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2899958 No.2899958 [Reply] [Original]

Post Anime Expo Visual Novel industry thread.

Shuffle and additional Navel games confirmed
Da Capo II confirmed
Higurashi confirmed, the plan is to release 2 sets with 4 arcs each (so questions then answers). In addition it is the original Doujin version
Shin Koihime Musou was confirmed at the panel it appears
They are planning on translating ai sp@ce
They are still in the red ;_;
They surely have more titles, but they used the panel to get people to buy their stuff, not make announcements
Of particular interest
22:55:59 <zalas|MangaGamer> Q: Lots of fan translation out there, what efforts are there to work with fan translators?
22:57:02 <zalas|MangaGamer> A: I think it's a case-by-case situation. We don't have any ideas like fan translations are bad. If we're able to use that and get it at a relatively affordable price. Might be able to release video gaems at lower prices as well

Family Project end of this month
Cat Girl Alliance this fall
Raidy II this winter
2 Yukkuri Panic games being brought over
1st Downhill Night possibly this fall
NitroPlus partnership, Demonbane and Jingai Makyou confirmed, they have at least one more planned, see nitroplususa.com/

New site, trying to be like MangaGamer
Only games from Underlip thus far, and they are all free trials (so take a look), and uncensored. They say that they have multiple companies "We, at HgameZ.net, made exclusive contracts with major manufacturers of Bishoujo/Hentai games in Japan."
Located in the Republic of Cyprus

The Trials
Nurse Call Fuck- poor translation for the trial
Sex and Friend- Bablefish level translation for the trial
Teacher's in class gang rape- decent translation

>> No.2899971

i wish my mom would let me order vns with her credit card ;_;

>> No.2899975

>ai sp@ce
>Raidy II

>> No.2899979

MangaGamer hints at future titles

The following eroge companies were listed on promotional material
BaseSon (and seperatly BaseSon Spice)
Tactics (and seperatly Tactics Latte)

The following are searchable categories on MangaGamer, but nothing comes up yet (Higurashi is NOT searchable yet)

Science Fiction
Near Future
Western Mansion

It is probable that they have all the major Circus titles coming in the future, since Circus seems to have a very large interest with them (like 5 people from Circus were at the panel)

>> No.2899989

>Sex and Friend- Bablefish level translation for the trial

Don't insult Bablefish like that

>> No.2900003

Thanks for the summary

Already mentioned in the other thread, but sent an e-mail to MangaGamer to see if I can get any info from them, if so I'll post it here.

>> No.2900013

>Sex and Friend- Bablefish level translation for the trial

I like how they translated come as cum in that.

>> No.2900014

What's underlip's japanese website?

>> No.2900021



>> No.2900023


>> No.2900036

From EroGameScape, I have found that アンダーリップ (underlip) has 17 games, min score 50, max score 70 (two games)

>> No.2900046

22:55:59 <zalas|MangaGamer> Q: Lots of fan translation out there, what efforts are there to work with fan translators?
22:57:02 <zalas|MangaGamer> A: I think it's a case-by-case situation. We don't have any ideas like fan translations are bad. If we're able to use that and get it at a relatively affordable price. Might be able to release video gaems at lower prices as well

I wonder if there really is a Shuffle script out there...

>> No.2900052

Shit, Mangagamer is still not turning a profit at all? This is not good news.

>> No.2900055
File: 69 KB, 806x650, loltrans5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New insult.

>> No.2900057

One thing to add to the original summary, Cleavage from Jast is on hold because someone lost the uncensored HCGs.

>> No.2900065

>Shin Koihime Musou was confirmed at the panel it appears

Wait, when did this happen?

>> No.2900077

Former MangaGamer proofreader who was at the convention said a couple days back they had Shuffle and Shin Koihime Musou banners, and that is supported by the fact that the company who made the game, BaseSon, has been listed by MangaGamer as one of their companies.

>> No.2900091

Lets see if anything comes from MangaGamer tomorrow. Apparently today they had a good amount of Valkyrie Complex stuff at their both, meaning MangaGamer likely has the rights to it.

>> No.2900096

I wouldn't count that as a confirmation.

I myself visited the booth, took pictures of said banners, bought the gigantic ass Shin Koihime Musou bag, and have the ad with BaseSon listed among their partnered companies. But has MangaGamer ever explicitly announced that they would release it? If so, I haven't heard a word about it.

>> No.2900100

>One thing to add to the original summary, Cleavage from Jast is on hold because someone lost the uncensored HCGs.

Good, Cleavage is pure shit.

>> No.2900109

Sorry, I should have said "all but confirmed"

>> No.2900122

maybe they should have a donation page, but that seems rather unprofessional
while i want to contribute to the industry, sometimes i don't quite agree with how much they're asking for

also, anyone know what it shows up as on your bill as when you buy a game?
is it discrete or is it something like "Tasty Shafts"?

>> No.2900139

updated what we can expect by years end
If I missed anything let me know

Cross Channel
Family Project
Cat Girl Alliance
Raidy II (possible, depends if December, or Jan/Feb)
A Downhill Night title
MinDeaD BlooD (If the Dark Translations guy stops giving bullshit reasons why he isn't going to translate it despite commissions)
Devils Devel Concept
Sumaga (if not stopped)
G-Senjou no Maou
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (Full set of Question arcs)
Koihime Musou
Edelweiss and Kira Kira fan discs
What ever else MangaGamer picks up (They have more stuff, but other than Shuffle/Higurashi, who knows when it is coming)
Umineko 5
Naisho no Jikan
Eien no Aselia
Remember11 (perhaps)
Symphonic Rain (perhaps, good translation speed at the moment)
Sengoku Rance

>> No.2900158

Reading this thread, one would mistakenly think that there is an English visual Novel industry.

