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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 58 KB, 533x400, kk_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2955607 No.2955607 [Reply] [Original]

Otakon Visual Novel related stuff thread. Not much to say before hand, but perhaps some company will surprise us.

Unlike Anime Expo, no panels for the major companies, however MangaGamer and Jast will both have booths and we hopefully can get some information from them.
Jast will be releasing Family Project at Otakon. With this, and the fact that some copies have shipped, you pirates can expect a torrent likely by Sunday.
MangaGamer will be at booths #1001,1002, likely similar to AX. HgameZ will likely be represented here as well. They like to give out information, so someone fucking get some.
Jast, including Peter Payne, will be 'unofficially' there selling Family Project, at one of Secret Shop's booths, booth 432.

>> No.2955616

I just want to know if they are seriously having technical problems with Shin Koihime Musou, or if they are just pussies afraid to release lolicon stuff

Anyways, HgameZ.net better have some better companies than fucking Underlip lined up.

>> No.2955624

>Jast will be releasing Family Project at Otakon. With this, and the fact that some copies have shipped, you pirates can expect a torrent likely by Sunday.

Too bad it is not nearly as good as the hype makes it out too be

Anyone here actually going?

>> No.2955638

Hoping for a Family Project torrent this weekend, I'm dreadfully bored.
I have an online friend who is going, but he isn't buying the game, sadly.

>> No.2955648

I'm ready right here. http://bayoab.info/live/live2.php

>> No.2955652

and so is family project any good

>> No.2955655


You say that now, but I can't wait until the rest of /jp/ plays it. It's gonna be fun indeed.

>> No.2955664

This site was awesome for AX, will be following it for Otakon as well.

>> No.2955669
File: 51 KB, 700x525, JLIST000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, is this Peter Payne?

>> No.2955675


Yeah. I think he has a Japanese waifu.

>> No.2955676

Ah, so you were also one of the people who seen the link in that JAST thread.

>> No.2955683 [DELETED] 

>Ah, so you were also one of the people who seen the link in that JAST thread.

I was the person who fucking posted it here.

>> No.2955689



>> No.2955694

so someone mind telling me if Family Project is worth buying and plz don't bring up pirating.

>> No.2955695

>Jast, including Peter Payne, will be 'unofficially' there selling Family Project, at one of Secret Shop's booths, booth 432.

Why not get their own fucking booth?

>> No.2955697

> so someone mind telling me if Family Project is worth buying and plz don't bring up pirating.

To my understanding, if you liked Clannad, you will like Family Project.

>> No.2955708

so it doesn't have any ero? I liked Clannad somewhat, it was good but not great.

>> No.2955712

It does have ero.

>> No.2955717

I see

Think I'll hold off on this one until more opinions/reviews come up

>> No.2955718

It's an h-game.

>> No.2955724

He looks like a Morman

>> No.2955750

>Think I'll hold off on this one until more opinions/reviews come up

For what it is worth, Japan absolutely loves it

>> No.2955862

>HgameZ will likely be represented here as well

Someone needs to find out if they will get anything that isn't pure shit

>> No.2955869

>Jast will be releasing Family Project at Otakon.

ZUN likes conventions. Go buy us the game and torrent.

>> No.2955874


Regardless, whatever they touch will turn into pure shit anyway.

>> No.2955877

Worth repeating, from Peter of Jast.

>We’re open to having any talented translators help us with the game translations, regardless of their place in the fan community. Bottom line, anyone who wants to help and can do a smooth, professional translation will be considered.

>> No.2955901

if someone sells 18+ material at an American con and some <18 ends up buying it, can you be arrested?

>> No.2955916


Who's "you" the guy selling it or the guy under 18 years of age.

>> No.2955922

>you pirates can expect a torrent likely by Sunday.
Finally I get to see what all the fuss is about.

You better not be overhyping the shit out of the game, /jp/.

>> No.2955951

Did he mention editors?

>> No.2955961


>> No.2955969 [DELETED] 

Since the game is shipping and all, I might as well get this out of the way now so that you can all go and enjoy the game:

Finished FSN. And it was really, really average.

95% of the cast was completely unlike-able, the exceptions being Jun herself and Matsuri. The plot wasn't all that good, though it did have it's moments. The resolution was either extremely stupid or doesn't resolve much at all, depending on which you take.

That said, I didn't hate it. It was interesting enough to keep me reading, but it never wowed me or made me experience any emotion at all, for that matter. The sad moments never affected me, and the 'intense' moments made me go ''meh''. Everything is pretty much forgettable.

Can somebody explain me why people hyped it so much? Because there's absolutely nothing special about it.

There you go, Family Project ~Kazoku Keikaku~ is officially the worst visual novel ever written, so go and play it without any prior expectations. Who knows, you might be pleasantly surprised! Don't count on it though.

>> No.2955984

Did I miss something? Since when has /jp/ been hyping this game? Hasn't everyone said they expected it to be shit?

>> No.2955991

Just a few trolls

>> No.2955993

For the longest time /jp/ was iirc.

But recently everyone has been saying it's shit like you say.

