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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 76 KB, 640x480, ecos31_ag262l3pr2S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2915392 No.2915392 [Reply] [Original]


ECO Thread, I need a party and I want to become a Farmer already.

>> No.2915403

Do I get to become the little girl?

>> No.2915408

Man, becoming a Vates just doesn't seem worth it without a party.

Though the Tiny Island music is fucking addicting. I love the vocals.

>> No.2915416

Only if you pick a non Emil. Emils are too KEY-ish. Or they have too much tits, or they are growing them.

>> No.2915424

I haven't done anything but grind in the 2 or 3 hours I've played the game. And it's funny, because people that started off sooner than others also experienced this, specifically, the Mabinogi niggers didn't like it lol.

>> No.2915452 [DELETED] 

id play this but my mom mite thing im gay r sumtin -_-"

>> No.2915454

What, seriously? If even they didn't like it... Hey, they're still alive?

>> No.2915455

You guys are playing the English closed beta version right? How do I join the Closed Beta, or is it closed already?

>> No.2915456

I could come help you if you told me your name.

>> No.2915457


>> No.2915464

Mikan (。◕‿‿◕。).

>> No.2915473

If you register you're in. That's really all there is to joining.

>> No.2915476


>> No.2915480

Sweet, DLing now.

>> No.2915490

This game is pure shit. 3 quests per day limit then nothing but GRINDAN.

>> No.2915538

That's really your name?

>> No.2915559
File: 888 KB, 1280x1024, ss20090709_215352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2915591

So how awful is this game?

>> No.2915601

So far I've yet to see anything past the part where I kill enough mobs to depopulate three planets.

>> No.2916030

You serious?

>> No.2916581

Good time, Jones.
Anyone else wants to play? Jones has to do some bullshit for a few hours. I'm at east cape.

>> No.2916604

I'm interested in the game. Still downloading the client, so I won't be able to play until tomorrow.
Any tips for a beginner?

>> No.2916626


Do not go three maps beyond what would be ideal for you, as you'll need lots or armor or levels to hunt the monsters there. East Cape is the best example, the whole game can't be soloed, because even fighters get fucked up by magical/elemental monsters, magicians too, get fucked up if they don't have enough MP, which regenerates very slowly if you don't level up in a proper spot.

>> No.2916631

>or armor

>> No.2916642

Another shitty vaguely anime-themed MMO of the week /jp/?

>> No.2916656

>vaguely anime themed
You're from /a/?

>> No.2916825

Still need someone for East Cape.

>> No.2916915

I get "wrong account format" every time I try to sign up fffffff

>> No.2916934

dude, there really is few REAL Japanese dude pretending to be a girl here.

>> No.2916935

Type a lowercase ID.

>> No.2916959

Explain why this game is better than Mabinogi and not a piece of shit like Luna or whatever the last flavor of the month game was.

>> No.2916961

figured it out, it was just that it needed a minimum of 8 chars for an account name. They sort of failed to specify that or give an appropriate error for it.

>> No.2916973

Who said this is better than Mabinogi?
I mean, it's only better than Ragnarok Online at a few things, and that's it, the differences are a lot, but it's like porting Ragnarok Online to a 3D engine.

>> No.2916979

I couldn't stand it after a few minutes.

>> No.2916996
File: 135 KB, 397x331, mikumikumiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no twin tails, is there.

>> No.2917014

Can't say.

>> No.2917020

Gravity made this, huh? Looks nice, but this is closed beta, right? That means all the characters will be wiped and there's no reason for me to play it right now.

>> No.2917051


>> No.2917064

RO and Requiem were good and I heard that ECO is quite similar to Ragnarok.

>> No.2917072

No, it wasn't Gravity. It was Headlock/GungHo who made the game, Gravity was just an inspiration and/or an extra supervisor, also extra distributor of the game, but the main developers were Headlock, and the main providers were GungHo, they're Japanese, and they have worked before with many random stuff related to online gaems.

>> No.2917078

RO wasn't good. RO private servers were good.

>> No.2917087

That's true. They fucked up the game too much, and I can see the same thing coming for Emil, still, a Private emil would be neat. Then again, so would be a Mabinogi's or whatever game is cool and great.

>> No.2917096

And when I mean, fucked up the game, I don't mean the current WoW-iation. I mean other things over the year that pissed me off, from official servers, and not privates, like, PK Servers having bullshit rules and mechanics.

>> No.2917121

My bad then, in that case the site that I got the info about the game was wrong.

To be honest, I only played on the private servers and once the official server became f2p I was no longer into this game. One thing that annoys me about priv servers, every time admins decide to introduce their own custom items they end up ruining the whole game experience.

>> No.2917131

The pinoys tend to overreact at the word Gravity, so you can't blame anyone in particular.

