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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2899791 No.2899791 [Reply] [Original]

what's the difference between /a/ and /jp/?

>> No.2899799

Mean age and post quality.
/jp/ is from a different "generation" of posters than today's /a/.

Incidentally, metathreads are not allowed.

>> No.2899800


Have a nice 02:36!

>> No.2899805

Are you setting up a joke, or is this a real question?

>> No.2899804

The first is about Japanese anime and manga, the second is about everything Japanese that's not anime and manga.

>> No.2899802

/jp/ is super elitist.

>> No.2899803


>> No.2899808

/jp/ is less shit than /a/

>> No.2899814

/a/ isn't shitty enough to be overwhelmed by bots like Japanese Bird Cooking Spaghetti, Dawson, Japanese Train, Snowed In Japanese Train Station, Japanese House and the occasional spam bot, to name a few.

>> No.2899826
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>> No.2899830

If you post cp in /a/ you get banned, but if you post it on /jp/ the system automatically detects it and makes the thumbnail into a picture of a Japanese bird making spaghetti.

>> No.2899840

/a/ has more of a population. Because of this, /a/ moves faster than /jp/. Because of this, the quality of posts are reduced more and more.

People fall too easily to trolls and give too much attention to the wrong people on /a/ (not that this isn't done here either, but moreso in /a/).

Because of this, /a/ is overpopulated by trolls. Current /a/ consists of new people who adapted to the posting style of other new people. Because of this, the community has changed drastically over time.

Most newcomers go to /a/ first before they think of heading to /jp/. Because of this, most people who post on /jp/ aren't from the newer generation (yet).

/jp/ isn't exclusively about anime and manga, even if you see the occasional anime thread here or there. /jp/ is a branch from past /a/.

Those are just quick points I jotted down, I don't care if they don't make clean, linear sections.

tl;dr - /jp/ = Shit
/a/ = Shit
But you'll be addicted to one or the other so who cares.

>> No.2899841
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/jp/ is a bulwark of the free world

>> No.2899849
File: 39 KB, 640x480, [CoalGuys] K-ON! - 03 [ADB7C123]1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I got a joke for you.

What's the difference between peanut butter and jam?

>> No.2899857

I never knew that.

>> No.2899865

/a/ - 15 year old kids discussing Naruto, Bleach and making stupid unfunny ramdon threads.

>> No.2899867

You know that only works because moot has a copy of every single cp image on the internet.

>> No.2899868

Give it a try, you'll see it yourself.

>> No.2899871

>/a/ and /jp/
>peanut butter and jam

One of each pair looks and tastes like shit

>> No.2899872

/a/ high quantity of aids
/jp/ high concentration of aids

>> No.2899881

I don't know. I enjoy both peanut butter and jam. Of course, I usually dislike any other form of peanuts, but the peanut butter is fine.

>> No.2899890


/jp/ - 25 year old virgins discussing Morning Musume, Touhou and making stupid unfunny random threads revolving around unfunny memes such as "Sanae is a slut" and "Alice leaks poop".

>> No.2899892

God Tier: honey
Mid Tier: jam
Low Tier: peanut butter
Shit Tier: vegemite

>> No.2899901

I take offense to the later half of that statement
actually i'm no virigin but Ill defend them

>> No.2899904

>is a dark brown food paste made from yeast extract
Oh wow. Whatever this Vegemite thing is, it sounds horrible. Thankfully, it's stuck on that prison colony. The only people they have to bother are the Aborigines.

>> No.2899907

So butthurt...

>> No.2899918


I'm a 24 yo virginto be precice

>> No.2899933

why hasn't anyone tried to compare peanutbutter to hitler yet?

>> No.2899948

You're wrong.
I'm 21.

>> No.2899984

Contrary to what you elitists believe, a majority of /a/ hates Naruto and Bleach. It's only a group of people who posts in those threads.

By the way, I post on /a/ and /jp/ equally.

>> No.2900004

I'm not a virgin.
I gave mine to my waifu.

>> No.2900024

>Shit Tier: vegemite
oh you

>> No.2900027

No one cares about Hitler anymore you silly jew.

>> No.2900056

/a/ - 14-15 year old /b/tards and gaiafriends talking about Bleach and Code Geass

/jp/ - 19-25 year old otaku NEETs

>> No.2900097


>> No.2900157

Real man use Mar(i)mite, vegemite is for faggots

>> No.2900455

most of /a watch mainsteam anime like one piece or bleach, most of /jp are into hardcore animes, obscure doujins, and most importantly japanese idols that are less known by westerners. Other things like figures collections or dolls are also /jp stuff, since those are usually very hard to obtain or talk about in the west.

>> No.2900467

Fuck you.

>> No.2900495

/a/ is about people who like fads and being up to date with what's popular and cool so they can feel better about the general weeaboo crowd, not realizing they are what they hate.
/jp/ is about people who dislike fads and like obscure and elitist shit so they can feel better than popular-fags, not realizing that a lot of elitists grouping together means only further hate between each other and fear of obscure shit becoming mainstream.

that's how I see it anyways

>> No.2900595

Fuck yeah, Nutella.

You know what makes a nice sandwich?
Nutella, peanut butter, butter & choc chips.

>> No.2900624

The difference between /a/ and /jp/ - on /a/, old, dead troll threads don't get bumped.
