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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 23 KB, 300x246, 300px-Higurashi_main_characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2938297 No.2938297 [Reply] [Original]

>Well folks, we've heard back from MangaGamer, and it looks like we have to take down our translation patches.

>However, we're still discussing cooperating with them on the official English release. We'll see how that plays out, since it would be great for everyone involved if Higurashi has a good quality localization.

>We're be taking down our patch links, but not this site, so we can still blog about Japanese foods and such ^^;

>Thank you for your past support, and please watch over us for the future.

>> No.2938302


>> No.2938304
File: 34 KB, 331x400, shmion_notice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry just noticed the picture too.
I wonder where I've heard it before...

>> No.2938311


Now we're going to have to pay like $100 for a version of the VN that isn't even as well translated as the free one would be?

MangaGamer can go to fucking hell.

>> No.2938312

Why fucking bother? Everyone will pirate the official release just like they pirated the jap release.

>> No.2938313


>> No.2938314

Uh, no, probably not. We'll probably pirate it.

In fact I will pirate it, but if it's a good release (i.e. they get a damn editor) I'll buy it to show my support. If it's as garbled as some of their past releases I'll just be content that I've finally read Higurashi.

>> No.2938316


>> No.2938327


Stop that.

>> No.2938336

I don't know anything about MangaGamer's translations, but from this reaction, I assume they're pretty QUALITY. Bracing for fail.

>> No.2938344


>> No.2938361

It's over VN translations are finished

>> No.2938362

GOD DAMN IT YOU FAGGOTS. Support the official English translation by not pirating it. Do you want more of your porn games to be released in English or not?

>> No.2938369

Piracy and buying aside, would this mean that the game would come out LONGER than expected or maybe even sooner?

>> No.2938372


>> No.2938387

>in English

That'd be nice. Pity all we get is Engrish.

>> No.2938405

>However, we're still discussing cooperating with them on the official English release. We'll see how that plays out, since it would be great for everyone involved if Higurashi has a good quality localization.

If MG knows what is good for them, they better have them quality check and spell check before releasing it.
Listen to the guy. He knows what he is talking about. In fact i will do this. See if it is any good - buy. If it is bad - glad to have finally played it.

Let's just pray that they won't license Umineko like some of us believe. Because then ep5 is going to be released somewhen 2010....

>> No.2938407

I don't think it would be possible to take longer than Sonozaki Futago-tachi, outside of NEVER releasing it.

>> No.2938412


You'd rather pay €50 for a terrible fucking translation?

>> No.2938431


Nope. Don't need it.
Enjoy your "professional' translations.

>> No.2938443

It doesn't matter for me anyway since I have the games in Japanese and understand them just fine.

>> No.2938458

Is this the bit where we're supposed to marvel at your E-penis?

>> No.2938471

What the fuck are you guys complaining about? Cost-wise MangaGamer's releases are always more cheaper than the Japanese versions, and this:
>However, we're still discussing cooperating with them on the official English release. We'll see how that plays out, since it would be great for everyone involved if Higurashi has a good quality localization.
The twins might work on the localization. You might get faster releases with good quality.

I for one will be buying MangaGamer's localization of Higurashi.

>> No.2938477

Umineko gets licensed today and all translation projects gets dropped. Game will finally be released in 3-5 years.

How does it feel?

>> No.2938489

>more cheaper
MangaGamer translator detected

>> No.2938492


It is weird how official translation seem to take longer than these fan related ones. I wonder why?

>> No.2938494

>I for one will be buying MangaGamer's localization of Higurashi.

You have no idea how it will turn out, yet you're already planning to throw money at them.

Enjoy your "I am care for long too"

>> No.2938499

Going after a game already being translated is bullshit, but their willingness to cooperate on a release speaks volumes on them not being complete assholes.

>> No.2938507

Nope, just sleep-deprived non-native English speaker.

Also, MangaGamer has Higurashi's question arcs dated for October. That's much better than twins' 2012.

>> No.2938510

Well, fuck.

Incoming shitty "professional" translations.

>> No.2938511

I bet you'll just torrent it so stop complaining. With the free translation you still should have payed for the Japanese game, so it's the same shit.

>> No.2938518

sup EvoSpace

>> No.2938525


Except double the price when compared to buying the original japanese version and using a fan-translation.

>> No.2938541

I don't get the people here. How can you faggots call yourselves fans of something when you don't even pay money for the things you love? It's ridiculous.

Not everything is a free ride.

>> No.2938554

you're mom sure is

>> No.2938555

Defense level of mangagamer interests unusual, but posters appear native. Mangagamer staff was likely constructed of 4chan users who got the bright idea of making money off the translation scene.

>> No.2938560

>I don't get it, I enjoy seeing things I love get a butchered translation which stops all other, half-decent translations in the process.

>Give them more money

>> No.2938566

I haven't bought a game, Anime or Manga for 6 years.
But i still have everything interesting that was released in that years.
So yes, i would say it is a free ride for me.

>> No.2938577

That's fucked up

>> No.2938594

We're not fans and no one besides a newfag would accuse us of implying we were.

>> No.2938595

MangaGamer's Da Capo costs = 69.78 dollars
Japanese versions costs = 98.99 dollars (9,240 yen)
MangaGamer's Kira Kira costs =51.62 dollars
Japanese versions costs = 98.99 dollars (9,240 yen)

Oh snaps.

