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2902856 No.2902856 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, what do you think the best visual novel is?

Thus far i've only played a few popular ones by type moon and nothing else, aside of kana of course. Can anyone reccomend something that is translated? I hate useing atlus or whatever.

Pic unrelated, for it is just a awsome anime/book

>> No.2902866

What's with all those threads recently?

>> No.2902865

I'm biased but my favourite is the School Days series.

>> No.2902872

Otoko Dogeza Jigoku

>> No.2902868


>> No.2902882

Yeah ive heard of it, though im not sure about the translations. From what ive seen its not finished yet and is only at episode one.

>> No.2902893


>> No.2902897
File: 198 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 029a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say Fate/Stay Night.

I don't care if you disagree. Suck my Reality Marbles.

>> No.2902911

Nitro+ and Liar-Soft make my personal favourites.

>> No.2902916

Moar like Food/Stay Night, amirite.

>> No.2902917


Im not so much of a new fag to not know what FSN is

>> No.2902919

make sure you get both the English and voice patch

>> No.2902924

Stop making threads like this.

>> No.2902933

Op here.

Yeah I beat it, I didn'y mention is cause i have no idea how to spell it. Its the best i've played so far, ending made my cry like a little girl. I blame the loli tears...

>> No.2902934
File: 91 KB, 800x600, swansong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swan Song is the best visual novel in my personal opinion.


>> No.2902958

Rewrite is the best visual novel.

>> No.2902981


>> No.2903000

Piss off.

>> No.2903003
File: 95 KB, 344x344, nonchanwarukunai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2903266


>> No.2903291

I'm biased, but my favourite is Tsukihime.

>> No.2903294

Saya no Uta is my personal favourite. But we have an archive for questions like these.

>> No.2903301

I haven't gone through many of them.. I'm playing Saya no Uta at the moment. Someone had suggested it to me when I asked for a cheerful, upbeat VN
That person was a motherfucker.

>> No.2903310
File: 778 KB, 800x600, ev_haru_09c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least use Haru.

>> No.2903313

Hello, World is the best.

>> No.2903340

Even though the art is shitty, Umineko is my personal best.

>> No.2903350


>> No.2903372

Muv-Luv is the best one.

>> No.2903390

Wanko to Kurasou

>> No.2903448

Translated: Ever 17
Untranslated: Baldr Sky

>> No.2903455
File: 47 KB, 640x479, Umineko tea ep 2-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2903468
File: 375 KB, 800x600, father_gregory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of the what I have read, probably Baldr Sky or Muv-Luv alternative, or Sharin no Kuni or G-Senjou no maou. Ofcourse theres craploads of things I haven't read yet.

Insane priest with dual chainsaws related

>> No.2903486

Sharin no Kuni is my all time favorite but I have a bias for Himawari since I finished it recently.

>> No.2903503

12. Kira Kira
61. Umineko no Naku Koro ni

>> No.2903513

There are so many good untranslated ones that would be hard to say, but since you asked for translated, that's easy, Ever 17

>> No.2903538


>> No.2903542

Really? I didn't really like it. I expected a fucked up story, and got something like the hero is banging a horrible tentacle monster that looks like a little girl to him. Boring.

>> No.2903551

hell yes baldr sky

ever 17 is good too

>> No.2903552


>> No.2903557

I thought it was really beautiful, but if you were looking for LOL RAPE, MINDFUX AND POWERLEVELS then I guess it would be boring.

>> No.2903573

Sounds more to me like he was looking for Gore Screaming Show.

>> No.2903576

Muv-Luv Alter for sure

>> No.2903580

>>I thought it was really beautiful, but if you were looking for plot, characters, and something that wasn't nonsensical then I guess it would be boring.

>> No.2903609

>if you were looking for LOL RAPE, MINDFUX AND POWERLEVELS

That's not what I call a good, fucked up story.
The PARANOIA ending wasn't too bad, though.
Saya no Uta is short. Too. fucking. short.

>> No.2903617

I thought it's length was perfect, not too long, not too short, but I seem to be in the minority on this one.

>> No.2903633 [DELETED] 

stop spamen us u dumb chenturd's

>snmgdjcc ghhijoj

>> No.2903640

0/10 my friend

>> No.2903646

I guess Swan Song, Saihate no Ima and Muv-Luv

>> No.2903651

Saya was too short to become attached to any of the characters. I know I was supposed to be furious at the rape and cry during the blooming, but I didn't really feel anything. Koji is pretty cool though.

>> No.2903659

the rape and the blooming were boring. I don't see how anyone would feel anything about that. The most meaningful part of the story was probably the first choice. After that with Kouji wasn't that great.

>> No.2903665
File: 85 KB, 1024x768, MuvLuvAF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muv-Luv Alternative.

>> No.2903668 [DELETED] 

stop spamen us u dumb chenturd's

> hfdsjn knp yv f

>> No.2903671

Saya is short but toward the end it was really starting to drag on and get shitty so I'm glad it isn't longer. Maybe if they had managed to make it longer without losing its momentum.

>> No.2903673

Wasn't trolling bro, but if it upsets you that I don't like what you like, that's fine.

>> No.2903679

Fuck yeah Wakamoto

>> No.2903687

Wait, Wakamoto is in Muv-Luv?

>> No.2903703
File: 780 KB, 800x600, r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F/SN will probably always be my favorite because mai waifu is in it.

>> No.2903710

Wakamoto is in every fucking eroge ever.
His best role is in Sharin no Kuni though.
Or Eien no Aselia if you want to see his character rapes a loli.

>> No.2903719

Yeah, I was surprised to see him in Family Project

>> No.2903731

>Or Eien no Aselia if you want to see his character rapes a loli.
You just broke my mind. What the fuck.

>> No.2903742

When I see her sitting there like that, I find it hard to believe that she got brutalized and cummed on by Shirou.

>> No.2904783

Out of the few that I've finished so far, and although I'm not done it yet, my favorite now has to be Tsukihime. (Arc true ending had me in tears, good ending was even better)

>> No.2904799

>and although I'm not done it yet
Ignoring the grammar, you're walking through a minefield right now. /jp/ is full of Tsukihime spoilers.

Anyway, to answer OP's question, Clannad wins hands down.

>> No.2904819

Eh, I already have been spoiled quite a bit by /jp/'s spoilers, though I don't really remember most of them. Working on ciel's route now, then I guess i'll work on the other 3 eventually. Speaking of routes, anyone have a good chart or walkthrough that lists what leads to what bad ends? I'm interested in checking them out either when I'm done with all routes or just to screw around in ones I am already doing

>> No.2904867

ha ha ha estoy usando el internet !!!!

i only have animamundi and i havent tryed to install it
but now i really want to !!