>> No.2900166

Why the hell was that guy asking them to make an anime of Red River?

>> No.2900173

I believe the answer is a complete idiot

>> No.2900180

Everyone working the Mangagamer booth only spoke Japanese; I'm surprised that they were able to do a panel. Did a decent size crowd show up for it?

>>They are still in the red ;_;

I hope they don't end up like Hirameki. Even for good games like Ever17 it took Hirameki years to make a profit. And then they died!

>> No.2900198

>>Did a decent size crowd show up for it?

There was a lot of people there. Nearly 500 I'm guessing since the highest number I heard from the raffle was 470 something I think.

>> No.2900209

>Shin Koihime Musou was confirmed at the panel it appears
I doubt it. Shin Koihime Musou has obvious lolis. Not borderline girl that could easily pass as short women with small boobs.

>> No.2900212

Are mangagamers VNs good? I've heard their translations would use a lot of QCing. I've also heard they require activation.

>> No.2900228

They do require activation
Their first few games were badly translated
Suika and Da Capo are fine
Kira Kira has some problems, but it is not distracting and is better than Ever17 in terms of script.

>> No.2900233
File: 98 KB, 800x600, cutegirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it will be awesome when it gets translated.

>> No.2900239

In before Chouhi's h-scenes are removed because she is loli. You heard it here first. Also in it happens to the barbarians loli along with a lot more characters.

>> No.2900246

shes over 18 years old

>> No.2900259

We'll see when they release it. They haven't released anything with any loli so far, so we'd better not be too hyped about it.

>> No.2900273

Maybe we should preemptively send them a letter. "Please do not censor SKM in any way shape or form."

>> No.2900296

Will do. When they actually make an announcement about it, that is. OP's speculation makes it seem like it already has a release date or something.

>> No.2900484

That doesn't mean it was confirmed.
Up to now only Higurashi ios official. Kind of really disappointing this panel because many fags said that announcments would be made. More like random blabber

>> No.2900491

Someone with knowlegde in eroge market should mail them and suggest some good games of the listed partner brands from mangagamer

>> No.2900548

source: http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php?p=2493126#post2493126
"i will answer most of the questions you guys have in the morning, just left ax (yes i went to the panel, and even tried to talk to some of the staff at the mangagamers booth) as well as explain clearly what has been going on with me, gamepatch, and shuffle."

lol, it seems Shuffle! translator is back from the grave. I wonder if he could miraculously recover the Shuffle script, and sell it to MG.

>> No.2900556

That was by that Heklin guy, who went MIA for so long.

>> No.2900607

What convenient timing. Almost too convenient.

>> No.2900619

What I have to say is he has VERY GOOD reasons. And those reasons will SCARE a lot of you guys for sure. Especially if you live in US.

>> No.2900630

Oh ho, it's almost like you know the guy personally or something. Are you a part of the Shuffle translation group?

>> No.2900644

I'm going to use my coupon code to get kirakira and either da capo or suika. Should I get da capo or suika??

>> No.2900647

>Higurashi confirmed

Actually, they had the information about this (and thus confirming it) at their booth since the exhibition hall doors opened on day 1 of the convention, slowbro.

>> No.2900661

Suika, hands down. Da Capo is a borefest.

>> No.2900678

>They are planning on translating ai sp@ce
Sure, go ahead.

>> No.2900705

I wasn't trying to sound negative, but Shuffle translation is IMO worse than Duke Nukem Forever.
What exactly is the story? I seem to remember something like all the 100% translated script is on a HDD and it's in Japan somewhere, however he don't have a Visa to go back or something like that?

>> No.2900710

I don't want AX to end. It took a while, but I stopped being afraid and actually started enjoying everything there. I felt like I was gaining confidence and being more open and friendly with the strangers I'd normally loathe and try to ignore. I'm scared because I know I'm going to regress into my antisocial hikki self once this is over and I won't be daring enough to start conversations with girls for a long, long time ;_;

>> No.2900714

This. Someone should fucking punch him in the face, he's just looking for some profit, I even bet he doesn't have any real script to begin with. He must be an amerikkan, always on the move to screw someone

>> No.2900728

If you can talk to 3-D girls at AX, you can do so in your regular life, faggot. Stop trying to act as if you are one of us.

>> No.2900729

Mote like lazy manchild who decided not to release the little scribblings he had for free. This is exactly why fantranslations suck.

>> No.2900752

>Stop trying to act as if you are one of us.
Why would anyone want to do that?

>> No.2900757

Most of the 'girls' at AX can't really be considered anything more than 'technically female'...hell, the majority of them hardly fit into the category of human.

>> No.2900775

Look who's talking here xD

>> No.2900776

No I'm not related to the translation project, I only like lolis so Shuffle isn't relevant to my interests.

>> No.2900782

If you're trying to say they're just dudes with breasts and vaginas then I guess I'm gay, haha

Everyone's been using sage. I don't understand why you felt you had to sneak in a snide comment like that

>> No.2900785
File: 36 KB, 280x289, derail2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2900795

If you read it all, I made it pretty clear I mean that pretty much every female (and male for that matter) at Anime Expo is extremely ugly, some even very deformed in various ways. It's interesting and scary at the same time.