>> No.2938596


Dude fuck you. How does official translation = shit translations. That isn't always the case. Second you're a faggot because mangagamers doesn't even look like they've been around so how can you fucking say give them more money when it fucking looks like they need some to possibly stay around.

Hell who knows they might release some other good visual novels down the line. Higurashi is a big deal to get licensed I can only imagine so they're probably taking a risk on it selling or not. So don't be a faggot about it and support them by buying the damn game.

>> No.2938598

Nothing out of the unusual. MG is in the red and Higurashi and Shuffle will get pirated more than bought.

>> No.2938609

Same here bro

……..(’(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.·´

>> No.2938611

Someone should email mangagamer and suggest for them to release patch files fixing typoes and spelling errors

>> No.2938616

sure is samefag in here

>> No.2938617

Let's be honest. Kira Kira was head and shoulders above their previous works. (lol Edelweiss) If we get another such bump in quality, which seems possible, given the partnerships, general publicity, etc.

I still doubt I'll buy it if this happened, because I'm not particularly interested in Higurashi or Shuffle!?, but if they want to take their game one step higher, I might seriously dig out a credit card.

>> No.2938619

>How does official translation = shit translations.

It doesn't MangaGamers = shit translations.

The rest of your post was nothing but "give them money because they need it". If they can't pump out decent material and stay competitive they deserve to go under, they've had enough chances to improve.

>> No.2938627


Go ahead. They'll look over their releases, see nothing wrong and continue bringing us exactly the same.

>> No.2938631

I really can't believe that I learned Japanese to translate such games for you shit heads. Ungrateful faggots.

I should have majored in something better.

>> No.2938634

The vast majority of software tends to be pirated more than bought. I wish mangagamer luck as financial issues are likely the cause of the high cost.

>> No.2938638


You should have worked on your English instead.

>> No.2938644

>Defense level of mangagamer interests unusual, but posters appear native. Mangagamer staff was likely constructed of 4chan users who got the bright idea of making money off the translation scene.
I wish I had saved the "Lets start our own H game company" on /a/ some years ago

>> No.2938646


Yeah probably,

>> No.2938649

it's not like the twins ever would finish the translation
at least not during my lifetime

>> No.2938653

No. That is planning ahead my friend. All the Thousands of Euro i saved i used to buy me a great car.

>> No.2938661

Why do they have to take down their existing patches? Didn't they only have the first chapter finished, the Japanese version of which is available for free?

Kira Kira's translation was worse than Suika's, although still not terrible for a commercial translation.

>> No.2938663

>I wish I had saved the "Lets start our own H game company" on /a/ some years ago

Yes, what an idea. Perhaps. we. could. call. it. Four Leaf Studios.

>> No.2938672

DGAF they were taking forever with the translation anyway

>> No.2938676

Hey mugen, it looks like you learned how to use less ellipsis!

>> No.2938681

>Why do they have to take down their existing patches? Didn't they only have the first chapter finished, the Japanese version of which is available for free?
Yes, that strikes me as odd, at least before MangaGamer has made their own release.
Well, they have "download trial" button on their website, so Onikakushi is hopefully going there.

>> No.2938682


Price of a DRM'ed download vs a physical product?

Oh snaps.

>> No.2938688


It's going to be shit. I'm calling it here.

>> No.2938691

I happen to hate mugen because it is poorly balanced.

>> No.2938697

MG: Stop distributing the patch cause it'll effect our future profits and giving them the impression that the game should be free.

Twins: Okay, as long as you'll give us a cut from it for helping you guys.

I just made this up, but that's how I see it.

>> No.2938701

Still not exactly double the price, though.

>> No.2938712

I am not paying a single cent for a download. Fuck.

>> No.2938720


Of course, those are the only 2 games to ever have been translated. Pity really.

>> No.2938723

Exactly what happened to Chaos Head and the rest of the Nitro+ translation.

Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!
Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!
Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!
Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!
Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!
Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!
Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!
Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!
Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!

>> No.2938729


Sup Nahash.

>> No.2938733

Let's be honest with ourselves /jp/.

Mangagamers translations are shit and that may be because they are strapped for cash
But really, even if the translation was perfect, we'd pirate it anyways

>> No.2938747

Fuck yeah

>> No.2938749

Well, at least JAST USA know English.

>> No.2938757


I for one wouldn't mind seeing Saya no Uta up for sale.

>> No.2938758

Oh for fuck's sake, rest of the games are same. I just didn't bother looking the more accurate prices up.

>> No.2938765

Stop complaining, we are getting the full game many YEARS earlier than if it was fandone, and because 07th Expansion likely licensed it cheaply, and because this has a significant fanbase, this will likely get us more future titles.

>> No.2938768

How were these translations not "perfect"? You fucks don't even know Jap.

>> No.2938771


Let's say that is the reason, in which case they're fucking stupid. "Let's rush out poorly done products, that's sure to make us more of a profit". Seriously, fuck them.

>> No.2938778

What does reading Japanese have to do with reading English? Most commercial translations are full of typos, grammar mistakes, and such.

You're stupidity is terminal.

>> No.2938780
File: 54 KB, 806x625, 1246912156770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But we know English and I'm fairly sure shit like this isn't standard English.

