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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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29643419 No.29643419 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>29267408

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.29648081

Any good game with main coodere heroine?

>> No.29648164

I mean wizardchan is a western site, and I'd only seen it referenced before on 4chan. This is the first time it's popped up in an eroge I've played.

>> No.29648200

what vn?

>> No.29648223


>> No.29648231


>> No.29648525

i mean just look at how old the game is, how old do you think a joke has to be before a japanese company makes an entire game about it? i hope you don't think cake is western either

>> No.29648811

The games only 8 years old whereas the idea of becoming a wizard at 30 has be around for twice that long just in the west.
>i hope you don't think cake is western either
Christmas Cake? No I'm aware thats a nip thing.

>> No.29648950

Holy shit, this game looks too fucking hot.

>> No.29649626

Baldr Sky has a クゥdere main heroine

>> No.29653293
File: 726 KB, 1212x644, chikanslayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave 痴漢’s to me

>> No.29653950

I'm pretty sure she's gonna get raped

>> No.29653984


>> No.29655160

I mean, the male twin got done in Saishuu 3, so you can't say it's impossible.

>> No.29656050
File: 578 KB, 1229x492, shinChikanslayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what about this mad lad?

>> No.29656645

MC's bad end. No CG, of course.

>> No.29662952


>> No.29665130

Anyone has this?
メイドの館 ~絶望編~

>> No.29666447

What a shitshow.

>> No.29669738

Are Lose trying to become the next Elf?

>> No.29671066

The first game was such unbelievable shit. They had the formula down before, how did they fuck it up?

>> No.29671215

Wow, I sure don't know the context for this.

>> No.29675206

Try to ask in the abandonware thread on /t/

>> No.29677852

M&M girls are sluts that will eat hobo dick after the first molestation.
Find it funny when gangbangef they try to downplay their slutyness by saying they only fuck the other guys because the MC asked them as if them enjoying it thoroughly is his doing too.

Maybe lower budget?
The prequel is so inferior to the old chikan games content wise.

>> No.29678010

Elf always stuck with their principles and made the same games they always made from the beginning, so no.

>> No.29678059

What is m&m?

>> No.29678357


>> No.29681916 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 800x600, tab109.tlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you are ready for the nigger protagonist's and trannies heroines in your morgue.

>> No.29681994
File: 38 KB, 800x600, tab109.tlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you are ready for the nigger protagonist's and trannies heroines in your moege.

>> No.29683066

I didn't beat the Rin route in Catherine remake. Because, you guessed it, "ew, fagets".

>> No.29684111

I'm talking about them suiciding their company by making huge missteps.

>> No.29684188

That looks like shit. I hate when tits are botched like that.
>trannies heroines in your morgue

>> No.29684844
File: 18 KB, 637x35, finally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I'm about to type this but why did I have to wait until nearly the end of the route to get some actual drama? Mizutsuki barely gets any screen time in her route and actually I was honestly pretty bored for most of it. Hopefully the rest is better. I wanted more like this and less Takayuki being an annoying indecisive faggot.

>> No.29685322

last i checked efl survived a decade after their so-called suicide

>> No.29687312

I think Hiruta knew very well what he was doing...

>> No.29689170

fun things are fun.

>> No.29693643

RIP Japan

>> No.29695916
File: 173 KB, 1120x455, donadona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish I did my reps, guess I'm gonna have to wait 5 years for this

>> No.29696059

Just use fucking parser bro

>> No.29696639

Learn Japanese.

And don't post here until you do.

>> No.29696853
File: 180 KB, 1602x940, おお勇者よ、イってしまうとは情けない!_AzWPM37pGU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I finished おお勇者よ、イってしまうとは情けない!, a game that's been out for a few years now and is by a company that hasn't done anything since and (although I didn't actually go to their site or anything) I assume is dead.

The games great. Good art style, I like all the heroines, peppered with old JRPG jokes for the kind of losers who played them like myself, harem ending, all the heroines (bar the Princess) get a decent 5 or 6 h-scenes on top of their endings. The game is exclusively /ss/, which might bother some people, and it has a voiced main character, which might bother a lot of people, but I'm fine with /ss/ and the protagonists seiyuu is a woman which avoided any existential questions of whether fapping to a male characters voice was gay. It's a pure nukige, the story is shallow and there are no routes, but it's not pretending to be anything but a pure nukige. It was just a happy sex filled romp from beginning to end, it's nice to finish a game and to have, at no point, been thinking 'why the fuck am I playing this'

Highly recommend anyone looking for a quick nukige to check it out and it's practically required reading for anyone into /ss/. I'm going to check out the devs actual main series 魔王のくせに生イキだっ!(which has a brief cameo in おお勇者よ) and while I'm not expecting it to be bad I can't see how going from a spunky, energetic and pure shota MC to a generic diamond dozen otaku neet MC will be an improvement. We'll see.

>> No.29696926

Oh Yuusha Yo is pretty fantastic, archbishop is best girl.

>> No.29697454
File: 1.86 MB, 1602x933, MaoNama_xYcq7B8tbq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me

>> No.29697786

You can't even tell when i post here, rofl,
And no, parser usage doesn't mean i can't post here, my little elitist friend.

>> No.29697814 [DELETED] 

We can all tell. You're uniquely terrible, my dark-skinned "friend".

>> No.29697879

Not only elitist, but racist as well?
Oh lol, what's next, transphobia?