Quite far from being a tomboy, which is basically what you described 'a boy with tits and vag00'. I'm not saying 'the girls are pretty much guys XD' im saying they barely qualify as human beings as they are so horrendous and disturbing to look at.

>> No.2900797

A long time ago, young anon, a translation group announced they were taking on translating a VN from a fairly popular anime at the time, Shuffle!.
As you could imagine, people were excited, there were even voices about the part of the script already translated, and a patch was expected before the end of the year.
We got an alpha build, and even the unbeliever had to accept they were really doing something, and people began having high hopes for the game.
Then... silence.
With the patch nearly ready to be released, a shitstorm approuched crushing our hopes, an HD failure, with a subsequent loss of the translated script.
People obviously began to wonder a few things, first of all, how it was possible a patch, supposedly nearly ready, wasn't already distribuited in any form to some trusted beta tester for proofreading ? Also, you'd expect the editors as well to have a copy of it.
In the midst of this shitrain a new light of hope began to sparkle, the Main Translatar had a copy of the translated script.
BUT, he had ISP problems and could not upload it.
Are you smelling bullshit young anon ? Of course you are, because you can't possibly believe he didn't have any means to connect to the web, even a fucking Internet Cafè would've been alright. It's just some mb of text, not the whole damn game.
Then they disappeared two times with their site.
From time to time they would resurrect from the darkest pits of the internets to announce some news about the translator, the script and all, even announcing some new project, but by that time people stopped giving a shit about the anime, the game, and obviously them.
Eventually a new translation project began and people forgot.

>> No.2900803

Last I heard (this was ages back), the guy with the translation was in Japan and couldn't get online to get the script to be proofread.
Patently this was a false exile, as he managed to get online to say he went to the panel.

>> No.2900810

Did you go this year?

>> No.2900818

You have to try harder young tripfag, I suggest you reread your trolling for dummies handbook

>> No.2900825

Every year for like 9 years now, and I live here so I'm going tomorrow too.

>> No.2900833

From what he said he had no phone line where he moved in japan so apparently he had to make the construction happen to finally get a phone line.

>> No.2900838

Oh, I forgot school is out for the kids now.

>> No.2900842

Are you sure your standards aren't too high? Having a waifu probably distorts your view of, well, everything else you see.

>> No.2900880

Don't respond to underage trolls

>> No.2900886

So how did he tell the rest of the team he couldn't go online?
Also, still doesn't solve the NET CAFE, BITCHES.

>> No.2900892

I can't deny that possibility ;_;

>> No.2900897
File: 7 KB, 313x72, mangagamer_statement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also, anyone know what it shows up as on your bill as when you buy a game?
>is it discrete or is it something like "Tasty Shafts"?
I bought Kirakira with my Visa debit card, and the site url shows up on my bank statement. See pic. Censored a string of digits because I don't know what they mean.

>> No.2900900

THEY WERE TROLLING OR MORE PRECISE CASHING IN FROM A(I)DS. The script never was close to finished, and the transfags just became lazy and stopped at some point. CASE CLOSED. Please don't speak about them anymore

>> No.2900908

He just disappeared, to only come back in summer to mention the crap Japanese ISPs gave him

>> No.2900912


>> No.2900916


Hoof D. Dorp
dutchfag detected

>> No.2900919

That seems like the fishiest story I've ever heard. I kinda pity those people who even bought the japanese game to use that dubious patch.

>> No.2900924


At least they didn't break the support disc.

>> No.2900930

>They are planning on translating ai sp@ce

This is interesting. Would this mean that we'd have to buy mangagamerpoints instead of nicopoints to get the best items or what? I can't see them actually charging money for the client alone.

>> No.2900933

Their fault for being dumbasses in the first place for buying a game before the translation is finished.

Rule of thumb for visual novel translations: never expect anything until the actual translation is released. Too many projects have stalled, too many have failed, too many have disappeared, to have such an optimistic outlook.

>> No.2900935

That'd be the company, not me. MangaGamer is based in Netherlands.

>> No.2900939

It's shit and nobody will play it because it will be gajin server only.

Seriously they just stick with translation worthwhile games like Kira Kira

>> No.2900941

Shuffle!'s wasn't the wrost translation scam though.
Remember To Heart ?

>> No.2900942

I agree, but that was how many years ago? 4 or so? If I recall correctly people were more naive about fanTLs back then.

>> No.2900949

>gajin server only

The crunchyroll group would flock to this if it were to happen. Hopefully we'll still be able to use the Japanese servers if they do that.

>> No.2900986

I thought Shin Koihime Musou was the sequel, so why is it getting translated instead of the first Koihime Musou?

>> No.2900987

>A downloadable client program enables its users to interact through motional avatars with each other and primarily with bishōjo game heroines from three visual novels: Clannad by Key under Visual Art's, Shuffle! by Navel under Omegavision, and Da Capo II by Circus.[5] After a player creates an avatar, one of the bishōjo game heroines is selected as a personal character doll, or "chara-doll", to live with on one of the game's three virtual "islands" which are patterned on the worlds featured in the three visual novels.

