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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 26 KB, 248x350, kazoku_350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2974913 No.2974913 [Reply] [Original]

Finished Family Project. And it was really, really average.

95% of the cast was completely unlike-able, the exceptions being Tsukasa himself and Hiroshi. The plot wasn't all that good, though it did have its moments. The resolution was either extremely stupid or doesn't resolve much at all, depending on which you take.

That said, I didn't hate it. It was interesting enough to keep me reading, but it never wowed me or made me experience any emotion at all, for that matter. The sad moments never affected me, and the 'intense' moments made me go ''meh''. Everything is pretty much forgettable.

Can somebody explain me why people hyped it so much? Because there's absolutely nothing special about it.

>> No.2974924

>why people hyped it so much?

People didn't. The japanese did and they love shit like this.

End of, really.

>> No.2974928

Attempting to force a meme. Thread reported, I encourage you all to do the same.

>> No.2974929

JAST hyped it with saying best eroge ever..... which it was voted years and years ago.
But it was not bad, but not great either. A good game, nothing more or less.

>> No.2974937

>which it was voted years and years ago.
It's still on the top 20 on Erogamescape, though.

>> No.2974940

>>2974924 People didn't. The japanese did and they love shit like this.


>> No.2974983

Needs more fireballs and explosions, right?

The Japanese should really start making their games with the Western audience in mind!

>> No.2974992


Clannad has neither of those and yet still manages to be good.

Looking pretty defensive there.

>> No.2974995

Why do you assume anyone who doesn't like Family Project is some Type-Moon fanboy or something? It's just an average game. It's not like it's anywhere near the best of its kind.

>> No.2974999

>Clannad has neither of those and yet still manages to be good.
I agree with this, but you're just asking for the wrath of REACTION IMAGES here.

>> No.2975007
File: 111 KB, 247x248, 1246346350022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2975010

People saying this kind of things worries me. Because I know the same person who wrote this also wrote Yume Miru Kusuri. Which means I probably have unrealistially high expectations for this game.

>> No.2975015


That's my entire point about KK.

>> No.2975016

Tanaka Romeo didn't really write YMK

And YMK is even worse than Family Project

>> No.2975019

You're right, Clannad isn't good. It's very good.

>> No.2975022

I'm a type-moon fanboy and I loved Kazoku Keikaku...

>> No.2975029

copypasta aside yes it was average. Character introductions were pretty good but relied too much on your symphaty for damaged goods. Writing was bad, lots of stuff didn't make sense or were written just for the sake of the plot. Tsukasa and Hiroshi were pretty damn awesome although Hiroshi got annoying on way too many occasions

Lika Kirakira it's nowhere near the hype it got. I hope /jp/ learns to just ignore tripfags and make up its own opinions from now on

>> No.2975032

Family Project wasn't written by Romeo.

>> No.2975037

What? Yes it was.

>> No.2975055

What are you talking about? The scenarios in Family Project were done by 山田 一.

>> No.2975065

>シナリオ 田中ロミオ(山田一)
They're the same person.

>> No.2975077

Ok you got me.

>> No.2975100

shitty old game with shitty censor
Support more JAST


>> No.2975129

keikaku doori

>> No.2975139

TL note: keikaku means project

>> No.2975148

Someone post more copy pasta of this. I remember seeing one for FSN or Ever17.

Anymore variation of this pasta? Did anyone make one yet for seacat or saya no uta?

>> No.2975152

The original version of the copypasta was for Saya no Uta.

Then it got reposted daily as the F/SN version.

Just go search for it in the archives.

>> No.2975154

The original pasta was Saya no Uta
Also, use the archive?

>> No.2975155


>> No.2975159

I'm at the route split right now ("what age?").

So far, all I can say is Hiroshi is fucking awesome, Wakamoto voicing him probably has a lot to do with that though. I'm looking forward to Aoba's and Jun's routes.

>> No.2975174

And yes, considering it's been mentioned like 5 times in the thread already, I'm aware that this is copy pasta. I just stopped playing because I'm going to sleep and thought I'd throw my opinion on here for no real reason.

>> No.2975176

can anyone tell me where to find a licence code?

>> No.2975186

Here's a no-cd exe in stead: http://www.mediafire.com/?cmnzmymkjku


>> No.2975200

Don't need one, download this: http://www.mediafire.com/?cmnzmymkjku

>> No.2975205

Thanks, the passwords work great!

>> No.2975208

I have to say you guys are pretty creative sometimes.

Support JAST USA's official censored localizations of Nitro+ games!
Buy the game like the rest of us.
or search the archive for the crack, KZRNUS.EXE or something like that.

>> No.2975237

How was this compared to YMK?
If I liked YMK, how will this go over?

>> No.2975244

Personally, I think YMK is better.

>> No.2975251

Family Project is slightly less shitty than YMK, so yeah you should like it

>> No.2975260

Shit game.

>> No.2975267

Japanese nerds love slice of life for some reason, and that's why shit like Da Capo gets so popular.
We, on the other side, hate that and prefer more plot intensive stories, and that's why we're gay for Akabeisoft2 and Nitro+.

