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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2910435 No.2910435[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If /jp/ is the board you're on the most on 4chan, what do you think of /a/?

I don't come here often, but the two boards seem relatively the same to me, just replace the horo dumps with touhou dumps and the mostly pointless threads about series to mostly pointless threads about VNs.

Obviously /a/ is a lot faster than /jp/, though, and therefore probably has a lower powerlevel.

Do go like both board? Are you indifferent to /a/? Or do you hate it?

>> No.2910443

I only go to /a/ when waifu links me to Fukumoto threads. ಠ3ಠ

It's shit.

>> No.2910441

I think you should leave

>> No.2910447

/a/ has more good threads than /jp/, mostly because /a/ is a lot faster. Otherwise they're about equal, with about the same percent of usual internet retards. Due to /jp/'s slow nature said retards' impact is magnified though.

>> No.2910448

All boards should be isolate of each other. Close the borders! /jp/ for the /jp/sies!

>> No.2910450

Don't worry, I will soon.

I won't be shitting up your board. Except with this thread.

>> No.2910452

/a/ is /jp/ with ten times the user base

>> No.2910453
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>> No.2910456

I go to /a/ to appreciate /jp/'s posting more

>> No.2910458

I wish the rest of the /a/ssholes shared your consideration....

>> No.2910464

If /jp/ discussed more worthwhile anime/manga series and stopped pretending like it doesn't watch/read them I'd never visit /a/. But /jp/ is very, very pretentious. Both are a bunch of weeaboos, but /a/ has a sick pride about it and takes things too far usually.

>> No.2910465


/jp/, why must you be so rude?

You should treat your guests kindly.

>> No.2910470

/a/, not so good.

>> No.2910474

If we did that, it'd be like an invitation to stay.....

>> No.2910477

>just replace the horo dumps with touhou dumps

That's what everyone seems to think about this place. Personally, I haven't seen much Touhou here for a while. In fact, aside from special occasions (i.e., Comiket), it's in general died down from /jp/'s earlier days.

Also, to answer your question I rarely go to /a/. It's in terrible shape. Rather, my home away from here is /co/.
And sometimes /u/.

>> No.2910480

That reminds me, /jp/ also loves to beat the dead horse with a limited selection of image macros. I'd call this particular use appropriate (but then who cares what I think) but the majority of fascinating/cool story bro posts serve no purpose other than being a faggot for the sake of being a faggot.

>> No.2910488

Well, maybe I just come at the wrong times, but there always seems to be a touhou dump going on.

>> No.2910494

Mr. moot, tear down this wall.

>> No.2910490


I don't see anything wrong with that.

It's not like the board would get any worse than it is already anyway.

>> No.2910509

Actually, it can. /jp/ - KS was an especially bad period. /jp/'s post rate surpassed /a/'s and things were just plain bad.

>> No.2910511

If someone asks a stupid question in /jp/, I can pretend that they came from /a/. If someone asks a stupid question in /a/, it is difficult for me to pretend they came from elsewhere (unless they show obvious /b/ tendencies). I dislike /a/ because I am less able to harbour illusions about its user base.

I also prefer /jp/'s pace.

>> No.2910512

How would you stereotype /a/?

>> No.2910516

/a/ is terrible. I stopped regularly browsing it months ago, but I've stopped by at the beginning of the last two seasons (foolishly hoping to discuss the new shows) and it gets even worse every time.

>and stopped pretending like it doesn't watch/read them
Most people don't do that. The reason why we don't discuss anime or manga very often is because it doesn't belong here.

>> No.2910516,1 [INTERNAL] 

fucking 404

/a/ only talks about the most popular/recent anime and manga titles. I'm not saying that popular is bad, but after a while you get tired of the same rehashed shit.

I only come to /jp/ for touhou and meta threads.

>> No.2910516,2 [INTERNAL] 

Well, seeing as how a ghost bumped this thread, I'll just chime in.

The /a/ stereotype: Annoying invaders.

Honestly, if you're here, you should be talking about /jp/ things or at least in a /jp/ manner. No, I don't care that you come from /a/ and no, I don't care about your /a/ customs. If you're here, then do your best to read the air. Don't bump your thread after one minute and don't complain about sage. You don't like /jp/? Don't come here! If you really must circlejerk about how much you hate /jp/, then go do it on /a/. Apparently, they love doing that.
