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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2965407 No.2965407 [Reply] [Original]

This is a magical test: http://www.socialanxietysupport.com/disorder/liebowitz/

If your score is below 40, it means you only visit during the weekend.
If your score is below 20, it means you only visit during the summer.
Scary how such a seemingly unrelated test can tell the circumstances of you being here.

My score is 25 + 40 = 65, by the way

>> No.2965423

100 on the dot.
Sounds about right.

>> No.2965429

I got 73. But it's a online test. Nobody should really take it seriously.

>> No.2965430
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40(fear) + 40(avoidance) = 80


>> No.2965433

I got 23. Well whatever.

>> No.2965436



>> No.2965437
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>> No.2965439

54(fear) + 53(avoidance) = 107
You have very severe social anxiety.

Sucks to be me.

>> No.2965441

96. Do I get to stay?

>> No.2965445
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20 + 20 = 40
nothing for me but thought the opposite, i don't know myself

>> No.2965448

43(fear) + 42(avoidance) = 85

You can all go die!

>> No.2965452

45(fear) + 51(avoidance) = 96
You have very severe social anxiety.

Shit, I'm even worse than I thought

>> No.2965454

4(fear) + 11(avoidance) = 15

>> No.2965456

39(fear) + 36(avoidance) = 75
I hoped for something around 40.

>> No.2965457

12(fear) + 28(avoidance) = 40

I expected worse.

>> No.2965461


>> No.2965463

I got exactly 100.

"50(fear) + 50(avoidance) = 100
You have very severe social anxiety."

I didn't think I was that bad.

>> No.2965464


>> No.2965465

Funny how the tripfags get the lowest scores.

>> No.2965468

7 + 18 = 25

yay, not a summerfag. I'm happy.

>> No.2965470

4(fear) + 17(avoidance) = 21

Are you people seriously scared of these things? I'm a huge introvert, so I avoid going to parties and shit, but I'm not scared of them.

And OP's prediction is wrong. I've been here almost every day since the split from /a/.

>> No.2965477

42(fear) + 35(avoidance) = 77

>> No.2965478

>I'm a huge introvert

It's pretty clear that you're not. Even disregarding your fear score, you still only got 17 on avoidance. I bet you even have IRL friends who you regularly hang out with.

>> No.2965480

55(fear) + 59(avoidance) = 114
You have very severe social anxiety.


>> No.2965481

Whew. I have 43. I suppose I'm ok?

>> No.2965482

I know you won't believe me, but I don't. I go to work every weekday and go grocery shopping on the weekends. I don't go outside for anything else.

>> No.2965486


I'm a normalfag who loves to party and socialize, but I fucking hate phones, giving speeches, etc.

>> No.2965487

Fuck, I tried again being moe moderate and I still got 95.

FFS, why did it have to be this way? Why couldn't it be better? God, help me...


>> No.2965493

>40(fear) + 47(avoidance) = 87
>You have severe social phobia.

I'm home I guess.

>> No.2965495

23 + 23 = 46

Seems I don't have social disorders and I still do visit this place like crazy.

>> No.2965499


Same here. It's hard to say how much I fear or avoid some of the items on the list, because they don't come up at all.

>> No.2965501
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Why are you reposting this crappy test goddamnit

>> No.2965502

Same, except I ended up assuming the worst and got a score of 120.

Some of those points could probably be cut off but honestly I have no idea.

>> No.2965505

42(fear) + 51(avoidance) = 93
You have severe social phobia.

Uhhh... but I visit /jp/ only once in a while... for the Touhou threads. ;_;

>> No.2965508

I got 5+19...
Does that mean I should leave in a month?

>> No.2965514

23(fear) + 36(avoidance) = 59
Am I still a bro?

>> No.2965515

>Your score:
>46(fear) + 72(avoidance) = 118
>You have very severe social anxiety.

I never go outside/meet people = every avoidance is 3.