>> No.2938782


I buy Jast games to support Dan Kim.

>> No.2938788

Support mangagamer because their installers don't take half a year to write.

>> No.2938789

>Mangagamers translations are shit and that may be because they are strapped for cash

by that logic, you're saying that FREE fanmade translations would have it worse? seriously.

>> No.2938792


Why in the holy fuck do people who don't know proper English think they can translate text into English and charge for it? It is truly astounding.

>> No.2938798

Their quality got a lot better after Edelweiss.

>> No.2938800

>doesn't understand the concept of a hypothetical situation

>> No.2938802


WHOA. That is horrible. That honestly isn't worth paying money for then. Wow how did they let that slide? Do they have fucking chinks translating the games?

>> No.2938804

Yes. Along with censoring their games.

>> No.2938810


Better, but still not great and remember, they're CHARGING for this.

>> No.2938820


what you say? this is greet

please stop war and buy mangagamer games

>> No.2938836

Yes, they're charging for it. I bought Kira Kira, and the translation quality was pretty good for official English release.

>> No.2938839

can i have some examples of MGs poor English? i want to lol.

>> No.2938846




>> No.2938848

>Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!

Ugh. I feel like killing someone.

>> No.2938849


yeah well maybe I will when you get Dan Kim.

P.S. Dan Kim

>> No.2938855

#ensue on rizon, everyone involved with the Nitro+ translations can be found there.

>> No.2938859
File: 97 KB, 816x636, bass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, here you go.

>> No.2938862

I liked to imagine that the Sonozaki twins were two hot lesbians that liked to translate games in between fucking each other. Now it's being translated by one fat greasy dude instead.

>> No.2938864

Sorry MG to hear about your 'financial woes', but imma gonna pirate the shit out of this game regardless of promise of 'better translation' or half-assed ones.

>> No.2938869

so, you pay for the VN then you download it? Don`t they ship the actual CD and case?
i like having actual things to hold when buying something. my case of umineko ep 4 is always by my desk.

this will be shitty for collectors, or people like me.

>> No.2938875
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>> No.2938876

No, srsly?

>> No.2938878
File: 81 KB, 804x649, sex and friends trial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) They are significantly improved from that, so stop pretending that the Higurashi translations will be like that
2.) Could be worse, see this from the HgameZ trails.

>> No.2938885

>However, we're still discussing cooperating with them on the official English release. We'll see how that plays out, since it would be great for everyone involved if Higurashi has a good quality localization.
hope it happens?

>> No.2938889
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>> No.2938891

>Yes. Along with censoring their games.

But I thoght censorship was bad, and that the US was against it. Are the vags at least unblurred?

>> No.2938898

Jast's games are uncensored, as are MangaGamer's.

>> No.2938903

>Jast's games are uncensored

Except for the cut scenes of course.

>> No.2938905


Hmm, it'd be difficult for them to fuck from different states though.

But at least they're in neighboring states - hot CO/KS action!!

>> No.2938911


They'd damn well better be. There's really no excuse for a bad translation at all. A book publisher wouldn't even consider putting out a translated work that had a tenth of the errors Edelweiss had.

>> No.2938920

>Except for the cut scenes of course.

Saya no Uta is about to get even weirder.

>> No.2938926


But we should clearly keep giving them money in the hopes they'll eventually shape up.

No matter how badly they do, buying everything they shit out solves everything.

>> No.2938936


You might have a point there, but the idea of giving these people money for shit translations in the hope they might decided to improve themselves seems really wrong somehow.

>> No.2938942


That was sarcasm. I happen to strongly agree with you, actually.

>> No.2938950


Oh. Yeah, it's late and I'm not thinking straight. I should go to bed.

>> No.2938962

That is not how capitalism works. That would be an act of charity.

No one is listening to you, so you may as well stop preaching. Even if you're getting paid for this. It's a waste of time.

>> No.2938967




Both of you need to get some sleep.

>> No.2938972

No they don't. Their average translation quality is pretty bad.

>> No.2938978

There's two ways to go about this pretty much.

Sit around patiently for a long time for fans to translate things, or support companies who translate these games in a much shorter period of time.

Higurashi is going to be around $20-$25 probably. It is by no means going to cost an arm and a leg for people to obtain it.

>> No.2938979

>No one is listening to you, so you may as well stop preaching. Even if you're getting paid for this. It's a waste of time.

Obvious sarcasm was obvious. Your retarded.

>> No.2938981
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>> No.2938993


To be fair, I figured he was >>2938362 again. I don't think he was being sarcastic in any of his posts.

>> No.2939001

I would gladly pay 30 bucks for Higurashi. 70 is pretty iffy.

>> No.2939008

>Higurashi is going to be around $20-$25 probably

You wish, more like triple that.


I figured "everything they shit out" would be a give away. Like it matters anyway.

>> No.2939017 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming the best, original board with your shitty clone:

>lkygjk dfj soj

>> No.2939022

Spoilers: Translation on >>2938859 and >>2938875 actually isn't bad.

>> No.2939024

Mangagamers has always charged less than what the games cost in Japan. Higurashi sells for around that much so I don't see why they would suddenly change their policy now. It should be quite cheap.

>> No.2939025



It's a meme...