>> No.29698091

I think it's fair to say you're not and will never be a woman. Is pointing out this fact transphobic though?

>> No.29698165

Yes, i don't need validation as a woman from transphobic racist elistis gatekeeping piece of shit like you.

>> No.29698187

Then why do you post about it all day every day on Twitter?

>> No.29698345

jesus man stop replying to this guy already
he only comes here to bait

>> No.29699335

minori also survived forever after switching to crappy nakinukige or whatever you wanna call those abominations

>> No.29699588

Holy fuck go back to /pol/ you niggers

>> No.29701446

My textractor is ready

>> No.29705870

what was their 'suicide'?

>> No.29707593


>> No.29707755
File: 977 KB, 1280x720, moe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29708787

What game is this?

>> No.29709261


>> No.29709371


>> No.29710226
File: 210 KB, 2048x1104, mutuki00141-1331609062694297601-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 years later, they still ask Aya Kadoi to make art of Mizuho.

>> No.29710733

Soul and soulless.

>> No.29710824
File: 86 KB, 450x640, 525592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya was still in her Sailor Moon phase.

>> No.29710971

Yeah left one looks like crap

>> No.29711982

Any recs for a game with good route for a girl with drill hair? If she is a ojousama, even better.

>> No.29712049
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>> No.29713097

One without a trans protagonist, please.

>> No.29713359

Wait, those are actually becoming common nowadays? Or do you mean something like futanari? I ask because I am still catching up with my decades old backlog.

>> No.29713440

No, just crossdressing due no circumstances, no mental illness.

This >>29713097 guy is just a shitposting darkie that needs a range ban.

>> No.29713487

Aoi and Hiro

Fuck me I love them both.

>> No.29713845

Oh sweetie my sweetie, how retarded you are.
See >>29713440

>> No.29715752


>> No.29716576
File: 361 KB, 319x625, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the route order for Nukitashi 2 doing them in order, the same as the first game, or can I jump around?

>> No.29716850

Haruka Sora's voice started to turn me off ever since I took a peek at her Twitter and found out she's married with kids.

>> No.29716869
File: 145 KB, 800x600, 6820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baby drill
That will go soft on touch and barely poke anything.

>> No.29718378

Any good incest games come out recently?

>> No.29720694

Any games similar to sister scheme?

>> No.29722914

Eh, I'm more excited for the Yamizome game. This whoring thing I don't really get. I get full-on dating sims and overdoing it on the evil/humiliation thing.

>> No.29722973

Sister Scheme HD
Sister Scheme 2
Sister Scheme 2 HD
Sister Scheme 3

Mink also made some other games with the absurd amount of blind choices, not just Sister Scheme series. There's that one where (You) find your student tied to the desk alone in the classroom for example.

>> No.29723019

That only makes it hotter though.

>> No.29723284

Incestfags have been salivating over Aikotoba for some months already. I don't give a shit about that but if I had to pick the newest I played, it'd be Imosapo, and it's a pretty good nukige for a single heroine game.

>> No.29724153

I can't say I enjoyed the choices (although they weren't too hard), but I found 'tasks' quite interesting.

>> No.29724619

What a strange take, Yamizome 1 was dogshit.

>> No.29724708

I like the juxtaposition between the maou game and the cutesy school harem, I guess. It's something new. The battle part was indeed dogshit.

>> No.29725828

This is why I never research a voice actor. As soon as I see their face or know any of their personal life details, their characters are ruined for me and just can't continue reading/watching.

>> No.29726595
File: 155 KB, 498x317, kawashima rino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How pathetic. What does it matter how ugly the person behind a voice is or whether she's married (which normal people like them do)?

>Haruka Sora mommy
Does she have any roles that end up preggo?

>> No.29727127

>Does she have any roles that end up preggo?
I don't think so, most of her roles are really boring, vanilla and samey, mostly just polite and sometimes somewhat tsundere high school girl.

>> No.29727166

I don't really care if they're ugly, pretty, married or whatever, but thinking of the person behind a character's voice is a sure way to ruin the immersion.

>> No.29727335

I end up associating the character with the voice actor. Every time the character speaks, I see the voice actor instead. It completely ruins the experience.

>> No.29727542

a game not worth your time

>> No.29728368
File: 70 KB, 554x433, hearts loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time sex with a tsundere

>> No.29728644
File: 1.91 MB, 1680x945, 青春フラジャイル【DL版】 -_リズ13_-cmvs32_(seishun_fragile).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished Seishun Fragile. Everything about the game was great except for the plot, and the more plot a route had the worse it was. Riz was the best girl by far and should have been the main heroine.

>> No.29730703

which version majikoi A should i grab? the one that has all the games in one?

>> No.29732329

read something good instead

>> No.29733298

Alright lads, I've started learning Japanese. I'm working on memorizing hirigana and I assume I'll need to know at least some kanji and katakana to actually read even the easiest VN's. That said, I'd like some recommendations on ones that are easy to read for beginners to Japanese. Once I start in on learning kanji and grammar, I figure it'll help me to have more things to read. I figure the more I read the faster I'll learn and the better I'll retain what I learn.

Thanks for your help.

>> No.29733399

Art on new Hooksoft actually looks nice compared the their recent games and this time it's with adult heroines and a pube toggle.

>> No.29733840

DoSuki was good I thought. Looks like the artist that did most of Maya's scenes is back and thus so am I.

