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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 461 KB, 600x839, 1237183400980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2897326 No.2897326 [Reply] [Original]

All women should be dressed like this. I don't care if this is sexist or not, I just want the women in this world to have class.

>> No.2897330

Saying that while you have a ramen-coated anime shirt on isn't going to impress anyone.

>> No.2897345

I don't want women to be dressed like that. It's over the top and not functional.

I wat to dress like that myself ;_;

>> No.2897363

Which one? All women should be dressed as classy 19th century men?

>> No.2897362

So when is Count Pacula going to finish translating this?

>> No.2897364


>> No.2897375

This is how I will dress if I were the little girl.

>> No.2897381

It's ironic that /jp/, a board comprised entirely of unemployed, morbidly obese neckbeards who defecate into their underwear, has pretenses of aesthetic consciousness.

>> No.2897389


It's like Beethoven was a great composer because he was deaf. /jp/ has a great sense of culture and aesthetics because we are shut ins.

>> No.2897397

Fashion always comes in circles. One day dresses will return.

One day. ;_;

>> No.2897418

I lol'd

>> No.2897423
File: 584 KB, 1915x1109, 1240327022084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish suits made a comeback as everyday wear for guys....and that noone is considered properly dressed without a hat.

>> No.2897510

>It's like Beethoven was a great composer because he was deaf.

Beethoven was a great composer because he was naturally gifted, had been practicing hours each day since his earliest years and was an excellent, excellent businessman, a quality often lacking in artists (ie; Mozart). He wasn't a great composer because he was deaf.

>/jp/ has a great sense of culture and aesthetics because we are shut ins.

Look in the mirror and say that again with a straight face.

>> No.2897515

You don't learn culture and aesthetics from going outside. Look at the behavior and dress of the modern man, that's not culture.

>> No.2897521


We do appreciate frilly dresses and most of us enjoy classical music and tea. That's pretty up there in classy shit. We shun plebian music like rap and hip hop. We hate how modern fashion has taken the turn of the slut. I mean fuck, whores back in the victorian era dressed better than girls do now.

>> No.2897576

Not posting any pictures of 3D girls in dresses makes your argument unconvincing.

>> No.2897603

A lot of girls would like to dress like that. However, holy shit expensive.

>> No.2897618

Not just the upfront price of the dress either. It has to be cleaned too. You can't just put something like that in a washing machine. That shit has to be dry-cleaned.

>> No.2897627

>most of us enjoy classical music

Compare the number of classical music threads to the number of j-pop threads.

>> No.2897640

Why can't people enjoy both? Classical music isn't related to /jp/ in the first place so isn't talked about.

>> No.2897643

Dry cleaning in the 19th century?

>> No.2897644

Classical music isn't /jp/ because most of it's western.

>> No.2897646

That's because the same four people keep spamming those morning thingamagiggies, we don't actually like that.

>> No.2897648

J-pop threads are all posted by outsiders, /jp/ regulars don't talk about their interests, which is why there is such a limited range of topics. On the bright side, we aren't randum XD.

>> No.2897651

There are far more classical music threads. I don't know why /jp/ keeps having them, but they fit. Unless you're counting idol threads as music threads, but I'm pretty sure nobody in those actually listens to the music.

>> No.2897662 [DELETED] 

Oh sorry. I forgot to mention you can spend and hour or so hand-washing it if you prefer.

>> No.2897665

Oh sorry. I forgot to mention you can spend an hour or so hand-washing it if you prefer.

>> No.2897669

Oh boy, ANOTHER thread with /jp/ users complaining about women! This is so Japan/General related!

I'd rather have you posting about how much you want to bang your little sister, or which Touhou character you would let piss in your mouth. Don't you feel embarrased of yourselves? All of you who post in these threads are a bunch of assholes who can't shut up about the women hate so much but won't give a chance to show you they are different than what you think of them. You make me sick.

Just go back to /r9k/ already. Fucking reported.

>> No.2897677

We can switch over to alpha male hate, if you prefer. It's all the same to me.

>> No.2897684

80% of this thread consists of people saying the OP is a dumbass.

>> No.2897686

You talk as if we are actually against that idea.
Everybody wants to be dressed as a fabulous gentleman here.

>> No.2897719

I am dressed as a fabulous gentleman.
Reaction got cristallized when someone said I was born 70 ago and was recently unfrozen.

>> No.2897731


When I wore my suit on the first day of college, everyone thought I was some stuffy nerd. Fuck those modernist whores.

>> No.2897759

check GQ magazine. all they talk about is suits, ties, preppy polo wear and $500 Italian leather shoes.

>> No.2897764
File: 91 KB, 366x564, 7f1e6c3ee6804ebca51f044d9abe3ac5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women should wear suits! Women in suits are fucking hot, goddamn!

>> No.2897770

Women should wear suits or dresses. They should also marry eachother.

>> No.2897772

>a board comprised entirely of unemployed, morbidly obese neckbeards

oh ho ho

>> No.2897782
File: 142 KB, 500x708, e2d12b669b7bb8ba93a52df44944b1bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at Saber in Fate/zero! Hot damn, Seiba in a suit!

>> No.2897795

I'd rather have the women I like become lesbians than fuck with other men.

>> No.2897802

Get out of my /jp/, you normalfaggot. This board is NEET only.

>> No.2898170

All women should be the major.

>> No.2898183

Same here.. same here..

>> No.2898195
File: 44 KB, 425x650, 1206485881968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yes

>> No.2898209


im tired of seeing pig disgusting 3d whores walking around in short shorts. especially the fat and ugly ones - srsly, wat are they trying to show?

>> No.2898219

Just because you have high self-esteem doesn't mean it's actually warranted.

>> No.2898220

What he was trying to say is that he's actually quite skinny.

>> No.2898221

Like there's a difference between fat neckbeards and skinny ones.

>> No.2898239
File: 54 KB, 400x299, wow-gamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All women should be dressed like this. I don't care if this is sexist or not, I just want the women in this world to have class.

>> No.2898310

Would they really look any better in dresses?

>> No.2898327

The legacy of feminism is the death of femininity.

>> No.2898435

I wish women could just be women, instead of either feminists, whores or mothers

>> No.2898549


>> No.2898646

Could a woman tell a man about what it means to be masculine?

>> No.2898658


>> No.2899420

Sure are lots of wimmens here.

>> No.2899440

They do all the time.

>> No.2901101

Actually the way women dress nowadays is considerably more sexist, they just don't realise it. I'd like if there was at least enough diversity to make seeing women in dresses possible. When you got proper goth and hippie chicks going around and the "artsy" overlap in between, you got a lot more pretty dresses. Now it's all bullshit tacky scene kids.