>> No.2975271

Best game released so far

>> No.2975271,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's shit, right?

>> No.2975271,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2975271,3 [INTERNAL] 

Oh boy, another /jp/ IS A HIVEMIND faggot.

>> No.2975271,4 [INTERNAL] 

Is it just me, or is this post implying /jp/ hates slice of life? Because that's what it sounds like. But that would be silly.

>> No.2975271,5 [INTERNAL] 

Oh those people, agreeing with themselves and making assumptions!

>> No.2975271,6 [INTERNAL] 

I do hate slice of life.

>> No.2975271,7 [INTERNAL] 

I hate slice of life.

>> No.2975271,8 [INTERNAL] 


Man, I thought I was the only one. Even when it's mostly correct, I hate people speaking for the whole of the board. Occurs frequently with the phrase "/jp/ hates Japan", which is beginning to really grind my shit.

>> No.2975271,9 [INTERNAL] 

You are not /jp/.

>> No.2975271,10 [INTERNAL] 

But I'm a part of /jp/, at least, so you can rest assured that a part of /jp/ hates slice of life.

>> No.2975271,11 [INTERNAL] 

I, however, am /jp/. I am indifferent to slice of life.

>> No.2975271,12 [INTERNAL] 

that's why saging on archive is expert config amirite. Get out tripfags and namefags, you are cancer worse than /a/

>> No.2975271,13 [INTERNAL] 

Back to /b/, please.

>> No.2975271,14 [INTERNAL] 


Also I sage because it's already filled in and I'm too lazy to remove it.

>> No.2975271,15 [INTERNAL] 

Slice of life isn't a fucking genre for an eroge, Kazokei is a healing game.

Also for this guy, if he had actually played game from Akabeisoft 2 written by Loose-boy he would have saw that they are pretty similar compared to Kazokei.
Both Sharin and even G-senjou feature a jaded male character who get "saved" by the women around him.
Especially Sharin is first and foremost a human drama with lot of healing scenes, it's pretty similar to Kazokei in that regard.

But of course he talk shit without ever playing them, which is pretty obvious considering he put "plot intensive" and "nitro+" in the same sentence.

>> No.2975271,16 [INTERNAL] 

>they are pretty similar compared to Kazokei.
No. Not really.
>Both Sharin and even G-senjou feature a jaded male character who get "saved" by the women around him.
That's a big similarity?
>considering he put "plot intensive" and "nitro+" in the same sentence
What's wrong with that?

I'm not that guy, though.

>> No.2975271,17 [INTERNAL] 

>>That's a big similarity?
Yeah when the game focus a lot on that.

>>What's wrong with that?
Nitro+ make style over substance eroge, there's nothing wrong with that but their plot are never that well developed or really that interesting.

An eroge that actually manage to have a lot of style and substance would be Ayakashibito for example.

>> No.2975271,18 [INTERNAL] 

>their plot are never that well developed or really that interesting.
Utterly subjective

>> No.2975271,19 [INTERNAL] 

Not really.
What Nitro+ would you say have a great and very well developed plot?
Except for Hello, World that is pretty much an exception and very different compared to the rest, they are all eroge that focus on the style rather than the substance.

And there's nothing wrong with that, but saying that the Nitro+ eroge are "plot intensive" is just fucking delusional.

>> No.2975271,20 [INTERNAL] 

This anon got a point there. Can you really say that Saya is plot intensive? I mean you can sum them up in 1sentence but that doesn't stop me from liking it.
Lonely boy with a screwed up brain found solace in loli alien and proceed to spread their
offsprings into the whole world.

Family Keikaku isn't really that bad of a game. The humor is good especially Hirota and the funny chinese at the beginning. You guys just have too much expectation.

TL NOTE: Keikaku mean project.

>> No.2975271,21 [INTERNAL] 

>I mean you can sum them up in 1sentence
You can do this with any plot in existence, no matter how long it is. For example: "Jesus dies."

>> No.2975271,22 [INTERNAL] 

>Family Keikaku isn't really that bad of a game. The humor is good especially Hirota and the funny chinese at the beginning. You guys just have too much expectation.
It's hard to not have much expectations of it when it's been hyped for years as one of the best VNs of all time. If you go into it thinking it's going to be a masterpiece, you'll be sorely disappointed.

But yeah, it's pretty decent.

>> No.2975271,23 [INTERNAL] 

Whether or not Nitro+ games have developed plots,
I think to say that the plots aren't interesting is entirely subjective.

>> No.2975271,24 [INTERNAL] 

I think that whether or not the plots are "developed" is subjective as well, to an extent. It's a very vague term that essentially means "I liked it".

>> No.2975271,25 [INTERNAL] 

I have been thinking, if we have play Kazoku Keikaku at the same time as the japanese, will we regard KK as one of the best VNs of all time?

I mean back then what other VNs have they got? Competition back then doesn't seem that tough.

>> No.2975271,26 [INTERNAL] 

Not really, it's not that vague and it had nothing to do with whether you liked it or not.

