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2909913 No.2909913 [Reply] [Original]

I've just finnished Umineko No naku koro ni episode 4 and there is two things I dont fully understand yet.

What did Ange see when she was over at the boat captains house wich made her realise her motivation/quest to go to the island.

And what was Battlers sin from 6 years ago, and why did Beatrice get so unmotivated to continue the game because of Battlers awnser. and why where there two Beatos talking between each other at that time? Was it the "real" Beato and the "piece" Beato ?

Is this supposed to be unanswered questions of the fourth game or am I just really bad at reading between the lines ?

>> No.2909916


>> No.2909922

>What did Ange see
Speculation, Sakutarou, etc.

>what was Battlers sin from 6 years ago
You ask US?

>> No.2909923

The generally accepted theory is that Ange saw a Sakutaro doll.

>> No.2909937 [DELETED] 

And what was Battlers sin from 6 years ago, and why did Beatrice get so unmotivated to continue the game because of Battlers awnser. and why where there two Beatos talking between each other at that time? Was it the "real" Beato and the "piece" Beato ?

I believe that Battler forgot his promise to Shannon.
Then Jessica told Shannon to go back to bed. That's it.

>> No.2909948

she saw sakutarou
batora invited people to the island 6 years ago and killed them similarly to what's going on in the games, to kill the piece beato
beato has to be resurrected because of that, the beato on the balcony that is disappointed is the piece beato's daughter (schoolgirl beato) that tries to resurrect her mom
beato is asumu

>> No.2909965

>And what was Battlers sin from 6 years ago, and why did Beatrice get so unmotivated to continue the game because of Battlers awnser. and why where there two Beatos talking between each other at that time? Was it the "real" Beato and the "piece" Beato ?

I believe that Battler forgot his promise to Shannon.
Then Jessica told Shannon to go back to bed. That's it.

>> No.2909985
File: 70 KB, 656x516, Red1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did Ange see when she was over at the boat captains house wich made her realise her motivation/quest to go to the island.


>I believe that Battler forgot his promise to Shannon.
Then Jessica told Shannon to go back to bed. That's it.

Half right, I don't think Jessica and Shannon are working together though. Given the fact that their survival to the end/late game tends to be mutually exclusive, I'd say they are working against one another. Of course, Natsuhi always dies before Jessica, maybe Natsuhi is the one working against Shannon.

Given the way Episode 4 ends, either the culprit is dead by the time Battler gets the keys and starts searching for them, or they hid for an entire day before they killed him. The red disqualifies this. The only people I can come up with a reasonable theory as to how they might have killed themselves are Shannon and Nanjo. And only Shannon seems to have something that might approach a motive.

>> No.2909997

Why is Nanjo on the island if Kinzo is long dead?

>> No.2909998


I'm guessing this is fan speculations but thanks for spoiling... I guess.

>> No.2910003

It's bullshit, bro. Not a spoiler.

>> No.2910009

Don't worry bro I'm just babbling

>> No.2910011

Shannon and Kanon is the same person, and working together with George and/or Jessica.

>> No.2910020

>fan speculations
Nice contradiction bro.

>> No.2910039
File: 63 KB, 645x483, Kanondead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Kanon might have been able to kill himself as well, but the problem is timing. Pic related.

If Shannon were the last of whatever cabal of culprits is doing this left alive, she would have been able to hide any extra guns (it seems like there was more than one used) by dropping them in the well. If we assume Battler's lack of memory or remorse was enough to make Shannon suicidal, as a last act of revenge she could have killed herself in such a was as to put the blame on the 'witch'.

It is actually pretty easy. With a long piece of rope, and a heavy stone/similar item, she ties one end of the rope around the stone, and ties the other end to the stock of the gun. Then she lowers the stone down through the grate of the well. After she sets down a stake next to herself (and leaves Nanjo's on the ground as well for consistency) she shoots herself. She goes limp, lets go of the gun, the stone drops down into the well and drags the gun down with it.

>> No.2910058

>>the stone drops down into the well and drags the gun down with it.

Are the openings of the grate wide enough to allow a gun to pass through?

>> No.2910073

The house is full of guns and spear throwing shit in the walls
Someone pressed a button and activated it
No matter where you are on the island, you get killed
Everything else is hallucinations

>> No.2910074

I seem to recall Battler describing the grate as only being narrow enough to stop people from going through. And if the gun is being dragged by the tail, it only has to be maybe 5-6 inches wide to make it through..

>> No.2910087

Ryukishi07 is reading these posts and making sure none of them match up with what he is writing

Therefore, I think Jessica and Kanon will get a grizzly bad end of death and separation while the rest of the cast ends leaves Rokenjima alive and well ;_;

>> No.2910093

I wouldn't put it past Kinzo