>> No.2917166

I'll try this out. I'm having some bandwidth problems right now though so I probably won't be able to play until tomorrow.

>> No.2917206


>3 quests per day limit then nothing but GRINDAN.

Wait, is this true? Wanna check before I start downloadin'

>> No.2917217

When I started yesterday it was 3 quests, today I've got 5.

I think you get two more quests every 5 levels or something?

>> No.2917238
File: 66 KB, 376x245, mikutear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for fuck sake, I shouldn't have skimmed through this thread.

>> No.2917245
File: 70 KB, 367x248, mikutear2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it, you people should feel bad for playing this shit.

>> No.2917265

Hey, who knows. Maybe there are different styles, but you have to ask one of those NPCs in Uptown.

>> No.2917291

There is twintails.

>> No.2917395
File: 93 KB, 368x250, mikuhappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it all back. I apologize.

>> No.2917667

"eco.exe /launch" if you want to start the game directly without the updater.

>> No.2917690

Guess I'll start downloadin' it when I wake up

>> No.2917745

I'm 12 years old and where can I download this?

>> No.2917890


Here you go, good luck! Hopefully I'll see you there.

>> No.2917899

Thanks anon. Downloading.

>> No.2918021
File: 73 KB, 370x248, mikuyawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who's up and playing this right now?

>> No.2918037

I'll try it out tonight, probably.

>> No.2918046

Come to motherfucking east cape. I need you.

>> No.2918074

damn their servers are slow.

>> No.2918096

gamershell mirror is giving me 900KB/s

>> No.2918102
File: 46 KB, 372x248, mikutakingiteasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at motherfucking east cape bro, now who do I call?

>> No.2918698

Jesus christ, do all the NPCs sound like Gaia posters?

If I see ~ or *verb* one more time, I swear to god.

>> No.2918765

Someone called Yumemi Okazaki just ran past me. That's got to be one of you.

>> No.2919033

What are you talking about~? *laughing*

>> No.2919169

What level are you guys and where are you?

>> No.2919194

I'm level 11 and hunting for boxes near Acropolis.

>> No.2919246

Is there a way to change your view to something less limited? I don't know where the hell I am most of the time.

>> No.2919252

I'm only level 2, east of Acropolis, killing pururus.

Also, what are your names on there? I saw that Yumemi person again later but didn't say anything in case he wasn't from here and would get all "XD" on me.

>> No.2919264

Oh and my name is tanasinn.

>> No.2919324

I played a scout so far but decided to try out wizard now.
How am I supposed to kill stuff when I run out of mp all the time?

My characters are Ravinn and Anra by the way.

>> No.2919335

And like everything has horribly high magic defense.

>> No.2919364

You probably have to rely on those backpacker classes that can make food.

>> No.2919430
File: 32 KB, 158x144, miku2v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the mabichanner Yumemi.

>> No.2919669

Yeah, just talked to him now.

>> No.2919985

Did you guys make a guild/ring yet?

>> No.2921524

I don't know of any currently existing, but I have enough money to start one.

>> No.2921616

Is anybody still playing? It's pretty lonely here. I mean, I can't really do much on my own with this character. If you are playing, just drop a location and I'll try to get there.

>> No.2921630

I'm in grinding like a faggot.

>> No.2921635

I DLed the installer last night but I haven't installed yet. Should I?

>> No.2921644

Great! Uhh, how can I find you ingame?

>> No.2921653

Hey, you know, if you bothered to download it you may as well install it and try it, right? You'll lose a couple hours if you don't end up liking it, and if you do like it then...well, nothing lost, right?

>> No.2921657

Nick: Milfy.
I'm 1 map south of the big city killing shit because low level.

>> No.2921669

Thanks, I'll be there right away!

>> No.2921777

I'm on as Rura.

>> No.2921815

So I became a farmer, and I have no idea how to start farming.

>> No.2921832

Oh god what?! Somebody was playing as me whilst I slept?

>> No.2921840

And, hell, I guess I'll log in and grind for a bit in a couple minutes.

>> No.2921874

I try to register but for some reason I keep getting "Wrong Account Format" did anyone else run into the same problem as me?

>> No.2921894

I did too, but it seems you have to type your account in lowercase letters and it has to be over eight letters.

>> No.2921903

Oh, we're starting up a little party in the center of downtown if anybody's interested. Try to whisper marisu or something.

>> No.2921939

I'm going to play, but won't be starting til tomorrow afternoon most likely. Hopefully people can find me/this thread will still be alive.

>> No.2921954

Thanks that solved the problem.

>> No.2921971

I'm at that tiny thing but I can't seem to whisper marisu.

>> No.2922043

Oh, sorry, tell me your name and I'll go to you.

>> No.2922060

I just finished installing and I'm on now. My IGN is Gideon. Where is everyone?