It's not, at least not completely, it's not as simple as math but you can judge it somewhat objectively to some extent.

Kazokei was one of the first healing game, it paved the way to the likes of Clannad (heavily influenced).
And it's still great now, /jp/ just have an influx of PLOT MEAN LOTS OF ACTION AND MAGIC BATTLES faggots.

>> No.2975271,27 [INTERNAL] 

>And it's still great now, /jp/ just have an influx of PLOT MEAN LOTS OF ACTION AND MAGIC BATTLES faggots.
If I wanted to read a plot about people talking and shitty drama, I'd go outside

>> No.2975271,28 [INTERNAL] 

Well you don't have to play it bro.

>> No.2975271,29 [INTERNAL] 

I'm just making a point that people like to read plots about things that would never happen to them. For most people it's ACTION AND MAGIC BATTLES, but I guess for your hikis it's your dream to just have friends.

>> No.2975271,30 [INTERNAL] 

>Not really, it's not that vague and it had nothing to do with whether you liked it or not.
So you claim. Please explain to me what a "developed plot" is in objective terms.

>> No.2975271,31 [INTERNAL] 

So novel like Anna Karenina, Pride and Prejudice and the like are only read by hikkis with no friends?

People like you never make any sense, be it drama, action, thriller, etc... litterature is always a form of escapism.
But there's nothing wrong with it and it's not about "living what would never happen to them", rather for most people it's about a story with interesting characters, funny and touching moments, etc..., people read these stories for the sake of a reading a story, nothing more nothing else.

The fact that you limit yourself like that because of that preconceived view prove that you are a faggot with far too much self-awareness.

>> No.2975271,32 [INTERNAL] 

There is no work on the same level as "Pride and Prejudice" in the context of anime, manga, VNs, etc.

>> No.2975271,33 [INTERNAL] 

Of course, but the quality of the works has nothing to do with it, I just don't like faggots who seem to think that one genre is inherently superior to another or some shit like this.

Like this faggot.

I guess this is summer for you.

>> No.2975271,34 [INTERNAL] 

>So novel like Anna Karenina, Pride and Prejudice and the like are only read by hikkis with no friends?
Obviously. Only losers read books and only huge losers read books like Pride and Prejudice.

>> No.2975271,35 [INTERNAL] 

Anna Karenina is required reading here in Russia. :(

>> No.2975271,36 [INTERNAL] 

It's the same bunchof faggots. Fact is, FP is fucking awesome. Japan agreed, so don't bother us about it

>> No.2975271,37 [INTERNAL] 

It's the same bunch of faggots. Fact is, FP is awesome. Japan agreed, so don't bother us about it

>> No.2975271,38 [INTERNAL] 

It's the same bunch of faggets. Fact is, FP is awesome. Japan agreed, so don't bother us about it

BTW .f.u.c.k. you're filters

>> No.2975271,39 [INTERNAL] 

It's the same bunch of .f.a.g.g.e.t.s. Fact is, FP is awesome. Japan agreed, so don't bother us about it

BTW .f.u.c.k. you're filters

>> No.2975271,40 [INTERNAL] 

Average FP fan.

>> No.2975271,41 [INTERNAL] 

It's the same bunch of fa66ets Fact is, FP is awesome. Japan agreed, so don't bother us about it

btw fuk you're filters

>> No.2975271,42 [INTERNAL] 

It's the same bunch of fa66ets Fact is, FP is awesome. Japan agreed, so don't bother us about it

btw get back to anisuku you're filters

>> No.2975271,43 [INTERNAL] 

It's the same bunch of fags Fact is, FP is awesome. Japan agreed, so don't bother us about it

btw get back to anisuki with you're filters

>> No.2975271,44 [INTERNAL] 

It's the same bunch of retards Fact is, FP is awesome. Japan agreed, so don't bother us about it

btw get back to anisuki with you're filters

>> No.2975271,45 [INTERNAL] 

It's the same bunch of jerks Fact is, FP is awesome. Japan agreed, so don't bother us about it

btw get back to anisuki with you're filters

>> No.2975271,46 [INTERNAL] 

It's the same bunch of trolls Fact is, FP is awesome. Japan agreed, so don't bother us about it

btw get back to anisuki with you're filters

>> No.2975271,47 [INTERNAL] 

huh? We got filter?

>> No.2975271,48 [INTERNAL] 

huh? We got filter?
Your post has been rejected because the comment was found: risque.

>> No.2975271,49 [INTERNAL] 

Where are the mods jesus christ. Faggots fagging up my ghost board

>> No.2975271,50 [INTERNAL] 

posts came through, so the server was just being tsundere

>> No.2975271,51 [INTERNAL] 

>healing game
What kind of genre is a healing game? Can you give some examples? Is CLANNAD and YMK healing games?

>> No.2975271,52 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2975271,53 [INTERNAL] 

Healing game = happy tears.
So yes, Clannad is a healing game, YMK can probably be classified as one too.

Air, Kanon, Planetarian and the likes are nakige, aka crying game.