>This avatar can be chosen to take on a male or female form; the male avatars are described as "cool" while female avatars are described as "sweet".[6] Facial expressions, figures, and hairstyle among other things are customizable, and the player can even customize personal information like birthdays and blood type.[6] The main gameplay will begin when the player has chosen one personal bishōjo game character from the visual novels Clannad, Shuffle!, and Da Capo II, which the player will be able to customize.[1] These bishōjo characters, known in the game as character dolls, or "chara-dolls", are able to wear different costumes (based on in-game items), and do a variety of things such as memorize various motions to act out or dance.[7] The chara-dolls can even eventually develop a unique personality for each user, known in-game as each chara-doll having a different "aitune".

Jesus Christ. Words do fail me here....

>> No.2901004

Re-release with extended scenario.

>> No.2901015



>> No.2901016

I heard some parts were gutted or changed, like the loli rape scenes.

>> No.2901023

There was no loli rape scene. Well actually there wasn't really any rape in the game for that matter.

>> No.2901029

No cut content in Shin, from what I know of.
And if it's just a couple loli scenes, with the amount of content there already is plus the extra content, it's barely an issue.

>> No.2901046
File: 94 KB, 800x600, c872bfc26a1909764584b13b8e4936ed26de86bd-96573-800-600-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they release Shin Koihime Musou and not sit upon it...

>> No.2901062

It's actually kinda a remake with new added characters and some h-scenes transformed so it doesn't feel like you play almost the same game.

>> No.2901069
File: 239 KB, 313x800, inugoya20090515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2901079

How about this possibility? The Shuffle translation team never lost their translation patch. They were contacted by Mangagamer to buy their translation, and kept making shit up until Mangagamer announced Shuffle.

>ai sp@ce
Do want.

>> No.2901084
File: 144 KB, 800x600, ECG_ENS15A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that blonde drill-hair (prolly a distant relative of KS Misha) also in Shin?

>> No.2901087

Get the fuck out, KS dev.

>> No.2901095
File: 107 KB, 349x363, not_amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously someone with more insight into the eroge market than your avg /jp/ fag should start mailing mangagamer and suggesting some interesting titles out from the catalog of games from their partners.
It seems to have worked with Higurashi (fanboys mailed them ...) and I prefer this to another round of silly sexromps nobody here will buy anyway

btw can someone confirm that the pic is from a game from Navel?

>> No.2901096

[09:00] <ero-jiji> i will answer most of the questions you guys have in the morning, just left ax (yes i went to the panel, and even tried to talk to some of the staff at the mangagamers booth) as well as explain clearly what has been going on with me, gamepatch, and shuffle.
[09:00] <ero-jiji> that should calm people down a bit

To the question "And did the guy of mangagamers say anything to you?"
[09:03] <ero-jiji> no, he acted like he didnt know anything

>> No.2901103

If I recall correctly its a pretty long game, so we can't expect a release for a long time yet I'm guessing.

>> No.2901106

Why are you posting this? Let the faggots die already => personas non grata

>> No.2901112


>> No.2901115

Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa nai.
Navel's best rated eroge in Erogamescape by far with a 80 and more than 600 votes (pretty good for this site).

>> No.2901162

Anyone else find the opening song really damn catchy? I've been listening to it for at least an hour straight now.

>> No.2901175

It is, I was looping it like fuck when it first came out.

>> No.2901333

To people worrying about loli censorship from Mangagamers, for now let's have hope they won't care because they're a download-only store located in the Netherlands.

The problem with JAST/PP is that they have a U.S. base in California and they also ship packages through the mail.

>> No.2901351

We have Nekoko as loli and that girl in Demonbane isn't even close to her in term of youth body-wise (she actually has some tits while Nekoko doesn't

>> No.2901356

Now I can't stop looping it.

>> No.2902327

>The problem with JAST/PP is that they have a U.S. base in California and they also ship packages through the mail.

It isn't like the lolis need to be engaged in sex on the cover. I doubt anyone is going to open packages, install the game, and play them to see if there is lolicon inside it.

But it sounds interesting with a third translation company. Just sucks that it seems like they all start the company first, then slowly try and find translators that actually know what they are doing.

>> No.2902518

From one of the HgameZ trials (Sex & Friend)

>“who named blue May” time in this around everything seems like move slower.

>> No.2902543
File: 30 KB, 648x342, They need their own cute loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They surely are working on the website, last night they did not have this warning.

>> No.2902541 [DELETED] 

stop spamen us u dumb chenturd's

>gh yngi

>> No.2902594

I wonder what that sentence used to mean...

>> No.2902707

Needed better use of the Q&A time for more questions like these
22:52:24 <zalas|MangaGamer> Q: Plans for Da Capo II?
22:52:39 <zalas|MangaGamer> A: We do have plans to release Da Capo II

instead of these
22:52:57 <zalas|MangaGamer> Q: Plans for video game/ anime of Red River (Anatolia story)?
22:53:21 <zalas|MangaGamer> Q: Chie Shinohara's manga
22:53:25 <zalas|MangaGamer> (wtf)

>> No.2902753

Street loli is at least 18 years old.

>> No.2902771

Oh yeah, I remember. That was one of the biggest loads of shit I've ever seen. Just how much retarded were those guys?

>> No.2902929

>Family Project end of this month

I find this difficult to believe. Are you serious?

>> No.2902936


New update by that Heklin fellow. It's too long to copypasta here though.

>> No.2902978

Hahaha, oh wow.

Are we supposed to believe that bullshit?

Jail? Seriously?

