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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 272 KB, 800x600, slutinbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2898469 No.2898469 [Reply] [Original]

You enter your room and find a nude Sakura lying on your bed. She is breathing heavily and has clearly been masturbating, as you can tell by how wet she is. She looks at you and faintly smiles, then spreads her legs.

"I've been waiting for you. Please make love to me..."

[] Have sex with Sakura
[] Resist her temptations.
[] Call the police, there's an insane slut in your room!

>> No.2898477

[X] Have sex with Sakura
[X] Call the police, there's an insane slut in your room!

>> No.2898483


You did those backwards. You're gonna be dead before they get there now.

>> No.2898492

Reported for /a/.

>> No.2898488

[x] Ignore her.

>> No.2898495


>> No.2898502
File: 279 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 212a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Gate of Babylon.


>> No.2898508

[x] Ignore her.

don't want to catch anything from her

>> No.2898516

[x] Have sex with Sakura
[x] Have sex with Sakura
[x] Have sex with Sakura
[x] Have sex with Sakura
[x] Have sex with Sakura
[x] Have sex with Sakura
[x] Have sex with Sakura
[x] Have sex with Sakura
[x] Have sex with Sakura

>> No.2898519

[X] Have sex with Sakura

>> No.2898523

I really don't think you'll be able to last nine times.

>> No.2898530

[x] Ignore her.

Know your place

>> No.2898546

[x] Have sex with Sakura

Why not, she's cute.

>> No.2898554

[x] Reported.

>> No.2898566

[X] Have sex with Sakura
[X[ Disappoint Sakura

>> No.2898577

[x] Love her tenderly all night. Cook breakfast with her in the morning.

>> No.2898594

>Why not

The fact that you're not the first she's done this to. It's not safe to put your penis in her.

>> No.2898616 [DELETED] 

>"I've been waiting for you. Please make love to me..."

[x] Genuflect
[x] Run around scared briefly.
[x] Get shot into the water by an errant fireball by your own Priestess.
[x] Die, because nothing can swim. Nothing.

>> No.2898638

>"I've been waiting for you. Please make love to me..."

[x] Genuflect
[x] Run around scared briefly.
[x] Get shot into the water by an errant fireball by your own Shaman.
[x] Die, because nothing can swim. Nothing.

>> No.2898664


>> No.2898672

[x] Mind of Steel

>> No.2898704
File: 66 KB, 800x600, maidsakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2898736


DO IT, FAGGOT. No excuses.

>> No.2898760

But I don't want to catch the penis worms.

>> No.2898773

[x] Get on 4chan and ask /jp/.

>> No.2898774

[x] Have sex with Sakura with Rance's sex theme playing in the background

>> No.2898777

[X] Thundershock

>> No.2898782

[x]Tell her to get out because I want to use the room to have sex with Saber.

>> No.2898787
File: 62 KB, 641x456, 1207192561606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have chosen... wisely.

>> No.2898795

Looking pretty pimp there, Shiki.

>> No.2898798


There are 3 men.

>> No.2898805

I'll bite.

Roa as Ciel I get. Why is Arcueid male?

>> No.2898806

1 man, 1 woman that has the sexual instincts and memories of a man, 1 true ancestor woman thing that has the potential existence of a man thing.

>> No.2898808


Crimson Moon.

>> No.2898864

...Somebody remind me again why we aren't getting Elesia instead of Yet Another Fucking Akiha.

>> No.2898909

Sakura loves you more than Saber. Why would you turn her away?

>> No.2898915

Because Akiha is best.

>> No.2898922


I love Akiha.

>> No.2898934

[X] Eat a bag of dicks

>> No.2898935

[X] Use my Command Spell to summon Rider. 3-way incoming.

>> No.2898936

[x] Kick her slutty ass because she left her slut juice all over my nice, clean sheets.


>> No.2898958

Ask her what she means, as she lost me.

>> No.2898960
File: 16 KB, 286x200, django.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Kill her before she spreads any diseases.

>> No.2898993

She wants you to put your ponos to her vagooo and jam it in.

>> No.2899042

Ponos? Vagoo??

I'm only 10, what would I know of such things?!

>> No.2899047

Stop coming to our nice board and fagging it up with your Turdchan spam:

>ynjholhghgmgd oyf hhfljhgfn sg sifcdgcngff j hsc

>> No.2899109 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 753x800, sakurafish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After sex, Sakura makes dinner.

It's fish

>> No.2899112

Rider suddenly appears and kill you.

>> No.2899129

She won't kill you if you seduce her first!

>> No.2899132

Damn it, Sakura, that was supposed to be for all of us.

>> No.2899137

A Sakura end would actually be a depression end. You can screw her over and over every day, but after you feel like something is lacking, at first you barely notice this feeling deep down because she can do a really good blowjob. But as time wears on, you realize that having a doormat girl who never challenges you is boring.

If you got rejected by Rin, Sakura is like the living cute masturbation toy you go to numb the pain.

>> No.2899145

>A Sakura end would actually be a depression end. You can screw her over and over every day, but after you feel like something is lacking, at first you barely notice this feeling deep down because she can do a really good blowjob. But as time wears on, you realize that having a doormat girl who never challenges you is boring.

Basically, like HF normal end but with sex.

>> No.2899189

I tend to think of Sakura as a bit of a yandere, so it wouldn't be boring at all.
There's probably be a lot of tension between her and Rin, just like in the HF end. One could play this off for years to get aggressive, angry sex.
Plus, she's basically a perfect sex fiend waifu.

>> No.2899199

>If you got rejected by Rin

There's no "if" about it, Anonymous. ;_;

>> No.2900160
File: 156 KB, 476x677, 1224110328596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a slut hungers, you give her what she wants.