Basically the difference come from the fact that most of the crying scenes come from happy scenes rather than sad scenes.

>> No.2975271,54 [INTERNAL] 

I am a faggot child for testing filters

>> No.2975271,55 [INTERNAL] 

more like tears of boredom

>> No.2975271,56 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think there is a filter.
They just replace the VIPPER ascii arts with
Your post has been rejected because the comment was found: risque.

This post will go through even thought it contain FUCK YOU FAGGOT.

>> No.2975271,57 [INTERNAL] 

let's see

>> No.2975271,58 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2975271,59 [INTERNAL] 

haha I got VIP quality
now excuse me while I go back to /b/

>> No.2975271,60 [INTERNAL] 

ich liebe suigin

>> No.2975271,61 [INTERNAL] 

sup Suigin

>> No.2975271,62 [INTERNAL] 

i'm not suigin, just somebody that loves him.

>> No.2975271,63 [INTERNAL] 

It's the same bunch of faggots. Fact is, FP is awesome. Japan agreed, so don't bother us about it

>> No.2975271,64 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2975271,65 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2975271,66 [INTERNAL] 

but i'm not suigin. i'm his lover.

>> No.2975271,67 [INTERNAL] 

>Your post has been rejected because the comment was found: hateful.

what the fuck

>> No.2975271,68 [INTERNAL] 

Your wordfilter sucks because I can't guess what word it is ;_;

>> No.2975271,69 [INTERNAL] 

There's only love allowed in the archive

>> No.2975271,70 [INTERNAL] 

I haven't posted without my tripcode ever since I started using it

>> No.2975271,71 [INTERNAL] 

i'm not suigin

>> No.2975271,72 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2975271,73 [INTERNAL] 

Damn it, >>2975271,68 was hateful but it wasn't the words sucks. Fuck you, filter.

>> No.2975271,74 [INTERNAL] 

are you guys seriously falling for this?
wwwwww either eksi or the russki are genius

>> No.2975271,75 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck, Jones. I can't tell if you're serious or not

>> No.2975271,76 [INTERNAL] 

so the posts go through anyways?

fuck you for making me fall for this

>> No.2975271,78 [INTERNAL] 

bobba this

>> No.2975271,79 [INTERNAL] 

I think it might actually just be targeting posts at random, since I can't seem to reproduce it.

>> No.2975271,80 [INTERNAL] 

I see so are there anymore of that games in English? Can you give some excellent ones in Japanese?

I guess I was totally wrong, I thought healing games are games where someone is afflicted by a disease and you help them out or something.

/jp/ is still down, I'm bored. ;_;

>> No.2975271,81 [INTERNAL] 

i like dick

>> No.2975271,82 [INTERNAL] 

dicks are VIP quality

>> No.2975271,83 [INTERNAL] 

It wasn't hateful. It was risque because of word what, and unchristian because of what and it.

>> No.2975271,84 [INTERNAL] 

yeah, you took the healing thing a bit too seriously.

>> No.2975271,85 [INTERNAL] 

suigin ist mein waifu

>> No.2975271,86 [INTERNAL] 

All nouns need to be capitalized.
mein when following noun is male/neutral.
meine when following noun is female.

>> No.2975271,87 [INTERNAL] 

>meine when following noun is female/plural.

>> No.2975271,88 [INTERNAL] 

capitalization is for fags

>> No.2975271,89 [INTERNAL] 

Suigin ist meine Waifu.

>> No.2975271,90 [INTERNAL] 

Und Eksopl auch.

>> No.2975271,91 [INTERNAL] 

Anybody know a good site for learning German anyways?

>> No.2975271,93 [INTERNAL] 

Learn Japanese instead.

>> No.2975271,94 [INTERNAL] 

I think you had better spend some time improving your grasp on the finer points of the English language first, my dear boy.

>> No.2975271,95 [INTERNAL] 

So viele Schwuchteln in einen Thread. Ist gar nicht zu fassen so etwas.

>> No.2975271,96 [INTERNAL] 

I don't want to learn moonspeak. It seems like a shitty language anyways and I wouldn't use it for anything other than a couple VNs and video games that lack translations.

>> No.2975271,97 [INTERNAL] 

>Kazokei was one of the first healing game, it paved the way to the likes of Clannad (heavily influenced).
I gotta say you are right.
Lau is just like Sunohara. Even his english remind me of "I am pretty dog are you pretty dog too?"

>> No.2975271,98 [INTERNAL] 

You can come to my house and fuck my sister

>> No.2975271,99 [INTERNAL] 

Nederlands > Duits

>> No.2975271,100 [INTERNAL] 

Why would you need to learn German? Learning a European language is pointless in my opinion because there's an over abundance of free European translators. Oddly enough, I never seen an Italian Anon or French Anon. But there's bound to be some out there.

If you're trying to move to Germany then that is a completely different story.

>> No.2975271,101 [INTERNAL] 

>If you're trying to move to Germany then that is a completely different story.

Close, The Netherlands.

>> No.2975271,102 [INTERNAL] 

Why would you want to move to Germany. It is an awful place to live in with all the Turks and other untermenschen.

