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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2953843 No.2953843 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that /jp/ have been shunning non NEETs? Are we all not brothers in otakudom?

>> No.2953852

I wish you get die.

>> No.2953857
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>> No.2953868 [DELETED] 

OP here. The best general forum:


(remove the dots over the letters)
> gcpyvdhtjhyojjjdudtgdigo fygjc

>> No.2953869

Otakudom....it's not like we're proud of it

>> No.2953877


>> No.2953878

There are those on /jp/ that wish to purge the normalfaggotry from the board. I welcome it. Diversity is always nice.

>> No.2953904

ju rustfratet?

>> No.2953916

I have an office job but I don't talk to anyone. I also don't have any friends. Am I a quasi NEET?

>> No.2953923

>have an office job
You are not NEET

>> No.2953928


You're either a NEET or you're not. Nothing in between.

>> No.2953944

You could be a NEE

>> No.2953955

Ignore those guys. They are just jealous that people can have /jp/ hobbies while maintaining a life.

>> No.2953965

There isn't anything wrong with a non NEET per se, but people calling it "otakudom" and tell people they're "otaku" are retards. You are western, you are not Japanese. Japanese can be otaku, if you call yourself otaku you are nothing better than gaia thrash. You're either a nerd or a weeaboo. People here used to be NEET weeaboo nerds. Thanks to summer break this is not the case anymore. Now we have "otakus" here. Most NEET weeaboo nerds have left, and won't come back until a few months. Have fun trying to fit in a different board than what you think it is. Go away and try to come back in a couple of months. Lurk some, find out we don't hate non NEETs, find out we just hate people who try to make a presence for themselves, be it through screaming they are NEET, be it they find pride in normalfaggotry, we do not like these people. Shut the fuck up and fly under the radar. Talk about nice things. Do the majan and the visual novel. This is /jp/ policy. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

>> No.2953966

It's usually just one butthurt faggot that hates people that go to school for being "pseudo-intellectuals" and hate people with jobs for being "wage slaves".

>> No.2953991


I play Mahjong at a school club with Asians. Infinitely superior than internet Mahjong.

>> No.2954000

>can have /jp/ hobbies

This is impossible. Either you're not spending enough time on your hobbies, or your friends havn't seen your fig/doujin/dakimakura collection, or your friends lack just as much of a life as you do.

I think most people here who call themselves otaku use it in the Japanese sense, i.e. we're not just fans of weird shit from Japan, we're fans to an extent that it has ruined any chance of us not being losers.

>> No.2954032


My friends have seen my fig collection. But they say I don't look like the typical person that would collect them. I'm not some fat neckbeard. I'm a skinny Asian guy. That is also into buying cloths and nerding out with a friend into Super Robot Taisen and others into Touhou and VN's. I found a way to balance these hobbies. It's not hard. But I will admit you can't party or hit on girls like the typical college guy. I'm either in my room /jp/ing it up or hanging out with weeaboo/otaku friends. We even go karaokeing and sing mecha anime openings and old school anime ops. Shit rocks.

>> No.2954063

I'm sure most of /jp/ would be like this if they could find friends that shared their hobbies.

>> No.2954067

I have a waifu and /jp/ loves me anyway.

>> No.2954069

>your friends lack just as much of a life as you do.

>> No.2954074

Normal faggotry. Go back to /b/.

>> No.2954080


I have normalfag friends. But more like I don't really hang out with them because all they want to do is go clubbing or go to bars. If I do end up hanging out with them is just to go to the shooting range or just have dinner or see a movie. Nothing like playing Blazblue an entire knight or playing Vanpri together to get good enough to play on /jp/.

>> No.2954082
File: 348 KB, 700x525, 1230192773351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. We all have waifu, pic related.
2. We fucking hate you. The only tripfag we hate more is Arcueid.

>> No.2954087


>We even go karaokeing and sing mecha anime openings and old school anime ops

That's actually my dream to do that. Looks fun in Genshiken and Lucky Star. But I don't have any weeaboo friends that aren't just into Naruto or shonen shit and I don't want to go by myself.