>> No.2939028

All rest of their games have been cheaper than in Japan. Why would Higurashi be different?

>> No.2939036

>You wish, more like triple that.
See >>2938595. Even with Mangagamer's high prices, they're still significantly cheaper than the original Japanese version. Everyone is just used to JAST etc's REALLY low prices. Higurashi is doujin, so it should be a good deal cheaper than a commercial eroge, and the mangagamer price will probably be even lower.

>I figured "everything they shit out" would be a give away.
It's called 'skimming'

>> No.2939043

Memes are retarded.

>> No.2939061

ITT: Maybe two or three guys trying to defend MangaGamer, few trolls and idiots that believe trolls.

>> No.2939062


Well, you have at least that in common with them. One would think you'd have greater appreciation for their day to day struggle.

>> No.2939075

We don't really hang out, bro.

>> No.2939097


yeah I know, just trying to see if people actually reads them

>> No.2939384

does mangagamer really have a right to stop them when

"However, it turns out that we didn't really need their permission or official recognition to do this project. We found out from chronotrig, at the Witch Hunt Umineko translation project, that they actually consider translation groups like ours to be doing 'derivative works' (二次創作). They address groups who do such works at the top of the FAQ (よくある質問) page at the 07th-Expansion website. I suggest you check the original Japanese more carefully for the details, but in short Ryuukishi07 is allowing anyone to make derivative works based on his characters and story setting, within reason (he references an infamous Pokemon doujishi as an example of going too far). So long as you "do it with love" and take responsibility for what you produce as ultimately YOUR product and not theirs, they don't mind. Frankly, they've given a very generous gift to the rest of the doujinshi and fan-works community.

This goes beyond the usual idea of 'fanfiction' or 'fan-made manga' to also include use of the text and command script that he wrote, the character art that he drew, and the backgrounds that they devised - basically the parts that he owns the copyright on. This means that people can even make their own scenarios to use within the Higurashi game framework, like the outtakes we added ^^. Ryuukishi07 explains this in the second of these two forum posts here."

>> No.2939423

oh well, the futago bitches were taking to long

>> No.2939439

even if not, they'll stop if politely asked. Like they already did.

>> No.2939456


wai...... ;_;

>> No.2939466

>an infamous Pokemon doujishi as an example of going too far

What happened there?

>> No.2939471

Worst case scenario: MangaGamer drops every single honorific and japanese reference, instead nii-nii you'll get bro-bro

>> No.2939480

This was months ago. Times change and i think with money involved people change their opinions very fast. If Higurashi is a success we will see Umineko next.

>> No.2939481

bro bro
oh gawd
I can't stop laughing

>> No.2939486


yes but, they still have that rule that you can do any work of 'fanart' as you choose. under that rule mangagamer shouldn't be able to do jack shit.

>> No.2939488
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>> No.2939503

>do it with love
Oh Ryukishi07, you'll never change, do you?

>> No.2939509


>Worst case scenario: MangaGamer drops every single honorific

What, you like this weeaboo -niisan -obasan -donosamataijin bullshit? Really?

Why can't TL groups like Witch Hunt just type "Aunt Rosa". Why does it have to be "Rosa-obasan"? If you want to retain all the meaning of the original Japanese then read the VN in Japanese. English translations should be English.

>> No.2939521

Here we go

>> No.2939523


To emphasize the fact that Batora is calling her an old woman.

>> No.2939530

They won't. They had a poll awhile ago and most of their customers said they wanted that stuff left in their translations.

>> No.2939532


saying "obasan" and "ojisan" is going a bit far I admit, but I feel "sans" and "chans", "kuns" and such help establish a feel for everyone's realationships

>> No.2939533

But it's kawaii~

>> No.2939537

You think as if that isn't going to be their initial planning.already. A worst case scenario would be all that and a raging inducing translation/script with an Americanize localization.

>> No.2939539

fuckin weeaboos

>> No.2939543


It also helps to distinguish who's speaking.

>> No.2939562

>fuckin weeaboos

>> No.2939581

Mr Claude Delicious
Ms Thirtyfour
Tommy Taker
If English is your second language, it doesn't sounds bad at all. At least for me who is not the highest possible literature of the language...

>> No.2939595

It's going to suck terribly like Ever17, and because of that, there will NEVER be a good translation of Higurashi. Fuck MangaGamer.

>> No.2939599
File: 84 KB, 505x479, ber_odorokia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents are dead! UWOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!

>> No.2939600

You're not the highest possible literature? I'll be damned.

>> No.2939609

That isn't MG, that is Hirameki

>> No.2939621

Has everyone forgotten how long it took these bitches just to translate the first one alone?

>> No.2939645

I think that's the point: people bitching about Mangagamer seem to be forgetting that commercial translations are almost always poor.

Although I'm not sure how that specific line got to be so infamous. There are far worse mistakes in Ever17's translation.

>> No.2939656

At least MG translates stuff at a good pace. You idiots would rather wait 4 years for some fan group to finally stop being lazy fucks after announcing a project?

>> No.2939686

Apparently you haven't taken the time to count the number of lines in the average VN

>> No.2939694

Everyone who's saying "It won't be as bad this time, MangaGamer have learned from the past" and such bullshit, it may be worth considering the fact that MangaGamer is based in a country that DOESN'T EVEN HAVE ENGLISH AS IT'S FIRST LANGUAGE. The only reason they're translating it into English instead of their first language is the fact that they can make more money that way, because there's more English-speaking VN Nerds than Dutch-speaking ones. Fuckers.

