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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2964095 No.2964095 [Reply] [Original]

Good job /jp/! You stayed in tonight on a weekend! That means you've saved money by not hitting up a bar or going out to a restaurant and eating with others.

>> No.2964104

cleaned the pool, vacuumed the house, ate barbecue with my older bro. Drank beer.

Good weekend so far.

>> No.2964101

Joke's on you, all of my alcohol is in my apartment. No need for a bar.

>> No.2964109

I usually and only go out on saturdays, but I'm sick right now...

>> No.2964115
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Went to a wedding (not mine of course, duh). That was all the social interaction I needed for about a week.

>> No.2964123


>> No.2964130

Goddammit, I'm so bored right now.

>> No.2964134

Thanks Sakura ;_;

>> No.2964135

Masturbation is my hobby.

>> No.2964144

Ate nachos and drank beer with my roommate and his girlfriend. No need for an outside world.

>> No.2964145

Well, I was solving some differential equations and now I don't know what to do, so fucking bored.

>> No.2964149

I went to sleep at 1 PM today after being up all night playing games and programming.

I just woke up at midnight. Does this count as "staying in" since I was asleep the entire time it's not like I made a conscious choice in the matter.

>> No.2964153

Yeah, but I went out earlier and wasted a lot of money on old American flags.

>> No.2964154
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I forgot all about the recent Castlevania Slot Machine OST. Now I'm trying to find a proper download of it.

Just listen to that new version of the Rondo of Blood stage 1 theme at 36:40. I could masturbate to that. Actually, I think I will.

>> No.2964159
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I've got like $300 of alcohol in my place. Why would I ever need to go out to a bar?

>> No.2964164

I stayed home all day doing a paper.

>> No.2964168

I refuse to believe that most people go out in the weekends.
Society is trying to make us believe that constant social interactions are the norm.

>> No.2964173

Well, I did get out, but to steal some wifi.

>> No.2964174

I am home for no reason. Hopefully, my friend texts me back about a party. The text will probably never arrive. ;_;

I guess I could do my Japanese course work, but meh.

>> No.2964177

Why would you go to a party, are you a normalfag?

>> No.2964190

I actually went out for dinner. It was quite nice.

>> No.2964194


No, I have just exhausted way too many things that I normally do at home, alone.

I am open to options to stay at home some more, though.

>> No.2964197

I worked for 11 1/2 hours.
That was it.


>> No.2964203

I ate out for lunch, though.

>> No.2964206

Why waste money on that garbage? Tea parties are the way to go.

>> No.2964211

I drank a bottle of Malibu by myself tonight. Shit's nasty straight.

>> No.2964219


You can't have a tea party by yourself anon...that's just crazy guy drinking tea and eating pastries by himself.

>> No.2964220

I always have to go out to get my meals, shit sucks.

>> No.2964221

Fuck yeah

>> No.2964227

Fuck yeah too

>> No.2964229

I have a girlfriend... but she just left so she could hang out with her much-hotter cousin.

They're going to go see Bruno, so I consider it a victory.

>> No.2964233

Get out

>> No.2964246

I didn't Bruno all that much. I just couldn't get into it.
What kind of tea would you recommend?

>> No.2964271


Sacha is fine when he's out of character. Borat was "meh" at best for me, so I figured I just didn't like his prepared humor. Seemed a little too... Jeff Dunham for my tastes.

>> No.2964275

Earl Grey

>> No.2964283

You forgot your verb

>> No.2964307

Keemun is my standby but at the beginning of a season, I like to try various Darjeeling estates. I'm partial to Margaret's Hope.

>> No.2964326

Thanks. Earl Grey and Keemun sounds great. I'll try them out sometime.

>> No.2964332

Upton is a good place for black tea. Not sure about their Chinese or Japanese tea since I usually get that from local shops.

>> No.2964369

I was gonna go to Arcade Infinity...

I just woke up and I'm still tired ;_;

>> No.2964494

Actually I just got back from watching a movie with my roommate and his sister. It was ok.

>> No.2964506


I never received that text. It looks like another evening in!