>> No.2903027

My TL;DR version:
Well after reading it, he says he has been arrested for possessing Doujin Manga which apparently they considered as Child Pornography. He got his HDD with the scripts back home, and had to go in jail for 16 months. After releasing him, he had to stay away for anime and manga and alike. Due to being embarassed I think, he wanted to keep that as a secret, and while he was in jail his passport and visa expired. After getting his passport they refused Visa due to the criminal record, and the scripts are somewhere on a HDD in japan.
And that's the best part: he says despite that MG localizing Shuffle he is going to fantranslate it regardless.
I smell bullshit to be honest.

>> No.2903039 [DELETED] 


To be fair I don't think you could make shit up.

>> No.2903045

>Family Project end of this month

>I find this difficult to believe. Are you serious?

From the Jast panel

22:14:59 <zalas|JAST> First announcement of the evening
22:15:14 <zalas|JAST> Family Project is now golden master
22:15:19 <zalas|JAST> July 2009 release confirmed
22:15:31 <zalas|JAST> 2 years in the making for a variety of reasons I'm not going to go into right now
22:15:38 <zalas|JAST> With a translation that really demanded a lot of attention on our part
22:15:43 <zalas|JAST> Now on its way to the replicators
22:15:46 <zalas|JAST> WIll be available by the end of the month

>> No.2903048

Where did he get arrested?

>> No.2903078

At LA International Airport he says.
Anyway, how come he couldn't contact anyone in japan who could recover the HDD, and send it to some other staffmember.
If he was indeed in jail, it's quite probable that wasn't the most important stuff in his mind, but while he was released he probably had the opportunity to call a japanese whoever on, to help him in recover the script.
What do you folks think that he is going to persevere with the fantranslation, despite MG?

>> No.2903082

>had to stay away for anime and manga
lol que?

>> No.2903085

What's next? Aliens came and stole his HDD?

>> No.2903092

I meant from*.
Lo siento mucho.

>> No.2903093

At LA int. airport.

>> No.2903095

Yeah fucking right. If this isn't bullshit, I don't know what is.

>> No.2903102

inb4 he gets hold of the computer in 2011 and it gets lost in the airport

>> No.2903113

I didn't even notice that error before I replied.
But would terms of parole really specifically prohibit one from enjoying animu/mango?

>> No.2903114
File: 49 KB, 848x480, nyun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2903170

No, he will probably receive his computer (if he ever receives it) and then the HDD will have a TRAGIC HEADCRASH AND NO DATA CAN BE RESCUED unless we all donate money.

>> No.2903204

dont joke around maybe he really was jailed i fell sorry for him

>> No.2903243

I'm calling bullshit on this. I have travelled through several countries with a couple of lolicon doujinshi on my hand and nobody ever complained. I've even read them in planes and on trains.

>> No.2903331

You're awesome. Has anyone ever asked you about it? Customs, passers-by, or otherwise?

>> No.2903358

Easiest way to prove bullshit or not is have him offer up a court number, date, place, etc. That should be public knowledge/jurisdiction anyway.

>> No.2903364
File: 40 KB, 400x442, CANADA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a moron.

>> No.2903408

It's obvious bullshit. Every time someone gets arrested for lolicon it's big news in the anime community. We would've heard about it.

>> No.2903553

Still no news from the Twins on future plans from Higurashi or their response from MangaGamer.

>> No.2903597

raidy 2? awesome

>> No.2903629
File: 378 KB, 2056x1800, rebublic of Cyprus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>New site, trying to be like MangaGamer
>Only games from Underlip thus far, and they are all free trials (so take a look), and uncensored. They say that they have multiple companies "We, at HgameZ.net, made exclusive contracts with major manufacturers of Bishoujo/Hentai games in Japan."
>Located in the Republic of Cyprus

I wonder what the laws there are like (map has location of said country)

>> No.2903694

ANN Higurashi story


>The MangaGamer.com company has announced at the Anime Expo convention in Los Angeles this weekend that it has licensed the rights to translate 07th Expansion's Higurashi: When They Cry (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni) suspense horror visual novel franchise. According to the company, the license includes the first eight personal computer games, which 07th Expansion calls "sound novels." MangaGamer.com plans to release the first part of the series at the end of October, followed by next one about two months later.

>The game series inspired two television anime series, several video anime projects, two live-action films, and manga adaptations by several artists. Funimation has taken over North American distribution of the first Higurashi television series from Geneon Entertainment, but no announcement has been made yet of future Higurashi anime licenses in the region. Yen Press publishes one of the manga adaptations in North America.

Key line in there
>MangaGamer.com plans to release the first part of the series at the end of October, followed by next one about two months later.

>> No.2903723

That puts the second release at the end of the year.

I would be fine getting a KiraKira level translation at the end of the year, beats getting a Sonozaki twins level release within 7 years (no offense to the twins)

>> No.2903754

ANN also did a story on NitroPlus/Jast

>> No.2903887


I hope all the big anime news places do stories on the Higurashi games. They need all the publicity they can get

>> No.2903924

Just sent an email to HgameZ. I didn't have much to work on, but if I get any useful info I'll post it.

>> No.2903927 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming your shitty board on the best site:

>hhng gdgvjh fnhjjgssmjjmfodlf kv vkgglgnf

>> No.2904013
File: 44 KB, 744x429, HgameZ search.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HgameZ on site search (only Underlip listed under Manufacturer, only adventure listed under genre)

Surprised to see some of those searches, such as

Also, it seems like each and every theme that the EOCS wants to stop is listed.