I stopped going to /jp/ for awhile so I'm still in the mindset of when I was still visiting. So I'm expecting it to be at least decent.

Then again my memory has been failing me and everything seems to be melting together.

>> No.2956000

From one of the articles, quoting Peter Payne

>Nitro+ is especially interested in the prospect of getting Saya no Uta out to fans (actually there will be an American comic of the story made).

Someone find out what the fuck this is about.

>> No.2956008

Play Family Project expecting it to be the worst eroge ever written. After all, it probably will be.

And, who knows, you might be pleasantly surprised! I wouldn't count on it, though.

(by the way, I've already played Kazoku Keikaku)

>> No.2956076

healan gaems = bestest gaems

>> No.2956109


I see what you did there, friend.

>> No.2956131 [DELETED] 

OP here. Stop spamming your retarded piece of shit on the superior board:


(remove the dots over the letters)
>gdsg dhcajihhucfggnjlaccohhih shonyoyjvjdjjfgdat k iuvdoglrhh

>> No.2956399

Ordered from playasia. ~26 € doesn't like a bad deal, but paid over paypal. I thought you shouldn't be able to order adult stuff over paypal, so will my order be dismissed once play-asia finds out that FP features ero?

>> No.2956401

in b4 LOL BUY

That's my first bought eroge, and my first bought game since P3

>> No.2956422

just because you inputted an "in b4" doesn't mean you're excluded from being a massive faggot anyway

>> No.2956426



>> No.2956531

family plan is an average eroge, seriously

>> No.2956537

>But recently everyone has been saying it's shit like you say.
I'm pretty sure it's just two guys spamming "it's shit". I'm one of them

>> No.2956538

I've been doing it too, and it's actually my favorite eroge.

But believe me, it's SHIT.

>> No.2956636

bump for info

>> No.2956679

Fresh review of Kazoku Keikaku/Family Project from TakaJun: http://yandere.gray7.com/?p=493

>> No.2956702


Second coming of Jesus

>> No.2956739

He rates every game he likes 9.5.

>> No.2956746

Wrong. He rates Triangle Heart 3 as a 10 - it's just that he hasn't written a review of it yet.

>> No.2956752
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>> No.2956767
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>> No.2956768

S-Stupid Tsugumi.

I-It's not like I wanted to take a look at your body or a-anything.

>> No.2957131

I'm just glad the Nitro+ lolis have been confirmed as safe from censorship

>> No.2957171

Because the numerical rating of a review is the most important part, amirite?

>> No.2957174 [DELETED] 

OP here. Stop spamming your retarded piece of shit on the superior board:


(remove the dots over the letters)
>ggod iagffodolfg cfjuhgdrfkaf

>> No.2957229

We should get booth updates in the near future, I know MangaGamer's booth is opening at noon.

>> No.2957300

Family Project torrent FUCKING WHERE?

>> No.2957329
File: 854 KB, 960x960, 5011660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't doing it this time. Somebody else do it.

>> No.2957339

Must wait till it gets shipped here.
I doubt it won't be uploaded by the time I get it.

>> No.2957369
File: 133 KB, 485x600, dissapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I ain't doing it this time.
Why not?

>> No.2957379


>However, bringing out the English version hasn’t always been smooth sailing. The translated script was originally in a form that was deemed unacceptable for release, and had to be reworked greatly, attributing to the increased production time. In fact, a script update patch is planned for the game, which fixes some more issues that have been discovered even after the game had gone Golden Master. Lastly, due to the rush to get things done, the download version won’t be available until later, most likely by early August.

>> No.2957400
File: 122 KB, 1000x750, 4938643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even expensive. And, it's popular enough to the point that even a regular pirate group would put it up.

>> No.2957408
File: 642 KB, 589x693, GoukiDissappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your picture is fail.

>> No.2957415

>due to the rush to get things done
>Family Project
2 years is a "rush"?

>> No.2957418

Irony much?

What's the point of giving such a line to Gouki?

>> No.2957530

>The download version will be available at a later date, and a text update patch is scheduled as well.

It sounds like they released FP early so they could announce it at AX before they actually finished editing.

>> No.2957542


So it isn't even done yet! Amazing.

>> No.2957567


Two years and counting...

>> No.2957578



>> No.2957608

Onii-chan from #/jp/ is going to Otakon, I think. Somebody go say him to buy and upload it.

>> No.2957613

I would expect a torrent by the end of this weekend.

>> No.2957646

Awesome. My order just shipped. Now to endure weeks of agony waiting as it ships across the ocean. I can't even download the inevitable torrent to get ahead on playing it either, what with my internet being powered by an exceptionally lazy koala.


>> No.2957659

Matsuri is luev - the other bitch can go screw herself though.

>> No.2957822

any useful info yet?

>> No.2957894
File: 192 KB, 818x1100, KK cast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2957989

Tell him to send it too the owner of the owner of that NV Bot guy.

>> No.2957997

Ugh, my order hasn't shipped yet.

Anyone else still waiting for their order to ship?

>> No.2958006

I got an email saying they will ship it in 24h but it does not say that they actually shipped it.

