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File: 54 KB, 636x476, chubby george.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2920241 No.2920241 [Reply] [Original]

George is fat. If George's leg was cut off, gravy would bleed out.

How many diet programs does it take for George to keep himself fit? None because he's already fat

>> No.2920249

I doubt someone fat can do Karate, Taekwondo and Capoeira.

>> No.2920250

George isn't fat.

>> No.2920255

He's a fat guy with a chubby maid waifu, mad ninja skillz, a huge fortune and the balls to kill anyone who stands in the way of any of it.

He's what all /jp/ers aspire to be.

>> No.2920252

George can beat the crap out of you

>> No.2920253

Look at that porker on the left

>> No.2920260

He can beat the crap out of any of us

>> No.2920259

George hardly looks fat.

>> No.2920263


For a minute there. I thought she was pregnant.

>> No.2920264 [DELETED] 

Retardchan sucks nigger penis. Bookmark the real board:

> i fifdoj i v ygchnhjijgy dichiuictkdyyiuil l r ihsdf

>> No.2920268

If anything, all of you should be cheering for George. In spite of having nothing in the way of physical attractiveness, he's a genuinely nice person (as opposed to a "nice guy") who's worked hard to become both intelligent and successful, which is why he can win the maid's heart. He also knows kung-fu.

A winner in my book.

>> No.2920274


Shannon's maid uniform features a corset for a reason.

>> No.2920275

He's not fat! And even if he was, he's way too nice for anyone to poke fun at him.

>> No.2920286

Until he kicks Jessica's face off.

>> No.2920291

>He also knows kung-fu.
no he doesn't

>> No.2920299 [DELETED] 

Retardchan sucks nigger penis. Bookmark the real board:

> jldfjfklocdyfpvdgggh pjshgjpgnj ggbirycf pic

>> No.2920302
File: 57 KB, 635x475, chubby george 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree. George's example gives someone like me hope. I'll admit I'm an overweight /jp/er with some eating habits. I want to lull myself that I too can find a wonderful girl like Shannon. If only I was more of a social person.

Then again, if Shannon never worked in the Ushiromiya household, George would never know what love is. Living a luxurious life as a borderline NEET who's only interested in 2D girls.

>> No.2920303

George is probably the most badass character in the series. Battler barely reaches his waist, in comparison, and Ange is about belly-button level...

Also, great in the sack.

>> No.2920304


Actually, it seems that he would have been put into an arranged marriage with a person who suited him even more than Shannon did.


>> No.2920305

Sorry, even though he was awesome in EP4, nobody can beat fake Battler in awesomeness.

>> No.2920310

Georg is a very bland bastard that lacks enough faults to make him interesting.

>> No.2920326
File: 55 KB, 640x480, bscap0082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody can beat fake Battler in awesomeness.
How about real Battler?

>> No.2920330
File: 16 KB, 538x287, sixheavendemonking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Faults? In the demon king?

>> No.2920335


FFFFFFFFFFFF.... what? Nah, can't be. Too insane even for Umineko.

>> No.2920337
File: 9 KB, 180x201, George.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2920341

Fuck you

>> No.2920346

Why would the real Battler kill Ange?

>> No.2920359


If that were to happen, I'll assume George would become some depressed chubby who's wife is only good for breeding little Georgies and Georginas.

>> No.2920363

If it wasn't for Kanon, George would be the most boring character in the game.

>> No.2920365

Also goddamn his hair color, Ryuu trolling again.

>> No.2920370



....I see. This is part of the game. You want me to believe something like that, BEAAAAATRIIIICCEEEEEE?!?!

>> No.2920373

i love george's t-shirth


>> No.2920381

It's not like it was on red

>> No.2920394

Juuza is Kyrie's son.

He knew that Ange would want to go to Rokkenjima, where there would be no supervision.

He kills Ange and the blacksuits, but allows Kasumi to live.

Kasumi's ill relationship with Ange can be testified by both Juuza and Okonogi. Kasumi is then made out to be Ange's killer, and Juuza can claim that the killing of the blacksuits was in clear defense of Ange. Ange's corpse can confirm a pummeling of some sort, and the boatsman can testify that she was perfectly fine off of the boat.

Juuza, the last remaining Ushiromiya, claims the massive wealth of the Ushiromiyas.

>> No.2920400

I don't remember Ange even dying at that part. Am I missing something?

>> No.2920407



>> No.2920408

Where the hell is this coming from?

>> No.2920410


>> No.2920411

It's pasta from around a month ago.

>> No.2920415

Well, I have my doubts, in the "credits" it says she died in 1998

>> No.2920417

Something else to consider: Amakusa only mentions that Okonogi hired him and that he was the one waiting in the underground garage AFTER Ange tells him that Okonogi had a car down there.

>> No.2920420

Thank goodness

>> No.2920427

What, you thought it was spoilers?

>> No.2920431

N-no, of course not.

>> No.2920439

Don't worry. If you did think they were spoilers, well, you'd be right.

>> No.2920441



Useless. It's all useless.

Certainly, this theory has a few acceptable points. Firstly, Amakusa shares Kyrie's hair color.
Second, the Stakes of Purgatory murders were seen by the black suits as impalement from an unknown source- they couldn't see the sisters. Therefore, a sniper rifle, which Amakusa's proficient in using, could have been used with a silencer to create a similar effect. Thirdly, the setting of the island is perfect for the plot that you laid out.

