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2962991 No.2962991 [Reply] [Original]

So Beato enter the grail war.

Who would she summon?
Will she win?

>> No.2963004

Assuming Beato exists, couldn't she just win it with her own powers regardless of the servant summoned?

>> No.2963007

Nobody, because witches don't exist.

Although, it would be pretty interesting to go through F/sn from an anti-fantasy perspective.

>> No.2963009

probably caster. she will probably win since she can do endless revive.

>> No.2963018


pretty much this. Some fucking War tower would pretty much kill Gil and Sakura at the same time.

>> No.2963033

i'd want beato to be the servant.
then call her mere furniture.

>> No.2963041


>> No.2963042

Umineko magic doesn't seem to work if enough people refuse to believe it and Fuyuki is full to the brim with people who refuse to believe it.

>> No.2963043

Presence concealment and assassination; it's like she'd hardly need the stakes at all.

>> No.2963050

But that would be BORING. Beatrice doesn't want to just outright win, she wants to be entertained.

>> No.2963051

But don't they usually fight when other people aren't around? Like if Beato encountered Rin, she uses magic herself and would naturally believe Beato can use magic.

>> No.2963071

Didn't Battler mess with Beatrice's magic even after his death by refusing her? Maybe it's something like banality in Changeling.

>> No.2963091

Pretty much this. No matter how powerful Beato is, it's impossible for her to manifest her powers in the middle of a modern Japanese town.

People don't need to be right in front of Beato to deny her magic. All uses of magic so far have been limited to Rokkenjima.

Also, servants are no less hax that Beato herself. I think it'd be a fairly even matchup if Beato had access to her powers.

>> No.2963095

She would summon Ronove, butler class.

>> No.2963114

What if she summons future Battler? Actually I guess that would work against her.
Using her powers can't she do ridiculous thins like turning people into bugs and such?

>> No.2963153

Her mana transfer scene would be hot.

>> No.2963168

Summons Battler as Lancer class.

He'd be pretty unremarkable battle wise, but his Magical Defense would be so hax that no one would be able to touch him. He'd serve as a walking shield while Beato did the actual fighting.

Kind of like Avenger and Bazette.

>> No.2963194


Why a Lancer?

>> No.2963204

Episode 4 of course.

>> No.2963205

Archer. A faker for a faker.

>> No.2963206

Blue stakes of bullshit theories.

Magic Defense cannot defend against physical attacks. Even if the magical effects of Noble Phantasms are negated, they still function as regular weapons.

>> No.2963232
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It can't defend against physical? I just thought it was defense in general.

>> No.2963239


Coat Rack Spear, Blue Truth stakes.


Fine, his Noble Phantasm could be his Blue Truth. It would function similar to Gate of Babylon, only the power and quantity are proportionate to how twisted his logic is. Basically, the more bullshit he spouts out, the stronger it gets.

>> No.2963241

I would pay good money to watch Lancer Battler thrashing the fuck of any and all magic-based Servants only to get his ass kicked from one hit from Saber.

>> No.2963245

Actually what am I talking about.

>> No.2963260

Battler denies magic, not the physics of a dense, sharp piece of metal accelerating to apply large amounts of shear stress onto his body. If it's mundane like a sword swing or lance thrust, there's no reason for Battler to deny it.

>> No.2963271

Well, he could nullify most NP's atleast, e.g. Causality raping Gae Bolg, Excalibur beam, UBW.

>> No.2963275

Saber doesn't exist. Even if she ever existed, she died a thousand years ago. Therefor there is nothing that could possibly hurt him.

>> No.2963276

Servant Battler with complete magical denial ability would promptly deny himself. Failing that, if somehow he wins, he would deny the Grail.

>> No.2963277


He'd simply have to mention "small bombs" and Its power would instantly jump to EX.

>> No.2963284


Why would he deny himself? He didn't do that when he was blocking the Siesta's arrows or piercing the hell out of Beatrice.

>> No.2963285

I know, I don't know why I thought it was physical resistance too. But anyway, couldn't Battler simply deny Servants?

>> No.2963296

Knowing Battler, he'd probably think the entire Grail War is just Beatrice trolling him again, so he'd deny everything twice as hard.

>> No.2963301

Battler seems to be able to use selective magic denial, though. He denies magic on Rokkenjima but mostly leaves the mechanics of the meta world alone.

>> No.2963310


I always wondered why he never went "WHY THE HELL IS ANY OF THIS EVEN POSSIBLE? FUCK IT, I'M LEAVING" and just walked out the tea room.

>> No.2963311

Yes, but Servants are ridiculously superhuman in their physical and combat abilities, making that a null point. There's no need for servants to use their NPs against Battler.


>> No.2963312


I'd pierce Beatrice. With my penis.

