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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 284 KB, 640x480, screenshot0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2905097 No.2905097 [Reply] [Original]


someone should stop this faggotry.

>> No.2905119

What are you doing there in the first place?

>> No.2905142

Thank you for dropping by...

>> No.2905147

It looks cute. Too lazy to read the text though. I'll do that later.

"POOF" (Disappears)

>> No.2905158

Hi mugen, you're pretty obvious here.
As for your thread, I'm not bothering to read it all but that Guest-sama guy seems legit so listen to what he wrote.

>> No.2905165

Lol... I just can't resist posting in this thread after seeing OP's image.

>> No.2905162


>> No.2905181

You made the thread. I know this because I haxed your anus through a jpeg security exploit and your home network now reports to me. [/mugen]

No, really, it's obvious. Troll smarter, not harder.

>> No.2905184

ITT mugen tries to bring attention to his thing we're not attention to by trying to post anonymously when it's blatantly obvious it's him

>> No.2905202

Uh... Jones friend ... I'm currently on Krispy Creme on Ajax Building in Ayala Area currently leeching on their wifi using other peoples laptop.

>> No.2905206

hey, at least the guy is clearly making effort towards actualization - can't say much about most of the other projects

>> No.2905226

I was being ironic.
You know what, never mind.

Yeah, but he's just doing so randum xd shit instead of an actual project. It's a waste.

>> No.2905230

It's pretty sad when this faggot came make something that almost looks professional and every other project is stuck in "no, I want to play kirakira instead" mode.

>> No.2905323


>> No.2905348

From what I've seen, you're completely wrong there. It looks like he's going for a full-scale project. The only thing that would make it seems random is his ... well, terrible (that's putting it nicely) grasp of the English language.

>> No.2905354


>> No.2905347
File: 199 KB, 1032x1000, 1232262975682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's pretty sad when this faggot came make something

That sentence just made my head spin. Want to repeat that in English?

>> No.2905362

I think he was saying that it's sad how mugen ('this faggot') is able to make something that seems semi-professional, while every other project we know of is playing KiraKira instead of working.

>> No.2905373

Read up, see what he's doing.
Then come back to me and tell me with a straight face that that's a serious project.

>> No.2905385

>>It's pretty sad when this faggot came make something that almost looks professional and every other project is stuck in "no, I want to play kirakira instead" mode.

Actually, I'm busy stuffing my face into books and essays for research purposes in order to have a strong grasp on what I want to write. Not all of us are gifted in the art of improvising our bullshit fantasies.

>> No.2905408


It's a troll project, he even admitted it in the topic. He's going to keep posting updates until it's completed. It's twice as trolltastic when it not only sucks, but he keeps working on it regardless.

>> No.2905498

Actual Rasen Maiden dialogue:

p "Wake up..."
p "It's fucking late already."
m "C'mon Papa... Can't I sleep a little longer?"
p "NO CAN DO!"
m "...ok"
"Here we go again."
"Papa is always so grouchy every morning."
m "Papa?... why so early in the morning?"
p "What do you mean so early!?"
p "It's already 8 fucking in the morning!"
p "Hurry up and go get your face washed."
m "sigh"
p "Don't you fucking make that face so early in the morning."
p "Just hurry up... we got work to do."
"If you are wondering who that grouchy old man is, he is my Papa."
"Papa and I live in this small house here on Settlement 69."
"Papa used to be a Guardog."
"Now, Papa fries lizard."
"Not only fried Lizard, Papa also fry other small animals."
"And sometimes Papa even fry larger ones... but Papa cuts them to tiny pieces."
"After frying and putting them on sticks I sell them in the morning while Papa watches over the store."
"In the afternoon, we switch places and Papa goes out while I watch over the store."
"Better get my face washed before Papa gets angry again..."

>> No.2905507

It's like I'm really playing a MangaGamer translated VN

>> No.2905509

I think what he said was it "started" as a troll project but he later decided to work on it seriously.

Agreed, he definitely needed help not only grammar but general english as well. I now feel sympathy for the poor guys who will edit his work.

>> No.2905518

>the poor guys who will edit his work
He really should just have someone else do all the writing and not even try to write himself.

