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2970463 No.2970463 [Reply] [Original]

How do people react when they enter your room and find you playing a visual novel or Touhou?

>> No.2970477

No one enters my room; they know I'm too weird for them.

>> No.2970499

They react exactly like that picture and it's so fucking adorable I always get up from my seat and hug them tightly then cry myself to sleep nobody enters my room i have no friends ;_;

>> No.2970522

Uhhhh nobody has walked in on me playing a vn, when playing touhou they usually just stop and remark something along the lines of "I don't even know how you are meant to play that"

>> No.2970531

I usually keep an e-book open on a random page for exactly this reason.

>> No.2970534

I live alone...

>> No.2970537

alt-tab to firefox and minimize whatever VNs I am playing.

There is a reason why I play all the VNs on window mode.

>> No.2970542

This one time i was playing a VN on my ps2 and I had english voices on. the girls were saying stuff like "I like it when you talk to me like that" and my dad heard most of it and came in to ask me what i was watching. it was pretty embarassing

>> No.2970544

Son, I am disapoint

>> No.2970557

I alt+tab or win+d.
Depends what applications I have running at the same time.

>> No.2970559

theres an eng vn on the PS2? Whats the title?

>> No.2970565

No one comes to my fortress of solitude.

>> No.2970575
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>english voices

>> No.2970588

I make a small effort to hide my VN playing. I find it uncomfortable to read when I'm being watched or glanced it. And I'm wary of surprise sex scenes coming up out of nowhere. I don't play much Touhou but when I did, I saw no reason to hide anything. But I pause my animu when someone comes into the room. This room being the kitchen, not my bedroom.

I, my sister, my step sister, we don't talk to each other much. There is no appreciable reaction.

>> No.2970591
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My dad just stares at my figures.
I think he secretly wants to hot glue them.

>> No.2970598

You minimize the VN. It turns out you have something even more embarrassing open behind it.

This is why I just turn off the screen now. No one would understand my moe.

>> No.2970602

Ar tonelico
It's actually an RPG, but it has walls of text

>> No.2970606

I addressed that problem already in my post here >>2970557

>> No.2970615


>> No.2970619

The good thing about touhou is that the art doesn't resemble anime art at all. (same with Umineko btw)

>> No.2970631

Almost all I play is shootan. They see it as another crazy bullet game they can't fathom playing.

>> No.2970634

Since I don't play that many VNs, I guess none.

When my roommates see me playing Touhou, they react the same way they do when the see me playing any arcade shmup. That is to say, no reaction at all.

>> No.2970639


>> No.2970645

Yea it's basically just any old game so it doesn't get much reaction, at most they notice moon runes and think "huh".

>> No.2970649

They have never seen me do anything because I usually only do it at night when they're sleeping and I tab out whenever they enter my room.

>> No.2970651

I always lock my door.

>> No.2970653

With Touhou they just assume it's an average shooter. With VNs, I minimize.

>> No.2970663

My friends are pretty relaxed when it comes to my hobbies.

Some of them even like to watch when I play Touhou, and I don't play embarrassing VN's when there's a danger of being discovered anyway.

>> No.2970711

They say:"Put away your dick!".

>> No.2970715

I have generic nature photo wallpaper, I just bring up the desktop on the very rare occasion someone ever comes into my room.

>> No.2970717

get multi desktop manager tools

>> No.2970721

I've gotten my roommate playing touhou and VNs. So if he walks in on me playing either, I doubt he thinks much of it aside from "what VN is that" or wondering what stage I'm on. Although I usually lock my door in the case of VNs anyway because of H scenes.

>> No.2970745

They genuflect on the spot upon apprehending my superior powerlevel.

If they aren't weeaboo's, then I feel awkward and they are just like "okay, bye".
Only the ladder has happened so far

>> No.2970754

And then tell you to go to sleep?

>> No.2970758


>> No.2970770

"When do the battles start?"

>> No.2970775
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My screen faces so it can't be seen from the doorway.

>> No.2970790

First time my dad saw Touhou:

Son, you should just go back to playing Space Invaders like we did back in the day.

