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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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292629 No.292629 [Reply] [Original]

So thanks to a whim in a miscellaneous thread about RO last night, we now have a full fledged server up and running. It's basically the most badass thing ever.

To play, download the latest kro Sakray, install it, patch it, then extract the files in: http://jpro.doesntexist.com/patches/PatchServ.rar to your Gravity/RO folder.

Join us on irc.rizon.net in #/jp/RO
Our imageboard is http://jpro.doesntexist.com/jpro/wakaba.html

>> No.292633

Are there Touhou hats? It's not worth playing if there aren't touhou hats

>> No.292640

We apparently have a spritefag working on them.

>> No.292647

This just might get me to try RO.

>> No.292650

Oh fuck yes, I'm sold.

>> No.292654

wow wow

>> No.292656


ha ha wow

>> No.292657

We are working on touhou hats.

>> No.292671


I'm in

>> No.292674

do I need sakray and kro or just sakray?

>> No.292676


>> No.292682

I have the urge to look at askray porn.

>> No.292687

rates are 15/15/15/2

>> No.292700

Finally a server that hopefully won't be plagued by brs.

>> No.292705

15x and Touhou hats?!
I'm in!

>> No.292716

so what, all 10 of the RO players on jp will join?

>> No.292719

If you guys don't have a jobchanger npc then you are fags

>> No.292723


I will start playing RO again for this.

>> No.292736

I've never played RO before, where do I find the latest kro Sakray?

>> No.292743

Sign me in.

>> No.292749


>> No.292758

questions before i join
-what version is the server running on?
-what is the platform? (Aegis, eAthena etc.)
-will there be a warper, skill/stat reset npc?
-how far to hell will you be customizing this server? wings? hats are find i just cant stand fucking wings.
-about how many people are playing so far?

>> No.292760
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Someone's hogging the bandwidth, this is gonna take a while.

Momizi isn't taken yet, is she?

>> No.292763

Hmm, I'm tempted. I played RO on the official server with some high level friends and it didn't seem that fun.

Why should I play, /jp/? I've been told if I wasn't there when RO came out and played it through it probably wouldn't seem fun.

>> No.292764

it is now, thanks

>> No.292767
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You fucking cunts, I'm trying to translate Total Eclipse and you fuckers pull this time consuming stunt.

>> No.292766

on the side under the little cherub thing it says kro clients.

>> No.292780

RO Endgame is boring as fuck. All you do is WoE, hunt items for WoE, and WoE some more

>> No.292787

If there are Touhou hats then count me in

>> No.292798

It needs more LOL Kafra hijack

>> No.292794

the world, although map based is fucking huge. i guarantee you haven't seen them all and some are fucking epic. go explore faggot.

>> No.292800

OH U..


>> No.292802


Will there be a WARPMASTER that can teleport me anywhere for free?

>> No.292803

But this is what RO is all about. WOE is the only reason people still play Rangarok

>> No.292809

Just remember. Not all of us can be Anonymous

>> No.292811

I have some shitold kRO on my old HD, how do I patched it?

>> No.292820

... FUCK

>> No.292827
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I would if the monster relocations they did awhile back weren't so retarded. :/

Man, I wonder how Gravity still makes money these days. It's like anyone who actually likes playing does so only on private servers. iRO wasn't too lively the last time I played (though yeah, I usually just WOE'd).

>> No.292828

install it them run the sakray patch inside the install folder.

>> No.292842



>> No.292846

itemdrop/carddrop, I believe

>> No.292857

its base/job/drop rates

>> No.292859

So where do I register an account then?

>> No.292867

its most likely one of those
then your password
after that you wont need to do the _M/F to say your character gender.

>> No.292873


There were 4. I was wondering what the 4th was supposed to be, but card drop rates makes sense.

>> No.292879

add a hard to complete quest for kaho's horns and im sold.

>> No.292882
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oh wow it works

>> No.292887

Honestly I've never played RO before because everyone says its a GRINDAN GAEM but fuck you've made me start downloading the installer for it.