>> No.2922124

This game lacks forums. Not even official forums.

>> No.2922138

skub, back at the tiny thing

>> No.2922178

Once you guys have your jobs and quests done whisper hjones and I'll come help you level.

>> No.2922485

Where do you get marionettes?

>> No.2922546

Thanks for the party, it was fun.

>> No.2922556

I have a board I had set up a while back for coordinating online gaming stuff if any would like to use it


>> No.2922889

Is anyone on just now?

>> No.2923414


Still empty now

>> No.2923414,1 [INTERNAL] 

This game is good.

>> No.2923523

I need a party and I want to be level 17 already.
East Cape/North mountain. I'm thinking about making a secondary chara for Mikan, since no one is Ranger, which you should instead of all Farmers.

>> No.2923531


Installing the game now, are Farmers that good?

>> No.2923565

No. You guys don't seem to realize that every class tries to differ, and that Farmers are just the main average Emil class for backpackers. You could become a Mechanic, or a Ranger, something that no one seems to fucking pick, when they're better at crafting/'farming' and supporting.

>> No.2923628

Item Refining, Tailoring, and Cooking looks fun though.

>> No.2923653

Horrible accuracy and only 'tanking' ability until you level up is not, a plus is the lack of real skills that matter until you get beyond cooking.

Try a blacksmith/mechanic, trust me, that is good supporting.

>> No.2923743

What do miners do combat wise?

>> No.2923822

Could someone explain how skill points are used?
Do you need 3 just to learn a new skill?

>> No.2923857

They're like the Farmers, but have not much offensive skills, though they have supporting skills too. I don't have one to check what they do, but the Mechanics are good.
You need like 2 or 3 to learn a new skill, haven't checked if it changes or anything, so that makes you rethink if you should learn/improve skills or not.

>> No.2923956

Holy shit, it IS indeed 3 quests per day and grindfest...ugh

>> No.2923966

So you aren't hjones?

>> No.2923982

hjones is the first /jp/er I've actually met on there and if he isn't Anonymous Jones, I'm confused.

>> No.2923985

What level do I get to change job? Also, I'm level 3 with all quests done already, so I just grind till the next avaliable quest?

>> No.2923993

Go to the the towers in the upper town. to get a pass you can join one of the 4 military factions (at the respective bridges)

>> No.2923994


>> No.2923995



>> No.2924003

Oh I see hjones ingame now

>> No.2924102

FUCK is this free? remember playing this game back when it was in beta in japland and for a few free months i think.

Also remember pissing off people

>> No.2924114


Yep, it's free

>> No.2924120

Is it free forever or is it free now cause its beta?

Holy fucking shit downloading like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.2924125

Question: Stats for ranger/adventurer so i don't fuck it up?
the old str/dex/vit is okay?

>> No.2924145

Just signed in.

IMHO why not make a inviasionfree board or something to coordinate raids and stuff.

>> No.2924279

Raise agi instead of vit.

>> No.2924288

Now, let's enjoy adjutant's normalfagless board.

>> No.2924306

Did you mean raids in the mmo sense or the /b/ sense?

>> No.2924309


>> No.2924452



>> No.2924552

you guys in any guilds yet?

>> No.2924666

So...I'm in now.

Name's Natik.

Anyone wanna play together and teach me how to play/etc?

>> No.2924865


>> No.2924885

Come to South Acronia plains after doing the tutorial.

>> No.2925582

3 hrs left till I get this downloaded. Argh, hope I the mechanics from way back in 2005.

>> No.2925640

Hey guys, started downloading this.

Is there a online guide so you don't fuck up stats or anything like that?

>> No.2925720


I believe you can reset stats somehow so you shouldn't worry about it that much.

>> No.2925745


alright, thanks. this seems pretty damn fun.

>> No.2925774

Anyone on right now? Name is DFC... Just turned scout.

>> No.2925821

For anyone new, contact tablecat.

>> No.2925829

'Tablecat', its case sensitive.

>> No.2926593

Is there one in English?

>> No.2926771

None with content exist yet that I've found.

>> No.2927116

Anyone know how to reset skills?

>> No.2927138

Someone with money should create a guild for us already.

>> No.2927673

This game is terrible and you all should feel bad for playing it.

>> No.2927707

Got bored and uninstall it; was JapaneseBird.

>> No.2927973


Want to know too...



>> No.2928029

I've never played a video game before how do I play this?

>> No.2928251

How the hell am I supposed to get around? I move like a meth addict with parkinsons, and I'm constantly being stutter-telepoted back 2 steps for every 1 I take. Whether I use directional keys or the 'click a spot to move there' method. Is this just me?

>> No.2928296

You can download the client at a decent speed from here:

I'm currently downloading the game and should be on soon if anyone is still on.

>> No.2928301

I'm in some city and I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

>> No.2928330

I can't even walk ten feet without the game freaking out. This is some serious shit.

