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2942700 No.2942700 [Reply] [Original]

Back again /jp/ with Lancelot in the twisted FSN-FZ crossover.
Last time we started out as a rapist but then became a moralfag and got the Bazette route. Sadly I don’t have the link to that on easymodo for those who’d like to read it.

This time, I’d like not be a moralfag and get the Angra Manyu route (of course, it’s still all up to you). Here’s some tips:
Talk and listen to Zouken and Kotomine
Stay solo
Be nice to Sakura, but don’t fall in love

I’ll get a name/trip so you can identify me if you’d like. Also, this time I will have bad ends. I’ll give 5 to 10 minutes for choosing, and take another for the next posts. Well then, let’s start our second playthrough…

>> No.2942703

You come from a family of magi who are mercenaries. They are known for their special ability to draw in abnormally enormous amounts of mana; however, they lack the ability to perform most magic. Rather, they can only use advance forms of three types of magic: strengthen, accel, and heightening the five senses. They are skilled and trained warriors knowing various martial arts and weapons, including modern firearms.

You have been hired by Matou Zouken to enter the #th Holy Grail War as the Matou family representative. He has given you the “strongest servant” Lancelot of the Lake, as Berserker class. Due to your family’s ability to draw in large amounts of mana, you are able to handle Berserker with ease.

Last night the other masters and their servants were revealed to you where everyone fought in the harbor area. You concealed yourself, and no one saw you. Furthermore, no one has been able to identify Berserker’s identity, and he is simply called “The Black Knight”. The fellow participants are as follows:

>> No.2942706

Assassin. True identity unknown. Master is Caren Oretensia, daughter of the priest and moderator of the war, Kotomine Kirei. However, she foolishly used Assassin to actually fight in the melee and he was quickly killed by your servant; thus she is believed to be out of the war. She got caught in the battle and received a perhaps fatal blow by Berserker.

Archer. True identity unknown. Master is Tohsaka Rin. Though Archer class, the servant uses swords and is a skilled warrior. Even when his swords were destroyed, they quickly reappeared. The land of Fuyuki is regulated by Rin, as her parents have passed away.

Lancer. True identity is Cu Chulainn. Master is Bazett Fraga McRemitz. Master is a specialist in physical combat and employs runic sorcery to increase her fighting potential. She strongly reminds you of your older sister, who has died with the rest of your family. She fights alongside her servant.

Rider. True identity is Iskander, King of Conquerors. Master is Lord El-Melloi. El-Mollei remained hidden; however, Rider called out his name, so you know his identity. The two do not seem to get along at all.

>> No.2942712

Sorry to break it to you but higher ups are cracking down on this sort of thing. I for one enjoy it but it might not last long.

>> No.2942714

Saber. True identity is King Arthur Pendragon (rather, Arturia). Master is Emiya Shirou. Identity was revealed due to Iskander and her entering an “honourable” fight. It was a surprise to see King Arthur is actually a girl. Her master is just an amateur; however, he is being backed up by his father, Emiya Kiritsugu. It is a fact that Shirou is the master, as Saber’s attributes are lower than they should be.
Shirou was struck trying to save Saber, and his father had to reveal himself to come to his aid. It was a deadly blow and Shirou is most likely dead. If this is the case, Saber may be out of the War, if not, Kiritsugu may have become her new master.
Upon seeing Saber, Berserker began to consume a large amount of mana and went out of control. At that point you withdrew from the battle.

Caster. True identity is Merlin. Master is Illyasviel von Einzbern. She is working together with Emiya Shirou, who seems to be her step-brother, and Kiritsugu, who is her father. With Arturia and her wizard fighting alongside, they are no doubt the most dangerous duo and pose the biggest threat.

>> No.2942719

You have been given your own room within the Matou mansion. You have met the grandchildren of Zouken, Shinji and Sakura. Shinji is very arrogant and bullies his sister. Sakura is very quiet and often remains expressionless.
This is the second mission you’ve done in your life. The first resulted in the death of your entire family and was an epic failure. You’ve put their deaths behind you and must now redeem your reputation. Winning the Holy Grail War would thus be ideal. You must not fail.

You awake in the morning…
Report to Zouken
Get breakfast in the kitchen
Scout the town

>> No.2942722


>they are no doubt the most dangerous duo and pose the biggest threat.

Point of order with myself.