>> No.292888

you're welcome. keep that up to date every month or so. especially after holidays since kro tends to host events that give big ass patch installs.

>> No.292895

thats just the patcher. you still need the kro client.

>> No.292909

Since when was kro + sakray so goddamn huge?

>> No.292911

One more question. Is this fully updated? (kRO)

>> No.292929

dude said "latest".
my guess is 12.1
i dotn think 13 is out yet.

>> No.292938


I know, I'm downloading this Sakray thing now currently.

>> No.292977



>> No.292982

I only need Sakray and the patch?

>> No.293003

fuck yeah screen cap

>> No.293040


>> No.293163


>> No.293175


>> No.293186

Sweet, Grindan gaems.

I'm totally in.

>> No.293196


>> No.293208


>> No.293212


>> No.293225

kuya, po baps pa

>> No.293226

wow this server looks kool
im going to tell all my frends

>> No.293229


>> No.293238


You made me hate you.

>> No.293240

I'll tell you what, have an official site that's not an imageboard, have more than 20 people, and I'm in.

>> No.293255

zeny plox

>> No.293345

bawww time to dl kro when i already have iro installed

>> No.293405


>> No.293451

Time to use money hacks and bots... I mean... hunt. Fufufu

>> No.293463

I need links to the full version of SAKRAY and RAG_SETUP up to date. Anyone have it?

>> No.293459


>> No.293466

How exactly do you register?

>> No.293486



>> No.293495

If the server is running on eAthena, I'm going to have a lot of fun exploiting it.

>> No.293509

anybody who's gonna play it who played in euRO in the past by chance?

>> No.293520

why you say br? acuse without proof
how i can boot in this game? pls give me boot
my brother want to play but i need boot

>> No.293524

Can I get the ip of the server? lol

>> No.293528

Fuck. Botters already

>> No.293543


Not even a SQL Server? fuck that

>> No.293549

I propose Touhou wings as well, would love to have a Cirno one.

>> No.293605

I remember playing one MMO and these two came up to me asking for 'help'.

I ignored them as usual, then one of them accuses me of being br.

then the other one named 'o0oNARUTOo0o' goes "soooo br" and they leave.

>> No.293613

What's "br"?

>> No.293622

'bad roer' or some shit

>> No.293655


>> No.293663

So why the fuck is anyone taking this shit seriously? RO is one of the worst MMOs ever created. You could at least run an RO2 private server if you MUST run a Gravity-created game.

>> No.293669


Touhou Hats

>> No.293678

RO2 sucks.

>> No.293681

The worst thing you can encounter in an mmorpg game

>> No.293683

I'd need way more reasons than that.

>> No.293698

a bunch of faggots invaded the irc room

>> No.293718

Touhou wings? No brs? A server full of lulz?

>> No.293726

gtfo then

>> No.293728

Still more.

>> No.293738

I can't wait till you go to school tomorrow.

>> No.293769

How does I connect to a different irc again?

>> No.293772


>> No.293777

what, you dont like it that someone doesnt give a damn if you play on a server or not? grow the fuck up.

>> No.293786

As far as I can tell, this server is basically a smaller /jp/ filtered through the shit that is RO. Why would I be interested in that?

>> No.293812

Then don't play.

>> No.293837

>what, you dont like it that someone doesnt give a damn if you play on a server or not?

The fuck? I can't even begin to imagine the countless bull you assume on a daily basis.

>grow the fuck up.


>> No.293874

You seem to have missed the memo. RO2 is just about the shittiest MMO ever created. It's somewhere between Runescape and Tibia on the shitometer.

>> No.293890

>somewhere between Runescape and Tibia on the shitometer.

So still better than RO?

>> No.293918

go climb a wall of dicks, no one cares what you think of the server.

>> No.293961

I never said anything about the server and I also have no idea wtf you are talking about. Christ you're an idiot.

>> No.293977



fuck off

>> No.293979

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.293988

You fuck off. Butthurt ragnorok fag.

>> No.294010

RO is bad, RO2 is worse.