>> No.2963321

It would be still be hilarious in my mind, Battler is fighting Lancer, who tries to use Gae Bolg, only to stab it into the ground.
Bah I wish I had artistic ability ;_;

>> No.2963322

Wouldn't Battler just deny their superhuman abilities?

>> No.2963329


He could deny it all he wants, Not going to stop that sword from cutting him in half.

Like someone said earlier, he'd probably just be around to block the most power attack (Noble Phantasms) while Beatrice stays behind and does the actual fighting.

>> No.2963346

The servants would still be at the pinnacle of human potential without their superpowers with all their skills and experience intact.

Besides, I don't his resistance works that way. It only protects his body or, at best, a very small area near him. The Siestas were still able to activate and fire their bow with Battler in relatively close proximity. The arrow that got too close was negated.

>> No.2963359

The servants existence themselves relies on magic though doesn't it? I would like to see how this would work out.

>> No.2963367



While they're going after Battler, SUDDENLY, LOL MAGIC TOWERS

>> No.2963369


>> No.2963379

Explain it as Battler's resistance is like a field that is ~1nM away from his skin? As a Servant I mean. 1nM should be enough to shield him while still not being able to be used offensively. Also, Nasuverse magic is different from Umineko magic could also explain it away.

>> No.2963397

Wouldn't summoning Battler backfire? I mean, he could just deny the Command Spell.

>> No.2963404

He'd probably end up denying the servant system that's tethering him to the world and dispel himself.

>> No.2963425

Wouldn't Battler just deny ever being summoned?

I'd summon Ange instead

>> No.2963430

Battler denial seems to affect only what he wants it to, otherwise Red Text would be meaningless and the Meta-World might fall apart.

>> No.2963465

Battler has insane magic defense and a couple of blue stake attack tricks that could probably fuck up a Servant or two, so I don't think he'd be completely helpless outside of Endless Nine (rank EX). That black sky pillar that he pulled out of his ass at the end of he and Beato's fight looked pretty brutal.

>> No.2963474

That's just hypocritical. What the hell was Ryukishi07 thinking when he wrote that scene? You cannot resist something you do not believe in. Battler would have to deny his own magic resistance as part of his magic resistance.

>> No.2963481

You forgot Battler's most powerful weapon...

small bombs

>> No.2963485

Battler nullifies what he wants when he wants, goddammit.

>> No.2963489

What if Battler simply believes it isn't affecting him, because it doesn't exist?

>> No.2963492

Blue text is useless if it's rebuted. The more bullshit his hypotheses, the easier it is to deny them. EX level bullshit would have EX level vulnerabilities.

>> No.2963503

Maybe, but how many other Servants would actually be equipped to counter twisted logic like Battler's Devil's Proof and Hempel's Raven? Most would probably left spluttering at the sheer bullshit until they get staked.

>> No.2963516

Well this would be Battler under the Servant System, his Endless Nine would probably be changed like Herakles 12 Labors.

>> No.2963523

Cu Chulainn could, just by the principle of who he is. After all he won many games of wit and such while he was alive.

>> No.2963538


>> No.2963544

Caster just has to >>>/rs/Magic_exists and Battler spends the rest of the War in the fetal position.

>> No.2963548

Well maybe not exactly like that...

>> No.2963550

But that won't work. Remember Ronove's explanation?

>> No.2963552

He would just deny the red text then.

>> No.2963558

It's not hard to refute them when you're not working in absolutes. I really hate how Ryukishi07 requires formal logic for a murder mystery where empiricism and the scientific method should be used instead. Nothing empirical should ever require absolute logic behind it.

>> No.2963560 [DELETED] 

The explanation was that Battler wouldn't accept it, but would be unable to counter make a move. Him not being able to make a move wouldn't be a negative in the Grail War.

>> No.2963564

The explanation was that Battler wouldn't accept it, but would be unable to counter or make a move. Him not being able to make a move wouldn't be a negative in the Grail War.

>> No.2963569

Blue is only effectively refuted by the red, isn't it? So any Servants unable to use red would be fucked, although that might be a little too broken for Battler on top of Endless Nine.

>> No.2963595

Battler can't really stop a lance moving faster than the eye can see nor can he avoid be cut by wind nor can he stop a huge slab of rock moving at the speed of sound.

>> No.2963603

Blue only has to be countered by the end of the game. Until then he's just shouting colorful bullshit.

>> No.2963613

he denied what is physically impossible or he deny the servant themselve make thier attack useless against him

>> No.2963635

Battler would say that the entire war never happened and then suddenly, reality would break.

The scene would then switch to Beatrice, Battler, and all the Servants and their Masters sitting in the Tea Room around a large table with a chessboard in the middle. From there each person would have their turn trying to explain the War in their own way. Ronove serves cookies and teas.

