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2970289 No.2970289 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/, i just started playing umineko recently and i'm halfway through episode 2 right now(second twilight) but there are a few things that i dont get, so please help me out(without spoilering too much if thats possible...)

1. Episode 1 Endroll....whats up with that letter from maria? when did she wrote that, and why? i mean in the first scenario she barely could get her head out of beato's ass and was actually happy to get killed by her.
2. the letter again. isnt it proof that the murderer is one of the 18 people, and not the witch beatrice?
3. in episode 2 the characters get killed in a different order/characters who survived the twilights in ep 1 die(jessica), but is the culprid the same in every scenario?

>> No.2970307

So do you make that chocolate yourself Beato?

>> No.2970322

1. Probably a fake sent out by the culprit
2. Not really, no
3. Don't know, not enough information. I'm guessing the mastermind behind all of this is the same but the people involved in the murders are different each episode

>> No.2970329
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The real killer(s) are a bunch of assassin who named themselves "Godas". They looks exactly the same and share the same name. There are unknown number of them, however they always create alibi for each other.

>> No.2970331
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Beato kills everyone with magic, that should be pretty obvious by now.

>> No.2970332

GTFO, /jp/ ain't your fucking blog.
Go finish reading the entire thing before posting here again.

>> No.2970349

Oh, another blogpost? /jp/ sure is turning into an interesting board.

>> No.2970362

You lost me.

>> No.2970379

Are you the guy who was complaining about the Ever17 thread last night?

You should probably know that threads like this have always been common here. /jp/ is for visual novels and Touhou. Go to another board if you want shitty imagedump threads.

>> No.2970383

Also, OP, most of the people posting in Umineko threads have finished every episode already and so it's pretty hard to discuss this stuff without spoiling it for you. Especially if you're asking for theories.

>> No.2970396
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Seriously, the dude just asked a question. Fuck off with you blog-trolling bawwfest

>> No.2970492

No I definitely am not. I just start to feel fucking bored at all these : "Hey guys look I just read part XXX in Umineko well that was awesome I loved how he killed him but I don't understand why XXX"


>> No.2970569

I wonder why you ask others things you have been asked.

>> No.2970740

finish Ep4 and then come back here
