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File: 19 KB, 170x170, 1245497553641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2895988 No.2895988 [Reply] [Original]

Most horrifying Nasuverse moment/character.

Originally I would have said everything about Wallachia, but we as a fanbase have reduced him from nightmare fuel unleaded to a complete joke. So I put it as a die between Nero's Hotel of Nightmares (manga version) and Dead End 1 of FSN.

Honorable mention goes to Kohaku's Ultra Happy Diary Of Fun and Sakura making Rin experience life at the Matou household.

>> No.2895995

Obviously a typo, but it's fitting.

>> No.2896015

For me nothing quite has the shock value of Roa's first appearance in Tsukihime. Nero gave the impression that rather than standard horror it was an action romance. And then OH GOD BANDAGED PSYCHO FROM NOWHERE!

>> No.2896027

Would somebody remind me of what happened in that Dead End?

>> No.2896025
File: 21 KB, 640x452, Ohshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caster Test-tube baby end always creeped the fuck out of me.
As for Tsukihime, Ac snapping made me shit my pants more so than other moment , what with her sliding in her pool of blood and her descriptions of mutilating you. Good use of red text

>> No.2896033
File: 428 KB, 1024x768, 1244311924472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let fanon ruin your perception of Wallachia. He's still got to be the craziest, most HAX Nasuvillain revealed in an actual story as of yet.

>> No.2896037

There's really nothing particularly horrifying in F/sn or Tsukihime, unless you count bad ends with gruesome descriptions (the one in F/sn where Berserker cuts you apart and then Ilya takes home your head comes to mind).

>> No.2896046

Berserker makes you a mangled piece of a human, and Ilya takes you home and sustains your conscience so you can be her doll.
Cute and pop genocide of love!

>> No.2896048
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Oh he's still creepy, but honestly after (among other things) THIS image it becomes hard to take him as seriously as a I used to.

>> No.2896049
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>> No.2896053
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Bad ends DEFINITELY count.

>> No.2896056

This. But what really made me put it along the hotel is the music. DIE LORELI (I can't spell).

>> No.2896059
File: 316 KB, 642x481, Nanaya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"So it's the end of the day... we're just gonna get that freaky alley scene again with Shiki killing himself, I guess..."

Then the entire lead up... and then...

Nobody is out here. Everything is ephemeral. Human feeling doesn't exist anymore.

And a nightmare just pops up out of your own shadow, tries very convincingly to cut you to pieces without remorse, and then

wait, where is my head? What? Oh, fuck.

The first time through that whole sequence, I'd only really run into Nanaya Shiki a couple of times, and so nothing really made sense. Then I'm dead.

>> No.2896060
File: 294 KB, 754x1000, 1244512670198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Shiki! I'm a little messy right now.

>> No.2896070
File: 24 KB, 225x321, 8746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killing Chamber end is more awesome than it is scary.

And then there's this motherfucker right here.

>> No.2896085
File: 43 KB, 500x651, 1235874968412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help mAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

>> No.2896088


That the one where Nanaya throws his knife and leaps into the air, landing on Tohno and breaking his neck?

Cause that was more badass than scary.

>> No.2896096
File: 33 KB, 215x400, 1242238563311.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the manga:

"We will now begin Procedure Number WHO GIVES A FUCK, wherein the subjects eyes and organs are all removed from the body."

>> No.2896109

I'm not exactly a Ciel fan, but that scene was still horrifying. Which is impressive considering how much the manga had already managed to increase the OH GOD WHY factor.

>> No.2896114

Wallachia was never frightening, even in Melty Blood.

>> No.2896119 [DELETED] 

Do you want serious brain damage? If not, stop hanging here like a chanturd and instead bookmark the best site on the Web:

> mc f nofl

>> No.2896120
File: 27 KB, 500x498, 1207750086696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wallachia isn't diminished in creepiness because of fan jokes. He's impossible to take seriously for the reason everyone else is in Melty Blood: Keys can beat everything. Except Neko Arc and Neko Arc Chaos, who can't be taken seriously for other reasons.

>> No.2896125
File: 185 KB, 1598x1120, TC41-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess most people will overlook this, but for me it's actually one of the first moments in the story.
I only knew Tsukihime from random threads in /a/, and I had read few VNs like Kana, Come see me Tonight, Wind (Bleh) etc.
So I start, and after seeing the weird prologue and seeing the kid has powers(though would be supernatural drama again), I start the main path. I go to the mansion, and it seems an ideal harem situation.
Thus, you go to school and Arc pops up. Shiki goes into raping mode and I thought 'Oh great, sudden blackness makes me treat women bad yadda yadda'.
And then, he goes to the apartment, cuts her in 17 fucking pieces and almost jizzes his pants.