>> No.2975271,103 [INTERNAL] 

Like all countries, it depends where.

>> No.2975271,104 [INTERNAL] 

French have all the Nigger, England all the foreign people that they once had colonies of, US the mexicans

>> No.2975271,105 [INTERNAL] 

Then shouldn't you be learning, oh I don't fucking know, Dutch?

>> No.2975271,106 [INTERNAL] 

>Why would you need to learn German?
Why not?

It's the brotherlanguage of all you english-speakers after all.

>> No.2975271,107 [INTERNAL] 

Your post has been rejected because the comment was found: unchristian.

Please reword the comment so that it matches our high standards.

Seriously, what the fuck, Eksopl ಠ_ಠ

>> No.2975271,109 [INTERNAL] 

D  (  ≖‿≖)
 I   (  ≖‿)
C (   ≖)
K (    )
  (    )
T  (    )
O (≖   )
W (‿≖  )
E   (≖‿≖  )
R   (   ≖‿≖   )

>> No.2975271,111 [INTERNAL] 

You think I'm not already on that?

>> No.2975271,112 [INTERNAL] 

What's the problem, posts are coming through, aren't they? It's fun to see how people react, and using proper filter is the best way to get amusing reactions.

>> No.2975271,113 [INTERNAL] 

is not the best*

>> No.2975271,115 [INTERNAL] 

Just sharing what I found using google.
I've - Kazoku Keikaku ~Kizuna Bako~ Maxi Single.rar

Now if only someone has Kazoku Keikaku OST uploaded somewhere?

>> No.2975271,116 [INTERNAL] 

>Nitro+ make style over substance eroge, there's nothing wrong with that but their plot are never that well developed or really that interesting.

While I do believe that you in some way have a point, I do believe that you have missed a few points regarding what makes up a story.

>In fiction, the plot is a sequence of interrelated events arranged to form a logical pattern and achieve an intended effect.

All stories have plot, for example
Yume Miru Kusuri;
Is about a teenage boy who lives what he finds as a rather "color less" life and the story is about what he together with one girl (out of three girls who also find themselves living "colorless" lives) does in order to make their life more "colorful".

It is about a teenage boy without any memories of himself who dies falling from the sky while interacting with three witches who fights monsters in order to save the world and the story is about how he tries to understand both himself and the three girls while being allowed to be resurrected by god in order to try doing so.

>> No.2975271,117 [INTERNAL] 


Shouldn't the ghostboard be more active, since /jp/ is currently down?

>> No.2975271,118 [INTERNAL] 

Now, the thing is that YMK starts with describing the setting and the characters through character introduction and while the story does start with the protagonist thinking about how his life isn't really anything special, the plot doesn't really continue until he first starts being with one of the girls.
After that the plot gets more and more intensive as he spends more time with girls and the more he learns about them and at the end of the story YMK is quite plot intensive.

Sumaga's plot starts intensive with him falling down from the sky and with witches fighting monsters in the sky who are attacking the city and with the protagonists limited interactions with the witches before he finally gets smashed on the ground and dies where he have a conversation with god about himself and the three witches and finally gets resurrected in order to try making something more out of all of their lives.
Right from the start of Sumaga the protagonist tries to do whatever he can in order learn more about the three witches and pretty much all of his actions are for that reason.

With that said it is pretty clear that Sumaga is far more plot intensive than YMK.
Now, a story being plot intensive doesn't mean at all that the story (or the plot) is any better than a story that is less plot intensive, it just means that the story revolves around the plot much (there is more to a story than plot).
A story can in fact be plot intensive to such a degree so that other things in the story may suffer which could be bad for the story.

>> No.2975271,119 [INTERNAL] 

It's been going down so often lately, maybe people are just using the downtime to take breaks now.

>> No.2975271,120 [INTERNAL] 

Saya no Uta starts similar to Sumaga.
It starts very plot intensive by letting the reader follow a conversation between the protagonist and his friends at a café through the protagonist's mentally damaged view of the thing and right after that they showed the very same scene through a normal view in order to show the difference. Then the rest of the whole story is about the protagonist's mental illness and the creature Saya and how everyone else reacts to what they do.

In fact, most of Nitro+'s stories starts of plot intensive and continues pretty plot intensive from start to end.

To say that their works aren't plot intensive is plain wrong. Even uninteresting/boring things in a story can make a story plot intensive if it contributes to the plot, for example;
Even the scenes were the protagonist in SnU sat in the classroom and basically didn't do much contributes to the plot because it explained to the reader how he found his daily "normal" life disgusting as hell and how he just lived through it in order to prevent people from becoming suspicious of him.
A plot intensive story can be very "slow" depending on the plot itself.

Sure, people can think that Nitro+'s works are shit but they shouldn’t criticize what they don't understand.