>> No.2904054


So one should expect loli rape games from them

>> No.2904059 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming your shitty board on the best site:

>d p cg f fsnnnfknfhmgsmgy ggjg mymjm iof omlg g p gg

>> No.2904079

>Also, it seems like each and every theme that the EOCS wants to stop is listed.
so in other words HgameZ will probably be the one to release all the hardcore eroge while Mangagamer and Jast focus more on story driven VN's

>> No.2904093

yeah, there is a surprising amount of similarities between the two

From the Legal Information section
># This User Agreement has been made in and shall be construed and enforced in accordance with Dutch Law. Any action to enforce this agreement shall be brought in the Amsterdam courts located in The Netherlands.

>> No.2904111

From that search, one can conclude whoever is behind this knows something about the English eroge audience.

>> No.2904120

>Also, it seems like each and every theme that the EOCS wants to stop is listed.
it seems that plan has actually forced the eroge industry to take an interest in the western fandom in order to survive.

>> No.2904124 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming your shitty board on the best site:

> fhcg mff d lhpdfg gn s lgmv hhh gdg

>> No.2904127

That's an odd way of looking at it. If they can only sell it to foreigners, then...

But isn't that bad, considering we don't pay for things like the Japanese do?

>> No.2904140

>But isn't that bad, considering we don't pay for things like the Japanese do?
eroge popularity will be on the rise for buyfags once the more popular titles are released though

>> No.2904278

>But isn't that bad, considering we don't pay for things like the Japanese do?

I have paid for things before (KiraKira, YMK, Kana, Ever17), but I would never pay for something called Nurse Call Fuck or Teacher's in class gang Rape

>> No.2904285

>eroge popularity will be on the rise for buyfags once the more popular titles are released though

Only a few posting about it, but take a look at the attitude of the buy fags in the ANN Higurashi story. I am guessing there will be a similar attitude towards Shuffle.

>> No.2904366 [DELETED] 

From the HgameZ website, not sure what to make of this. It seemed to be saying "everyone is over 18", but I am not sure what the second part is for then


* Inquiry
* About DRM
* About Us
* About 2257
* Legal Info.
* Links

About 2257


By virtue of their locale the producers of the adult entertainment contained in this website do not fall under the jurisdiction of American law. The producers of this website have taken it upon themselves to voluntarily comply with United States law concerning 18 United States Code 2257 and 28 Consolidated Federal Regulations Part 75 in order to assure those that are bound by these United States laws and regulations, that all visual depictions displayed on this website, whether of actual sexually explicit conduct, simulated sexual conduct or otherwise, are visual depictions of persons who were at least 18 years of age when those visual depictions were created. Government issued photographic identification confirming the foregoing is held by the Custodian of Records listed below. Such identification may or may not have been issued by the state or federal government of the USA.

>All other visual depictions displayed on this website are exempt from 18 USC 2257 and 28 CFR 75 (if such visual depictions were subject to that law) because such visual depictions are not visual depictions of conduct specifically listed in 18 USC Sections 2256 (2)(A) to (2)(D), but are merely depictions of non-sexually explicit nudity or are depictions of simulated sexual conduct or otherwise exempt because the visual depictions were created before July 3, 1995.


>> No.2904369

From the HgameZ website, not sure what to make of this. It seemed to be saying "everyone is over 18", but I am not sure what the second part is for then

>By virtue of their locale the producers of the adult entertainment contained in this website do not fall under the jurisdiction of American law. The producers of this website have taken it upon themselves to voluntarily comply with United States law concerning 18 United States Code 2257 and 28 Consolidated Federal Regulations Part 75 in order to assure those that are bound by these United States laws and regulations, that all visual depictions displayed on this website, whether of actual sexually explicit conduct, simulated sexual conduct or otherwise, are visual depictions of persons who were at least 18 years of age when those visual depictions were created. Government issued photographic identification confirming the foregoing is held by the Custodian of Records listed below. Such identification may or may not have been issued by the state or federal government of the USA.

>All other visual depictions displayed on this website are exempt from 18 USC 2257 and 28 CFR 75 (if such visual depictions were subject to that law) because such visual depictions are not visual depictions of conduct specifically listed in 18 USC Sections 2256 (2)(A) to (2)(D), but are merely depictions of non-sexually explicit nudity or are depictions of simulated sexual conduct or otherwise exempt because the visual depictions were created before July 3, 1995.


>> No.2904374

means if they screw up and character is really under 18 they are lol sorry didn't know.

>> No.2904380

It's basically saying that it's games are untouchable by american law but all characters are 18+ just to be safe.

>> No.2904463

Well finally i'll be able to play higurashi, without waiting more 10 years that is

>> No.2904515

[ ] Not told
[ ] Pending

>> No.2904561

Wouldn't more exposure to these sex romp games mean we could get them banned in America?

Everything comes apart if that happens.

>> No.2904568



>> No.2904596

3 Visual Novel stories on ANN in one day now.


>> No.2904603

They could still get banned from sale in America.

Not that it'll stop anyone with half a wit and the internet.

>> No.2904846

Been an awesome week for visual novel news

>> No.2904916

You can't ban things like this in the US.

>> No.2905047 [DELETED] 

Game descriptions from HgameZ
Teacher's in class gang Rape
>I'll teach you everything. Teenaged boys don't think of anything but sex. Teehee, look how big you are already...so just let me give you my special sex lessons. Toko Kurami is a school teacher who often jumps to conclusions. She's so devoted to her job that when faced with her students' overactive sex drives, she thinks, "I've got to do something about it!" and decides to give them private lessons! Today yet another boy has come to her for counselling. He keeps glancing at her large breasts and blushing. "All
right...I'll show you what to do."

