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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2978039 No.2978039 [Reply] [Original]

My name is Brian Moncur Jensen. I'm 22 years old. I live in NYC(Manhattan), and my favorite director is Andrei Tarkovsky. My other favorite director is Stanley Kubrick, who was born in the Bronx. Lucky us. I'm also a big fan of Martin Scorsese, Ingmar Bergman, and Terrence Malick. And I'm a hardcore fan of Evangelion :)

My top 10 greatest animes of all time:

1. Neon Genesis: Evangelion/End Of Evangelion- 10/10
2. Grave Of The Fireflies- 10/10
3. Cowboy Bebop- 9.5/10
4. Spirited Away- 9/10
5. Princess Mononoke- 9/10
6. Akira- 9/10
7. Haibane Renmei(2002)- 9/10
8. Serial Experiments Lain- 9/10
9. Jin-Ro: The Wolf Brigade- 9/10
10. Shigurui(2007)- 8.5/10

This is my blog where I mostly write film reviews. I may also write something on a piece of literature, or a sporting event.
Please check it out. http://bmjreviews.blogspot.com/

>> No.2978051


>> No.2978055


>> No.2978077

Way too casual. Do not want.

>> No.2978081

What are your favorite visual novels, Brian-san?

>> No.2978095


>> No.2978091

NGE seems about right. Cowboy Bebop doesn't deserve to be on that list.
Probably the same as you, Umineko.

>> No.2978097

>Cowboy Bebop doesn't deserve to be on that list.
Congratulations, you actually made me rage, unlike OP who's an obvious troll.

I hope you die.

>> No.2978099

Bebop is a great show. Yeah, it's mainstream as fuck, but none the less a great show.

>> No.2978116

Sorry for the troll. Just figured I could do a better job than OP.

>> No.2978124

I'd give Cowboy Bepob a score of 8/10 (Japan agreed).

Ah what the hell, I'll give it an 8.25/10.

>> No.2978127

Finally! Someone i can see eye to eye with!

What do you think about Hideki, Sakura-chan?
I think Anno is one of the all time great artists of the 20th century. Sure, he might only be great at doing one thing. But that's because it's very personal to him, and he intends to burn more of his feelings on film. "Evangelion" is easily the greatest anime of all time, and it is one of the most transcending animes ever created. And it is probably the greatest expression of art ever created. No other piece of art has ever made me analyze myself, nor express who I truly am. It didn't really change my life, but it has made me look at life in a very different way. I don't even think I'm the same person at this point.

>> No.2978128

A person of your low power level might find /a/ to be a more fitting place.

>> No.2978133

kakkoi monogatari aniki.

>> No.2978138

What do you think of Gunbuster

>> No.2978143
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>>What do you think about Hideki
He's ok.

>> No.2978144

Supah Kooru Monogatari, Aniki!

>> No.2978159
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>> No.2978167


Whats that?
Ive never heard of it.
Its probably not as good as the ones on my top ten greatest list though.
I try to expose myself to only the greats because i dont really have time to watch every anime ever made (although i WISH i did! LOL).

>> No.2978196


>> No.2978202


>> No.2978204

If you don't know what Gunbuster is I don't think you can rightly call yourself an Anno fan.

>> No.2978205

I don't understand what's to rage about. His list is actually pretty good for a casual animu fan. Well, besides the Evangelion trolling and blogging, of course. But that's low level trolling that's old as dirt. Also, Cowboy Bebop is on par with any Scorsese film, and deserves a place in every top 10 list.

>> No.2978210

Why don't you stick to your thread on /a/. It's got more replies.

>> No.2978232

Only one guy "raged." And I don't see how putting Eva at number one is trolling. It is one of the best anime of all time so for people who haven't watched very many it could easily be their favorite.

>> No.2978236


Nah, i like it here.
The people in /a/ are a$$holes.

>> No.2978239

Putting aside the fact that making lists is a faggotry in itself, the list isn't that bad.

>> No.2978244

Eva is a postmodern wankfest which happened to have above average directing for the genre. Gurren Lagann and Giant Robo are as good or better, and have purer intentions.

