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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2954223 No.2954223 [Reply] [Original]

iebowitz Social Anxiety Scale
The Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS) is a questionnaire developed by Michael Liebowitz, a psychologist and researcher. It's objective is to assess the range of social interaction and performance situations which patients with Social Anxiety Disorder may fear.

85 for me

Why not take the test, /jp/?


>> No.2954236

46 man.

>> No.2954241

I see

For me it's not really the fear of things, it's more that I tend to avoid these situations.

>> No.2954252


>> No.2954254


>> No.2954264

Internet tests are 100% accurate.

I wish the kids of /jp/ would stop having blind pride.

>> No.2954270

Nobody mentioned anything about accuracy or that this test actually means anything.

Stop being such a dick, dick.

>> No.2954272


I prefer to talk to strangers anyway, it's like starting with a clean slate.

>> No.2954289

1(fear) + 46(avoidance) = 47

>> No.2954290


>> No.2954291

You have very severe social anxiety.

Well thanks dude. I never knew.

>> No.2954292

>clean slate

What kind of awful past do you have to hide, friend?

>> No.2954293

What a worthless disorder.

>> No.2954294


>> No.2954319


>> No.2954328

You have severe social phobia.
Thank god I don't care enough to get pressured when I have to demonstrate my skills since I know I don't have any skills

>> No.2954337

90. Hm. I do have to wonder how reliable tests hinging on self-perception and experience are, though. I suppose it goes for killing time though.

>> No.2954345


>> No.2954346

feels good man

>> No.2954359

>You do not suffer from social anxiety.

>> No.2954365


Test is full of shit. I can rarely bring myself to speak with my own mother.

>> No.2954397


>> No.2954407

27(fear) + 41(avoidance) = 68


>> No.2954424


>> No.2954447


>> No.2954503


>> No.2954504
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8 + 9 =17


>> No.2954518

31 + 67 = 98

It's not that I fear everything; I tend avoid nearly every situation as to not put up with retarded bullshit.

>> No.2954522

I ranked pretty well.... 23 32

>> No.2954540


>> No.2954542


>> No.2954544

43(fear) + 30(avoidance) = 73

>> No.2954545


>> No.2954556


>> No.2954569

36(fear) + 39(avoidance) = 75

You have marked social anxiety

>> No.2954570


>> No.2954573

39(fear) + 52(avoidance) = 91

I'm probably less afraid and avoid stuff more, but the only thing I'm afraid of is leaving my house alone and being in public alone. If there's a single other person with me, I can handle it.

Also i'm really really really afraid of getting led on by romantic interests and rejected.

>> No.2954572

49(fear) + 58(avoidance) = 107

Well fuck, what a revelation.

>> No.2954576
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Your score:
3(fear) + 2(avoidance) = 5
You do not suffer from social anxiety.

It's almost like I'm normal!

The test should ask if I sit in my room and play eroge all day.

>> No.2954588

22(fear) + 32(avoidance) = 54

>> No.2954589


No need to worry, you'll always get rejected.

>> No.2954592
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>> No.2954599

That's some nice denial you got going on there. Anything to preserve your e-rep, though.

>> No.2954649

There should have been a 'you are so horrified of the prospect of going outside your room, that even though you know your mother won't support you forever, and you'll end up starving to death in a gutter, you can't do anything about it and just play eroge while waiting for that inevitable day to come, so you can finally rid yourself of your miserable existence' option, so I wouldn't have to go to the trouble of selecting the last option over and over for each question.

>> No.2954712

20(fear) + 18(avoidance) = 38

what!? I thought I was worse... well whatever its just a test.

>> No.2954723

Your score:
39(fear) + 42(avoidance) = 81
You have severe social phobia.

I can't say I'm surprised.

>> No.2954748
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>> No.2954777


There's two of us in here.
5(fear) + 2(avoidance) = 7

>> No.2954774


Whatever helps you get to sleep at night, friend.

All of this is meaningless if one is obsessed with anime, eroge, and other Japanese geek content anyways; we're still going to be sitting in our rooms all day no matter what.

>> No.2954790

26(fear) + 41(avoidance) = 67
You have marked social anxiety.

>> No.2954796 [DELETED] 

OP here. Stop spamming your retarded piece of shit on the superior board:


(remove the dots over the letters)
>f2j ocly flgkadoa choljyksoyfdtpls kuhf2dtrjdg

>> No.2954837

keanu reeves should be our king

>> No.2954849

43(fear) + 54(avoidance) = 97
You have very severe social anxiety.

>> No.2954856

I thought I would of gotten lower.

>> No.2954891
File: 47 KB, 853x480, yuno-being-yuno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15(fear) + 9(avoidance) = 24

Some of these were things I'd never even considering being nervous of before like
>Using a telephone in public
>Eating in public

I can't use urinals.

also /jp/ - Random Psychology

>> No.2955130

True /jp/bros hate telephones/cellphones.

>> No.2955136

Urinals were actually one of the few things on that list that never bothered me.

>> No.2955188

16(fear) + 35(avoidance) = 51
You do not suffer from social anxiety.

It's a good thing I don't have any problem drinking with others, or I'd have hit 'Moderate'. Alcoholism truly is the cure to social anxiety.

>> No.2955192

27(fear) + 49(avoidance) = 76
You have marked social anxiety

Not surprised at all.

>> No.2955214

48(fear) + 51(avoidance) = 99
You have very severe social anxiety.

No surprises there. I was hoping for 100+.