Sex & Friend
>When his wish came true and he finally got to have sex with his neighbor...just one or two rounds wasn't enough to satisfy the long-pent-up emotions!
>Whenever their eyes met, whenever their hands touched...over and over again they made love.
>Masaki had known Mitsuru Ebina since they were little.
>The rumor at school was that they were going out.
>But in reality, they were always at each other's throats.
>Even so...Mitsuru was getting prettier each year, and Masaki couldn't help but notice.
>Then one day she came to give him a love letter one of the other girls had asked her to give him.
>Masaki had mixed feelings, but Mitsuru was as blunt as ever. And then he told her how he felt.
>As she hesitated, he kissed her, but rather than resist, she accepted him...

>> No.2905049

Game descriptions from HgameZ
Teacher's in class gang Rape
>I'll teach you everything. Teenaged boys don't think of anything but sex. Teehee, look how big you are already...so just let me give you my special sex lessons. Toko Kurami is a school teacher who often jumps to conclusions. She's so devoted to her job that when faced with her students' overactive sex drives, she thinks, "I've got to do something about it!" and decides to give them private lessons! Today yet another boy has come to her for counselling. He keeps glancing at her large breasts and blushing. "All right...I'll show you what to do."

Sex & Friend
>When his wish came true and he finally got to have sex with his neighbor...just one or two rounds wasn't enough to satisfy the long-pent-up emotions!
>Whenever their eyes met, whenever their hands touched...over and over again they made love.
>Masaki had known Mitsuru Ebina since they were little.
>The rumor at school was that they were going out.
>But in reality, they were always at each other's throats.
>Even so...Mitsuru was getting prettier each year, and Masaki couldn't help but notice.
>Then one day she came to give him a love letter one of the other girls had asked her to give him.
>Masaki had mixed feelings, but Mitsuru was as blunt as ever. And then he told her how he felt.
>As she hesitated, he kissed her, but rather than resist, she accepted him...

>> No.2905053 [DELETED] 

Nurse Call Fuck
>I was on the night shift again.
>I was planning on having sex with a cute patient, but...that nurse call made me realize my true calling as a cum receptacle.
>Yuki Mikami is a nurse at the general hospital.
>People say nurses are angels, but it's a tough job.
In order to destress, she likes to have sex with cute male patients.
>Tonight she's on the night shift again, and she gives a tender blowjob to a boy she'd eyed earlier.
>Then she teaches him all about women and takes his virginity.
>But then one night a group of patients surround her.
"That's not fair! We want a turn, too!" It turned out the rumors about her were true.

>> No.2905058

Nurse Call Fuck
>I was on the night shift again.
>I was planning on having sex with a cute patient, but...that nurse call made me realize my true calling as a cum receptacle.
>Yuki Mikami is a nurse at the general hospital.
>People say nurses are angels, but it's a tough job.
>In order to destress, she likes to have sex with cute male patients.
>Tonight she's on the night shift again, and she gives a tender blowjob to a boy she'd eyed earlier.
>Then she teaches him all about women and takes his virginity.
>But then one night a group of patients surround her.
>"That's not fair! We want a turn, too!" It turned out the rumors about her were true.

>> No.2905066

>I was planning on having sex with a cute patient, but...that nurse call made me realize my true calling as a cum receptacle.

...What the fuck?

>> No.2905074

Ah yes, the dreaded nurse call, turns pure angels into cock gobblers. Truly horrific. They should do something about it.

>> No.2905087

I'm hoping we get an official translation of Chaos;Head and Saya, just because.

>> No.2905114

Hey this reminds me of the Mana animation.

>> No.2905125

but they already did.

hahaha, oh wow.

Besides that, we already got the two translated. This is no Anime, i am not paying money for something that i already got translated.

>> No.2905138

I just want an official translation. Sort of like saying, Hey guess what, Saya no Uta is officially part of the American VN movement.

>> No.2905139

Haha, the description for Sex & Friend made way more sense than its ingame text.

I had a feeling that whoever translated that doesn't know Japanese and just machine translated it.

>> No.2905149

Maybe if they translate NOAH

>> No.2905174

>American VN movement.

Bound to fail. Anime worked because people love Naruto and Bleach. Or whatever else is popular.
I myself think VN > Manga > Anime.
But reading something with pictures? Can't imagine how this should work out.

>> No.2905175

As if MangaGamer aren't losing enough money already.

>> No.2905185

I think it's pretty unlikely for both - Saya is probably too fucked up and easy fodder for more western outrage, while noah is on a console

>> No.2905195

American and European wapanese almost all have ADD, I'm pretty sure. I personally don't really bother with anime anymore and I spend most of my NEET time on visual novels and actual novels, but I think people like me constitute something like 1% of the wapanese population.

>> No.2905220

Which is a shame really. If Americans read more, they might just be a bit smarter.
VN>Anime~Manga for me

>> No.2905264

It's their loss really. Why do you think /jp/ stays relative untouched with faggotry while places like /a/ gets flooded with gaia and CR shit.
People want things fast, cheap, easy to figure out and served straight to their feet.
As much as i hate CR, it was a genius move. Which is why that could never happen to VN, because of the already stated reasons. Can't imagine someone sitting down 40 hours to read something like Umineko or Clannad.

