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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2920822 No.2920822 [Reply] [Original]

I'd ask /v/, but I come here because you guys have more experience with Japan and Japanese culture...at least I think.

Why is Dragon Quest so popular in Japan? Apparently everyone plays it. So much so the Government made a law disallowing it's launch on weekdays. They like it even more than Final Fantasy, which is the superior JRPG...and at least changes in every iteration.

Does Japan just dislike change or something? The new one is not even a console game. It's on the fucking DS, which means DQIX is taking a stepback from DQVIII which was on the PS2. Not to mention the series is pretty hardcore. It's not casual shit, like say, Wii Sports. So we're talking about a lot of supposedly self respecting gamers who care so much about it.

So does anyone here know why? I'm curious. I'm sure that some of you here have been to Japan and experienced this Dragon Quest craze first-hand.

>> No.2920833
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>which is the superior JRPG

>> No.2920834

Dragon Quest's story lines and characters are usually better than Final Fantasy's which is why I think Japanese people are more drawn to it.

>> No.2920831
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>Final Fantasy, which is the superior JRPG

>> No.2920863

The DQ games barely even have stories.

>> No.2920870

>I haven't played DBZ because it looks silly and for 12 year olds. Instead, I like to play games which look cool and emo because obviously its for older kids, such as myself.


>> No.2920883 [DELETED] 

Dragon Quest is one of the earliest JRPGs and has been building up it's fanbase for 2 decades now.

Japan does not seem to let go of stuff as easily as we here in the West do. They're more about tradition. And the age of video game players there is older. You have middle-aged salarymen picking up the game.


lol wow. That's in no way true.

Dragon Quest characters and stories are that of a mediocre shounen. Final Fantasy is at least above average shounen.

>> No.2920886

Dragon Quest is one of the earliest JRPGs and has been building up it's fanbase for 2 decades now.

Japan does not seem to let go of stuff as easily as we here in the West do. They're more about tradition. And the age of video game players there is older. You have middle-aged salarymen picking up the game.


lol wow. That's in no way true.

Dragon Quest characters and stories are that of a subpar shounen. Final Fantasy is at least above average shounen.

>> No.2920898

Little kids like things that are cool and "grown up." Adults, particularly in nostalgic countries like Japan aren't afraid to play games like DQ and watch anime like Doraemon. Its actually expected of them, they are only allowed to watch and play anime and games they had when they were children for nostalgic value. Playing or watching anything else would brand them otaku.

>> No.2920902

>above average shounen
>Cloud Strife, mysterious past, huge sword etc
>Guy from 8, mysterious past, scar

The only good one was 9 with the shota.

>> No.2920903

I like Dragon Quest because it doesn't take itself too seriously.

>> No.2920918

Well, I guess that's your answer. A huge chunk of game players are kids/teens, basically the shonen demographic. We all like to think Bleach and Naruto are crap, but they appeal like crazy to that demographic, so any media that appeals to them would sell like crazy. PS3 and 360 only really sell to young adults in Japan, but every kid has a DS, so you find Dragon Quest being made for the DS rather than consoles.

And nostalgia isn't a Japan only thing.

>> No.2920921

>Terra from FF6, mysterious past, Mary Sue

>> No.2920927

Fuck off.

Too mainstream for /jp/.

>> No.2920929

The sixth game in each franchise represented its high point. It's been downhill since then.

Honorary mention to Dragon Quest III and Dragon Quest V for being really good games, especially for their time.

>> No.2920931

Oh god, I'd Zidane if you know what I mean. Dose hips.

>> No.2920933




Anyway, no, it really has nothing to do with the way it looks. I am a true gamer. Therefore I open up myself to everything. I liked Dragon Quest VIII(was not even developed by Enix, but rather Level-5), but other than that the series is garbage. Dragon Quest has essentially not progressed at all. It's the same exact shit it's been since 86 except with 3D. How is it that the sequel is actually taking a step back from it's predecessor? That' s just ridiculous and I don't know how any true gamer can accept that. Square-Enix could have at the very least just released it on the PSP which as powerful as the PS2.


As I said, Final Fantasy is dynamic. It changes with each iteration while still being a fantastic RPG. I really don't know of anything Dragon Quest as a series does better.

>> No.2920947

FF7 invented RPGs and Halo is the best game ever right?

Newsflash: Cloud Strife is more of a Mary Sue than Terra.

Now go back to /v/.

>> No.2920948

>I am a true gamer.

Go back to /v/ with this shit.

>> No.2920957

This isn't /jp/ related. Thread reported for off-topic - take this to /v/.

>> No.2920979


>> No.2920999


Mysterious past and huge swords was not consider generic anime storylines back in 1997. Cloud and Final Fantasy VII pioneered many of the things that have become cliche nowadays in JRPGs and anime. And nice way of simplifying FFVII's storyline, bro. It was much more complex than that, even if too complex for it's own good.

Squall didn't even have a mysterious past so I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.2921017

Verbal ticks and comatose girls was not consider generic anime storylines back in 1999. Ayu and Kanon pioneered many of the things that have become cliche nowadays in VNs and anime. And nice way of simplifying Kanon's storyline, bro. It was much more complex than that, even if too complex for it's own good.

Reverie didn't even have an incurable disease so I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.2921026
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>> No.2921065

This. Cloud Strife is just a poor copy of Guts, with none of the original's manliness or grim determination in the face of hopeless odds.

He's a disgrace.

>> No.2921068
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>Final Fantasy, which is the superior JRPG

Obvious troll fucking obvious etc.
Still thread turned into a shitstorm so good job OP 8/10

also reported for the sake of it

>> No.2921069


Well I didn't say Cloud was the first or anything, only that he pioneered a lot of these "cliches". A lot of developers and studios started emulating FFVII due to the massive success of it.


I actually lol'd at this, even though you were mocking me. Good job.

>> No.2921081


How is that a troll? I thought this was generally accepted by gamers in the west.

>> No.2921090


>> No.2921109

Required viewing:


>he pioneered a lot of these "cliches"
Pioneering implies creation or origination.

Cloud Strife POPULARIZED (badly), not pioneered.

>> No.2921152

Cloud couldn't get himself to lose his virginity. He couldn't even do it with monsters.