It took me a good 5 minutes to contemplate and clear the mental image. Perhaps not HORROR, but I was certainly creeped and terrified. And the rest is history.

>> No.2896132

The build up is kind of scary if you're not expecting it, because the first time, they sort of just clash in the alley then KO each other.

This time, fucker emerges from your own shadow in the middle of the street in a really fucked up interpretation of a cityscape. Then proceeds to try to cut you to pieces, with almost nothing you can do to stop it.

Then suddenly you have no head.

>> No.2896136

Same thing with me.

The casual nature with which Arc later addresses how skilled of a killing it was was a surreal little bit too.

>> No.2896137

But it was such a beautiful, perfect murder.

>> No.2896154

Does nobody remember Ciel's route, where Shiki goes all ROA IN BRAIN and actually jacks of ON Kohaku WHILE STRANGLING HER? The sole thing that annoyed me about the Ciel ends as I saw them was why this was never brought up again. You'd think she'd have mentioned it.


>> No.2896158

Kohaku walking into Shiki's impersonating Hisui, drugging the shit out of him and ranting about their past.

It's always the smile that gets me.

>> No.2896183 [DELETED] 

This was pretty much my reaction exactly.

>> No.2896186

You don't jack off onto her! You make love to her tenderly!

Just without asking first.

>> No.2896188

Fortunatly, we now know that all Shiki did was ejaculate on some doll.

>> No.2896194

Well "make love to tenderly" is a well known synonym for "choke a bitch."

>> No.2896231
File: 93 KB, 369x420, Sasuke_Portrait_by_Nick_Ian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanaya: Isn't about time you raped that special someone?

>> No.2896410

Actually, he didn't land on Shiki. Nanaya threw the knife, then leapt over him. While he was above Shiki, he shifted his body so he was upside down, grabbed Shiki's head, and TWISTED it off cleanly with his bare hands before landing on his feet. He might have been holding the severed head in his hands afterwards.

Kyokushi: Nanaya is the most awesome move ever.

>> No.2896468

Kinda amazing being able to somersault jump towards someone at the same speed that a knife going fast enough to take out your organs from your body

>> No.2896601

Well, that's their specialty. They are all Captain America clones, due to the supernatural power running through their veins.

>> No.2896606

And unlike America's drugs and serums, Japan does it in a natural way.
Glorious Nippon, with the power of Incestuous bloodlines!

>> No.2896616

'I voluntarily participated in dangerous experiments in order to better serve my country during perilous times and help put an end to a disastrous war'
'My father fucked his daughter'

>> No.2896646

More like my father, who was also my uncle, married his sister, who was also his own aunt, who are descended from my great-grandfather and my grandmother.

Jesus Christ, where am I.

>> No.2896655

It sorta makes you wonder. The Nanaya blood makes Shiki go a little crazy every time he senses something that's not human.

So, would the Nanaya blood also give him a raging erection if he were to see a blood-related female relative?

>> No.2896661

Most impossible move, ever. Even if you flipped above someone, there's not enough leverage to twist off their head with one hand.

You'd have to leap onto their body, put them in some kind of vice hold with your legs, and leverage against their body itself to rip their head off before they fell over.

Which would be pretty cool, too.

I'd hit them in the chest with my knife, somehow ninja-leap onto their shoulders and grab their head, then pull out my own knife from their chest and lop their head off. Then leap off before the body lost its balance.

Shit would be so Nanaya.

>> No.2896718

First off, Nanaya uses both hands. Secondly, he's crazy strong. I mean, he can cut people to pieces with Nanaya-Yoru, and he DOESN'T have the Mystic Eyes to help him do that.

>> No.2896739

It's not just strength.
His papa dismembered people with a metal drumstick.
It's an art that normal humans cannot imitate(even if you know where the joints are, using just a knife or even a cleaver would take you 7+ hours to dismember a body)

>> No.2896745
File: 29 KB, 646x512, One-Hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you used two, you don't have enough leverage to completely rip off someone's head, disconnecting all the muscles and tissues, in mid-air with no leverage.

It's hax, pure and simple.

>> No.2896755

That's bull, use an axe, the chop chop gets done in half an hour, tops.

>> No.2896758

Yeah, Kiri did that sort of thing once, but at least he had leverage from the ground and from the table, so it makes a LITTLE bit more sense.

>> No.2896760 [DELETED] 

Come on, using an axe, the chop chop gets done in at most half an hour.

>> No.2896766

lol no, it would take a few minutes with a cleaver if you knew how all the joints worked. what the hell do you think humans are made out of?

>> No.2896783

Axes are damn heavy and more easily bypass tough shit like bone, that's why I said knee, maybe cleaver. If you want to do a fast job, just take a fucking chainsaw.
Even with a cleaver, cutting a human to small pieces is tough work.
Even if you go for just the joints and not chop further, it can take an hour.
And most people could not really know where to cut a body easily.