>> No.2939740

Except that they HAVE learned from the past. Kira Kira had a decent translation. Now compare that to Edelweiss.

>> No.2939756

Bullshit. It was better, but still unacceptably bad for the price they're charging.

>> No.2939822

They expect me to pay $80 Canadian for Shuffle.

>> No.2939828


Then maybe we should all be asking why we allow commercial translations to be so terrible. Obviously publishers who bring titles overseas don't see godawful Babelfish "translations" as an impediment to selling VNs.

>> No.2939847

The conversation in this Thread is leading nowhere.

>> No.2939860

I heard they're actually Japanese. Not sure why they're based in the Netherlands though.

It was as good as any Jast translation. Suika was even better.

>> No.2939863

>Implying conversations on /jp/ ever go anywhere

>> No.2939870

>I heard they're actually Japanese

This might explain why the translations are so bad.

>> No.2939879


>Kira Kira had a decent translation.

Is >>2938859 's screenshot from KiraKira? Because that's some shitty writing right there.

>> No.2939880

/jp/ - KS devs and MG devs

>> No.2939885

Wait a damn second while I get out from under my rock. Noah's translation was trashed?

>> No.2939902

It was certainly light years better than Edelweiss, but to say it was as good as any JAST translation is ridiculous. Not only are there still an excessive amount of simple syntax errors, but they also still haven't learned the basics of English style, which is why the writing feels so dry and none of the jokes quite connect in Kirakira.

>> No.2939915

C;H's translation and files were removed, C;H Noah's 360 port is cancelled and files were removed too. Same for all other Nitro+ games having a non-commercial translation, and now the Higurashi series.
Next thing we know Tsukihime, FSN and Umineko's translation gets removed too.

>> No.2940019

Umineko means something, but who cares if long translated MM translations get removed?

>> No.2940023

Nobody in their right mind would license Fate or Tsukihime.

>> No.2940039


The Witch Hunt has Ryukishi's blessing, so I doubt that would happen with Umineko.

>> No.2940042

More like nobody can afford it.

>> No.2940078

Witch-Hunt aren't pussies. They'll continue their holy crusade against MG's terrible translations in any case.

>> No.2940125

being totally fair, they translated REALLY FUCKING SLOWLY

getting all the games would take over 4 years if it was from them. i'll be quite happy if I can just read the fucking thing and have it done with, i refuse to watch anime adaptations before reading the original. still am not spoiled about any plot points really.

>> No.2940129


more like there's no point because any TM fan has already read both of them.

>> No.2940138

Keiichi dies.

>> No.2940159


Not all of us can leech off our mommies and daddies taking as much dough as we want to throw down on our little fancies. Tell ya what. Convince these guys to release the games for a RESPECTABLE price, and I would love to support them. These games are years old, and all they did was TRANSLATE THEM, yet they still ask for more per game than a brand new xbox360 game? They don't even nearly have the fanbase to be so stuck up as that. Get the fuck outta here.

>> No.2940166


and a PS, I'll fucking spend years learning Japanese before I'll pay 70-80 bucks per game to appease some dumb assclowns who demand so much for their releases.

>> No.2940171


Go back to /v/, faggot.

>> No.2940185


Piss and moan at my examples? Why yes, I expected that. Haughty haa haa.

>> No.2940209
File: 223 KB, 800x600, doitfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, did fan translations just die over the past few days? Don't these guys have a spine?

I say we take what they've done so far, spread it all over the net (anyone still have their patches? Upload them to /rs/) so that those Anonymous who know Japanese can continue the work.

Fuck MangaGamer. Let's show them what we really want.

>> No.2940256

To be quite honest, the one thing I regret about MG choosing Higu, is not the issue with translations (I imagine that whoever speaks english as a foreign language don't really consider that, as the biggest issue). I'm a bit more disappointed that MG choose a title which already has an "active" (even if it's slow, they would have likely persevere and finish all of them years later) project, and not localize an exceptional game without active project, despite that there is a huge number of VNs worthy of translation (just look at that thread in ixrec's forum for the top of the iceberg).
I imagine they think it might be a good opportunity to TL a VN which is already famous here on the west, due to having an anime adaptation already. However I tend to disagree. While I possibly gonna buy it (as long as it has an acceptable price), it's not going to be as exciting now due to already watched the anime. The whole genre's weakness is that it's not really replay-worthy after already knowing the twists and solutions. Additionally the lack of beautiful art to stare in the meantime isn't helping either (absolutely no offense against Ryukishi, I like his style, but I would never play a game for his art only).
I would be more than happy, if they would have chosen a moderately old game with gripping story, and leave the twins doing Higu unharmed (The wait isn't the issue for me to be frank). That way we customers could have more title translated in the end (as I quoted it in my opening post here, you can see that the twins won't be translating anything).
I imagine MG insisted on anime adaptations, probably to try out a different approach now.

>> No.2940267

in be4 tl;dr and fascinating

>> No.2940300 [DELETED] 

>they would have likely persevere and finish all of them years later

Most of us wouldn't rather have the whole thing in a couple of months.