>> No.2963636

>deny the servant themselve
By doing that he would deny his own existence
> physically impossible
Devil's Proof would work against him here. After all none of the things listed break physics.

>> No.2963642

This would be hilarious beyond belief.

>> No.2963658

Best end.

>> No.2963662


07th and Type-Moon really need to make this happen.

Shirou would be absolutely lost, and it would end up being a fight between Battler and Rin for who makes the most retarded impregnable twisted logic.

>> No.2963675


Caster: "Can we go home now?"


Now, if we assume that Shirou was only pretending to be dead after Lancer stabbed him and Rin was his accomplice, we can blow away the theory that he was revived with magic...."

>> No.2963680

>it would end up being a fight between Battler and KOTOMINE KIREI for who makes the most retarded impregnable twisted logic.

>> No.2963689


A drawfag needs to get on this.

>> No.2963698

Shirou is pretty damn smart, just not when it comes to things like the interaction of people.
Hell, he figured most things out before Rin did in most of F/SN.

>> No.2963704
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"I know."
"Wait wha-"

>> No.2963709


Kirei: Well then how do you explain Sakura devouring the other Servants?"

Battler: "Simple. She's a slut."

>> No.2963710

How would you explain the Mana Transfer then Anti-Fantasy?

>> No.2963732

This Thread is so much win.

>> No.2963736

Simple. The action of sex releases a chemical (which I don't need to explain due to Devil's Proof) that essentially empower's people to take action.

>> No.2963737

He just need to explain how he himself can be here, and how the other cannot be here or cannot be the thing they claim to be

>> No.2963742

Red herring placebo. Saber actually got better by resting after their session. It's a simple case of the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy.

>> No.2963750

Oops. Tsubame

>> No.2963760



>> No.2963777

But who's the bigger slut: Rosa or Sakura?

>> No.2963789


Rosa is a saint.

>> No.2963792

Rosa is the best mother ever.

>> No.2963796

Then Alter Saber was corrupted by Sakura sex..?
That's acceptable but what about Berserker then..?

>> No.2963802


Berserker's explanation would have him wearing a suit, top hat, monocle, and speaking perfect English while sipping some tea.

It would then shift back to reality and he's actually just sitting there yelling and everyone decides to skip his turn.

>> No.2963841


His name's Berserker. We can assume that he's just naturally a very angry man.

>> No.2963869

I mean how does sakura control dark berserker?
he doesn't seem to be the type that get satisfy and obedient from sex..

>> No.2963877


The mental image of this made me giggle like a little girl.

>> No.2963878

His behavior is hardly rational. There's no evidence that he's being controlled.

>> No.2963887

He was just helping a "girl in need".

>> No.2963893
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Archer was dead all along! It explains everything!

>> No.2963909

Actually, wouldn't a lot of the things in FSN be easy for Battler to deny with his "I didn't see it so it never happened." thing?

I mean, the fights between the Servants never severely altered the environment in a significant way. Battler could just say all the Noble Phantasm flashes and bangs were bullshit.

>> No.2963923

There's loads of collateral damage.

Ilya's Castle (Fate and UBW)
First Berserker Encounter
Cemetery (various fights)
School where Rider shot her laser
Temple grounds besieged by Caster's rain of light

>> No.2963950


>Ilya's Castle

>First Berserker encounter
When they're coming back from the church? What was destroyed?

The fire and busted grave stones? Battler would probably just write it off as some kind of weapon, like maybe a grenade launcher.

I though the school never got damaged seeing as how everyone would be there the next day as if nothing happened.

Again, yeah, but it could also be written off as another weapon.

It's been a while since I've played any of the routes, but what I'm getting at is I can't think of a time where something was completely destroyed in an impossible way, except maybe Ilya's place.

>> No.2964111

There was a lot of high-scale damage done between the 4th and 5th wars that were written off has manipulations of media and perception of reality, courtesy of the Church. However, there wasn't one instance when the damage caused (Berserker's full-out rampage vs Saber, Ryudouji Temple on a whole, the park in the industrial area of Shinto) that could be written off as conventional. It was illusionary magic set up to make people forget and not notice as accurately.

Anyone participating in the war got the full picture, and got it quickly.

>> No.2964114

Also, Lancer. First time he tries to deny the spear in his heart, he's gonna have real problems. Though not for long lol.

>> No.2964119

Carpet bombing.

>> No.2965706

well, if Beato really summon Battler, he won't be fighting alone.
She probably would put up some barrier for him making all physical attack useless, in addition of having tons of furniture protecting him.

>> No.2965753


Wouldn't affect him.

Endless Nine, etc.

>> No.2965772

I'm right here.