>> No.2928344


>> No.2928433


>> No.2928471

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this game? Every other 'point and click and your character goes there' game ever invented seems to have been able to program out that rather simply detail successfully.

There is either something very wrong with my copy, or with the game itself. This is fucked up.

>> No.2928529

Message Tablecat or skub for an invite.

Go back to /a/.

>> No.2929408

Anyone wondering about our ring:


Short story, ring is at full capacity.

>> No.2929611

Here's a quick start up guide to get your job as soon as possible.

1. Do tutorial. Get Emil's letter.
2. After reaching Arcopolis City, go to Downtown and head to the cafe (east). Give Emil's letter to guy.
3. Finish 3 quests.
4. In Downtown, talk to the Pantologist located on the North-West and ask him about entering Uptown.
5. Find the Elegant Lady near the middle of Downtown and she'll give you a pass to go Uptown.
6. Head to the Guild Palace to change your job.

Then you can start grinding.

>> No.2930399
File: 208 KB, 800x600, ss20090712_174552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awww I am starting to love this game

>> No.2930406

Is there no way to make the ring larger? I mean, I guess we could make two if we had to, but that limit kind of sucks.

>> No.2930572

buy potions.

>> No.2930793

what is the best way to get a better armor?

>> No.2930795



>> No.2930809




>> No.2930833

I understand why.

>> No.2930921

One hit kills are really satisfying, though.

>> No.2931119

Natik? You had two characters in the guild. Somebody said you remade, so I kicked out the, presumably, older character.

>> No.2931195
File: 301 KB, 735x488, ring_capacity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to this NPC, you can increase the ring capacity. How one goes about doing so, I have no idea.

>> No.2931337

Okay, couple questions:

Just class-changed to the healer class; anyone want to party?

Also, where can I buy weapons that don't cost 2,000 gold?

>> No.2931349

I think it is determined by the Guild Fame.

>> No.2931365

I just turned into a shaman because to become a warlock i have to do something fucking impossible.

are shamans good?

>> No.2931370

What's the difference between a Fencer and a Swordman?

>> No.2931379

Yeah hit me up, names Isan. Hanging out at Arconia Eastern Beach.

>> No.2931488

Fencer more def oriented vs swordsman which is more offence.

>> No.2931506

Making a Dominia fencer. Hope equip race restrictions do not limit me much, name is Antare. See you in fields of rape

>> No.2931515

Guild Merchant (the fat guy you see around town/outside near the gates) sells a club that costs 300g. That's a pretty good weapon until you can afford the 2k+ ones.

Shamans have the elemental spells. So yeah, they're good at PvE.

Fencers are more defensive. They are the tankers in this game.

>> No.2931519

Alright faggots you convinced me
A few questions before I download this game:

Is there an english server?
Is it free?
What server y'all on?

>> No.2931545

There's only one server.

>> No.2931546 [DELETED] 


>Is there an english server?
>Is it free?

>> No.2931553

For Now
Dunno lol

>> No.2931558

Where the best spot to lvl up when you're around 15 or so?

>> No.2931570

Are wizards any good?

I'm leaning towards wizard or necromancer for my Dominion.

>> No.2931578

Same thoughts as this guy.
Goddammit, /jp/, you're gonna make me addicted to this game for months, pumping all my free time into it, you fuckers.

>> No.2931582


Alright, my user is Makotou if anyone wants to party or something

>> No.2931593

Anyone wants to Party, names isan.

>> No.2931597

I'm gonna make a fencer then

>> No.2931605

I'll party if anyone wants, names Chie.

Also how do you get pets?

>> No.2931636

Uptown pass info:


>> No.2931692

What's the point of getting a counterfeit if talking to the Elegant Lady is faster and free?

>> No.2931707

I think only Rangers can get pets.

>> No.2931726


someone update this more

>> No.2931764

What do the attributes do? The difference between Dex and Agi?

>> No.2931793

Use Google translate.

>> No.2931885

how the hell do i get quest counts

>> No.2931997

You wait a day or something.

>> No.2932568

You want to join a faction anyway for free access to your region and it's free and easy too.

>> No.2933162

Where's an easy place to level up at 14?

>> No.2933263

how do you register? retarded page fucks up

>> No.2933280

User is Makotou, anyone wanna help me get a wizard hat? or.. that purple pointy hat thing.

They say it was in north kingdom but i cant get to it, cause i signed up for west =\

>> No.2934372

Just go to Cape Northerrin and talk to the Guild Merchant there.

>> No.2934372,1 [INTERNAL] 

Stupid server's stupid maintenance! Geez!

>> No.2934372,2 [INTERNAL] 

should I play this?

>> No.2934372,3 [INTERNAL] 

Is this another shitty mmorpg?