Now, if they were working as fast as Witch-Hunt, I would agree with you. But they weren't.

>> No.2940306


>> No.2940313

>they would have likely persevere and finish all of them years later

Most of us would rather have the whole thing in a couple of months.

Now, if they were working as fast as Witch-Hunt, I would agree with you. But they weren't.

>> No.2940328

Who thinks Witch Hunt would be able to pick up the Higurashi translation as well, with only a little decrease in throughput that those waiting for Unimeko wouldn't mind?

>> No.2940358

Well, it's not like it's superimportant to me to read Higu in english the next month or so, after knowing what's going to happen.
However to name an example, I would be a lot more hyped now, if I could read Killer Queen (just an example from the top of my head. I apologize if it's not promising for everyone) in the near-future, especially with the knowledge that someone somewhere is translating Higurashi too (even if slowly).

Actually now that I think about it.... If the twins are obligated to take their patches down, then after reading our emails from yesterday, likely the same going to be applied to GP and their scoundrel group.

>> No.2940392

There's a pretty funny trend in this thread.

Everyone defending MG's translations types in broken English.

>> No.2940428

I'm sorry, but as I said my issue isn't the translation. I didn't defended MG at all.
However now with the twins blogging
>japanese food and such
instead of translating, we have one title getting translated, instead of two which could have been achieved if MG choose something else.
I honestly don't know how did you deduced I want to protect their translation.

>> No.2940442

By the way I forgot to mention there's an update at the twins' website:
>Well folks, we've heard back from MangaGamer, and it looks like we have to take down our translation patches:

> Since the copy right holder has decided to license >us the version for PC, your activity is no longer permitted.

>However, we're still discussing cooperating with them on the official English release. We'll see how that plays out, since it would be great for everyone involved if Higurashi has a good quality localization.

>We're be taking down our patch links, but not this site, so we can still blog about Japanese foods and such ^^;

>Thank you for your past support, and please watch over us for the future.

That rubbish with the "your activity is no longer permitted" is from MG. You honestly think I'd want to protect that? You might have been mistaken regarding my intention dear Anon.

>> No.2940445

>However, we're still discussing cooperating with them on the official English release

In other words, they're just looking for the chance of getting paid by MG. Pig disgusting capitalists.

>> No.2940461

This whole new wave of license is doomed to failure, you know it.
It just means they are that desperate enough that they turn to story-driven games to make a profit, but no one will buy them anyways.

>> No.2940467

Are you an MG translator?

>> No.2940475 [DELETED] 

Nope. It's somehow saddens me you mistake me for one.

>> No.2940480

Nope. And it somehow saddens me you mistake me for one. That's going to be the new paranoia now instead of the KS Dev?

>> No.2940492

I was merely making a joke because I could barely decypher your previous post.

>> No.2940506

I thought he was making fun of your English skills.

>> No.2940509

I really dont care honestly. Higurashi wont sell well for them in the first place and they pretty much know it. At best they'd get their sales figures for it in the hundreds or thousands.

Just do not put a lid on the Witch-Hunt with their efforts to translate Umineko and i'm a happy camper.

>> No.2940533


I'd like to say we should organize a boycott against them if they do that but I know it would never work

>> No.2940542

I'm still waiting for the giant YHBT on the front page and then everything going back to normal with the exception of unprecedented levels of rage from the MG staff.

>> No.2940571

>unprecedented levels of rage from the MG staff.
Yes, I'm sure they'd be horrified at all of the potential profit they could lose 7 years from now.

>> No.2940573

Why bother? Higurashi will get cracked and pirated and almost nobody will buy it anyway.

>> No.2940634

Using that...
Higurashi (first four arcs) is 2000 Yen in Japan iirc. That would translate to about 1000-1500 Yen price at mangagamers. Result: €7.50-€11.50
Quite okay, if you ask me.

>> No.2940639


>> No.2940651

The only people interested in this to begin with is 4chan's usual vocal idiots. MG is not a popular website, everyone who cares about it is on 4chan and is going to pirate it like we do everything else. It could be the best translation ever and it wouldn't matter.

>> No.2940920

I suggest we should pirate the torrent and crack irc only, bros only, and redirect as many buy and newfags as possible

>> No.2940930

If it's around $10-20 then I'll buy it. I just hope they don't decide to mark it up to the same level as their non-doujin releases.

>> No.2941004

Okay look. Yes, most of us are dirty pirates, but most of us are also low income losers who do so so we can keep our otherwise expensive hobby while we are poor. We WANT these things to make money. We WANT there to be a market for Visual Novels in the west. If there is a MARKET they will see fit to localize, and the more localizations we get the bigger the competition and the higher quality the translations will be forced to be under a competitive market. Above all, we want the original creators to make money, so they can keep giving us more stuff.

BUY. THE FUCKING. RELEASE. (if you can afford to)

>> No.2941014

>Next thing we know Tsukihime, FSN and Umineko's translation gets removed too
You fucking retard have the data anyway, but just finding something to baaaaw about amirite?

owow nobody cares for this piece of dogshit you bunch of degenerate faggots

More like 2015 for possible finished fan-translation of Higurashi, and that's at best!


>> No.2941025


>> No.2941044


Would be nice if they released physical copies.