My best friend upon seeing Touhou:


>> No.2970803

I just leave it at that current scene and see what they want, if they don't want anything I'll just continue playing. just like when I browse /jp/. If it's a vn with a lot of h-scenes I find it rude to continue playing if someone is in the room though, so I just save it and exit then go browse /jp/.

I've even suggested a few vn's to friends if I thought they might like it and they seem like that type of person, 2 of them actually liked it and started playing more.

I don't play touhou because I don't think I can do all that crazy dodging and shit but I'd imagine they would ask how I even play that.

>> No.2970810

If I'm playing a VN, I just make sure not to have it on an H-scene.
When I'm playing Touhou I don't care who's watching, but the constant streams of 'oh fuck that looks impossible' are a little exasperating, even after you've explained to them how it works.

I'm secretly waiting for someone to recognize what I'm doing/call me a faggot upon seeing my screen.

>> No.2970812

My housemates also play visual novels, so it's not really much of a problem.

>> No.2970826 [DELETED] 

op hear lol stop spamming and DDoSing us u retards, u will be taken down if u continue


(remove the shit over the letters bitch)
>fijfjg voyfykgkbohjdp yln c ioonlddkcic skvjoffcifdgdcb

>> No.2970830

my mom said "holy shit that's sick" when she first saw me playing touhou

>> No.2970834

sick as in what

>> No.2970836

sick as in "that shit is going to rape your eyes"

>> No.2970843
File: 511 KB, 936x936, 1240969067174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much this except I was playing a VN and dad actually said "god dammit son..."

>> No.2970854

Whenever someone sees me playing Touhou, they get like "JESUS GODDAMN CHRIST HOW CAN YOU EVEN PLAY THIS".

And i'm like "Heh, it's pretty easy, i'm just SUPA FRESH".

>> No.2970861

now I want to reply to a post like that


>> No.2970886

What VN was it and how fat are you?

>> No.2970894

Did you really attempt to extol our moe 2D love games as sophisticated entertainment or some shit?

>> No.2970900

They react the same as when i watch anime.

Dropping by and complaining about the childish voices in Japanese.

That or tell me to start playing WoW, depending on if it is my mother or father.

>> No.2970913

All dads are sons of bitches. And they have teribble taste in women, always choose to marry whores.

>> No.2970915
File: 106 KB, 677x677, 1234751665553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2970922

Pretty much this, minus the expletives.

>> No.2970929

Nobody has caught me playing one yet, I almost got caught playing Tsukihime once. Usually I just play in a window and hit Windows+M or D and open up firefox agan.

A confused look dawns over their face.

>> No.2970932

When my mom saw me play touhou for the first time, she asked me "what are all those things flying around?". I answered "bullets that I'm supposed to dodge". After that she just went out of the room in terror. And I wasn't doing anything that impressive, EOsD on hard, fight with Sakuya.

>> No.2970935
File: 88 KB, 800x600, YMK_253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do people react when they enter your room and find you playing a visual novel or Touhou?
"Oh shit, are you playing some Touhous?" "Yep." "Good luck." "k"
"I thought I heard you playing (VN). You get (girl) yet?"
"I think two or so more flags."
"Good luck."

>> No.2970941

That is so horribly awkward to imagine

>> No.2970944
File: 86 KB, 600x450, easymode233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2970945

I live alone and have no friends, so they don't. Although one time my mom was over and I went to the bathroom and when I came back she was reading the back of my YMK box. She let out one of those 'where did I go wrong as a parent' sighs and put it down. She didn't say anything though.

>> No.2970946

I minimize it when I am playing VNs. Headphones are a must! Although I do turn off voices whenever possible.

A few of my buddies saw me playing Touhou. They all seemed to like it.

And I pause animu when people come in. I get embarassed because of the voices. :(

>> No.2970948

I don't live with my family. I roommate with a friend of mine. We share the same interests. one of us is bound to pick up a new game or anime or whatever and share it out. It wouldn't be surprising at all to find that he's grabbed cross channel from me- after all, I just copied Family Project from his hard drive.