>> No.2905517

I meant look at what he's got for a plotline.

>> No.2905523

What's wrong? This looks like typical VN material to me

also: willing to help with editing, not like i'm doing anything else with my life

>> No.2905536

Are you trolling?
You're trolling right?

>> No.2905557

Yes, mugen self-promoting by "trolling".

>> No.2905560

mugen, you should really listen to what guest-sama said.
I enjoyed KS greatly not because of the hype, crippled girls setting and plot, and 4chan production, but the writing actually flows naturally...
unlike that of Mangagamer's and some fan translation of vns.

>> No.2905577
File: 18 KB, 249x211, 1228564963132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear lord what the fuck?!

>> No.2905579


He lacks an adequate grasp of the English language with lines like "Not only fried Lizard, Papa also fry other small animals." and characters with names like "Oilslick" and "Fetus". His art is good, but he really needs a native speaker to help him to at least edit his writing.

>> No.2905612

Fuck you I wish his writing was LESS intelligible.

>> No.2905617

>every other project is stuck in "no, I want to play kirakira instead" mode.
*looks at Kira Kira icon on his desktop*
*looks at unfinished /jp/ project work*
*looks at Kira Kira icon on his desktop again*
...fuck you. I WILL finish it someday. Really.

>> No.2905679
File: 339 KB, 640x480, screenshot0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Jones friend... I'm not even the one who made this thread... mugenjohncel always post proudly with tripcode... no tripcode, not geniuine.

That dialogue is actually outdated my friend... dialogue is more better now... rest assured it will have good english sentence since it will be edited by good english speakers.

Here is screenshot of new and improved dialogue box in use.

>> No.2905718


>> No.2905788

That would be great then. I was scared of reading about more Papa dialogues again.

>> No.2905851

I just went to the site, what happen to En Bloc? There isn't much activity going on.

>> No.2905958

The way I see things, mugen may actually be a blessing in disguise. Not because his project is being produced at a fact pace nor is it a literary masterpiece but rather by fagging things up a bit in /jp/ project. Perhaps to serve as a wake up call to other stagnant projects. Though I really look forward to seeing how much of a trainwreck this project will be.

>> No.2907113

bump for more rage ^__^;;

>> No.2907126

you have to wonder why there's any point in trying to stop mugen's project--he's spending his own time and energy making it, not any of ours--and no one is obligated to look at it when it is finished.

of course it could be used as trolling material in the future, but then again, what isn't.

>> No.2907131

I can't stand her name. Why couldn't you have picked a better name?

>> No.2907136

Faggot looks like Ronove. Fucking rage.

>> No.2907137

Because he is too awesome and too fast for /jp/ project to keep up. We need to stop him or at least slow him down so the rest of us won't look so bad.

>> No.2907147

At least it is better than that other character he wanted to name "Fetus".

>> No.2907149

What the fuck.

>> No.2907152


>> No.2907161

Tina Lauper
Cindy Turner
Madonna Vanilli
Vikes Van Damn

just to name a few

>> No.2907171

What's your native language mugenjohncel

>> No.2907192


>> No.2907199

Man, Fetus actually sounds like the best one now.

>> No.2907207

Jesus, just kill yourself already Mugen.

>> No.2907229

This is the worst thing I have ever seen.

>> No.2907238

Your art is getting better, especially your backgrounds.

But for fuck's sake, hire a writer to do the scenario and writing.

>> No.2907266

>Krispy Kreme

>> No.2907331

How come this thread is still alive?... and the one's I made on the other hand are usually is short lived...

Why not?... Krispy Kreme produces the best donuts. Especially their plain glazed donuts... perfectly goes with coffee. That and free WIFI use means I can go there, sit back, enjoy the coffee and donuts while browsing e-mail, 4chan and Sankaku Complex.

>> No.2907342

>Sankaku Complex.
any respect I had for you is now gone.

>> No.2907344
File: 36 KB, 604x636, japanese cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this shit
Definitely NOT Japanese

>> No.2907371

>mugenjohncel->/jp/ project
oh boy

>> No.2907370

But those guys seem credible... it was there where I learned what "Shimapan" means...