>> No.2941057

If you can't prioritize your assets to afford a good translator and quality-assurance team, then you don't deserve to be in business and should fail.

It's that simple. Nobody should reward a shitty company for pushing a shitty translation.

>> No.2941064

u mad

>> No.2941074

Yes, but Higurashi is in episodes. If they make an assload of money on the first episode (They will.) then they will have more money to focus on quality translations for the later, better episodes.

>> No.2941079


This. If people buy up everything publishers offer regardless of quality, it will only show them that they can keep churning out horribly translated games with no fear of losing any business.

>> No.2941087

Bullshit as you should learn differentiate between mainstream publishers and niche market

>> No.2941098


That's a nice excuse, but I don't see how VNs being a niche market in America stops Mangagamer from finding translators who can write in proper fucking English.

>> No.2941099
File: 51 KB, 704x396, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itou Makoto looked around nonchalantly. It had been two weeks since he moved to Hinamizawa, not able to show his face back home again after certain events. The whole rural-village-thing seemed like a death sentence to his penis at first, but after seeing all the girls at school, he changed his mind.

“Ryuugu Rena is kind of cute…” he mused to himself, his face remaining deceptively, and idiotically, innocent. He had noticed that Rena would go into a frenzy of orgasmic joy whenever she saw something she deemed cute enough to take home. So far he was not in that category, but he would work on it. Oh, would he work on it.

Walking to town to buy a giant Kenta-kun to seduce the strange hauuu-ing girl, Makoto was distracted by the Angel Mort restaurant. It wouldn’t hurt to duck inside and chat with that Sonozaki chick, Shmion or something. There were two of them. Probably. Makoto really couldn’t tell them apart, but he didn’t need to if he could get them both in the sack. At the same time. Akane too. And maybe Oni-baba.

>> No.2941102

More like editors amirite

>> No.2941104
File: 17 KB, 406x393, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion was not at the restaurant during her usual shift, and Makoto slunk off, slightly disappointed. As he made his way back home, he noticed the other Sonozaki sister waiting outside his house. Great. The one who barely acted like she had tits. But he had to start somewhere. “Uh, Mion,” he said, putting all his sweet-talking skill to use. “You look great today. Your hair looks really green. Yeah.”

Mion giggled and blushed. Makoto did not find this odd. “You’re a lot cuter than your sister, you know,” he ventured, getting bolder. “I only feel comfortable around you. You’re the one person I can depend on here.” He tried to infuse his (slightly Downs-y) eyes with a look of 100% genuine sincerity. It never failed him before.

“Really?” Mion giggled again and nudged him. “I don’t get along that well with my sister, to tell the truth.”

“Yeah, she’s a real bitch, you know? I wouldn’t be against a threesome in principle, but you know what I mean.” Makoto edged closer and began to contemplate the best trajectory for groping her ass.

He did not find it unnatural when Mion began giggling hysterically. The last thing he felt was the blinding pain of electricity jolting through his spasming body.

>> No.2941107
File: 49 KB, 704x396, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makoto woke to pain and more pain. He was strapped down to a table stained with decidedly non-virginal blood. His head hurt. It felt like something had recently been rammed up his ass.

Mion’s--actually, Shion’s-- face loomed into view. “AHAHAHAHAHA!” she proclaimed, face distorting with gleeful laughter. “You know,” Makoto managed to say, “Kotonoha looked a lot better when she was losing it…”

“You dare insult the Sonozaki face?” Shion screamed. “This is the face of the demon!”

>> No.2941109
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Paralyzed with horror at the face, Makoto was not able to scream as Shion ripped off his fingernails with glee. “Please grant at least my few requests,” he finally managed to gasp. “If you have to kill me, fuck me first. And have your sister come over too.”

“You sicken me,” Shion said, and tasered him again into oblivion. And then pissed herself.

>> No.2941114

Uh oh.

>> No.2941115
File: 86 KB, 480x600, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makoto awoke on the edge of the rubbish heap behind the abandoned dam.

Head still hurting? Check.

Ass still hurting? Check.

Fingernails still missing? OH GOD DO NOT WANT.

He stumbled to his feet and tried to remember the way home, when a girlish voice suddenly spoke up behind him. “What is Makoto-kun doing out alone by himself, I wonder, I wonder?”

“Ah, Rena.” He turned and tried to smile at the girl. This could be a good day, after all. “I brought a present for you…uh…” His face turned downcast as he realized he had forgotten to buy her anything.

“USO DA!” Rena screamed, eyes turning into slits. Which he found kind of hot.

“Uh…will you take me home?” Makoto asked.

>> No.2941120

Companies don't magically decide to improve once they strike it rich. In fact, it normally causes them to become complacent. There's not enough competition in the market to make them want to improve their quality after making money if everyone buys their shitty work.

Where else are you going to get Higurashi from? Nobody else has the rights.

With things like translated work, it's not the same as just buying an author's work. If the author's work is bad, nobody is going to buy it. If it's good then you can buy it with whoever carries it.

If it's translated, then only one person has the rights to translate it. If it's a shitty translation, well, nobody else is going to have the right to make a better one and sell it unless the original rights holder demands it. And companies don't care, as long as they make money. Ryukishi07 isn't going to understand the shitty company that was chosen to translate his work.

