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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2954772 No.2954772[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/.

It's nearing the end of what has turned out to be one of the more depressing days of my life. If I had made this post when I first woke up it'd carry a much different tone, but as it stands, this is gonna be a bit of a downer.

The day started out nice enough, I had another badass dream that can only be described as being a combination of The Battle of Hoth+Being stranded at a Ski Resort. But since neither of those things have to do with Japan, I'll leave out the details.

I got dressed, called up my ride, and got dropped off at the Division Training Center so I could complete my Kroger Cashier training crap. That took the better part of 8 hours, and by the time I was done it was 3pm. At this point, I was running dangerously close to being late for the visitation for my Grandmother's best friend, so I hightailed it across the state of Kentucky, up to Louisville, easily a 1+ hour drive. Ever been to a funeral /jp/? They aren't fun.. Sure, you might strike up an interesting conversation or two. (I met a World War II vet, he served with the US 1st Army and participated in the Invasion of Normandy, the St. Lo breakout, the Battle of the Bulge, the Crossing of the Rhine, and the fall of Nazi Germany.) As it turns out, the visitation was for this man's daughter-inlaw, something that made it terribly hard for me to talk with him.

>> No.2954773

I've never been good with death. Not because I'm scared of the prospect of dieing, but because the prospect of dieing does not scare me. This lack of concern for my own life is what scares me. I spent today comforting others. Some people who I've known my whole life, and some who I'll never ever see again. I held the hand of a World War II Veteran as he watched over the body of his daughter-in-law. Why do people die? Because it reminds us of how frail our existence is.

Your best friend could die tomorrow /jp/.
Is there anything that you need to say to them before they leave this mortal coil? Maybe you've gotten into a fight with someone who you still care about, but are having trouble talking to right now. Maybe you just haven't spoken to them for a few weeks because it's Summer. Or maybe you just shy away from social contact. Whatever the reason may be, you should make sure that you've said everything that needs saying, just in case. Call up your best-bro and invite him over for some gaming, or maybe go out to a restaurant or some other place you guys like to hang. Do stuff together, be friends, and enjoy life. Because it's too short to be wasted.

Sincerely yours,
New to Touhou

>> No.2954784

Fuck that shit OP tell us about your dream.

>> No.2954789
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>> No.2954799
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>Your best friend could die tomorrow /jp/
>best friend

>> No.2954802
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>> No.2954812

where is the triple backflip into the Maserati?

>> No.2954813

OP here. Stop spamming your retarded piece of shit on the superior board:


(remove the dots over the letters)
>us gjdoy kdh hiikibhodrb

>> No.2954814

>Your best friend could die tomorrow /jp/.

Holy penis, I have a friend? How did this happen?

>> No.2954829

wow... man i totally know how you feel... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! no in all seriousness stop being a pussy and get over it. people die. its just the way it is. if ya gotta go ya gotta go.

>> No.2954838
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Maybe next time, I'm too down-in-the-dumps to type up anything longer then two posts. I held a whole lot of crying people today, all I could offer was comforting words and hugs. I just don't want you guys feeling the way I do; go spend some time with the people you care about. WHILE YOU STILL CAN!

>> No.2954840

>Why do people die? Because it reminds us of how frail our existence is.


>> No.2954854

people die when they're killed

>> No.2954861

Man I can't comfort people at all, funerals just involve standing around awkwardly for me. How do you do that empathy thing?

>> No.2954863

People die BECAUSE they die when they are killed.

>> No.2954874

You're missing the point /jp/, I'm not BAAAWWWING over the loss of a relative, I'm expressing my concern for you. Go out there and be with those who matter to you, if just for one day.


But yeah, now that I've shown my concern for the interwebs, I'm gonna be heading off to bed. You'll be the first ones to know if I have some crazy-ass Touhou adventure. BUT I SWEAR TO GOD IF I SEE ONE MORE IMPERIAL AT-AT ATTACKING MY GODDAMN SKI RESORT LIKE I DID LAST NIGHT IM GONNA CALL THE FUCKING ROGUE SQUADRON AND BRING IN THE SPEEDERS ON THEIR 60 FOOT TALL MECHANICAL ASSES. GODDAMN IMPERIALS.

>> No.2954884

That's odd. I always thought it was spelled "dying", but apparently "dieing" is okay too?

Redundant words in the English language are leaving me in despair.

>> No.2954898

Nah, I just can't spell worth a shit in my current mental state. "Dying" is right.

>> No.2954912
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not your blog
but why wait, go become an hero