>> No.29734291

I'm going to take some of my complaining back. The added third chapter (for Mizutsuki at least) is actually excellent and more than makes up for the dragging in the middle of the second chapter (I'm hoping most of it just repeats across every route so I don't have to deal with it anymore). Mizutsuki's dad is absolutely savage. That was a really immersive read. Good stuff.

>> No.29736254

But is her route as good as Ursule route?

>> No.29736302

Hope you're using parser, sweetie.

>> No.29736919

You've posted this before, fuck off. Your next post will be that you started tonight and you're already struggling with "hirigana." You can't read untranslated games even if you mastered hiragana and katakana.

>> No.29737747

I was just listening to one of the Koihime Musou webseries the other day and it had Kawashima Rino and Haruka Sora on. Kawashima almost immediately started bitching that she was like 15 years older than Haruka Sora, it was both funny and sad.

>> No.29738395

Anyone played Girls Book Maker? Is it any good? It's getting a premium package release next month and I'm thinking of checking it out.

>> No.29740835

Speaking about the Koihime voice actors, I had fun watching these MHW stream collaborations that Kazane, Aji Sanma, and Nojima Kana did together. However when I looked at some of their past streams I got immediately turned off once I found out they got on voice chat with other men.

Also I hope Nojima Kana recovers from her ailment soon. I took a look at her non-eroge Twitter and it looks kind of grim, she shaved her head because her meds was causing her to lose her hair so she wears a wig now.

>> No.29740961
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, gbm_2019-06-01_11-35-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed it for the first few chapters but it kind of lost its novelty after a while and I couldn't be bothered to continue.

>> No.29741024

Nojima is that bad? She was a webseries guest just a month ago. I'm not the biggest fan of Karin but I've always loved Nojimas voice acting and thought it was a shame she's in barely any games considering how long she's been working, I hope she gets better.

>> No.29741118

Learn Japanese, darkie.

>> No.29741366
File: 56 KB, 592x131, 乃嶋架菜さん_(@Kana_Nojima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it sounds pretty bad, she mentions she has to go in and out of the hospital constantly to get her blood tested. She's trying to stay positive about it though.

>> No.29741935

>they got on voice chat with other men.
I saw Nojima did that but not the other two, just one Death by Daylight stream they did with some comedian when they created the channels, Kazane in particular seems to pander pretty hard, spends like an hour reading all superchat messages even after streaming for 6 hours.
I find it pretty crazy so many people are willing to give money to these women for no reason when they already have jobs, it's not like they need donations.

>> No.29742328

Kazane has done it before too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyu2yEv74E8&
I'm not sure about my Ajiko though.

>> No.29742482

Oh, and yes I know Piromizu is the Amakano artist.

>> No.29743334
File: 1.56 MB, 1600x900, NUKITASHI2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it.

>> No.29743495
File: 15 KB, 323x144, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all Amakano staff, hence the title, but yeah.
>stream having fun with three men for 7 hours
>still get money and simps saying they love her
So weird.

>> No.29743839

S-Sounds like a eroge scenario.

>> No.29744356

Why, because you can't pretend she'd fuck or marry you? She wouldn't anyway. You're delusional.

>> No.29744573

Same, it ruins the immersion, it's better if I just knew the character and not the VA

>> No.29744806


>> No.29747130

you forgot your cope, seethe and dilate.

>> No.29747251

not him

>> No.29747529


>> No.29749087

what triggered the japs at egs? the fact that it got a same day chink release?

anyone seen the deleted reviews?

>> No.29750391

They're legitimate complaints, mostly how they took a shit on the ero content.

>> No.29752425

Timezones are tough, how many hours till koirowa release?

>> No.29752690

It'll be Friday in 2 and a half hours, but if you don't live in japan you won't see anything for maybe another 24 hours, or more.

>> No.29752807

Does shit release at midnight nip time? Two and a half hours then.

>> No.29753296

Thx guys.
I remember stella cafe uploaded like just few hours after release, so i don't think asapro gonna take long time either.

>> No.29754583
File: 120 KB, 1077x613, check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29758522

Who is the best moege writer?

>> No.29758832

さかき 傘

>> No.29759512

The DJ is doing a play out of her vagoo.

>> No.29759676

Thanks mate.

First time in this thread. How about you make a copypasta or similar for other faggots with similar concerns?

>> No.29759718

Their asses are too elite to acknowledge people who still learning japanese.
Next time you're gonna post here, just pretend you already know japanese, no one gonna find out anyway.

>> No.29760196

if people come here with the same kinds of questions over and over that can be answered with a google search/look into the archive or just by lurking for a while, then i think its reasonable for people to tell them to fuck off
though an faq in the op would certainly help

>> No.29760891

Thus why I figured a copypasta would be made. That's what I was expecting to get hit with when I posted. Surprised I didn't see one. /djt/ has resources for downloading VN's but no recommendations on what's good for beginners, so I came here.

>> No.29761188

Instead of posting and pondering you could be reading a visual novel. What's best for a beginner? READING.

>> No.29761624

Our copypasta is "fuck off."

>> No.29761752

Why did you set your ass on fire?

>> No.29761882

I'm just objectively stating how things are here.

>> No.29762204

Because you set your ass on fire every time you see newfags asking about something easy, rofl

>> No.29762311

This is the first time I entered this conversation this thread.

>> No.29762382

Doesn't matter, you managed you set your elitist ass on fire anyway

>> No.29762417

I just thought the idea of our copypasta being "fuck off" was amusing.