Also, the only tea anyone should be drinking is birds' nest tea. My friend from Taiwan drinks it. Shit is weird, but he will never let me taste it. D:

>> No.2964515

Fapped twice, downloaded some anime and porn. Played warcraft 3. Slept.

Weekend is the same as weekdays.

>> No.2964518

My weekend thus far has consisted of cheap vodka and fightan games.

>> No.2964525

Every day is a weekend when you're a NEET.

>> No.2964527

Well, I did go out with some people, but then I came back when I realized I had been standing doing nothing for something around 20 minutes.
My legs hurt.

>> No.2964531

My weekend has consisted of work. I wish I could be a NEET, I really do.

>> No.2964537

I had to work weekend at the office. Now that they cut some people everyone left has longer hours and more work.

>> No.2964545

Last time I went out with people was early May 2008. Last time I went outside in a public place was in September.

>> No.2964561


Everyone I know becomes upset when I do this. They invite me out, then I stand around doing nothing, so I leave.

Then, they repeatedly call me asking why I did not stay.

Fuck, I do not want to stand around all night doing nothing.

>> No.2964567

Hey, I've been diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder. I'm medically allowed not to enjoy the company of others.

>> No.2964574

I was doing achievements in World of Warcraft with some girl.

Shit felt so good ;_;

>> No.2964619

Makes me wonder if they're happy with just our presence there.

>> No.2964632


Probably not, as they always talk about how much fun happened AFTER I left. ;_;

>> No.2964677

So I've been assigned a work group, right? And they like to go out to bars and stuff, right? And they keep whining about why I don't go with them (because I make up excuses like my brother's in town or I have extra work to make up) and stuff. Why should I want to go around with them paying 5 bucks for a beer or 8 bucks for a mixed drink when I could get shitfaced in my own home if they just want to drink? If they're going there to ogle the waitresses at the wings place, they all know they're not going home with anyone, so why staring at tight shirted girls worth overpriced shitty wings? How do people enjoy wasting their money on that kidn of stuff?

I'm perfectly happy saving my cash by doing my drinking alone and at home, and if I wanted to stare at girls I'll never take home and sleep with the internet has plenty of that in both 2D and 3D forms. And then I can use the money I save to buy games and movies, which are more fun than going out with them anyways. I just don't understand people.

>> No.2964690

What is she so thankful for. In before dix and variations of aforementioned dix.

>> No.2964756

So, uh, who else was grindan on this fine Saturday eve?

>> No.2964857


Some of us still have pride, Jonesy.

Now excuse me while I fap to some eroges.

>> No.2964873

Stayed in? I went to a restaurant tonight. The waitress thought I was 3 years older than I really was.

>> No.2964881

Do you have a beard/facial hair?

>> No.2964883

I got diarrhea today. Ate lunch too fast and shitted water all day long.

>> No.2964886

Jonesy, don't tell me you play MMOs! I thought you were better than that! ;_;

>> No.2964889


No, I've been clean shaven since I graduated from high school years ago.

>> No.2964890

Took a 3 mile run...alone

>> No.2964894


You got to order from the adult menu! Congratulations!

>> No.2964896
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Weekends have been made meaningless. My job could strike at any time.

>> No.2964920

Whenever my friends(?) invite me out it's always the 2 of them talking really intently and me just sitting off to the side listening. They must think I'm a quiet boring guy, which is exactly right!

>> No.2964989

One of my friends said I might be able to go on a road trip with them. I was to meet the guy organizing it, but before I met him my friend told me "try not to be all quiet and shit, ok?"

Oh well, I'm happy with the way I am.

>> No.2965447

Same here. When I try to make friends, they seem to take me in but there's always another group that they really seem to enjoy a lot more and they completely forget about me till the other people are gone.
Then they're all like "so, bro, ya been?" Seriously, why waste me time?

If anything, I'm only there in case they need money or food. Fucking bums.

>> No.2965492

>Seriously, why waste me time?

Maybe you should be hanging out with pirates instead.

>> No.2965519
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>eating with others
People I don't know want to eat with me? Someone get the paparazzi, holy shit.