Iskander is hella bigger threat. Berserker cannot fight 2000 people at once, and Gordius Wheel 1-hits him anyway.

>> No.2942725

Then we'll go for as long as we can until they kill our fun.

>> No.2942729

Indeed. But you don't know that yet. Take that as a hint and stay away from Rider for now.

>> No.2942730


Report to Zouken. That bag of worms might have good info regarding Tohsaka.

>> No.2942731

As much as I hate the old bastard, your first post about the Angra Manyu route intrigues me, so I'm going with

Report to Zouken

>> No.2942740

>Get breakfast in the kitchen

A man's got to eat, you know.

>> No.2942743

Oh and one more thing. Anyone have anything special they'd like to see from Merlin? I'm pretty much going to do the same as Nasu did with Medea and bs magic he could probably do but never did in the myths.

>> No.2942750


Demon summoning, please. Merlin was half-demon by myth, after all.


>> No.2942758

Keep Merlin as the crazy old perv as he was made to be.

>> No.2942764

Assess the Noble Phantasms I know. Did Cuchulainn reveal his Gae Bolg - Piercing Lance of Death Thorns? Do I know about Gae Bolg - Thrusting Lance of Death Flight?

>> No.2942765

I cannot approve of your shenanigans. Abandoning Kariya like that is terrible.

>> No.2942769

Reported for faggotry.

>> No.2942778
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You know you want to see Lancelot operate without having his Master have worms for blood.

>> No.2942775

We are Kariya born from another family.

<Good End>

Also, report to Zouken

>> No.2942782

It's like I'm really on gaia.

>> No.2942789

Report to Zouken and get the low down.

>> No.2942790


>> No.2942804


F5ing at the speed of Lancer

>> No.2942806

WTF would we report to Zouken?
Scout the town first.
If a weakling is spoted, lure him somewhere alone and kill him.

>> No.2942816

You decide to report to Zouken. You walk around the mansion to find him, and you see him at the door to the basement.
"Oh hello there boy. Walk with me...How'd the first night go?"
He walks down the basement while you tell him everything that happened. The more you go down the stairs the stronger a rotten stench flows through your nostrils. You honestly want to leave immediately...Soon your nose gets used to it.
"Hmmm, so that's what happened...I can tell you one thing - Assassin is definitely not dead."
"Excuse me? He was clearly killed..."
"Yes. THAT Assassin was. I can bet there are more...You should investigate the church.
As for your next opponent...I recommend staying away from Saber and Caster for now. Mostly because breaking into the Einzbern castle will be difficult. Give that some time.
If you don't mind...I have some work to do..."

You leave the basement. You enter the kitchen for a quick breakfast to see Sakura cleaning up. After greeting her she quickly leaves for school.

It's now time to plan the next stage of the war...
Investigate the church
Attack Saber and Caster
Attack Lancer
Attack Rider
Attack Archer

>> No.2942820

I'd go with report to the Ojisan and make him put more worms in Sakura.

>> No.2942824


>> No.2942824,1 [INTERNAL] 


[x] Attack Archer.
He's a swordsman despite being an Archer. He might be the biggest threat being such a mystery, but his fragile (though replaceable) weapons seem to be a weakness.

If we activate Arondight, do the other two NPs become sealed forever or will they turn on again when we deactivate it? That was never clarified in the description of Arondight.

>> No.2942824,2 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone heeeere? Making my vote for Investigate the church. Kotomine's daughter or otherwise there?

>> No.2942824,3 [INTERNAL] 

>Also, this time I will have bad ends.

............. [X] ATTACK RIDER BAD END 1 GET

>> No.2942824,4 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah I'm here. I need to make a thread on /jp/ to say we're continuing here. Gimmi a sec.

>> No.2942824,5 [INTERNAL] 

I replied in the other thread that we could try http://plus4chan.org/boards/coc/ for this thread.

>> No.2942824,6 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, that's where the Caster thing went. Okay, heading there then. Give me a few minutes to make the move.

>> No.2942824,7 [INTERNAL] 

[X] Investigate the church

>> No.2942824,8 [INTERNAL] 

You know I was always under the impression that Caster Route thread and Berserker/Bazette Route thread had the same writer.

>> No.2942824,9 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone have the link to that 4pluschan Caster thread?

>> No.2942824,10 [INTERNAL] 

Alright, made the move guys


I'll give a bit of extra time so we can get more anons to notice the move.