However... there are also several holes in your reasoning!

Kasumi was killed, while Ange was left alive!
If a sniper rifle was used, then it is certain that the black suits would realize it, as they were trained professionals!

More than once, a bullet heading towards Ange was stopped in midair!

If Amakusa was an Ushiromiya, then someone would know about it! If argued that he's Kyrie's 'stillborn' child, then she could have just married Rudolf from the beginning, which she didn't! Additionally, he is too old to be a secret child that Kyrie had before or after that incident! Finally, if he had somehow managed to keep himself secret for that long, then it would be impossible for him to prove that he's a Ushiromiya, as the result of a lack of records!

>> No.2920443

Beato, you're supposed to troll with magical explanations.

>> No.2920449

>Kasumi was killed, while Ange was left alive!
I thought Ange died.

>> No.2920450

No, why would she die?

>> No.2920453

Now say that in blue

>> No.2920456

You suck at proving things, surely you suck at math.

>> No.2920457

Because it said she died in '98, and Kasumi wasn't listed as dead.

>> No.2920461


Her death wasn't actually seen in 'the real world'. It was only shown in the 'game room' and the records of the game. It's possible that she is alive or dead, but unless she is shown to be dead in 1998 in front of my eyes, I can't prove it either way.




>> No.2920463

I know, but that makes no sense

>> No.2920467

>then it is certain that the black suits would realize it, as they were trained professionals!

>> No.2920469

We're not allowed to use blue.

>> No.2920478

That's just, like, your truth, dude.

>> No.2920486

EVA-Beatrice killed Ange.

>> No.2920499

juuza carries a sniper rifle in that big-ass golf bag

he certainly kills the bodyguards but i dont know about ange, maybe he was kasumi son?

i dont know

>> No.2920510

Turn the chessboard over, if his intention was to kill Ange, why kill the bodyguards?

>> No.2920531

maybe he killed the bodyguards but kasumi killed ange for being a delusional girl

>> No.2920535

To make a show of him trying to defend Ange. If we go with the idea that Ange actually did die and Kasumi lived, with Juuza plannign this beforehand, a possibility exists that Ange actually was killed during the conflict with Kasumi, because magic is obviously bullshit. So it would look like Juuza was trying to protect Ange, and that Kasumi killed Ange. But that's unreliable, why would Juuza rely on Kasumi to do the killing if it's not guaranteed she might actually kill her in the first place?

>> No.2920542

Wouldn't the cause of death be totally obvious and make it impossible to be executed by Kasumi?

>> No.2920544

Alternatively, he could have been watching the beating the whole time, and waiting for a moment where it might seem like the injuries were fatal to Ange, then he could have killed everyone.

>> No.2920551

this, stupid fat girl

>> No.2920556

I wouldn't doubt that he's connected to the Sumadera in some way. The cross and white hair seem to make it obvious.

>> No.2920553

I want to see a pregnant Shannon in her meido outfit.

>> No.2920557

Too many possibilities, you'll have to say that in blue

>> No.2920577

If he killed Ange, wouldn't the bullet in her head be that of a sniper rifle's bullet? Given that none of the guards obviously had sniper rifles, and neither did Kasumi, why would he do something so silly, especially if he used the same gun to kill the guards? Given that Kasumi was already going to have Ange killed, wouldn't it make more sense to simply let Ange be killed by her if he wanted her dead?

>> No.2920582


Would you, accidentally a pregnant Shannon while trying to solve a mystery?

>> No.2920590
File: 58 KB, 632x469, cliff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ange passed out from the beatings, and she fell down the cliffs to her death. Juuza is a good man, but he didn't anticipate this.

>> No.2920592


>> No.2920598

I'd poke his fun if you know what I mean. His fat, I'd poke at it.

>> No.2920628
File: 11 KB, 209x183, 1247259020606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you really trust what you read in white, anonymoooooouuuuuuuus? All of your Amakusa theories are bullshit because you don't have any red basis *cackle*

>> No.2920644

>he knows kung-fu

That never happened.

>> No.2920652

Ange died when she jumped off the building.

>> No.2920665

I don't trust ANYTHING.

>> No.2920829

Smart anon is smart

>> No.2920879

Let me go further and say that Kyrie was the culprit behind everything in 1986

In fact, Ange being left behind was also part of her plan

She intended to kill everyone and make Ange the sole successor. What she did not count on, however, is Eva surviving all of that.

>> No.2920885


What a tweest!

>> No.2920915

Doesn't quite make sense. Kyrie is estranged from the rest of the Sumaderas except for her father. And she would definitely want to make it so that she got back to her daughter, yet it seems she never has.

>> No.2920935

Retardchan sucks nigger penis. Bookmark the real board:

>gduikg lg s

>> No.2921383

George is awesome, I like this thread.

>> No.2921418
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, Its Wrong to fall in love with a potatoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it /jp/.I've only played through episode one and continuing on to two. I was hoping to see some fat jokes about George.

Instead, all I got was a who's who theory about Ange. You disappoint me /jp/.

>> No.2922137

Go back to /a/.
