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2918448 No.2918448 [Reply] [Original]

It's never been stated in red that the person or persons who damaged the corpses are the same one(s) who killed them originally.

Thus the person trying to send the message to Battler about his sin might not be the murderer after all.

>> No.2918469

There are two culprits: the mastermind and the murderer (the murderer can vary).

>> No.2918528

somebody made a list about the different styles of killers, i think he made like 5 different ones, (staker, shooter, poisoner, etc)

>> No.2918584

That scene is an example of the good points that come with an anime adaptation.

>> No.2918974

Agreed, if they wouldn't have butchered the scene by mistiming goldenslaughter big time.

>> No.2919005

>It's never been stated in red that the person or persons who damaged the corpses are the same one(s) who killed them originally.

Surprise, surprise

>> No.2919007

Small bombs on their faces

>> No.2919016

You like stuff like that?
>My parents are dead.................
>That's horrible, Uwoooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.2919024

>mistiming goldenslaughter big time.
That bothered me too. Although even putting that aside the scene wasn't very good. It lost most of the emotional impact the VN scene had and adding gore doesn't really improve it.

>> No.2919029

This pretty much sums up what was animu Battler's reaction

>> No.2919039

Everything was fucked, the goldenslaughter timing and even it's volume, the acting sucked, only Jessica did a great job with that scream and face. Then Battler came like a big faggot.
The anime should have been with more Battler inner monologues.

>> No.2919047

Indeed, there's no emotional attachment at all.
I don't care about the gore, imagining it is better.

>> No.2919048

Yeah, hours and hours of internal monologues work great in anime.

>> No.2919050
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Edit: OP's pic is an example of the good points that come with a still frame. Voices rarely enhance what you have already read in text even when they are a part of the VN.

>> No.2919054

Who said it had to be hours.
Without a monologues there's no notion of Battler's feelings at the moment, just "Uwoooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaa"

>> No.2919055

Jessica's screeching of "OTOUSAN" was pretty well done, though.

>> No.2919056

Legend of the Galactic Witch as a 24 episodes long season including almost every scene and inner monologues, do want Y/N

It worked with the Heroes, so...

>> No.2919066

I just want to see the awesome fights and Beato speaking crappy English

>> No.2919067
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I'm assuming that most of the emotional impact will come at the start of the next episode. I hope. But really, what were you expecting? You can't take 5 or 6 hours of reading, with alot of depth and backstory, and turn it into a handful of 20 minute episodes without major sacrifices of content. I'm just watching for the sake of seeing and hearing a few particular scenes, and because seeing animated versions of Battler and Beatrice's fights could be awe inspiring.

But I have been less than pleased with the way the music has been handled thus far- the bland music that played when Maria read the letter was a major letdown. And as was said, goldenslaughter should have been both louder and started earlier.

But hell people, we've already played the games, right? Let's just enjoy what we can out of it while we wait for Episode 5.

Pic related. Moe Beato had better be fucking HHHHHNNNGGGGGGGGGGG

>> No.2919075

We know, that's why the anime should have never been done.

>> No.2919079

Nooo, don't remind me moe Beato, it will just get me depressed.....;_; fucking bitch

>> No.2919083

Exactly. I'm just watching to see the scenes I love animated.

I don't see why you guys are so concerned about an exact adaptation when you've already read the novel.

>> No.2919108

>But hell people, we've already played the games, right? Let's just enjoy what we can out of it while we wait for Episode 5.
Well yeah that's what I'm doing, but it doesn't mean I can't point out the parts I think they fucked up.

>> No.2919117

For some reason I have the feeling that DEEN is actually trying to animate the mango and not the game, and somehow I feel that they hate their job as well.

>> No.2919123

Pretty much this.

But it was inevitably going to be made anyway. Us readers can enjoy the full thing, while kids with ADD can enjoy the animated highlights. I'm not going to watch it myself, but I'm assuming that it's still way above average for the medium even if it's shit compared to the source material. It's like Blade Runner or something.

>> No.2919534


I just wish it was better, but hey, it could become better.

>> No.2919553
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Blame Virgilia.

>> No.2919566


Hey Beato, 'sup?

>> No.2919571

As long as they animate the end of EP2 the magic fight with Beato vs Virgilia and and Rosa being killed in all sorts of werid and wonderful ways i'm happy.

>> No.2919579

I am feeling tired.

Also, I am watching the anime for what it's worth and trying not to compare it to the VN itself. I realised I would enjoy it far more if I watched it without nitpicking at it and taking it at face value. However, I do agree with the fact that "My parents are dead, uwwwooaaa" scene was poorly executed.

>> No.2919597


So trying that, how good is the anime to you? I'm tired too, but that's because I took a nap instead of sleeping.

>> No.2919606


>> No.2919620

The anime is devent, above average, but so far I feel it's a little lacking thus far. But saying that though, the same was with Higurashi, so I will just have to wait and see.

>> No.2919671

I like how half the episode was Maria reading the letter with lol so crazey xD expressions and another quarter was Jessicass and Shannonboobs.
Except I actually fucking don't like that at all.
Same old story, they are going to focus on the shock value (gore, fanservice, drama) to make up for the loss of introspections.

>> No.2919677


Hmmm, true, I guess, though I rather liked Higurashi at first, even.

>> No.2919682

I think you're overreacting a little, bro. The letter reading scene lasted about a minute or two.

>> No.2919684

Gainax should have made the anime

>> No.2919688

dont come in /jp/ with your logic, we dont like it

>> No.2919807

Seriously, what the fuck was with Maria's pointless crazy face when she was reading the letter? It was stupid as hell.

>> No.2919856

I think they'll try to milk on higurashi's success as much as they can get away with. Crazy lolis and all that

>> No.2919876

Man, way to ruin umineko

>> No.2919884

ITT we jump to radical conclusions