>> No.2978252

Back to /a/ or /m/ with you. Gurren Lagann is shit tier.

>> No.2978255

The only show I've watched in completion on that list is NGE, so the only way I could see it as a troll is if you hate NGE.

>> No.2978257

If you say so bro. I just hope you aren't the same guy who said Cowboy Bebop "deserves a place in every top 10 list."

>> No.2978268


Same friend. You /a/dult swim playlist has no place here bro.

>> No.2978287

>I don't see how putting Eva at number one is trolling.

You should.

That's the point. He's naming great directors as his favourites. Apart from the usual casualfaggotry, he's naming good anime, too (Haibane, Jin-Roh, Shigurui...).

And then he's putting Evangelion above all of it.

Master troll.

>> No.2978289

Terrance Mallick......who? If you're trying to come off as some high brow bro then pick a better director

>> No.2978295

The only shows on there that aired on adult swim are Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop. And both of those are considered to among the greatest by Japanese and western fans alike.

>> No.2978297

>He's disagreeing with my opinion

>Master troll.

>> No.2978306

I find it funny how you're pretending to not realize that my opinion is shared by a vast majority of anime fans, at least here on 4chan.

>> No.2978320

>>Citation required.

>> No.2978326

Why do so many people like NGE after watching it? I'll admit, I liked it a lot when I watched it, I tend to get absorbed into any show I watch. But it didn't leave any meaningful impression besides it was pretty cool for the time, and it was pretty fucked up. I think Gainax's later series like GL is much better.

>> No.2978328

The vast majority of anime fans also enjoy Naruto. Really, Evangelion certainly should enjoy some credit for its revolutionary directing, animation, and characterization. But it also deserves a lot of flack for putting in all kinds of religious symbolism intentionally meant to confuse, and just being a masturbatory postmodern clusterfuck in general. It's the Waking Life of anime. If you don't expect something like that to be bitterly debated, you're delusional.

>> No.2978330

Personally my favourite thing about Evangelion is the characters.

>> No.2978334

I have to pretty much agree with this guy. It was pretty cool at the time, but besides that, it has few redeeming features.

>> No.2978340

I mean, the characters were alright, but what good is that without a good story to utilize them, without the limelight cast upon then, a plot to develop them, a great show to showcase them?

>> No.2978348

At least he did something right in putting EVA above Cowboy Bebop.
I never understand what is so great about Cowboy Bebop? Is it because it is one of the first few anime broadcasted to the west?
Good music, a few interesting episodes but clearly not a masterpiece. All style and little substance.

>> No.2978351

I said that was my favourite thing, not that everything else was shit. The plot was decent, you can argue about pointless symbolism or whatever you want. The directing was quite good, and the animation was pretty good for it's time as well. (Even if that did mean minute long scenes of nothing.)

Watching something like Gurren Lagann, its alright as a Shounen Super Robot show, but there isn't really any depth to any of the characters, nothing about the show really stands out to me.

But again, its all pretty subjective.

>> No.2978353

Yeah, but watch it for style, aesthetics and feel, and its pretty good. I'll agree though, its not really "wholesome." Definitely not something worth watching a whole series for. EVA on the other hand tries to shortcut being deep without having any actual depth. Just shit loads of red herrings to make you think it does.

>> No.2978359
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Posted this elsewhere before, now reposting as its relevant to this thread:

I'll give my two cents on Evangelion. When I first started watching it, I was interested because it had high production values, cool looking mecha designs and I had heard the name before (though I wasn't aware of the controversy surrounding it at the time).

And for the first half of the show, I was relatively happy with it. The show had some serious flaws - generic, monster of the week storyline and really, really unsympathetic main characters in a story where sympathizing with the heroes is of some actual importance (thanks to loltang).

Shinji came off to me as an angsty emo hiding behind flimsy freudian justifications for his indecisive cowardice, Rei struck me as both unnerving and tailor-made for fetishization by the creepy moe otaku crowd, and Asuka was the quintessential amalgamation of unlikable PMS and RAGE female character.