>> No.2965516

The prevalence of social anxiety among today's youths is not a coincidence. The way in which the education system of the united states was set up was designed not by education experts but by industrialists with an investment in the system. These industrialists, bankers and millionaires form a cartel striving toward a new world system known as the New World Order.

The education system takes perfectly healthy outgoing children, as many of you once were, and uses clique formations, regimented schedules and strict procedures to squeeze the spontaneity, sociability and essential social skills out of the students. This leaves the students ruined with depression and lacking social skills, perfect for the N.W.O as a populace capable of forming relationships, groups and even militias would be capable of defying their new system. By starving the youth of social skills, they remove this threat.

Furthermore, they inspire feelings of misanthropy and even sociopathy which is in line with their scheme to reduce the population by up to 80%. The socially avoidant youths, incapable of forming resistance, will now accept the schemes of the N.W.O as a reaction against their peers who were in fact trained to force them into this position.

It's all a conspiracy. Wake up. The spirit of humanity is still inside you. You have purity, still. You have creativity, still. The rushing, freeing, electrifying, life-giving quality of liberty can still shake your soul and awaken in you what you only THINK you've lost.

>> No.2965520


>> No.2965522



>> No.2965524

39(fear) + 28(avoidance) = 67

I'm probably higher. Kinda hard to judge how you feel about situations without having been in them recently. 'Giving a Party' was a bit of an unfair question though. Who outside of the popular crowd (in any environment) throws parties? How the hell are we supposed to know? Automatic 6 points. I'm sure when I was back in school it would have been 100+ easy.

Any tips for lowering my score /jp/? I'm glad to know most of us are true bros.

>> No.2965525
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>> No.2965527
File: 22 KB, 400x326, nwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New World Order
gb2 to your ring

>> No.2965529

these N.W.O guys sounds pretty cool where do I join?

>> No.2965530

Seriously, under treatment options it's either therapy or anti-depressants. Why the fuck do they always assume shitty social skills = we're depressed?

>> No.2965532

You pay taxes, right?
You vote, right?
You went to a public highschool, right?

Then you're already a "member".

>> No.2965535

13 fear + 6 avoidance = 19

hmm i seem pretty normal...

Still, im on 4chan a lot of the time

>> No.2965539

My parents pay my taxes
I don't vote
I don't want to talk about my highschool life

>> No.2965545

>My parents pay my taxes

You've been bred into dependency. The N.W.O wants to keep you in chains.

You had a different destiny, a better destiny, a life worth talking about waiting for you. They took it away from you.

You deserved better, but they twisted and manipulated circumstances to assure you could never be a threat, never be free, never be independent. If you look with the right eyes, you can see their symbols, their tools, their lackeys all around you. Cops, bankers, private security, security cameras, chemtrails, occult architecture.

You're in a prison, brother. A prison you can't escape because you've been immobilized. You still have the spirit of liberty in you, though. It's just waiting for the right time to fire your dead limbs into action, and free you.

>> No.2965552

40(fear) + 30(avoidance) = 70

But there were a few situations which I have never experienced so far and not because I'm avoiding it.
This test is stupid and I feel stupid for filling it.

>> No.2965553


Well the joke is on them. I'd like to see their faces once everyone is so socially repressed they stop reproducing! Ha!

>> No.2965558
File: 45 KB, 252x258, Bush - Funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd like to see their faces once everyone is so socially repressed they stop reproducing! Ha!

>their scheme to reduce the population by up to 80%

They'd probably be very happy.

>> No.2965565

I scored like 37 last time you posted this. I'm here 24/7, the only time I even realize it's weekend is when posts start popping up whining about it.

>> No.2965568


15 (11+4) and I visit regularly. Fuck you and your test nigger.

>> No.2965576

13(fear) + 14(avoidance) = 27

>> No.2965599

59(fear) + 61(avoidance) = 120

Well then.

