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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2958214 No.2958214 [Reply] [Original]

Physical copies have been sold, and people have them

>> No.2958220

Why do people care? This game isn't even that great.

>> No.2958222

Why haven't they torrented it yet?

>> No.2958228

because it has SnU levels of hype

>> No.2958225

Awesome, torrent + crack where?

>> No.2958230

lol i trol u

>> No.2958232

Not interested. The youngest girl isn't even a loli, so I won't waste my bandwidth on this shit.

>> No.2958234

Yea but I can understand that SnU has a story that some people like even if I don't like it. But what story or plot in this makes it worth waiting for a translation so much? Or do people just eat up whatever is translated into English?

>> No.2958237

I believe she is 13 in the Japanese version, so you could just ignore what the text says.

>> No.2958292

>I believe she is 13 in the Japanese version
I believe her age is not stated in the Japanese version and it doesn't change the fact she is above puberty.

>> No.2958350

You sick man

>> No.2958383

It says on the Japanese wiki page for it that she is 13 so I assumed she was. She'd be in puberty not above it.

>> No.2958415

>do people just eat up whatever is translated into English?

yeah pretty much

>> No.2958444

Yeah but I don't have my copy

>> No.2958446

What is the best order of routes I should play in?

>> No.2958463


Takajun's review

>> No.2958474


>> No.2958490

>do people just eat up whatever is translated into English?
Not me.

>> No.2959445

My girlfriend told me it's not that good of a game. Also I'm into yaoi and not really interested in bishoujo games myself

>> No.2959451


>> No.2959456

Fuck off, idiot.

>> No.2959693
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>> No.2959703
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>> No.2959718

This is just pathetic. Is this /a/? Are you that stupid?

>> No.2959905

You know Family Project is in the top 10 VNs of all time on Erogamescape, right? Don't ask me why (I didn't think it was all that great either), but people fucking love Family Project.

>> No.2959915

get back to your silly tentacle gaems

>> No.2959924

I dunno. I just think that if for example all Japanese VNs were available in English, that people on /jp/ wouldn't even really care that much about Family Project. I don't think it's a bad game or anything, if you can understand what I'm saying.

>> No.2959931

Funny you should say that, I was just about to start up GSS again. Which is a lot better than Family Project.

>> No.2959933

People with good taste would care for it no matter what, because it's simply good

People with bad taste, like some who think fucking School Days is the best eroge ever for example, wouldn't, but who the fuck care about them?

>> No.2959937
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The Japanese seem to disagree with you and yes they have access to all the VNs.

>> No.2959940
File: 105 KB, 806x632, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather than playing fucking GSS again, go play a good Black-Cyc eroge instead.
God it's so mediocre and dull compared to Extravaganza or even Mindead Blood.
And Kazokei is definitely better than GSS.

>> No.2959958

That's great. I said the people on /jp/. If you were to look at a list of the top 10 anime or manga in Japan, would you agree with them? I mean, Saya no Uta isn't even anywhere on that list, yet /jp/ makes it out to be a great game.
Sure School Days is my favourite eroge, but I never implied that I think it's the best ever.

>> No.2959969

>Rather than playing fucking GSS again, go play a good Black-Cyc eroge instead.
What makes you think I haven't already?

>> No.2959972

Most of the people who visit Erogamescape are the same type who visit /jp/, so yeah it would be similar.

>> No.2959973

Because you wouldn't want to play fucking GSS once again if you did.

>> No.2959974


>> No.2959977

SnU is great but it is too short to be classified as a masterpiece.
I definitely agree with ever17 and clannad being rank so high.
I probably wouldn't have the chance to play yu-no unless I learn japanese so I can't really comment.

>> No.2959985


This constantly reposted screenshot is like 2 years old. It seriously needs to be updated.

>> No.2959988 [DELETED] 


Saya no Uta    avg: 82 med: 81 votes: 1211
Family Project avg: 91 med: 88 votes: 1301

The winner is obvious and now stop this thread, and don't respond to faggots

>> No.2960003

FSN is shit

>> No.2960008

>age: 18
Enjoy your granny.

>> No.2960010


Saya no Uta med: 82 avg: 81 votes: 1211
Family Project med: 91 avg: 88 votes: 1301

>> No.2960015

*waits for torrent*

>> No.2960019

I'm pleasantly surprised to see the Sega Saturn version of EVE B E on the toplist there (it's even ranked higher than such titles like FSN or the KEY games). It's still one of my favorite games.
I'm just wondering why are the continuations and it's prequel rated so badly?
>EVE ~new generation X~; 平均値 70
>EVE The Fatal Attraction (EVE TFA); 平均値 61
>EVE ZERO ~ark of the matter~; 平均値 65
Are those titles really that bad if you compare it with the original title? Is there any of you Anons here, who played them in moon, and would be so kind to share his opinions on them in a few words for me please? Thank you in advance.

>> No.2960023
File: 235 KB, 1004x709, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy now?
I just took it.

>> No.2960723

whats at #1?

>> No.2960737


Muv Luv Alternative

>> No.2960852

go back there seriously.

>> No.2960887

The non-ero version with 89 votes.

>> No.2960913

lol, clannad is first?? rofl

>> No.2960927

lol xD!!!!

>> No.2960929


You're ruining it!

The official /jp/ newsletter said to pretend that Kazoku Keikaku sucked to infinity. That way we could surprise all of the newfriends since in reality it is a great game.

>> No.2960948

Baldr Sky is up there? Nice

>> No.2961007


Website link on the pic?

>> No.2961035



>> No.2961360
File: 2 KB, 78x94, 1244089122481s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks bro.

>> No.2961382

Bought it from jlist (download + DVD since I want this shit as fast as possibl). There'll probably be torrents before I get mine but if not I'll do it.

>> No.2961395


>> No.2961426

Torrent where

>> No.2961447

It's like 4 AM there now so it'll be quite a while until they process my order.
But really, shouldn't there be dozens of people who already have the game? Why's there still no torrent?

>> No.2961452

Their orders are sure fucking slow. Ordered around 4 days ago and they still haven't confirmed anything.

Looks like I am definitely torrenting this game unless JAST somehow digs up my order from the grave.

>> No.2961466

The people who have it are probably still hanging out at Otakon. In due time. I'd say late Sunday or midday Monday.

>> No.2962216

Bit surprised to see FSN move from 24th place to 8th place.