>> No.2970964

When I lived with my family my dad saw me play Touhou quite a lot. He likes video games, and wasn't bothered. My flatmate never comes in my room, but knows what I do and doesn't care.

>> No.2970982

I've been walked in on watching anime three times in my life. The first was back when I watched Inuyasha and my brother thought it'd be funny to sneak in the room I was watching it in, get next to me and ask "Why are you watching that?" and I could only respond with "It's funny". The next was when I was in high school watching Evangelion for the first time and my brother burst into the room I was using the computer on and I got out of it and started watching another streaming video on winamp and asked him if he knew you could watch free tv on the internet. I'm not so sure how well that worked, but it was never mentioned again. The last time was when I was my mother came in the room during an episode of Excel Saga. She said "So you're finally playing a game instead of staring at nothing" (because I usually exit all the windows when someone walks in for obvious reasons, she was just too fast for me this time) I'm still not sure how she mistakes anime for a game.

I guess another stupid thing I did was play Tsukihime on my laptop out in the open in a position I didn't think anyone would be able to see my screen at. It wasn't until much later when I got up to get something to drink that I realized anyone on the other side of the room could see everything I was doing.

...anyway I'm sure my mother thinks I'm watching porn all the time based on her comments on how I always get out of everything I'm doing on the computer when she comes in my room.

>> No.2971020 [DELETED] 

again get your hands on multi desktop managers, so one click or combination changes the whole desktop

>> No.2971024

again get your hands on some multi desktop manager, so one button press or key combo changes to another desktop

>> No.2971026


When my friends come over and find me sitting on my couch playing a VN, I don't think they particularly care. They usually sit down and watch.

>> No.2971029

you know privacy?

>> No.2971039

My room is set up so that I can see the door from my desk, but they can't see the computer screen from there, so it's not a situation that happens very often.
Nobody seems to mind the Touhou games, but I usually pause my music/anime if someone walks in.

>> No.2971051
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>and find you playing a visual novel or Touhou?
They don't.

>> No.2971063


Why would I need privacy when I'm actually expecting them to show up? I really don't care what people see me play.

>> No.2971302

Never played touhou, I usually just exit out of whatever im playing before they see.

>> No.2971320

I live alone...
But one my cousin came here and yeah I was playing touhou
He said he got dizzy just watching

>> No.2971338

"Holy shit this looks hard"
"Do you want to play?
"Spare me. "

I never show VNs to people.

>> No.2971363

>>2971338 "Spare me. "

>> No.2971382

Someone should kick you in the ass for being such a fagget

>> No.2971405

No big deal, I used to have my fingers on alt+tab all the time but nowadays I don't care. Once my dad came and asked if the game I was playing changed endings depending on your choices. Replied "Yeah" and he went away. Pretty awkward.

>> No.2971416

He was trying to engage you in conversation, he wanted some recommendations. You're a jerk.

>> No.2971436

If he knows that much, he already knows that you're fapping to it. You should have talked to him more, at least your dad is still around.

>> No.2971448

I wouldn't dare to alt+tab because my wallpaper is some random 2d loli rape picture.

>> No.2971453

Make that a 3d shota rape picture. With sound. Then you can call yourself brave.

>> No.2971465

Me and my roomate were once both playing Clannad at the same time in the same room....So yeah...
If Im around other people I usually dont bother with VNs (which I dont play that much of anyway). As for Touhou, people usually just ask what it is and I tell them that it is a crazy ass shootan game made by a tiny drunk asian man.

>> No.2971475

Then they'll look it up online and find loli doujins and the ED article on Touhou (one of the first things that comes up when you google 'Touhou') and see that he's an alcoholic pedophile.

Now how is that going to make you look Anon?

>> No.2971479
File: 48 KB, 610x517, 1219335051540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't happen often as I try not to let anyone see me doing anything other than reading long walls of text (ironically, I haven't read a book in years!) but when it does happen, they usually stop and stare for awhile. If they ask, I tell them it's a game that lets you choose your own adventure.