>> No.2965616

There are two kinds of people on /jp/:
Those that have little control over their 'social' lives but not because they've given up. They wish to improve though they'll never give up the /jp/ lifestyle which is awesome.

Those who can easily get by in the real world but just don't give a fuck. They choose the easy route of being a NEET with no friends even though they have other options. Many of them have personality problems and at least half are trolls. A lot of these guys don't belong on /jp/ and should move away to some other board.

Oh, and there's a third type: the ones who convince themselves that they don't have any social problems at all but really have loads. They just don't put themselves in the situations required and believe they do.

>> No.2965621

I guess tripfags would fit into two and three then.

>> No.2965623

58 + 57 = 115

It's no wonder I haven't left my house in 6 months.

>> No.2965632
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>> No.2965650

ITT: Fat, greasy, loser fucks.

>> No.2965654
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>> No.2965664

We had this thread before and it was awful then.

Also, 116.

>> No.2965676

So, even if I'm a total fuckup in any real social interaction, I don't really have a problem because I learned to cope and be okay with formalized situations in which I can act mechanically (or just act, for that matter)? That's what my result would imply.

Online tests suck.

>> No.2965677

26(fear) + 30(avoidance) = 56

>> No.2965680

42(fear) + 46(avoidance) = 88
You have severe social phobia.

>> No.2965686

32(fear) + 49(avoidance) = 81
You have severe social phobia.

Well, fuck.

>> No.2965691

31(fear) + 49(avoidance) = 80

>> No.2965698

Am I the only one who drinks like fuck to fix these problems?

>> No.2965701

This place has turned into /a/ or /b/.

>> No.2965708
File: 13 KB, 251x251, 18194114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

54(fear) + 51(avoidance) = 105
You have very severe social anxiety.

>> No.2965718


Good analysis.


Ignorance is a bliss.

>> No.2965723


Yet I am here most every night.

>> No.2965726

30(fear) + 31(avoidance) = 61

So this is why I have no friends.

>> No.2965730

>I am here during the summer.

>> No.2965738


OP's post specifies only visiting during the summer.
poor effort, mon ami.

>> No.2965747

You kids all need to leave.

This board needs some quality control.

>> No.2965749

No but I have been considering it

>> No.2965760

It helps, but you should probably try seeking real medications instead. I'm probably an alcoholic by now.

>> No.2965762

Does that actually work?

>> No.2965775

It does as long as you don't get yourself wasted. Drinking a bit can kill off most fear.

>> No.2965825

At first I was like "60/61, hmm moderate social phobia, not sure if that suits me." But then I realized that they need to be combined, lol. ;__;

Suits me just fine though.

>> No.2965837

36(fear) + 67(avoidance) = 103
You have very severe social anxiety.

Awesome. The joys of being a NEET.

>> No.2965843

So'd I.
>47(fear) 43(avoidance)
"Oh no, I'm not fit for /jp/."
>Combined = 90
"Oh no, I fit in with /jp/."

>> No.2965867

33(fear) + 38(avoidance) = 71
You have marked social anxiety.

I can live with that.

>> No.2965874

oh dear, my score is below 20 and yet I come here from pre-split.

now what?

>> No.2965887

>yet I come here from pre-split

You've been here since before here existed? That's pretty pro, dawg.

>> No.2965889

10(fear) + 3(avoidance) = 13

I probably fit in with the grading OP suggested, as this is the first time I've visited this board, and only did so because of a thread in /r9k/ encouraging the visitation of boards we had never before been to in hopes of bringing back lulz.

Thus far all I have discovered are incomprehensible lists, like so;

"Number of sprites per character. Alternative outfits are excluded

Battler: 68
Eva: 57
Beatrice: 52
Rosa: 48
George: 44
Natsuhi: 33
Rudolf: 33
Jessica: 30
Kanon: 28
Krauss: 28
Eva Beatrice: 25
Gaap: 25
Lucifier: 23
Leviathan: 23
Satan: 23"

No doubt some kind of machine code.