>> No.2975271,121 [INTERNAL] 

after like 30 hours of no sleep thanks to Subterranean Animism working again I have to thank the downtime for giving me at least a few hours of sleep

>> No.2975271,122 [INTERNAL] 

Sumaga is a joke.
Anyways that's not what I meant, of course Saya is a thriller, a pretty good one at that, but everything that happen in it is pretty much done for the style that to convey something meaningful.
That's Urubochi's style, he did the same thing in all of his works, that are more similar to a pulp movie that a novel anyways.
Though considering his love for western media, it's wanted I guess.

You seem to think that stories are only "plot intensive" when lots of exciting events happen, that's not true.
Any point when a story convey something, develop a character, a relationship, etc... can be say to be "plot intensive".
Family Project, and Yume Miru Kusuri or Clannad, are character driven, meaning that the focus in on the development of the characters, their interactions.

But the fact that they have less exciting "events" that something like Saya or Umineko doesn't fucking mean that they have less substance, just that they have a different focus.

>> No.2975271,123 [INTERNAL] 

You very much so missed my point.

>You seem to think that stories are only "plot intensive" when lots of exciting events happen, that's not true.
I don't

>Any point when a story convey something, develop a character, a relationship, etc... can be say to be "plot intensive".
I know, that was my point.

As I explained in previous posts
>Even uninteresting/boring things in a story can make a story plot intensive if it contributes to the plot, for example;
>A plot intensive story can be very "slow" depending on the plot itself.

As you said
>Family Project, and Yume Miru Kusuri or Clannad, are character driven, meaning that the focus in on the development of the characters, their interactions.

So if I repeat my YMK example
>the story is about what he together with one girl (out of three girls who also find themselves living "colorless" lives) does in order to make their life more "colorful".

Since the story is about that, the story becomes more and more plot intensive the more they get to know each other and the more things that make their lives more "colorful". However, since they don't even know each other at first and the fact that it takes a while before they do that also means that it isn't as "plot intensive" at first either.

And if I repeat my Sumaga example
>the story is about how he tries to understand both himself and the three girls while being allowed to be resurrected by god in order to try doing so.

This means that the story gets more and more plot intensive the more he tries to learn and the more he learns about himself and the witches. Which he does throughout the whole story at pretty much all times.

It is a bit funny how you totally missed my point for pretty much the opposite.
You know Chaos Head is plot intensive even though the protagonist sits at his computer and plays MMORPG's most of the time.

>> No.2975271,124 [INTERNAL] 

Reread what I wrote, I didn't miss your point.
I'm only refuting the fact that you imply that the more exciting a scene is, the more plot intensive they are.
That's just not true, when a writer try to convey something, that's what plot intensive mean.
A very laid back scene can be as plot intensive as an exciting scene with lots of development, based on how they are executed.

For example for something famous, The Catcher in the Rye is far from being the most exciting novel, it's actually pretty laid back and almost anticlimatic.
Yet the development of the protagonist, his views on the world, etc..., everything is extremely well developed, every part of the story is meaningful, even the seemingly most boring or useless scenes.
That's what I meant.

>> No.2975271,125 [INTERNAL] 

The filter was irritating because it didn't automatically redirect.
If it gets enabled again, you can do redirects in Greasemonkey like this:
window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/regex/, 'new url');

>> No.2975271,126 [INTERNAL] 

Plot intensive is a bad description for games like Clannad and FP, same goes for Saya which is not plot intensive, the only interesting part is the setting as the plot itself is pretty lame and straightforward.
Good examples for translated plot intensive games would be are the Type-Moon games, Ever17 and Chaos;HEad.

>> No.2975271,127 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2975271,128 [INTERNAL] 

Why is the MC such a douchebag?(At least for where I am in the story) I just wanna see him get beat up or something to make him less of one.

>> No.2975271,129 [INTERNAL] 

Palm your face and redirect yourself manually, then, for all I care.

>> No.2975271,130 [INTERNAL] 

>>2975271,124 For example for something famous, The Catcher in the Rye
If there was a VN writer able to write like Salinger, it would make a sound a valid argument.

>> No.2975271,131 [INTERNAL] 

Thankfully I'm not fucking talking about whether these eroge are well written or not.
It's just an extreme example so he'll get my point.

>> No.2975271,132 [INTERNAL] 

>Reread what I wrote, I didn't miss your point.
You did write
>You seem to think that stories are only "plot intensive" when lots of exciting events happen
Which was pretty much the opposite of my point.

>I'm only refuting the fact that you imply that the more exciting a scene is, the more plot intensive they are.
>imply that the more exciting a scene is, the more plot intensive they are.

I was implying that the factors that determines whether or not a story is plot intensive or not is relevant to the story itself.

>Saya which is not plot intensive, the only interesting part is the setting as the plot itself is pretty lame and straightforward.

What is interesting doesn't matter, the fact that even though the story may be "pretty lame and straightforward", everything revolves around Saya and the protagonist's mental illness which is very relevant to the plot and it is therefore plot intensive.

Characters, Plot, Setting, Theme and Style is what makes a story.
Characters, Setting, Theme and Style can contribute to the plot but they doesn't have to.