>> No.29762469


>> No.29762504

sure is easy for you to not care when you never contribute and the only things you post is either bait or shitposting

>> No.29762685

Not THAT amusing.

>> No.29763138

Except i actually answered dude, unlike you.

>> No.29763309

If you choose high-difficulty games from the very beginning, you will improve your skills that much faster. However, in exchange, you probably won't get everything on your first playthrough. For action/fantasy VNs this actually makes it fun to come back later and enjoy the game a second time. Also, if you pick a high difficulty game early on and switch to an easier one after, you'll find that the comparatively easy language makes your playthroughs that much more smooth. If you pick a low-difficulty game, you'll probably be able to muddle your way through it with crappy Japanese skills, but at the same time, your skills won't improve that much playing them, if that is one of your goals.

As an example of first choices, I picked Jingai Makyou and Dies Irae for my first two games, simply because they were in my favorite genre. While I already had a good grasp of Japanese, these were two enormously difficult games to play. When I picked Draculius and Tayutama for my next two games, the difference in the linguistic levels made for an easy playthrough. I plowed through better than a dozen high-level games in the months after that, and I eventually got to the point where I could play most VNs with a speed approaching two thirds of that of my English reading speed.

>> No.29763527


>> No.29763603

Solid advice, Clephas-sama

>> No.29764367
File: 752 KB, 1920x1080, 誘惑なまいきロリータ_v1.0.0_2020-11-26_18-04-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bully

>> No.29764588

Is this game easy to read?

>> No.29764663

Come on. It's not that hard to google.

>> No.29764771

In the sense that it has a lot of H-scenes, yes. The stuff that is outside of that tends to get philosophical which might not be easy for losers like you.

>> No.29766318

Fuck off and die

>> No.29767130

I already know its a meme in japan, seeing as I'm playing a game with that as the concept. I was asking if they had it as a meme first or if we did. That link you posted says the idea was most likely introduced to Japan from the west itself.

>> No.29767306

There's a link to a 2ch thread from 2002 you double retard.

>> No.29767548

And there's also a link to some european book from the 18th century. I was already told the nips had it first, I was just disputing that the age of the game is proof that the nips had it first when wizardchan is older than the game. Posting a link that repeats what other people said then acting smug about it changes nothing. Especially when your link also says the nips stole it from the west in the first place, they just made it a meme first.

>> No.29767901

>they just made it a meme first
Not him but wasn't that the whole point of the conversation? That they made it a meme first which then spread to the West?

>> No.29767987

>Not him but wasn't that the whole point of the conversation?
Yeah and I got the answer to that question 3 days ago.

>> No.29768348

Going to sleep, i hope koirowa going to be uploaded by the time i wake up.

>> No.29768499

No, give me Dohna Dohna.

>> No.29768619

No, give me One Shota One

>> No.29768711

People unironically want this cuck shit?

>> No.29768743

Cuckshit or not, it's going to probably be the best gameplay eroge of the year.

>> No.29768901

Not everyone is a fucking incel purefag piece of shit like you.

>> No.29768942

My only problem is that the MC doesn't fuck all the girls first before he sells them.

>> No.29768984
File: 654 KB, 800x850, hibiki shimai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be spending this thanksgiving with the family.

>> No.29769062

Except that's closer to NTR than if he didn't.

>> No.29769270

If you're the first to fuck them I consider that a win. Everyone after is getting sloppy seconds. But only when the girls aren't considered lovers by the MC.

>> No.29769403

Don't you train the girls by fucking them?

>> No.29769408 [DELETED] 
File: 441 KB, 1920x1080, 夢と色でできている_2019-10-13_23-16-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29769477
File: 567 KB, 1920x1080, 夢と色でできている_2019-10-13_05-52-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29769621

>retards who don't even know hiragana asking for recs and being taking seriously
>fags not knowing lore and too lazy to read despite spoonfeeding
>begging for releases
>kusoge posting
Thread really went to shit. At least no one's talking about Kusopara chinkge.

>> No.29769699

No you kidnap them and then whore them off. You don't whore off the heroines though (I hope)

>> No.29770020

But you fuck them to become better whores right?

>> No.29770072

Haha, no.

>> No.29770296


>> No.29770712

was also downloading it, but the baidu speeds for gaijinmen/nonvip really do kill the soul, thanks man

>> No.29770822

Oh, and apparently this came with an old version of the chink all purpose crack that doesn't work for this I don't think, so also throw this in
Yeah I can't work with baidu either, but some guy asked for a reupload to google so I just snagged the link.

>> No.29772247

Why would you want to devalue your product? Virgins sell for more.
They're not "your girls" or people you're interested in, just random girls you picked off the street to whore and make money, it doesn't make sense for the MC to be interested in fucking them first, he has plenty of other girls for him only.

>> No.29772341

ねこぱら is out sirs

>> No.29772635

>Why would you want to devalue your product? Virgins sell for more.
Virginity is valuable so I should be the one to take it.
>They're not "your girls" or people you're interested in, just random girls you picked off the street to whore and make money
If it's a attractive girl, then I'm interested.

>> No.29772776

The game doesn't seem to start.

>> No.29772880

I've got the same issue, just doesn't do anything when I click after adding the crack in the extra mega link.

>> No.29772930

Are you guys on Windows 7?

>> No.29772977

Windows 10

>> No.29773023

I'm on Windows 7 with the same issue.

