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2972698 No.2972698 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2972704

Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games LOL

>> No.2972712

Fucking censored JAST Games.

>> No.2972728

She doesn't need any more support; she's wearing two bras. :3

>> No.2972731

I've been putting off playing this game all day.
Sooner or later I'll force myself to so I can write a proper review, not just a first opinion, but it's hard to make myself do it.

My self-discipline, about as good as Tanaka Romeo's writing.

>> No.2972733

Punch the little ugly monster in the face.

>> No.2972738

Put it in

>> No.2972742

>Sooner or later I'll force myself to so I can write a proper review

Who gives a fuck for your review anyway?

>> No.2972757

Just to know, what translated VN do you consider well written?

>> No.2972776

I wonder if someone could switch the the less censored ones from the original version with the JAST version, that wouldn't that hard right?

>> No.2972781

no, seriously, what the fuck with this ugly art?

>> No.2972786

You going to put the review on a blog or something Jones?
It's an 8 year old game.

>> No.2972788

It's old, and it's not that bad.
It's like you guys forgot Key's art, the aliens of Crescendo, Umineko or the giraffe characters of Tsukihime.

>> No.2972801

The writing of that game reminds me Yume Miru Kusuri, pretty good so far with some very consistent characters.
The common route seems pretty good though with a lot of choices so I don't even know what route I'm on.

>> No.2972803

Can't wait to read your review broseph.

Your like the best tripcode in /jp/, I know you're well informed about visuel novels. Good luck.

>> No.2972805
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Jonesy is a Type-Moon/Umineko bro!

But he will probably say Ever17 in order to distance himself from the Type Umineko fandom.

>> No.2972828

Nah, just post it in one of the inevitably many Family Project threads.

Haha, you got me. I had actually typed Ever17 as a response before scrolling down to your post.
Yes, I enjoyed Umineko no Naku Koro ni. Is there a problem with that? 07th Expansion really knows how to set a mood.

>> No.2972836

if i go with your definition every everything had bad art and is shit.

>> No.2972847

If he was to say Ever17 he would be pretty stupid.
I love it but the writing is far from being good, especially given the shitty translation.

It would be worse if he was to say Umineko though, Umineko is enjoyable but very badly written, anyone with more than 2 brain cells can recognize this.

Some people seem to think that good writing = LOTS OF PHILOSICAL BABLE or something with lots of DEEP proses, that's far from being it though.

>> No.2972865

so you say Nasu is a shitty writer?


>> No.2972870

Are you in High School or something? If you are interested in Literature, go take some classes and educate yourself when you will be in College before trying to judge if something is well written or not.

>> No.2972887


>> No.2972895

Yeah English isn't my first language and I'm tired.

>> No.2972903

" Yes, we did have to make some changes for the American market, which is something we always potentially do for every game.

In the Japanese original, there was some vagueness about the age of one of the characters during parts of the game, and since they contained nudity we made the necessary decision to make some small changes.

We hope that fans will take into consideration that these games are licensed for the Western markets which means a different set of potential problem areas for us, and as fans love to play eroge in English, we hope they’ll be understanding when we have to clarify parts of a certain game.

We didn’t mislead anyone and we strove to make we avoided referring to this game as “100% uncensored” since we knew some changes were going to be made.

The story is actually preserved this way, if you play the game, as it’s part of the game that the main character waits for Matsuri to be old enough for a relationship, which we didn’t want to derail by saying she was 18 from the start of the story."


>> No.2972912

It's the perfect comparison, which was why I was going to reply with it in the first place. Tanaka Romeo is supposed to be an excellent writer, and Family Project was so hyped up, and yet it's not really very good. Blaming it on the translation would be the perfect out, wouldn't it?
I'm still waiting on a complete translation before I begin CROSS+CHANNEL, and that will be the deciding point, I suppose.

All I see so far is exactly what you're describing.

Also, Umineko is fairly well written for a visual novel (none of them are literary masterpieces) but it really stands out in the way the "visual"--or rather, "sound"-- aspects are used to great effect, while most visual novels are just stories with pictures and music attached.

>> No.2972918


>> No.2972919

Remind me to use that excuse next time I say something stupid, ok?

>> No.2972930

What did you think of Tanaka Romeo's other translated game's writing, Kana Imouto?

>> No.2972938

But you always do.

>> No.2972941

A whole bunch of so-called Great Literature (Goethe, Schiller, Dostojewski, maybe Shakespeare) is actually quite bad. I guess they are mostly praised because they were DEEP at that time. If you then factor in translation flaws, you get some really stale texts.

But maybe I am just an uncouth barbarian.

>> No.2972952

Actually, no, I don't dislike Umineko but it's pretty badly written.
Characters who aren't very consistent, lots of repetition to make a point, few memorable proses, shitty pacing.
The writing is very amateurish.

From what I've played Family Project is actually very well written for an eroge.

You seem to think that what you like is well written and what you dislike isn't, that's not the case.

>> No.2972957

He wrote Kana Imouto? I was depressed for a week after finishing it. It made me invest myself in it emotionally, which good literature does.
It's been so long since I read it that I can't really say anything about the writing, though.

...support JAST USA's localization of Nitro+ games!

>> No.2972959

Where can I get a download for this?

The torrent seems to be very secret.