>> No.2971488

Headphones and locked door at all times.

>> No.2971491

It's basic procedure to face your monitor away from the screen at all times. If you get caught playing VNs you're either underage or a moron.

You're also a moron if you tab to your bare desktop. Anyone with half a brain will think you were looking at porn.

>> No.2971505

It's okay if they see a picture of him because they'll go, "Wow, that's a cool dude."

>> No.2971516

They don't care. They're still video games afterall. No one really cares if you play video games anymore; they're cool and acceptable things.

I'll alt-tab if an ero scene pops up though.

>> No.2971518

>face your monitor away from the screen


>> No.2971527

Doubt it. He never showed any interest in the weeaboo realm.

>you're fapping to it
I don't fap to the regular eroges I play, I usually skip the H scenes.

>You should have talked to him more, at least your dad is still around.
Yeah, I should. But can't find any good topic to talk about.

>> No.2971538

I usually dont mention the name. Even if I did most people really dont care enough about it to check later on, let alone remember how to spell it and put it into a search engine.

>> No.2971557

I never show any interest in the weeaboo realm to anybody. That means nothing.

>> No.2971577

Why would there be anyone in my room?

>> No.2971949

I have two lockers filled with clothes from other famility members in my room, and my room is only one meter away from the entrance door, so yeah it's not the best idea to play or watch fancy stuff during daytime, especially because I do everything with good headphones.
I once had a different setup with the LCD facing the door and enough space between but that was retarded and my room looked as if an earthquake had occured.
I'm in my 20s btw and living here is obviously lot of cheaper ;_;

>> No.2972079

The first 4 results are Wikipedia, the Touhou Wiki, and youtube videos. If someone skips these for ED, you don't have to worry from him, except if he's an asshole to begin with.

>> No.2972113

>>How do people react when they enter your room and find you playing a visual novel or Touhou?
Why is my door open while playing a visual novel?

>> No.2972154

This sounds familiar; would it be your mother who would tell you to play WoW?

>> No.2972155

Most people already know I read visual novels by now, the first few times they were impressed I could read Japanese so well and then asked what it was. Luckily the name "visual novel" doesn't sound as suspicious as "gal game" or "ero game".

>> No.2972215

I have no one to hide anything from, and even when I did I didn't hide my VN or Touhou playing because I'm not an insecure faggot. My sister didn't care when she saw me playing Tsukihime. I did get a weird look from my old roommate when he saw me playing a VN until I explained visual novels to him. I basically just said it was a Japanese CYOA game.

>> No.2972270

Hotkeyed multiple desktops and headphones. Anything questionable is encrypted, and certain things may or may not only be accessed with a livecd and swapoff. No one really knows of my hobbies. It's not that I'm ashamed, it's just annoying to explain to others.

The only incriminating thing I have is my Horo fig, but most people probably pass her off as a game figure, on account of her sitting next to some Warcraft witch doctor fig I won from some magazine years ago.

>> No.2972737

Paranoid much?

>> No.2972745

Holy shit, man. Did someone tell you they'd kill you in your sleep if they found out you were a weeaboo?

>> No.2972764

Not the guy but you can't be paranoid enough in days where you can be searched by police for an attempted mp3 download or being directed to a server that's being monitored. And don't forget, some countries already have or are in the implementing process of an internet censorship infrastructure

>> No.2972769

Nobody comes in my room, and nobody has seen me play a VN. However, when watching me play Touhou, people usually say, "That looks hard. How are you supposed to dodge all those?"

>> No.2972778

Are you the same guy whose network formats every single harddrive in the entire network if someone dicks around on any single machine without entering a password first ?

>> No.2972793

>>2971448 I wouldn't dare to alt+tab because my wallpaper is some random 2d loli rape picture.


>> No.2972812

Oh man, that is so fucking awesome.

>> No.2972827


Because I enjoy watching loli rape all the time when I'm on my computer, which is every daylight hour and most of the night.

>> No.2972834

How should this be even possible

>> No.2972840


Do you browse in windowed format?