>> No.2958022

I am still waiting on the email that said they charged my credit card and have processed my order.

I am kind of annoyed since they explicitly stated that they would process the order within 24 hours. They did say it would be slower on weekends, but It was not the weekend when I ordered. I want to hear their excuse for going back on their statement, so I emailed them. Ordering from JAST kind of sucks, I think I might have to order from Play-Asia next time.

>> No.2958022,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hay guise, so I heard you like Family Project.

>> No.2958022,2 [INTERNAL] 

I love H-Games PERIOD.

>> No.2958078


Jast panel

>> No.2958088

23:51:55 <bay|Ota|JAST> we're really happy with the warm news online
23:52:02 <bay|Ota|JAST> nitro+ is really happy to be represented by us in the US
23:52:09 <bay|Ota|JAST> they got like one of their pet project
23:53:02 <bay|Ota|JAST> they want to see Saya no Uta released as a movie..
23:52:32 <bay|Ota|JAST> but there will be an english american comic book for it that they want

And, the best moment of the panel

23:58:32 <bay|Ota|JAST> the last prize is the bible black male stress relief toy....
23:58:56 <bay|Ota|JAST> "like having sex with the animation cel itself"
23:59:05 <bay|Ota|JAST> (a girl won it)

>> No.2958101

00:11:55 <bay|Ota|JAST> Q: any market in america for non-hentai VNs?
00:12:01 <bay|Ota|JAST> A: before nitro, i would have said im not so sure...
00:12:14 <bay|Ota|JAST> if we were to publish a game, we have the negatives as being an adult game publisher...
00:13:13 <bay|Ota|JAST> however, with the nitro+ games, i'd consider everything
00:13:15 <bay|Ota|JAST> however it depends what it will allow
00:13:28 <bay|Ota|JAST> they want to see good #s on demonbane before chaos;head i'm sure
00:13:34 <bay|Ota|JAST> we want to do 4 of their games per year


>> No.2958107

>they want to see Saya no Uta released as a movie..
fuck no

>> No.2958110
File: 58 KB, 302x237, o_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saya no Uta released as a movie

>> No.2958118

>they want to see Saya no Uta released as a movie..


>> No.2958119

It seems like competition from Mangagamer is forcing JAST to get their act together

>> No.2958132

>00:13:34 <bay|Ota|JAST> we want to do 4 of their games per year

Holy shit, they are actually going to be fast for a change. I might have to start supporting.

>> No.2958138


From earlier, didn't get a chance to post since 4chan went down.

>> No.2958143

So was Mangagamer's Otakon booth just as awesome as their AX booth?

>> No.2958156 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 525x700, Girl buying FP KK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, some pics though linked to the Twitter page

>> No.2958153

why is Cosplay fetish academy so popular?

>> No.2958169
File: 43 KB, 525x700, hid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a hard copy of Family Project I see?

That's right, you guys know what that means. TORRENT FUCKING WHERE?

>> No.2958171

Alright, Family Project is out, people have copies, torrent fucking where?

>> No.2958184

So you faggots who already have the game.
How is it so far?

>> No.2958201

Because marketing says so

>> No.2958213

you lazy faggot. Why didn't you go there to get us Family Project?

>> No.2958221

Is that Jast showing off the game's loli

What the fuck happened to Peter Payne?

>> No.2958224

It's not like Nitro+ has many games with loli in them. Saya is the only one that comes to my mind.

>> No.2958236

Perma Link to panel


Also, as OP, I originally said that Jast would not have a panel. They decided to do one by surprise earlier today, announced through Twitter.

>> No.2958245

>>So you friends who already have the game. How is it so far?

Did you enjoy Kira Kira? And how do you feel about Umineko?

>> No.2958249

>visual novel

>> No.2958267

>23:58:32 <bay|Ota|JAST> the last prize is the bible black male stress relief toy....
23:58:56 <bay|Ota|JAST> "like having sex with the animation cel itself"
23:59:05 <bay|Ota|JAST> (a girl won it)


>> No.2958270

Haha, you're right, ZUN. I shouldn't have asked. All I will get are trolls trying to say how shitty it is without having even played it.

>> No.2958275


Don't forget zun comparing it to that asshole's VN list.

>> No.2958278

Not the person you replied to, but I really liked both.

>> No.2958307

ZUN might like sucking that guy's cock, but he raised a valid point in this case.

I suppose we should all play it and see for ourselves how good it is while keeping ratings and prior opinions far in the back of our minds. Even if you don't want to play it, people here will be spoiling it to hell and back for at least a whole week, not to mention the ridiculous amount of trolls. Might as well play it for the hell of it.

>> No.2958403

>Is that Jast showing off the game's loli

>What the fuck happened to Peter Payne?

He has been becoming a lolicon ever since The Sagara Family.

>> No.2958529


>I am crashing the #yaoi games panel now to get input on Nitro+.

>> No.2958550

I like Peter. He seriously does stuff and wants to know what the customers think.

Also, fuck yes. Possibility of getting Chirai stuff.

>> No.2958587

I hope he gives up on that idea. For every faggot game they translate a good game gets delayed.