And they're not ever going to make a better quality product unless you don't reward them for making a shitty one.

>> No.2941124
File: 88 KB, 550x778, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“When they ask me what happened to you tomorrow at school, Makoto-kun, I will tell them that you….transferred.”

>> No.2941128
File: 8 KB, 250x141, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dusk was falling. The cicadas continued to cry, fucking as Makoto could not. He ran through the forest, trying not to think about the fact that the bitch had cut off his right hand OH GOD HIS FUCKING RIGHT HAND. What would keep him company now?

Running into a clearing, Makoto bumped into someone. Something female. He looked up to see a slutty-looking woman with pink hair staring at him distainfully. “Uh, hi,” he said.

Immediately he had the shit kicked out of him by an ugly fucker in a Hawaiian shirt.

>> No.2941130
File: 11 KB, 336x294, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It occurred to Makoto that he needed medical attention.

On the way to the clinic, he winked at Hojou Satoko, in spite of his self-proclaimed disinterest in lolis. Maybe it was the blood loss.

Once again, he had the shit kicked out of him by an ugly fucker in a Hawaiian shirt.

>> No.2941135
File: 169 KB, 442x600, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Oh god, help me, I’m dying…” Makoto groaned as he dragged himself inside the clinic.

“Don’t worry,” a divine voice said to him distantly. “We’ll take care of you.”

Makoto was delirious now. The voice was enough to bring him happiness. “Nuse…Miyo…” he mumbled, gazing up at her insurmountable chest. “Why are you so droopy?”

“We’ll have to kill him,” Takano said.

“I don’t think that’s the best course of action,” Irie objected.

“Satoko…” Makoto continued moaning. “I want to love Satoko tenderly…”

“You’re right. We’ll have to kill him.”

>> No.2941138
File: 14 KB, 400x225, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Itou Makoto looked around nonchalantly. It had been two weeks since he moved to Hinamizawa…

“Hey, you!” a little voice chirped next to him. He looked down. It was Furude Rika. Not really his type, but a good start.

“Uh…do you want to see my ni-pah?” he asked.

Rika’s eyes darkened. “I remember your deeds,” she hissed. “I remember them all. You should never have come to this town.”

“Eh? What are you talking about?” Makoto asked, noticing that Rika’s eyes were growing wider and wider.

“I’VE GOT YOUR FUCKING NIIPAH RIGHT HERE!” The little blue-haired girl screamed, lunging at him. “No, Rika, no! Auauauau~~” a ghostly voice sounded in the background, but too late. Rika began stabbing Makoto full force in the crotch with a mop while he flailed and screamed.

>> No.2941140

Fair point, but if they go under (aren't they in serious financial trouble?) then who will give us our Higurashi? Isn't already a miracle that we're getting it as it is?

>> No.2941141
File: 261 KB, 491x680, last.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“No! Stop! Nothing to ni-pah about!” Makoto wailed, and the attack finally ceased. “You will leave and never return,” Rika said darkly. “I’ve made sure of it. You’re getting out of here tonight.”

“Ah, good, I’ve just about had it with this place anyway…” Makoto tried to catch his breath.

“I have a very lonely friend who wants to meet a nice young boy like you. Badly.”

“Ah…heh…is she cute?”

“His name is Mr. Delicious.”

>> No.2941147


>> No.2941151

Better for a good company to pick it up in 2-3 years again than for a bloated, half-dead, shitty company to make a killing off of it and then turn into a dinosaur that monopolizes the industry for ages with a crappy business model that makes everyone hate what they've become.

>> No.2941153
File: 16 KB, 234x216, temp72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Mangagamer can release a quality translation of Higurashi, I would consider paying to download the translated game. However I’d imagine the price for the translated work will be substantially higher than that of the original, considering translation costs for the larger than average word count? Have they release any information regarding possible pricing???

>> No.2941161

Kill yourself already dumbass tripfag. Again niche market != mainstream publishers, everything you wrote is wrong. Period. /thread

>> No.2941175

If a company releases fucking HIGURASHI, then dies, that would probably leave an impression (to those that can actually make such decisions) that an official release isn't worth it. It would be a blow.

They're always half the price of the Japanese version.

>> No.2941181
File: 40 KB, 450x340, Your-Opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what people without brains believe.

>> No.2941197

>They're always half the price of the Japanese version.
Higurashi is probably going to be priced around 20 dollars or so. It's going to sell, and MangaGamer needs money.

>> No.2941212

Notice it says "Localization" and not "translation."

Doesn't that mean that yen is converted to dollars, puns are replaced by shitty translations, and the entire premise of the original is destroyed?

>> No.2941221

Now you're just being silly.

>> No.2941226

Katawa shoujo soon from MangaGamer,
, believe it

>> No.2941228

Keiichi's name will be changed to Casey.

>> No.2941237

Of course. I mean who wouldn't adapt a product aimed at hardcore weeaboos in such a way?

>> No.2941244

Rika and Satoko will be at least 18 years old.

>> No.2941353

Ah the jailbait principle. I think my personal favorite example is FSN starting off with a disclaimer saying everyone (or at least everyone having sex, I don't remember) is over 18, when in fact NOBODY having sex is over 18 except Saber.

>> No.2941391

See >>2939471
Goddamned predictions