>> No.29773033

What's the point if the sister or the new catgirl don't get any H-scenes?

>> No.29773042

Try this.

>> No.29773173

Boots up no problemo, 谢谢

Have a nice time my friend, cheers.

>> No.29773468

Terrible. This is why I'm more excited to play fucking Yamizome.

>> No.29773641

Uzushio is this month too.

>> No.29773788

God's work anon, TY

>> No.29781064
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, a01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pleasantly surprised with the amount of cgs and unadvertised characters in dohna dohna.
Possibly kamige of the year.

>> No.29781629

With the year coming to a close soon, what would be your games of the year? I've hardly played any new releases this year and probably, hopefully, have a lot of catching up to do.

>> No.29782292

>amount of cgs
I don't want to spoil myself and check the gallery but 973 images seems small for a game like this, unless it's a lot of CGs with little variations per CG.

>> No.29782303

What are you talking about? That's literally exactly you you train technique stat

>> No.29783828

I counted 77-79 unique hcgs that aren't just face/insertion variants.

>> No.29794495
File: 81 KB, 352x500, omokage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here played this? It's a really solid nukige with great art and voice acting, but the story kinda sucks.

I still liked how there was a lot of variety between the girls and the scenes.

>> No.29796562

Yeah, I've played it. Was alright but I would have prefered some more debauched development here and there. Plus, the side-characters were really unnecessary and I only really liked the childhood friend.

>> No.29798383

I really liked Gekka and the gyaru

>> No.29801877

anyone binge playing dohna dohna?

>> No.29802057

check /haniho/

>> No.29802418

Don't want to, too many cringe eops

>> No.29804795

not american and not japanese
still know japanese

still on /haniho/

>> No.29804915

Okay, stay there.

>> No.29805239
File: 1.70 MB, 1285x773, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, just fuck off to your shithole

>> No.29810137
File: 94 KB, 800x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching Talentless Nana this season made me miss looseboy games so fucking much
It's been 5 years since his last eroge
time to reread G Senjou I guess

>> No.29811329


>> No.29811746

>bunch of shitty nukige and the Sonora game get uploaded but still no AsaPro

>> No.29812001

Read Nekopara

>> No.29812648

Got bored because combat is so tedious

>> No.29813709 [DELETED] 
File: 1008 KB, 1282x666, 1606465288005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how's the NTR in Dohna Dohna? Does the MC even give a shit about any of his girls? Is the NTR impactful? Can they be corrupted and fight against you?

>> No.29813873

ask /haniho/

>> No.29813909

It's game over rape

>> No.29815147

Where the FUCK is Aikiss 2.

>> No.29816053
File: 2.64 MB, 960x540, 2020-11-27 15-50-00.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cat JAM

>> No.29816394

Why no imouto fuck?

>> No.29816649

Sayori said several months ago that Shigure will be in volume 5.

>> No.29816729

Cool. When is it coming? Cause that slut needs hard fuck.

>> No.29816924

>When is it coming?
神のみぞ知る. Hopefully it won't take another 3 and a half years. It's crazy how long the last gap was.

>> No.29817061

I should note that it'll probably take at least 15 months. That's how long it took between vol 1 and 2, and between 2 and 3.

>> No.29817664

More importantly, why no mama fuck? She's hot.

>> No.29817666

And his last eroge was shit.
Munou no nana is good but comparing it to sharin or g senjou it's awfully average.

>> No.29819900
File: 147 KB, 980x618, char05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me.

>> No.29823582

Do you have black hair and purple eyes?

>> No.29825424

What the fuck? Didn't SofthouseChara shut down a few months ago?

>> No.29825577

They did but I'm guessing Nexton swallowed them up or something.

>> No.29825805

I hope they do a better job with the sequel than the original then. The gameplay was shallow and repetitive and the story was non-existent. Characters were (mostly) fine but it wasn't primarily a charage and it was so short that wasn't enough to save it, the game desperately needed more content. We will see though.

>> No.29825910

I'm just happy to get some more of my waifu.

>> No.29825972

Karin? She's the most popular Baseson character so that wasn't ever in doubt.

>> No.29826029

Nope, Keifa.

>> No.29826324
File: 486 KB, 1920x1400, bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29826373
File: 421 KB, 640x495, 76420811_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent taste.
Might want to get those paper cranes folded for Nojima then

>> No.29826452
File: 242 KB, 600x425, 76420811_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually saved that exact image from Pixiv along with some others.

>> No.29826940

Yeah there really isn't that much Keifa fanart unfortunately

>> No.29828777

wagahime's op got released

>> No.29829614

No digital release until a few months after the initial release so now we wait for Tailon. Don't think there have been any physical ups yet though.

>> No.29829713

Is Noa the main heroine? I thought it was a shared 3 main heroine spot, but this OP gave her WAY more attention than the other 2.

>> No.29829784

I'm going with the obviously evil looking one for actually main heroine.

>> No.29829876

she's in the centre piece so she might be the equivalent of momoyo to majikoi i.e the face
but i've got a feeling that there's probably going to be a fourth route/true end deal like back in majikoi

>> No.29829897

"true route where everybody works together against the REAL evil" is the cliche for games where you pick one of multiple factions, so it's plausible. I'd bet on it being a harem or non-romantic route instead of having a true heroine though.