>> No.2954092

1. 2d waifus don't count, I have a real one too.
2. Everyone loves me, don't think your shitty opinion counts for everyone. In b4 you samefag post about hating me. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.2954103

It's just trolling. I refuse to believe that people are stupid enough to seriously think that you can only be a NEET or a normalfag. There are plenty of friendless weeaboo losers going to college or working.

>> No.2954112


They all work in the accounting department. That's why I'm there. My cubicle mate is also into Touhou...but we are too embarrassed to talk to each other about it. Whenever we see some /jp/ related shit going on we just nod to each other and leave it at that.

>> No.2954130

One of the E's stands for employment though.

>> No.2954143

I used to be a NEET, then I discovered I can't live off of my parents forever. Still an asocial mofo, though.

>> No.2954140

They are low-leveled though.

>> No.2954173


Yeah all the accounting majors at my school look like people that would be in that shit.

>> No.2954176

When did I ever state you can't play majan with other people? Like I said, you don't have to be a friendless NEET weeaboo nerd to be a /jp/ kind of person. But now you just made yourself look like a retard because you like to gloat about the fact you play something with others you know and are therefor superior. You do not understand the /jp/ mindset, you will never be part of the /jp/ mindset.

>> No.2954181

You NEETs might not understand, but work or school really doesn't take up that much time. When you have no life you still have lots of time to devote to weeaboo hobbies.

>> No.2954191


I liked it better when /jp/ anons could smell a troll post...why did you fall for that?

>> No.2954193


>> No.2954196


>> No.2954202

http://zip.4chan.org/a/imgboard.html <------------

>> No.2954205

Well at least it wasn't as bad as the NEET pride shit that was going through /jp/ on ronery threads earlier this year...

>> No.2954224

Neet is a word created in UK.

>> No.2954243

/jp/ is seriously the most shit part of 4chan other than /b/. you claim to speak japanese but you cant back it up and you constantly try to have shitty pride is dumbfuck shit like being an Otakuu or neet bullshit. this is why you were expelled from /a/. and then you still talk down /a/ like you think you are somehow superior. /jp/ needs to grow the fuck up because sometimes it looks an awful lot like gaia in here. i like the touhou stuff and i like the VN stuff but the random japanese shit is soo fucking stupid. and your pathetic attempts to be part japanese by saying you are otaku or NEET or Hiki or whatever. I understand people here have problems i mean its fucking 4chan but to brag about it is just fucking stupid.

>> No.2954256

I laughed, is this kopipe?

>> No.2954257

You realise that NEET is a term created in the UK right? But whatever, keep trolling.

>> No.2954261 [DELETED] 

>s-stupid imageboard, it's not like I post here because I like you or anything

back to under the bridge with you

>> No.2954263

Why don't you go back to /a/ to enjoy your "post ending in #" and reaction image threads you faggot

>> No.2954278

yes i know it was made in the UK but you are all taking pride in something that should not be taken pride in and that will only fuck your life up. it is like WOWfags who brag obout how many lvl 70 characters thay have. guess what they are gonna do now. they are gonna keep leveling up more to be a bigger WOWfag. it is the same with hiki and NEET. you brag about being a shut in and then you subconsciously try to be a better shit in while at the same time fucking your life up even more.

>> No.2954296

what are you butthurt that I pointed out that you are a huge fucking poser? go cry that you can't do anything positive with your life so now you brag about being unable to leave your room and you hafta take a piss in bottles.I would usually prefer that to this shithole of a board.

>> No.2954301

Wowfags are proving they are bigger nerds and you neets are pretending to be bigger pathetic faggots.

>> No.2954304
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Good job, OP.

>> No.2954309
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Then leave.

>> No.2954310

look how dumb you are

>> No.2954312

Sure are a lot of trip fags in here.

>> No.2954321

  ( __ )
  ( ´-∀-) < Shitty thread

>> No.2954401
File: 480 KB, 1255x1449, bawwarmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.2954595
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>> No.2954671

If you don't like how horrible this place is, or how implicitly pathetic the average /jp/edo is, then leave.
It's a waste of time to try to convince NEETs out of their lifestyle. Just leave them to waste their lives doing nothing, cause they're not harming anyone but themselves and their loved ones.

>> No.2955775

I just like being inside...

>> No.2955791
File: 86 KB, 939x629, Otakus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for bumping this shitty thread.

>> No.2955923

cummed inside