>> No.2905645
File: 91 KB, 800x600, 800px-Hoofddorp_Station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2905685

NOAH is being fan translated. Yes that means it's being backported from X360 to the PC.

>> No.2905701

what the hell is CR?

>> No.2905764

Crunchyroll.com . It's a website that makes the effort of watching anime = zero. Basically like youtube but is a community of young un's.

>> No.2905771

I have purchased KiraKira from Manga Gamer, but for HgameZ I wouldn't touch them even if they released perfect translations for something like Muv Luv

From the FAQ
># Download the game within one week from your purchase date.
>You are limited to activate your game up to five times with the same ID due to the copy right protection.
>The activation expires if

> * OS is re-installed
> * any file which is related to the game is deleted
> * any file which is related to the game is moved
> * the hardware configuration is changed

I am not happy about, but will accept everything except the "download in a week part".

>> No.2905772

>Basically like youtube but is a community of young un's.
So, it's basically like youtube.

>> No.2906484

So if you lose the data, you are out of luck?

Fuck that.

>> No.2906591
File: 773 KB, 1024x768, Hoofddorp-Floriande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2906609

When VNs have voices do they use new VAs for the English versions?

>> No.2906619

No, they can't afford to hire new VAs.

>> No.2907018

Surprised nothing more from the Higurashi twins yet. I can't see them working with MangaGamer though (1 year for 1 arc, and MangaGamer wants 8 arcs done this year, half in late october and then the rest 2 months later.)

>> No.2907061 [DELETED] 

I took the following from the encubed forums, which was originally taken from somewhere on the Higurashi translation project site

>However, it turns out that we didn't really need their permission or official recognition to do this project. We found out from chronotrig, at the Witch Hunt Umineko translation project, that they actually consider translation groups like ours to be doing 'derivative works' (二次創作). They address groups who do such works at the top of the FAQ (よくある質問) page at the 07th-Expansion website. I suggest you check the original Japanese more carefully for the details, but in short Ryuukishi07 is allowing anyone to make derivative works based on his characters and story setting, within reason (he references an infamous Pokemon doujishi as an example of going too far). So long as you "do it with love" and take responsibility for what you produce as ultimately YOUR product and not theirs, they don't mind.

>> No.2907066

I took the following from the encubed forums, which was originally taken from somewhere on the Higurashi translation project site. Know that this is from well before MangaGamer's announcement.

>However, it turns out that we didn't really need their permission or official recognition to do this project. We found out from chronotrig, at the Witch Hunt Umineko translation project, that they actually consider translation groups like ours to be doing 'derivative works' (二次創作). They address groups who do such works at the top of the FAQ (よくある質問) page at the 07th-Expansion website. I suggest you check the original Japanese more carefully for the details, but in short Ryuukishi07 is allowing anyone to make derivative works based on his characters and story setting, within reason (he references an infamous Pokemon doujishi as an example of going too far). So long as you "do it with love" and take responsibility for what you produce as ultimately YOUR product and not theirs, they don't mind.

>> No.2907288

So umm the Higurashi games. Is it going to be the PS2 version, because I think that would be better.

>> No.2907292

No, the original.

>> No.2907327

can someone confirm the raidy 2 release date plz

>> No.2907355

Fuck well this totally sucks now.

>> No.2907425

>he references an infamous Pokemon doujishi as an example of going too far
What's this going too far? The protagonist being necroraped by a huge pokemon with shit everywhere?

>> No.2907464

are you implying ps2 version is better?? fuck off back to /v/

>> No.2907476

It is a godsend, as original art is superior. Anyone who wants the PS2 art is a giant faggot.

>> No.2907485

I'll never understand people who like shit things (like Ryukishi's art) just to be niche and cool.

>> No.2907489

No, really. It just takes time getting used to. Sorry not everything has to have bland, generic art for it to be of high quality.

>> No.2907492

I'm used to his art from Umineko. That doesn't mean that it's good and that I wouldn't change it for better art if I could.

Generic art > flat out shit art

>> No.2907503

Because having gigantic hands and disproportionate body shapes totally shows artistic value m i rite!? Go back to art class, fags.

>> No.2907504

Comparing his Higurashi and Umineko art is not a very valid comparison, as I'm sure you can agree that he improved with Umineko's art. Which isn't to say Higurashi's original art is bad. It has a unique style and feel to it that is lost when it's replaced by generic art. Same with the original music and CGs. I prefer that the game be left perfectly intact, not bastardized to appeal to a wider audience.

>> No.2907506

Actually, you should go back to art class because obviously you have no understanding about the value of art or what makes good art.

>> No.2907516

>>Which isn't to say Higurashi's original art is bad
It was.
And unlike the PS2 version that had a lot of CGs, the original of Higurashi only had 1 CG.

>> No.2907518

And you do because... Oh that's right, NOTHING! Now put up or shut up.

>> No.2907527

I laughed, come back again some time.

>> No.2907532

>more CGs = better game
Haha, flawless logic there.

>> No.2907543

>I have nothing to back up what I'm saying and instead I'll say a NO U post to keep some of my dignity.

Fixed it for you fag.

>> No.2907892

CGs are always a plus.

>> No.2908107
File: 46 KB, 480x606, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2908358

At otakon, I know MangaGamer will have a booth, and I believe Jast will as well, but I don't believe either have panels.

>> No.2908561

Still no response from either HgameZ or MangaGamer...

>> No.2908700


Hopefully they need to use this quite often