But it was because the show possessed these flaws that I kept watching it, strangely enough (think about the CODEGEASSCODEGEASS business and you'll understand what I mean). I wanted to see how Shinji would man up and take control of his own destiny, as well as what was masterminding the Angels and the ultimate end of the plot.

This, of course; is why I came to strongly dislike the show. The last couple episodes completely undid any character development that anyone in the cast received over the majority of the series, rendering 2/3 of all the episodes pointless. Furthermore, we didn't even get a real expalanation as to what was going on with the Angels (lol suppplementary material covering plotholes) or their origins. But most insulting of all was Shinji's final line. I seriously believe Anno's face as he decided to end the series with "and to all the children, CONGRATULATIONS (on being trolled into watching this)" looked like this. Pic related.

>> No.2978361


>Why do so many people like NGE after watching it?

If you're a teenager with low self-esteem, the show strikes just the right chords with you. That's also the age when you're most likely to first see it. Then you grow up.

>The vast majority of anime fans also enjoy Naruto.

On 4chan? Really? Last time I checked, even the current /a/ hates it.

But apart from that, yeah, what you said.

>> No.2978367


What's wrong with episodic content?

>> No.2978369

>Saying that Evangelion is anything other than "all style and little substance."

I laughed.

>> No.2978372

Anno was probably trolling with the last 2episodes.
After watching EoE, it actually make a lot of sense and explain all the earlier plot.

>> No.2978373

I never understood Cowboy Bebop's popularity either. I tried watching it a few months ago because it's commonly mentioned as being quite good, but could only make it to about episode 15 before dropping it.

As for Evangelion, I feel the movies are doing a much better job, and the second one looks quite good.

>> No.2978376


>Last time I checked, even the current /a/ hates it.

What time zone are you?

>> No.2978382

I'm a ZUN !bar expert (no need to put it into the name field because I'm that good) and Zun !bar's number one anime is legend of the galactic heroes he is also partial to monster, in case anyone wanted to know.

Do not challenge my ZUN !bar expertise, for you will certainly be proven wrong.

>> No.2978386

Yes, but everything besides the superficialities, the false symbolism stuff, the animation, and to some extent the directing, is not really deserving of a 10/10. I think theres more depth to GL characters than the pretty 2D angsty teen characters of EVA. Theres the illusion of depth, because they don't spell it out to you in EVA, so it seems like you have to look beyond to see the true character. But once thats done, those characters are actually much flatter than those in other shows. Whats great about GL is its a super shonen robot show that isn't just a super shonen robot show. Its much more well rounded, and doesn't have significant fatal flaws or fuck ups. The things complained about it are actually quite minor.

>> No.2978391


Episode 4

>> No.2978394

Take out the episodic content and you still never miss any plot and story.

Isn't it better then to just make a 2hour masterpiece movie with more budget and more style?

>> No.2978393

>3. Cowboy Bebop- 9.5/10


>> No.2978392

My major issue with Gurren Lagann were the time skips. You can say whatever you want, but I cannot stand shows that skip ahead years in the future. Also, I do agree that Evangelion doesn't deserve a 10/10, but I also believe it should be rather highly rated.

>> No.2978402

You got me, the timeskip bothers me too. But they did a pretty good job of pulling themselves out of a situation that would be fatal for most shows in my opinion.

>> No.2978406

uncanny. this post almost perfectly sums up my feelings about NGE.

>> No.2978408

Isn't that what they're doing?

>> No.2978409

Imagine an otaku reference anime, but then imagine that all of the references are to jazz and classic movies, and you have Cowboy Bebop. Every time I watch it I catch new references, whether it's a shot taken from a Kubrick or Scorsese film, or the Woody Album cameo in Heavy Metal Queen, or Kanno quoting Pink Floyd in the episode Pierrot le Fou, also referencing the french movie. The direction is like bebop improvisation, starting with a basic theme and then improvising on it, taking it to all sorts of places while quoting previous works. It's fucking magic.

>> No.2978412

Yea. The show in recent memory I saw that pulled time skips off the worst, was 00.

>> No.2978419

>Woody Album cameo

haha oh wow. I meant Woody Allen.