>> No.29830103

it's a fantasy setting so i wouldn't mind seeing a harem
but yeah, back in majikoi the "true" route didnt have any romance but it involved the characters taking on the real big bad.
mc fucked two of the antagonists and got sucked off by two of the heroines, but that was pretty much it

>> No.29831901

You are kinda lame looking. Do some squats too.

>> No.29832452

Yes, Margit is the main heroine

>> No.29836490

Anyone got 保健室のセンセーとシャボン玉中毒の助手 working? Even with the crack the window immediately closes.

>> No.29842729

I cracked it myself as it's softdenchi, but there's a problem that the folder keeps reverting to read-only upon running the cracked exe.

>> No.29844026

you're pretty ugly

>> No.29844518

I know it's been said already but it bears repeating. Why do they keep making dozens of side characters way cuter than the main heroines?

>> No.29846713

The same reason why most protagonists are average guys with barely any personality traits.
They think that extravagant characters might alienate people so the main heroines are made to appeal to everyone while side heroines are designed with no one in mind.

>> No.29847569

I tried softdenchi_remove.py to crack the exe and it just closes the window like with the crack from the download.
I haven't seen anyone on forums mention the borked crack so no idea if anyone's working on a fix.

>> No.29848396


>> No.29848471

https://a.pomf.cat/ildipk.7z should work. The game's script checks the exe's CRC on startup and exits if it's wrong.

>> No.29849423

Nope, not working for me.

>> No.29849535

You're applying it to the original files?

>> No.29849637

Anyone got a 100% save data for Dohna Dohna so I can go through the H scenes?

>> No.29849989
File: 623 KB, 1233x720, hokejyo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind. For some reason the .bat didn't want to run. Then it did in a separate folder but the new exe was garbage because the .pfs file was missing. Had to unpack the game 4 times for the patch to work lol.

>> No.29850064

Completely forgot to thank you. Good job

>> No.29851086

Fuck off eop

>> No.29851448

new tsurumiku game came out anyone played it yet? really hopping its as good as osaka crisis.

>> No.29854926

ask /haniho/

>> No.29855071

no its ok >>29851448 reminded me there was a better game to play instead

>> No.29855802
File: 399 KB, 640x480, IMG_20191127_014605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here, I've gotten ahold of Saikano's PS2 VN for quite some time, there was someone who also had the game and wanted to translate it but couldn't because of technical issues iirc

>> No.29856003

Dasoku trial is out but still no voice actor announcement. Wonder if it's because of the content.

>> No.29856076

>Wonder if it's because of the content.
I doubt it.

>> No.29856515

I hated the anime of that. It's been almost a decade but I remember MC was a trashy asshole and the girl was a boring pushover. There was some other girl that was actually likable and IIRC her body got maimed or she got some disease that painfully killed her towards the end before the trashy plot imploded. Fuck this shit.

>> No.29857226

anyone have the code for jingai makyou windows 10 from ab
got invite pruned before i could get it

>> No.29858491

Amekawa Shino is truly a gift that keeps giving.

>> No.29859045
File: 8 KB, 392x206, SiglusEngine_-_Copy_2020-11-28_03-06-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to run Imosapo and getting this. I have my locale, region, location, time, all set to Japanese. I never have problems like this so I'm a little surprised.

The game came with a crack too but the second you open it, it says Siglus has stopped working.

>> No.29859162

For some reason, it reminds me of Softhouse Chara.

>> No.29859955

AlphaROMdiE, sweetie

>> No.29860079
File: 11 KB, 491x228, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still couildn't make it work, at least on the versions of Alpharomdie I had.

>> No.29860406

Is this guy a tentacle monster? I wish I were a tentacle monster.

>> No.29861107
File: 289 KB, 970x978, キャラクター(その他)_-_淫妖蟲_穢_~凌蝕桃源退魔録~ 公式ページ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the guy that gets cucked by the chad monsters.

>> No.29861463
File: 297 KB, 1987x2048, ntrprobros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the squad i roll with

>> No.29862559

do you have only one exe?
check if you have another siglus.exe in a different folder

>> No.29863426

>A-S retards got their hands on chink tool and release nonworking cracks

I'm sure the chink will be delighted, think of the things he can do to to your computer

>> No.29864639

Just tried a few that i have, including the supposed crack that comes with it, and none of them work. They don't even make it to the Japan only screen before crashing.

>> No.29864911

No new games from Lose.

>> No.29865013

Good news that they will be fixing their mistakes.

>> No.29865035

For anyone that played it how small is Olivi? They're acting like it's impossible to add scenes for her.

>> No.29866364

The smallest/best seeded torrent on sukebei
works fine on my Win7 with everything set to Japanese (except for UI language) with Region Crack files from the bundled small archive. The original exe does refuse to run even under Locale Emulator, but the latest AlphaROMdiE works in loader mode (i.e.don't patch the game but put AlphaROMdiE.exe in the game's folder, drag and drop Siglus exe on ARd exe). The latest RLSE Loader works too,
and so does AGTH with /R option ("agth.exe /R SiglusEngine.exe" in command window opened in the game's folder).

>> No.29866456

>agth.exe /R SiglusEngine.exe
Assuming agth.exe and agth.dll are in the game's folder or somewhere in your %PATH%, C:\Windows for example. Also /R /NH can be used to disable AGTH's text hooking (which doesn't work with the game anyway)

>> No.29866670

>The game's script checks the exe's CRC on startup and exits if it's wrong.
I've seen this before and that was solved by running the game using the unprotected exe from another game (or the trial of the same game) put into the game's folder next to the untouched original exe. The file name to check was hardcoded but the game didn't check whether it was run from that exe so CRC check was still done on legit but now unused file.
No idea if it's the case here, but it probably is.