In addition I have discovered;
-Discussion of japans problems, such as a dropping birth rate (exacerbated by their retardedly strict immigration laws) as though they were of direct concern to posters most likely located in completely different countries.

-Some random creepy hypothetical about having your brains transplanted into cloned japanese school children or someshit, what is this, I don't even?

Regardless, you're still better than /a/.


>> No.2965890

You need to leave /jp/, and start spending time on /b/. You're not good enough to be here, no matter how many VNs you've read or how good you are at dodging bullets.

>> No.2965893

Sup /r9k/?

You came a time without Touhou threads on the first page, which is odd. Probably because it's still morning.

>> No.2965900


>> No.2965902

13(fear) + 15(avoidance) = 28
Been here everyday since the split. Test is bullshit.

>> No.2965907

Your score:
21(fear) + 32(avoidance) = 53
You do not suffer from social anxiety.

What the...? I hate speeches, don't party, avoid looking people in the eyes and they dare say I'm a normalfag? Fuck it.

>> No.2965911

10(fear) + 27(avoidance) = 37

More introverted than complete normalfags, but not as pathetic as most of you claim to be. I guess it's about right.

>> No.2965921

This thread is godawful.

>> No.2965927

You normalfags should get back to /a/, /v/, /b/, or /r9k/ where you belong.

>> No.2965935

Stop taking tests dishonestly anon!

>> No.2965940 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2965951

35(fear) + 67(avoidance) = 102

Is that so?

>> No.2965963

Your score:
2(fear) + 11(avoidance) = 13
You do not suffer from social anxiety.


>> No.2965993

>48(fear) + 50(avoidance) = 98
>You have very severe social anxiety.

Can't even order a pizza to be delivered without needing to hurl, so yeah, no surprise here.

>> No.2966013

Actually it's liek, 1am here, but the only real touhou crap I've encountered has been on my journeys to /tg/, where many a supposed sourcebook download was cunningly replaced with hundreds of touhou futa pictures.

Needless to say I don't have a particularly strong liking for those god children things? or whatever they're supposed to be.

Actually perhaps this would be a good time to receive an actual explanation for whatever it is they're supposed to be, ideally without the 12 foot futa dicks attached. Could you explain the origins and appeal?

>> No.2966023

Your score:
2(fear) + 17(avoidance) = 19
You do not suffer from social anxiety.

I'm just your average "shy" male, if something has to be done then I'll do it.

>> No.2966027

45(fear) + 39(avoidance) = 84

I swear I wasn't this bad until I got out of the service.

>> No.2966028

Sure, brother from another board.

Touhou is a series of games all made by one drunk guy named ZUN. He draws the art, composes the music, writes the engine and the story for all of his games. It's a really impressive display of what one person can do.

The games themselves are danmaku shooters (look that up if you don't know what it is). They're usually pretty fun for a few plays through.

But the big deal is how ZUN inspires creativity in other self-published works. There is a ridiculous amount of derived works from Touhou, including doujinshi, music, character art and spinoff games. It's incredible the amount of fans the games have. Much of these derivative works are made by very talented people who often end up working for (if they aren't already) major VN, anime and manga producers.

To me, the appeal is largely the characters. ZUN doesn't put a whole lot of backstory into his characters, letting fans decide for themselves what their motivations are and what makes them tick. This is one of the bigger reasons Touhou has such a large amount of derivative works.

tl;dr: it has a lot of talented fans.

>> No.2966032

41(fear) + 20(avoidance) = 61
You have moderate social anxiety.

Not as bad as I thought.

Considering I refuse to eat in public, speak aloud, or go to a party on my own.

>> No.2966035

This is the worst thread on /jp/.

All you kids should be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.2966039
File: 85 KB, 233x179, 1241963580782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18(fear) + 17(avoidance) = 35

Ha HA looks like I'm doing pretty well, too bad I still suffer from bipolar disorder type2

>> No.2966052

Your score:
37(fear) + 41(avoidance) = 78
You have marked social anxiety.

