly care if people know. If I am ashamed of who I am then I would be a sorry excuse for a human being.

>> No.2983039

I don't watch anime or play VNs (obviously) anywhere my family could see otherwise they'd probably be ashamed of me. Have you tried this method?

>> No.2983043

My mother is very proud of me for learning Japanese. She thinks I'm very clever. I'd be mortified if she ever discovered that I've been learning it to play cartoon porn games where everyone has huge eyes and colourful hair.

>> No.2983050

I'm a geek supremacist, but, I'm not sure that's quite the same thing. It's close though.

>> No.2983076

I generally don't talk to people about the porn games I beat off to or the VNs or anime I enjoy. Usually I just pretend to know what the hell they're talking about when they talk football or about Lost or Heroes or whatever stupid bullshit is on TV these days.

>> No.2983218
File: 66 KB, 468x427, Marmiteashes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd buy a t-shirt with this on it.

>> No.2983250

I try not to talk about anime in public.

>> No.2983320

weeaboo and otaku are two different things.

But I live alone.