>> No.2955233

This thread might've been not-shit if it was actually discussion rather than people spamming their scores like anyone cares.

Looks almost like a /b/ thread.

>> No.2955242


Well if this was r9k then we would be discussing how lonely and depressed we are and how we could get girls but this isn't r9k. If you want to have an emo circle-jerk then why don't you leave.

>> No.2955244

68(fear) + 64(avoidance) = 132
You have very severe social anxiety.

>> No.2955253

Are you trying to defend the shittiness of this thread?

I didn't say it would be good either, I just said that it MIGHT HAVE not been complete shit.

>> No.2955277 [DELETED] 

OP here. Stop spamming your retarded piece of shit on the superior board:


(remove the dots over the letters)
>usrgjbhs oyougkjhivh vdyhcbhgifa btdh iig

>> No.2955271


>> No.2955273
File: 52 KB, 249x238, 1243819254870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 + 24 = 36 I geuss it's kinda accurate that I try to avoid things alot more often than I fear them.

>> No.2955275

60. Lower than I thought.

>> No.2955292


I aint be sayin shit dawg, you just see a nigga and your white jiving ass start hatin' you just racis' dawg

>> No.2955322
File: 37 KB, 267x318, 02c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3(fear) + 33(avoidance) = 36
I usually like this kind of stupid tests, but this one is truly retarded.

>> No.2955333

25(fear) + 29(avoidance) = 54
You do not suffer from social anxiety.
This is total bullshit.

>> No.2955356 [DELETED] 

OP here. Stop spamming your retarded piece of shit on the superior board:


(remove the dots over the letters)
>c ou2

>> No.2955361

Who would bother to answer these unless they felt the need to compare social anxiety dick sizes? It's all DOES [SOCIAL SITUATION] MAKE YOU ANXIOUS? Y/N/KINDA

Just read through the list and see how awful you feel afterwards. My result: significantly.

>> No.2955364
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Fucking kill me already,

>> No.2955367

29(fear) + 20(avoidance) = 49

>> No.2955369
File: 56 KB, 550x550, reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reading makes me feel ill, too.

>> No.2955366 [DELETED] 

u tell em bro xD also i like 3d girls n i have a girlfriend and play football

>> No.2955371
File: 23 KB, 640x480, proper tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50(fear) + 53(avoidance) = 103

Surprise, surprise. It should be higher because I'm starting to become afraid to even when the delivery man knocks at my door.

>> No.2955393


It's not that I'm really anxious around others; When I want to be around people I find company, otherwise I don't like to be bothered.

>> No.2955406

>When I want to be around people
Get the fuck out.

>> No.2955417
File: 2.00 MB, 1000x2000, 1231657407391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have to accept your fears and the sensations that results from it.

>> No.2955426
File: 54 KB, 336x412, 374775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

72(fear) + 0(avoidance) = 72
You have marked social anxiety.

Only marked. AWESOME!

>> No.2955431


>> No.2955857

15(fear) + 19(avoidance) = 34

You do not suffer from social anxiety.

what the *^% i was expecting at least 50

>> No.2955945

41(fear) + 37(avoidance) = 78

I'm not someone who's afraid of groups of people. Public speaking is no problem at all for me. I love being the center of attention.

But one on one with people, really fucks me up. I can't even talk to the drive-thru lady at KFC without stuttering and stumbling, and causing them to get annoyed at me.

The problem with this test is that it's asking for subjective ratings, then attempting to quantify them. For example, what's the base line reading for a fear-reading of 3? I've only ever been afraid of social situations to the point of stuttering and being unable to compose myself, so I mark that to be a 3. However, someone else may be so scared that they curl up and wet themselves. Still both of us mark 3 for the things we experience most fear from. Reconcile THAT, Liebowitz, you damn Jew!

>> No.2955950

Didn't mean those to be the same post...

>> No.2955966

How can you have zero avoidance?

>> No.2955967


>> No.2955981

>5. Talking to someone in authority
Yeah. Having some mild fear and avoiding the SUPERIORS sure is a sign of social anxiety!

>13. Urinating in a public bathroom
I avoid them because they are literally covered in shit.

>19. Looking someone who you don't know very well straight in the eyes
Isn't that very dependent on the person you're addressing?

>24. Resisting a high pressure sales person
I'm moderately scared because I don't want to seem like an ass to the guy, but the pressure is just very annoying, causing conflicting feelings. It just seems really shitty to deal with people that UTTERLY HATE YOU from the get-go, and I'd like to give them a break from time to time.

What a stupid test.

>> No.2955990

19(fear) + 30(avoidance) = 49
You do not suffer from social anxiety.

Well, that's a relief.
Also, sauce on OP's image

>> No.2955995

I've been a proper hiki for 8 years, leave my house 3-4 times a year at the most and I got a 98. If a die hard shut-in is a 98 god knows what these 100+ guys are like.

>> No.2956021

This is actually a well balanced test and if you feel it doesn't do justice.

1. No one can be diagnosed by anything with a multiple choice test. This isn't even meant for being used as part of a diagnosis it's a research tool.

2. You people self-diagnose and attach yourself to conditions you probably don't have.

>> No.2956039

>24. Resisting a high pressure sales person

This brings nice mental images. Imagine Nero Chaos trying to sell you kitchenware.

>> No.2956050

118.You have very severe social anxiety.

>> No.2956056
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>> No.2956335


I used to do alot of the things on there. But like all flaws in my life, I trained myself to get over most of my social retardedness.