>> No.2978416


My mistake, I meant C/a/rtoon Network!

>>Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop

CB actually wasn't that highly regarded in Japan. Same with FLCL. Now these shows aren't bad at all, but you'll only see Western anime fans name these as their absolute favorites.

I can name a few series from the 90's that were more popular than CB (in the Japanese anime fandom). Giant Robo OAV would obviously be one of them. Which is perfectly fine since it is quite awesome. Now that's a series I'd put in my top ten list.

Not that I'm saying the Japanese have better tastes though; stereotypical Western/Japanese top anime 10 lists are always bad. Polite sage.

>> No.2978420

What timeskip are you guys talking about?
GL ended at episode15.

>> No.2978428

Is this the same target audience that love shit like Rucky Star or Hayate everytime they catch the reference?

>> No.2978432

>Imagine an otaku reference anime, but then imagine that all of the references are to jazz and classic movies

But noone ever claimed otaku reference anime are masterpieces.

Needless to say, I like this analogy and I'm going to use it againist Cowboy Bebop in the future.

>> No.2978441

>Needless to say, I like this analogy and I'm going to use it againist Cowboy Bebop in the future.

/mu/shit reference = fucking masterpiece but /a/ reference = fucking terrible

>> No.2978443


And if you don't particularly like the plot for the most part?

>> No.2978446

Giant Robo was good, but I've never seen it above Cowboy Bebop in a Japanese poll. Actually, I've never seen it make it in a top 100 poll. However, CB you actually see rather consistently, most notably in the 2006 TV Asahi poll where it ranked 40. Anyway, the debate is stupid anyway, as the Japanese follow shitty fads just as much as Americans do. In the poll I just mentioned, FMA was first and Negima was in the top 10.

>> No.2978449

>Anyway, the debate is stupid anyway, as the Japanese follow shitty fads just as much as Americans do
This, pretty much. There's a reason shows like Bleach, One Piece and Naruto keep going, and it's not because of western fans.

>> No.2978452

Why is this thread still here?

>> No.2978454

Then it will be a generic action movie with lots of style and little substance like most hollywood thrash.

>> No.2978466

Because it's the first thread with actual anime discussion 4chan has seen this year.

>> No.2978474

/jp/ has actually had a few great anime discussions. Particularly that one where the mormon guy started ranting about his favorite shows in the mahou shoujo genre.

>> No.2978616


Let me rephrase >>2978443

What if you find the plot to be rather dull and uninspired; should the show still be considered a "masterpiece"?

>> No.2978628

Plot will always be the most important thing.
I am the kind of people that don't give a shit about animation style or art style.

>> No.2978630

take it to MAL, fag

>> No.2978633

NGE is a good classic. This Thread reminds me of better times, but not saying it is a good one.

>> No.2978635


Just to clarify some things:

1) Do you like Evangelion?
2) Do you think Bebop has a plot (very simple) or no?

>> No.2978642

>Plot will always be the most important thing.

>I like eroge, which invariably feature fanfiction.net level writing and such complex, intriguing plots as "vague self-insert characters attends high school and meets rehashed moe archetypes"

You lost me.

>> No.2978675

>1) Do you like Evangelion?
Above average I guess. It didn't age well though. I need to check out the movie to see if they did some improvement on it. I wouldn't treat it as a masterpiece.

>2) Do you think Bebop has a plot (very simple) or no?
It does but it is a very simple. That is the reason why I think it would have fared better as a movie with just Vicious and Julia storyline.
At the end of the day

>> No.2978695

Wrong. Eroge is different.

You play as the main character and you choose choices on which girl you want to fuck. The storyline toward the goal is a bonus.

>> No.2978723

>1) Do you like Evangelion?
Above average I guess. It didn't age well though. I need to check out the movie to see if they did some improvement on it. I wouldn't treat it as a masterpiece.

I agree with this statement.

>2) Do you think Bebop has a plot (very simple) or no?
It does but it is a very simple. That is the reason why I think it would have fared better as a movie with just Vicious and Julia storyline.
At the end of the day

I can see this opinion, but Cowboy Bebop was more like 26 short stories to me.