>> No.2972979


Yes, that's exactly what you are.

Shakespeare overrated? I would say underrated. Loads of people have opinions like yours but I've not met many able to come up with anything even close to the depth of writing of Shakespeare.

>> No.2972984

What exactly do you define as "well written"?

>> No.2973002
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>> No.2973006

Visual novels are like books for otaku.

Do you seriously expect it to compare to thousands of years of genius authors?

>> No.2973009

A lot of what /jp/ calls shit writing I find entertaining and emotionally engaging. Maybe I'm easily amused, but I'll take that over jaded any day.

>> No.2973032

This topic is purely subjective. No two people will have identical tastes, and of course that applies to writing styles as well.

Umineko's pacing sucked, and that's about the only legitimate complaint you can make about it. The repetition serves a purpose, and writing doesn't have to contain flowery language and hidden symbolism to accomplish its purpose. Umineko's not supposed to be DEEP, it's supposed to be a mystery thriller, and it pulls it off superbly.

>> No.2973042

Consistency of the characters = meaning that if they are teenagers for example they shouldn't go on lots of fucking philosophical babble for no reason, they should talk like some teenagers.

a goal = it should try to convey something at all times.

Informations given in a clear and concise way, it shouldn't need any repetition to get its point across.

Good proses are a plus.

>> No.2973046

I really do not understand why everyone hates Shakespeare after having to read his plays. I found most of them beautiful (Macbeth was probably my favorite), but Romeo and Juliet was a little lacking.

>> No.2973054

>purpose [...] purpose
I do this by accident all the time and I hate it.
Sorry, I'm tired and English is my second language.

>> No.2973073

>Characters who aren't very consistent
You can't really say that for a mystery until the mystery is over. I'm still not seeing how Family Project is written much better rather than simply a different style. You seem to think that what you like is well written and what you dislike isn't; that's not the case. Family Project is written more like a traditional novel, while Umineko seems to try to leverage the medium better even with the low quality art.

>> No.2973078

Last I checked, repetition was a bona fide literary device.

They were forced to read them, so of course they won't enjoy them. That's the problem with literature classes in general.

>> No.2973079

I wasn't too sure about Shakespeare because it has been ages since I read something from him (and I wasn't too much into literature in school), so I added a 'maybe'.
Take Mozart's Magic Flute. Not a book, but apparently considered one of the better works by literate people. Its plot is like the average Touhou game, and the only musical piece of it that I can appreciate is "Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen" (which tops Touhou by far, naturally).
But that's it. One great aria, and a mostly pointless plot. Back then it was THE SHIT, but today, not so good anymore.

>> No.2973087

Romeo and Juliet might be my favorite Shakespeare play. I love the imagery in it.

>> No.2973109

Bad writing isn't subjective.
Once again you can like Umineko if you want, I do too, but writing shits like "The repetition serves a purpose" is stupid, it doesn't serve any purpose except pandering to the most retarded readers.
And it's not a fault to have an absence of flowery language, I agree.
Though I personally think that Umineko is pretty mediocre as a murder mystery, and Ryukichi07 admits it himself, you can't really think of it as one.

I like both, but I can actually see the faults when I read them, it's not that the writing in Family Project is "better" rather than the writing in Umineko is "worse".
They are both VNs in the end after all.
But consistency of the characters doesn't mean that.
Rather the author frequently uses the characters to get something across rather than having them have a "life" of their own, that's what make them inconsistent among other things.

>> No.2973110

>meaning that if they are teenagers for example they shouldn't go on lots of fucking philosophical babble for no reason, they should talk like some teenagers.
I don't recall this happening in Umineko.

>> No.2973125

Never wrote that it happened in Umineko, though the characters have a tendency of going on huge metaphors, it happens a lot.

>> No.2973131

I guess so. But really, how else are you going to make students these days read anything? I doubt their favorite activities are going to be "Reading and Literature".
It just makes me angry when people refuse to acknowledge Shakespeare's talent.
It did, but I dislike love stories in general. (Revenge is best!)

>> No.2973142

Well done repetition, used in a subtle and intelligent way, not the shit you see in Umineko.

>> No.2973163

>>it's not that the writing in Family Project is "better" rather than the writing in Umineko is "worse".

>> No.2973219

Everything is subjective in the end, but there are some clear factors that should help recognize good writing.

Liking it or not is another question, you can like the idea of a story for example, but honestly you have to be really delusional or pretty fucking illiterate to think that Umineko is well written.

Even you High School dropout NEET can read a book about it or 2, at least do it before trying to talk about good or bad writing.

>> No.2973269

Comparisons of Family Project and Umineko are pointless, anyway. They have completely different themes, genres, and ways of using sounds, visuals and interactivity. What is well written for a play is different from a opera, which is different from a movie, which is different from a tv show, which is different from a novel. You seem to think medium doesn't matter much, and I doubt you convince me that you really do. Despite Umineko and Family Project both seeming to be using the same medium they really don't. For it's medium, Umineko is pretty good while there are several examples of equivalent writing in the Family Project's medium.

>> No.2973298

Anyone's work will seem quite good if they write a lot and you cherry pick the best ones. Titus Andronicus has been called one of the worst plays ever written, for example. You only see his better works mentioned.

>> No.2973299

Never said Umineko was well written, only that it isn't worse than Family Project.