>> No.2975271,133 [INTERNAL] 

If we take something as ridiculous as Naruto as an example;
By giving details on Rock Lee's back story and his overall character does add to Rock Lee's character and the changes in his character adds to his character development.
Now this is something that is regarded as a good thing as it gives more depth to character, but it doesn't make the story more plot intensive because what is known about Rock Lee is not relevant to the plot.
Now if this information would be relevant to the plot then his character and character development would also add to the plot and making it more intense, but since it isn't relevant it doesn’t make the story more plot intensive at all even though it may have added to his character which could be regarded as a good thing.

What makes a story plot intensive is completely relevant to each story and it can be "exciting" things but it can also be things that are "boring" and "uninteresting" as well, it really depends on the story.

I hope that I have made myself clear this time.

>> No.2975271,134 [INTERNAL] 

I have to admit that cooking with shirou level deep plot is a rare thing.

>> No.2975271,135 [INTERNAL] 

I stopped reading at Naruto

>> No.2975271,136 [INTERNAL] 

This post is begging for ad hominem attacks.

>> No.2975271,137 [INTERNAL] 

>I stopped reading at Naruto
I know that was very stupid to mention but I did because it would make a very clear example.

>Thankfully I'm not fucking talking about whether these eroge are well written or not.
As a side note, neither am I.
Whether or not a story is plot intensive doesn't really affect how well written or good the story is.

>> No.2975271,138 [INTERNAL] 

Actually it doesn't make your point more clear.
Because once again you seem to think that only the "story" constitute the plot and that the only relevant development are those who develop it.

That's just wrong, most eroge are character driven stories.
For example FSN, actually the setting is just decoration, the exciting developments are just plot device to bring the character development.
FSN is first and foremost the story of Shirou and how he develops in the 3 routes, that's the axis of the story, and of course you can't forget the main female characters and even the side characters.

Saying that character development, even for the side characters, is irrevelant is just fucking stupid, especially in that media

>> No.2975271,139 [INTERNAL] 

>Saying that character development, even for the side characters, is irrevelant is just fucking stupid, especially in that media

I do agree with this but it wasn't really what I said.
What I said was that if a character is irrelevant to the plot, then that character doesn't make the story more plot intensive, it does however make the story as a whole more complete usually better made even if it doesn't make the story any more plot intensive.

As you said
>For example FSN, actually the setting is just decoration, the exciting developments are just plot device to bring the character development.
>FSN is first and foremost the story of Shirou and how he develops in the 3 routes, that's the axis of the story

The thing with fsn is that each and every character we get to see in fsn greatily affects Shirou's character development and therefore each and every character makes the story more plot intensive.

>> No.2975271,140 [INTERNAL] 

I think Fate/Stay Night would've worked better as something like Melty Blood's original story, where you had to fight to advance the plot.

Then, Shirou's miraculous survivals and victories would make sense in relation to the person making them possible is actually awesome.

Interactive novels are fun, too.

>> No.2975271,141 [INTERNAL] 

If the author tries to convey something, then character development is never irrevelant, even if these development may seem useless at first.

What you call plot is just that, what the author tries to convey, it encompass everything, the story, the characterization, the themes, if a writer is good then there's no useless moments, even the seemingly calmer scenes or the development of the seemingly most useless side characters are necessary and serves the big picture.
Therefore a good novel is plot intensive at all times.

>> No.2975271,142 [INTERNAL] 

Like, say, Underwater Ray Romano?

>> No.2975271,143 [INTERNAL] 

>>2975271,138 For example FSN, actually the setting is just decoration, the exciting developments are just plot device to bring the character development.
That's funny because creating an interesting setting is what Nasu does the best.
It could explain why F/SN is such a disappointing game.

>> No.2975271,144 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, but 100% less monkeys and more straight up fighting/dodging in place of tactics.

>> No.2975271,145 [INTERNAL] 

You should just wait for Eien no Aselia.

>> No.2975271,146 [INTERNAL] 

>If the author tries to convey something, then character development is never irrevelant, even if these development may seem useless at first.
It doesn't matter what the author tries, he has to convey it eventually. And when he actually does that (directly or indirectly so it becomes clear to the reader), then it's like the other anon says. I really don't know what you try to imply.

>> No.2975271,147 [INTERNAL] 

Such a bad game.

>> No.2975271,148 [INTERNAL] 

I hate games that give you the choice of raping or not raping someone. It's just too difficult of a decision to make.

>> No.2975271,149 [INTERNAL] 

I'll give you an extreme example with Catcher in the Rye once again, when Holden talk about the seemingly most random thing like how his roommate shave himself.
It may seem to be a completely useless information but it actually build his psyche, how he views people.
That's what the author tried to convey.

Of course most eroge can't even get close to that level.

>> No.2975271,150 [INTERNAL] 

You won't see this since only the all ages version is being translated.
Not a big loss because the sex scenes are shit in this game.
Everything else is fucking awesome though.

>> No.2975271,151 [INTERNAL] 

I never read that book, but I see your point and agree with it. I also don't see it conflicting with what the other anon said, that's all. I'll just take it easy I guess.

>> No.2975271,152 [INTERNAL] 

>If the author tries to convey something, then character development is never irrevelant, even if these development may seem useless at first.