Why not run a good MMO server?

Oh wait.

>> No.294021

Remember when MMORPGs were good?

>> No.294043

MMORPG's were never good.

>> No.294140

Ultima Online, do you know it?

>> No.294380

UO wasn't good either.

>> No.294394


>> No.294423

No, no. He has a point.

>> No.294903
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In need of some assistance here Anon.

>> No.294907

oh, the ever popular gravity error

you probably didn't patch fully your sakray/your ro

>> No.294912

Do a barrel roll

>> No.294923

No, I did. I had stuff files from my old server so I deleted everything and am trying it again. If that doesn't work then I don't know what to do.

>> No.294929

fuck I can't believe people still play this shit

>> No.294936

>then I don't know what to do.
PROTIP: Play a better game.

>> No.294948

Does this have original payon in it, or that faggy new payon?

>> No.294952

most RO servers are populated by kids under 18, guess what kind of people on on /jp/?

>> No.294953

original payon died

>> No.294980

Will it work if I patch it from RebrithRO?

>> No.295203

Not only is it the new Payon, get this. The castle in Morroc? It's gone. There's a fucking crater there now and all the buildings around it are in ruins. Apparently some demon burst through the fucking ground.

>> No.295207

i play AnthemRO, how alike is this?

>> No.295287

So they decided to retcon that class geared toward amerikkkans from RO2 into RO1?

>> No.295425

Hey I'm not this familiar with this cracked server thing. If I install the korean version and then install the patch will the gui still be korean?

>> No.295539

ingame gui won't be korean. Only the kRO and Sak patchers will be and you don't need to know korean to get through that.

>> No.295558

/r fast downloadlinks for kro & sak

>> No.295596

how do I talk on main?

>> No.295601

Little box on the left. Put 'main' in it.
Large box on the right. Put text in it.

>> No.295679

What would the RO classes be for all the Touhou characters? I can think of a couple.

Youmu, Sword SinX
Marisa, Wizard with LoV (MASTERSPARK!)
Cirno, Wizard with SG

>> No.295697

That's funny, I made Youmu on /jp/RO and was planning in doing a sword SinX in the first place.

>> No.295708

suika, stalker. also flat.

>> No.295860

Animu and Touhou NPCs would be great.

>> No.295901
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>> No.295904
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>> No.295909
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>> No.295917
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>> No.295926
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>> No.296004

all the touhou names taken? i should have seen it coming.

>> No.296015


that's not /jp/ro

>> No.297185


>> No.297343

needs moar players?

>> No.297354

I haven't played RO in ages.

I think I may join.

>> No.297377

ive been playing ro since iro open beta

>> No.297417


>> No.297754

Humorously, we've actually considered banning the BR IP range.
We're also open to suggestions about things to change about the server.

>> No.297767


No, you need to do it now.

>> No.297810

We'll get the server admin to do it when he gets back.

>> No.298015

Is there a full current list of bgm titles/locations somewhere? I have several old bgm folders from other ro servers, but they're definitely outdated for newer areas.

>> No.298150

i think they list it on ratemyserver.net

>> No.298218

/jp/ - MMORPG

>> No.298264

would you rather it be
/jp/- touhou & fate/stay night?

>> No.298270

Too bad it's already that.

>> No.298272

I just need sakray?

>> No.298283

I'll join eventually. Can't possibly be as horrible as my last RO experience. Lol Got Ragnarok Online...

>> No.298424


>> No.298443

download link for sakray please!

I cannot search the other board with my kids nearby

>> No.298686


I'm getting this error as well. Did a complete reinstall of Ragnarok, then patched it. Then installed Sakray, patched it. Installed the patch after that and this error pops up.

>> No.298683


>> No.298817

weird. i tried it without the ragnarok client and it wouldnt load. when i did sak + rag it works fine. this is how i usually do most pserver installs.

>> No.300697


>> No.300965

>would you rather it be
/jp/- touhou & fate/stay night?

And then Anon discussed Touhou.

>> No.301025

I think you need some patch for it to work just with sakray...