>> No.29866914

>not running shady chink shit in a VM
Come on now

>> No.29868517

Not him, but I tried running the trial exe and the exe from another Artemis engine game. Didn't work.

>> No.29869096
File: 17 KB, 273x297, 1591793986786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the hell do you find cracks for VN made after 2007?

>> No.29869129

The internet.

>> No.29869212

i mean without giving you computer an STD

>> No.29869221

If it has no DRM then just have the CD image permanently mounted until you finish reading.

>> No.29869336

Stop being clueless and it's easy.

>> No.29869418

Some games are so antigaijin that they try to check your time formatting.
Try settings regional time/currency/etc settings to JP.

>> No.29869530

>The file name to check was hardcoded but the game didn't check whether it was run from that exe
This one does seem to check that. There's probably a better way to do it, but I just commented out both exit commands.

>> No.29869772

Looks like I'll have to wait another 2-3 years for patches and add-ons before I play their game, as usual for Lose.

>> No.29869894
File: 402 KB, 596x549, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29869952

Great, I can't wait for it to come out in 5+ years.

>> No.29872299
File: 226 KB, 1920x1080, cs2_2020-11-28_14-36-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this is so boring. Just let me keep playing case 1 already.

>> No.29872445

But that one doesn't have Spencer in it.

>> No.29872619 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x720, 1606592963878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a guy

>> No.29873048

The check is in the game script, not the exe. Even if you replace the exe, the check will still fail.

>> No.29874279

The idea is to use a renamed cracked exe to run the game and leave the original exe (which would be the one the script checked due to the hardcoded name) untouched. That still doesn't work here because this game checks the name of the exe it's running from and also uses that name to find its pfs archives.

>> No.29877570

Tailon a-any second now.

>> No.29877692

Which game? As far as I know everything is already uploaded.

>> No.29878307

I'm not fucking archiving cracked DL versions and even if I was to do so, certain things don't release digitally until after the physical release.

>> No.29878754

Ai Kiss 2, Nightmare Onmyoji, Suiren to Shion, Harem Kingdom FD.

>> No.29880376

Is dohna dohna super r*pey? i really like the art style but r*pey h-scenes depress me.

>> No.29880443

You gotta teach them bitches somehow, yes?

>> No.29880498

Private school?

>> No.29880531

you're in luck, it's not rapey and doesnt have rapey h-scenes at all
it's got actual rape and sex trafficking

>> No.29880572

Politician's donos don't make it public schooling.

>> No.29880761

that's evident from the description of the game, i more meant like how rapey is the rape
not important i guess

>> No.29880853

>how rapey is the rape
Anon I think you may be retarded

>> No.29880881

It's the feel-good type of rapey. Just give it a try, it's free after all.

>> No.29881074

Rapey is the worst. Give me actual rape. I don't want LARP shit.

>> No.29881093

They're not real. They can't actually be raped.

>> No.29881332

What are some good milf cheating nukiges? I already played Daniel-kun games

>> No.29881400

>milf cheating nukige

>> No.29881774

Tell me what else can satisfy my need for thirsty anime housewives tired of their husbands then

>> No.29881931
File: 390 KB, 1058x1379, bs2_mi_a2_hal_bas_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try drinking some Holstein cow milk?

>> No.29883391

>writer randomly sticks all of his fetishes that has everyone acting completely out of character in the bad ends
Well okay I guess.

>> No.29888334

>but yeah, back in majikoi the "true" route didnt have any romance but it involved the characters taking on the real big bad.
>mc fucked two of the antagonists and got sucked off by two of the heroines, but that was pretty much it
The Agave route got an expanded ending where he either romances the antagonists or gets two heroines though in S

>> No.29888848 [DELETED] 

i wish i had dropped this game after finishing case 1 instead of expecting it to improve.

>> No.29892451

Readin Sona-Nyl, is there any significance to the voice acting not matching the text (e.g. "彼" read as エジソン, "都市" read as "ニューヨーク") or is it just a stylistic thing

>> No.29897283

Last month I didn't see releases by him either.

Is he okay?

>> No.29897328

Jesus EOP, you don't even know how Japanese writing can work.

>> No.29897366
File: 17 KB, 509x168, 1591849212579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks fine to me.

>> No.29897398

He isn't asking how such a thing is possible, he's asking if there's a reason for it in game other than the writers think its cool.

>> No.29897816

Nice, I was afraid that edition with extra h-scenes wouldn't get uploaded.

>> No.29898804

Cool. So Girlcelly just didn't bother, or I missed it.

>> No.29905424

Folded? Pissed off like Minori?
Fucking LOSErs.

>> No.29906186

all they had to do was make fucking eroge

>> No.29906796




lmao the patches won't even be good

>> No.29907474

Newest big fucked up since 銃騎士CutieBullet.

>> No.29910002

Yeah, lol wtf. They had a winning formula with Monobeno HE.

Why pander to fucking chinks and EOPs? And more importantly, I'd be anything even fucking chinks want to fuck lolis.

>> No.29910073

None of those have been shared by anyone except for the ANIM game.

>> No.29910124

What happened with that?

>> No.29910270

Look it up in the archive. But it's the old story of promising content and not having it in the actual game.

