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2959756 No.2959756 [Reply] [Original]

Damn... 4chan was for me a little (or long?) time offline and now my thread is dead.
My thread was about a Phantasm savegame for TH7.
My last comment I want to post:
Great! Thanks!
This savegame is not bad. But in this savegame I can not play Sakuya in the Phantasm stage. (Sakuya > Marisa > Reimu)
There no a better savegame with Sakuya in the Phantasm stage?

>> No.2959771

Fuck off.

>> No.2959785

Beat it your fucking self. There is no point in playing it if you can't beat Ran by yourself.

>> No.2959865


>> No.2959890 [DELETED] 

OP here. Stop spamming your retarded piece of shit on the superior board:


(remove the shit over the letters)
>tgfffsd fn g uhkdhopodjdojtljhgjgjddcbjyjgjo l f fyidi

>> No.2959916


>> No.2960438


>> No.2960459

I have one but i'm not going to post it until you beat extra once

>> No.2960476
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>> No.2960501

I'm not asking you to beat it without losing any lives, bombs and capturing all the spellcards, just beat it

>> No.2960503

/r/ slowdown hax for the games

>> No.2960541

Goto options.
Turn on slow mode.

>> No.2960545


>> No.2960581

I want the real thing so I can beat Ultra mode and such.

>> No.2960609
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>> No.2960623

After watching his videos I kind of like him already.

>> No.2960818

Why would you attempt the hardest ex boss in the series without beating the junior version first?

>> No.2960895
File: 238 KB, 704x400, 1246038872001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2960915

Yukari is not the hardest extra

>> No.2960921

> Why would you attempt the hardest ex boss in the series without beating the junior version first?

Because Flandre "enjoy your massive resource denial" Scarlet has no junior version.

Yukari is actually not very hard and some, if not most, of her cards are easier than Ran's.

>> No.2960962
File: 97 KB, 175x150, reg1166129060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am lacking Felli pics.

Thank you for this new one.

>> No.2960972

Which is the hardest Extra in your opinion, ZUN-sama?

>> No.2960995

Oh, really?
Ok, post me a ultimate savegame with Phantasm stage with all characters!

>> No.2961004


>> No.2961075


>> No.2961113

Chrome Shelled Regios

>> No.2961132

Here, "most" means maybe three. Motion/Stillness, Straight/Curve and Humans/Youkai are easier than Ran's equivalent. The rest are usually not much more difficult except maybe Light/Dark and definitely that damned butterflies card. The additional one isn't that difficult once you get the pattern down. You can practice that in IN. It's spellcard 222, and only the first five patterns matter in PCB.

All this is subjective of course.

Sage because OP is lazy.

>> No.2961287

Hmm... thanks.

>> No.2961661

>Sage because OP is lazy.
I am not lazy.
I have a job and not the time for! I have a life!
You nerds and NEETs have the time for play, play, play and more play.

>> No.2961713

I don't think anyone else here plays any more than you. Just play the game every now and then, you will eventually learn it.

>> No.2961888

Everything about Yukari is easier than Ran except ... hmm, her first spellcard maybe.