>> No.2907368
File: 30 KB, 765x155, bastille.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2907385


>> No.2907391

/jp/ - Donuts/Sankaku Complex

>> No.2907398

There's never a bad time or place for donuts.

>> No.2907406

Stick to guro, mugen.

>> No.2907410


>> No.2907420

Allow me to explain.

Bastille knows a KS dev. Bastille knows a lot about the Girugamesh Kid, Bastille frequently hangs out in the Sankaku IRC channel.

mugenjohncel is related to the /jp/ Project. mugenjohncel visits Sankaku Complex.

>> No.2907422

More like it's all the same shit and it should be treated the same

>> No.2907430

Sankaku Complex should be DDoS'd with the force of a million fapping anons.
That is all I felt like saying.

>> No.2907439

>mugenjohncel is related to the /jp/ Project.
Well, that is bad news. I never felt he was part of the /jp/ Project, just borrowing the forums, but if people already make this association, it's no good for the /jp/ Project.

Someone get red-text Anon to kick Mugen's project off to the Lemmasoft forums.

>> No.2907432

Yeah, maybe, but I have no idea what you are saying.

>> No.2907433

Most is.

>> No.2907443

Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.2907454

How can the /jp/ Project possibly be any worse?

>> No.2907456
File: 302 KB, 850x630, uuumad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mugenjohncel !!Oy+LavZ+kRU

>> No.2907457

Sorry buddy, but mugenjohncel is the ONLY thing anyone associates with /jp/ Project

the reason for that is nobody knows/cares about the /jp/ project at all whatsoever

>> No.2907468

Yeah, it's definitely no good for someone who does actual work to be involved with the /jp/ Project. Before you know it, something might actually get accomplished.

>> No.2907473

Viral marketing.

>> No.2907474

Sup newfag

>> No.2907475
File: 7 KB, 269x215, vargsmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there gonna' be somes METAL?!

>> No.2907477

Wasn't he going to name one of the characters varg.

>> No.2907480

Link to his crimes please.

>> No.2907491
File: 2.46 MB, 188x144, w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2907493


>> No.2907495

Varg is so moe~

>> No.2907511

the other /jp/ projects are doing fine. sure, progress is slow, but there's still 2-3 active ones (not counting Mugenjohncel's stuff). it may take several more months, but i do think we'll be seeing something from then in the not-too-far future.

>> No.2907517


>> No.2907521

No anon. You are the newfags.

>> No.2907525
File: 882 KB, 800x600, 1237228656605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>native language

>> No.2907539

I refer to his ethnic background, you louse.

>> No.2907540

so does this have drilldick rape yet?

>> No.2907609
File: 595 KB, 800x600, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIKI Anon (writer/artist) resumed college and is busy with real life.
Nipanya (artist) seems busy with real life, and hasn't shown up for a while. I have means of contacting him outside of /jp/ project, though, so he can't disappear forever.
Dahdah (musician/scripter) has disappeared as usual. I'm not sure if I can still get him back to the project, but I really hope I can, as his music is amazing.
Admin Anon seems to have stopped working on En Bloc (for now?) to focus on the DandyGirl project.
For me (project lead/creative lead), it's a combination of being busy in real life, lack of inspiration required to finish the small bit I still have to finish, Cross Channel (I'm a QCer, and I'm way behind the rest of the team), and plain laziness (come on, I want to play Kira Kira too).

As for mugenjohncel, I don't really see his project as part of the /jp/ project. All /jp/ projects are just open projects started by /jp/ people discussing plot ideas and where anyone could volunteer for any position, whereas mugenjohncel's project is completely closed and it was decided from the start who would work on it.
It's kind of similiar to how some non-TLWiki projects (such as Little Busters!) do have a page on TLWiki, but only for announcements and the like.

>> No.2907631

Thanks for clarifying /jp/ project's current status, bro.
We appreciate it.

>> No.2907640
File: 62 KB, 185x324, dandygirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, that's only for En Bloc. DandyGirl seems to be moving along fine, and Virus Eroge seems to have slowed down, but still seems to be active.