>> No.29910489

>Why pander to fucking chinks and EOPs?
Capitalism. It could make them more money, everyone wants to be type-moon grabbing the all ages gacha bucks.

>> No.29910893

Now you're making me wonder what a kancolle with steam locomotives would look like, but alas that train has sailed.

>> No.29911729

Did you play the Tsumamigui series?

>> No.29912231

ハミダシクリエイティブ will get:
Sequel(date not announced)
Console port(spring 2021)
ASMR(January 2021)
Anime(crowdfunding will start in 2021)

>> No.29912326

Was it really that good?

>> No.29912404

>crowdfunded vn adaption
because the last one was so great right

>> No.29912414

Yes. Nips also suspect that tsuriotsu writer wrote it.

>> No.29912647
File: 928 KB, 1920x1080, hamidashi_2020-10-10_20-00-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a lot better than I expected going in.

>> No.29912674

Then again, you'd expect shit.

>> No.29913230

Higashinosuke? Or you mean Jackson?

>> No.29913435


>> No.29913470

Very sneaky.

>> No.29914345

More like FD
>Console port
Who cares
>Anime (crowdfunding)

>> No.29914362


>> No.29914428


>> No.29915951

don't worry, they'll try a gacha as their next game 100%.

>> No.29917365


That last bit is not actual gameplay, I hope.

>> No.29917464

what is the best yuzusoft game? im already playing sanoba witch

>> No.29917649

Looks soulless.

>> No.29918065

A shame they couldnt bring the regular artist back but at least the art looks a bit better than the original Aselia.

>> No.29918139

There is no objectively best. It all comes down to which heroines and setting you prefer.
Some like Dracu Riot the most because chuunishit. Others prefer Sanoba because of the heroines. Noble Works is generally seen as one of the best but some hate it with a passion. Amairo wasn't very popular. Stella and Senren got mixed receptions. RJ is decent but many were disappointed expecting more DR chuunishit. The 3 oldest yuzuge aren't very popular. Braban is oldschool moege, Natsuzora is nakige, and ExE is chuuni.

>> No.29918187

Noble works for me, it's just a dumb comedy with actual comedy in it.
No plot, no scenario to waste time on, no real drama, just a stupid premise and fun times.

>> No.29918199

>but at least the art looks a bit better than the original Aselia
It doesn't. It looks generic. This might as well be an Aselia gachashit.

>> No.29918460

Noble Works has quite a bit of bad drama. I felt the comedy and mood suffered from the setting. Playing a double meant that MC was always acting as a fake while at school (which is 80% of the game). And the rest is mostly at home where MC does housework, off-screen training or being on his phone. The school and home are also quite boring as settings with few events at all. And the "drama" was usually overblown and dragging on. Also quite repetitive focusing on the "can't be together because rich family/corporation/fiancé."
Where Noble Works shined was group dynamics and character interactions. The rest wasn't so hot. Other Yuzusoft games do the same but with better settings. Drama is always badly written.

>> No.29918498

Aselia wasnt exactly the epitome of originality, one of the main characters was literally a maid.

>> No.29919970

The art style had charm compared to this new one and there's absolutely nothing wrong with maids unless they're shitty cat maid waitress types.

>> No.29922829
File: 358 KB, 1280x715, 3e498229[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29923042

>more ugly Tasuku abominations
out, indeed

>> No.29923230


>> No.29931581


>> No.29933003
File: 19 KB, 196x232, 106618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking about Akemi, also I understand what you mean. I personally love Saikano, I find Chise's weapon side interesting , I also find her cute. As for Shuji he is indeed pretty retarded but I think he does try and redeem himself in the end

>> No.29934156

>I find Chise's weapon side interesting
The idea was interesting but as far as I remember it was completely underused. Always went like
>"there's a mission"
>she disappears
>MC thinks
>short montage of her dropping nukes on 'something'
>she comes back with torn clothes and scratches
>"GJ, girlfriend. Looks like it was tough. Let's eat hamburgers"
I think even the final battle was just off-screen? Not even sure they ever showed what she was actually fighting.
Didn't MC also fuck some random woman towards the end while Chise was fighting?

>> No.29937331
File: 16 KB, 199x215, 106620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towards the end? That was Chise he was fucking, although a while after the beginning of the story it's revealed that Shuji had a relationship with Fuyumi (pic related) when he was younger

>> No.29937567

>The idea was interesting but as far as I remember it was completely underused. Always went like
>"there's a mission"
>she disappears
>MC thinks
>short montage of her dropping nukes on 'something'
>she comes back with torn clothes and scratches
>"GJ, girlfriend. Looks like it was tough. Let's eat hamburgers"
It's definitely a gripe I have with the anime and to a similar extent the manga, this is why I'm glad to have the PS2 VN, I'm hoping it adds on to the story

>> No.29938357

I'm not sure, I think he fucked an adult woman, a teacher or Chise's sergeant boss? I think that happened in a cafe? Maybe I'm wrong. Or wait, maybe it was Chise with some soldier guy, comforting him after he lost his daughter or something?

>> No.29939289
File: 14 KB, 163x229, 106621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adult woman
Yep that's Fuyumi, iirc she was the head of the school's track and field team when Shuji was still in it
>Chise with some soldier guy
That's Tetsu, he's Fuyumi's husband, he and Chise were together for some time until he dies, I think it mostly came to be out of emotions and loneliness. I say loneliness cause it seems to be implied in the OVAs that Tetsu has been in the army for a long amount of time.