Everything an author tries to convey doesn't have to be relevant to the plot.
It may add to the elements of
Character, Plot, Setting, Theme and Style but it doesn't have to add to all of them at the same time.
The authors "message" or what the author wanted to convey isn't the same thing as the story's plot.

Descriptions that doesn't affect the line of events or how things happen is a good example of something that still conveys something but that doesn't add to the plot.
J.R.R Tolkien did this a lot, while lots of his descriptions did affect the plot in some way or another but there are also lots of descriptions that don’t really matter.
He could give background info on treasures, who made them and why they were made and what they used to be used for, even if none of the characters in the story knew anything about that and because of that it didn't affect the plot.
All of his descriptions did add a lot to both Character, Setting, Theme and Style in different ways but only some of his descriptions added to the actual plot.

>> No.2975271,153 [INTERNAL] 

I would also like to add that a story usually aren't as simple as only having one plot, there are usually sub-plots accompanying the main plot.
If we take fsn again;
FSN is first and foremost the story of Shirou and how he develops in the 3 routes, that's the axis of the story
This is the main plot.
The subplots would be something like this
Subplot 1: The result of the war
Subplot 2: Shirou becoming a hero
Subplot 3: Shirou's affection for Saber
Subplot 4: Shirou's affection for Rin
Subplot 5: Shirou's affection for Sakura
Subplot 6: Shirou's affection for Iliya

Subplots are subplots for a reason though and all of these subplots contribute to the main plot. Subplots are just that, a plot "under" a main plot.

And as >>2975271,151 said
I don't see how your example here >>2975271,149 conflicts with what I have written either.

With that said I am going to take a shower.
It was somewhat interesting discussing literature with you and I hope that you somehow also found it interesting in some way.

>> No.2975316

Family project, not so good.

>> No.2975324

Can someone give me a link to the old versions of the imaadp32 and msadp32?

My google-fu isn't strong enough to find them, and I can't play with sound without the old version of these. I'm sure someone with the same problem uploaded them.

>> No.2975271,154 [INTERNAL] 


Kill yourself, because you will never understand FSN

>> No.2975271,155 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2975271,156 [INTERNAL] 

Kotomine, being the main antagonist, also factors into everything in some way, and him being sort of an anti-Shirou frames every subplot in some way.

>> No.2975271,157 [INTERNAL] 

>Kill yourself, because you will never understand FSN

I don't have the option of using no-words.jpg, unfortunately.

>> No.2975358
File: 81 KB, 232x544, 32h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, you don't need an old version of the APCM codec to make the sound work. Just an english imaadp32.acm will do the job fine. For whatever stupid reason these files are different in localized Windows versions.
Also, changing your msadp32.acm is unnecessary.
Anyway here's a US version of imaadp32.acm :

>> No.2975271,158 [INTERNAL] 

You lost me.jpg

>> No.2975374

I like plot and conclusions. If the plot's not there, there cannot be a good conclusion.

I can except entertaining characters, so-so plot, and good conclusion though. The conclusion can be such a deal breaker sometimes. I can't even describe why it's so important to me. I have read entire manga series based on the hints that the ending was good ignoring the actual overall story.

The open-ended bullshit endings that are so common in slice-of-life like stuff irks me to no end. Sure I like the characters, but the ending can leave a bad taste.

>> No.2975395

is it true for Sagara family too?

>> No.2975406
File: 107 KB, 741x650, 71940165081da336ff89a6144cfeeb7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a type-moon fanboy and I loved Kohaku Keikaku...

>> No.2975415
File: 58 KB, 284x245, 13z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, I deleted it. At least it's true for Crescendo and Kazoku Keikaku. I don't remember if Sagara's engine was the same.

>> No.2975271,159 [INTERNAL] 

He is pretty much the opposite of Shirou.
And with Shirou being the protagonist and Kirei the antagonist calling him an anti-Shirou was one was just being a bit clever.

>> No.2975271,160 [INTERNAL] 

So I just started playing and I don't like when the game tells me I'm an idiot and ignores some of my choices
Shit game

>> No.2975271,161 [INTERNAL] 

Not really, the whole idea is that despite them being enemies they sure some fundamental similarities.

>> No.2975271,162 [INTERNAL] 

Share. I'm not sure how I pulled that one off.

>> No.2975464

Thank you very much, that helped a lot.

>> No.2975465

well thank you, it's working.
could you give me msadpp32 too please? I installed an old one long time ago.

>> No.2975561
File: 69 KB, 246x522, 38b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However it comes from my Windows version, and thus is french. I'd suggest you better ask for a kind american anon to upload his, or wait until the next time you reinstall your OS.

reaction picture)

>> No.2975574

Im not japanese and I like slife-of-life.
Well, its true that I like a lot of other things too..

>> No.2975599

Why are so many people falling for the OPs copy pasta edit?

>> No.2975610

Thank you (my OS is in French too)

>> No.2975610,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2975610,2 [INTERNAL] 

They're the same, but different.

He's an anti-Shirou.