Yeah that's pretty much right

>> No.2966055

34. I bet if I took this test in my highschool days, I would have easily cleared 80.

>> No.2966057

Answering to subjective scale tests is foolish.
That's like asking people to rate their intelligence.

>> No.2966089

Ah, well thanks for clearing that up for me, it's actually quite impressive, I'd always assumed it was based off some professional work.

Anyway, enjoy your.. morning was it? My report on the wonders of /jp/ is complete and I'm off to bed.

Oh, and to the socially anxious in this thread: as someone who used to be diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder, just wanted to say that it is surmountable, however impossible that may seem at this point in your lives.

>> No.2966106

41(fear) + 48(avoidance) = 89
You have severe social phobia.


>> No.2966109

18(fear) + 51(avoidance) = 69
You have marked social anxiety.

I don't have that much fear but i will avoid social relationships and contact like the plague.

>> No.2966112 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 252x268, 1237906229469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4(fear) + 13(avoidance) = 17

I'll reckon I've frequented this board langer than the OP.

>> No.2966116

53(fear) + 55(avoidance) = 108

>> No.2966117
File: 9 KB, 252x268, 1237906229469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4(fear) + 13(avoidance) = 17

I'll reckon I've frequented this board longer than the OP.

>> No.2966120

31(fear) + 37(avoidance) = 68
You have marked social anxiety.

>> No.2966126

28 + 60 = 88

>> No.2966315

Interesting fact: Most people here with a low score defend themselves by bragging about how long they've been here. This not /b/. Having been here for longer than others does not make you superior. Go back to wherever you came from.

>> No.2966357

10(fear) + 25(avoidance) = 35

It's funny because I'm NEET, I never leave the house and browse /jp/ almost everyday.

I don't see how you guys are afraid of these things. Avoiding certain things I can understand but honestly why would you care about the judgment of others?

>> No.2966382

ITT elitist losers.

>> No.2966395

23(fear) + 44(avoidance) = 67
You have marked social anxiety.

Worse than I thought it would be, I don't really have much social anxiety, I just prefer to be alone.

>> No.2966403

>20(fear) + 24(avoidance) = 44
The only thing I really screw up on is urinating in public. I always get this weird feeling that everyone's staring at my cock.

>> No.2966417

44 + 44 = 88

Jesus, I'm worse then I thought.

>> No.2966451

32(fear) + 31(avoidance) = 63

woo, worse than I thought

>> No.2966463

That's because they are, anon.

>> No.2966464

We had this thread the other day. No, OP, you are the summer visitor.

>> No.2966480

We're all caught in an infinite loop, where every repost is a reposted repost.

>> No.2966487

Greater than 95 - Very severe social phobia


and I tested it and you can't go higher than 95 fuckhead!

>> No.2966514

3(fear) + 9(avoidance) = 12

>> No.2966569

Wasn't this up a couple of days ago aswell?
Anyway, I scored 45, but I only visit here when I'm looking for something to do besides actually being here.

>> No.2966588

>47(fear) + 57(avoidance) = 104


>> No.2966643

>3(fear) + 0(avoidance) = 3 You do not suffer from social anxiety.
only because:
>6. Acting, performing, or speaking in front of an audience
My fucking weakness

>> No.2966676

>43(fear) + 41(avoidance) = 84

Online tests are terrible, my score should be a lot lower.

I hope ;_;

>> No.2966681

25(fear) + 37(avoidance) = 62
It's enough to fuck my life up though.

>> No.2966725

43(fear) + 51(avoidance) = 94
Whenever I take these tests or whatever I feel like I have done something wrong on it, but never have the patience to double-check everything, so whatever.

>> No.2966937

Same here.

As for this being a repost; correct. One or two days ago I opened the original thread, but by the time I got to read it (at the archive; automatic redirect because it 404'd) I couldn't post anymore, so I made a new thread.

>> No.2967551