>> No.2896791


Who knows where to cut better than a Nanaya? With his knife almost impossibly sharp, dismembering 3 people into a scattering of limbs would be child's play.

>> No.2896794

/jp/ - Maniac butchers/General

>> No.2896793

Nuh uh, bone is a fucking bitch with a chainsaw, not to mention to rotating motion will get blood and flesh bits all over you. Stop giving bad advice.

>> No.2896805

Everyone has to work.

Some of us just choose a profession that makes us happy~

>> No.2896814

A proper medical chainsaw can chip off the bone in a matter of minutes.

And to be honest, I mostly wanted to reignite the first great derail on /jp/, when 13 months or so ago, we derailed into how certain scenes in anime and VNS were bullshit considering how they cut the body so fast, and eventually planned the perfect disposal of a little girl's body and hiding the evidence.

>> No.2896819

Good times.

>> No.2896829

Well, my plan was pretty much the same, I love to share experiences.
Just to say, medical chainsaws aren't really that common in most households.
The kind used to cut wood does a horrible job with meat and tends to grind against bone for an eternity before getting any work done.

>> No.2896839

Are there any chainsaws designed to cut through steel?

>> No.2896846

Sure, those work damn well too.

>> No.2896849

True. That's why I limited the shit initially to knife/cleaver, most common thing you can get in a house.
Chopping a body to small pieces with almost any knife can eat half a day , and unless you are insane or completely used in corpses, doing it all hours straight is nigh impossible(that's why when they show first times actually doing it, I say bullshit')
Best method is tho chops the limbs which will be about the same length as the torso, making it easy to collect the blood or wash it and stuff it in a suitcase.

>> No.2896852


>> No.2896858

Y'know, when it comes to that, I think it's so much easier to just burn the damn thing and bury the bones in various places.
All that blood to clean, not to mention I don't feel like standing in a bathtub hacking and slashing for hours, it fucking kills my back.

>> No.2896864

If you used a katana there wouldn't be any problems.
As you know, Japanese master smiths forge and reforge katanas until they are capable of slicing through solid steel. Bone and sinew will present no difficulties.

>> No.2896863

Perhaps, but burnt flesh and fat leave quite the stench and the atmosphere becomes sticky.
It can alert people to a good radius.
And carrying a full body to a place where you can burn with no worries is too risky.

>> No.2896868

If it can cut steel/concrete, it can cut through bone.

Just buy one of those, and start hacking away as you please.

>> No.2896874

I figured burning tires was a good way to make up for that, just tuck the body under the tires, it'll work just fine.

>> No.2896877

Nothing covers up the smell of a burning corpse. I don't care if you stack tires on it. If you're burning it outdoors, someone is going to smell it, unless you're out in the middle of nowhere.

You'd be better off building your own crematorium in your home, then disposing of the remains and scrubbing the emissions like professional mortuaries do.

>> No.2896883

Tires generate an enormous amount of smoke.
Wherever you do it, you attract too much attention.

>> No.2896890
File: 149 KB, 728x1023, ciel manga1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These 3 manga pannels creeped me out more than anything...this shit is just brutal, i found it quite hard to read...


>> No.2896894
File: 121 KB, 728x1023, ciel manga2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2896895

Nobody cares about burning tires, at least not where I live.
Are you saying people actually come and annoy you when they see smoke ?

>> No.2896900



>> No.2896910


Oh damn this is getting erotic.

>> No.2896901

In the amounts burnt tires would?
You may live in a place where you actually burn your garbage and farm your spinach, but I live in a civilization.

>> No.2896907
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>> No.2896921

Well, I do live in a somewhat rural area, and nobody's ever bothered me for burning stuff in my garden.
So I can easily snatch people in town, stuff 'em in my trunk and dispose of them over here.

>> No.2896928


>> No.2896931

Burning flesh has an extremely distinctive smell. All the fats, hair, and such... People are going to wonder what the fuck you're doing if the wind blows the wrong way.

>> No.2896940

I guess your only issue is witnesses to the snatching and proper scientific team somehow coming to check your yard for traces.

But the best way to dispose, would be getting a closed room, covered everywhere, not wearing clothes to even get dna on you, chop him up, use whatever covered the room to wrap him, take a bath, burn it somewhere, then throw these at the sea.

>> No.2896956

You'd have to shackle the body to something fairly heavy for it not to come back up after a while, not to mention finding a nice place to drop the body.

I've got a fair amount of land, the smell really isn't an issue.

>> No.2896969

Dark kiss mark was probably pretty horrifying.

I mean sacchin killed everyone in class and just left the bodies there.

>> No.2896974

Of course, you won't just sprinkle the dead remains.
Attach a bowling ball or something.

>> No.2896980

You underestimate how far a strong smell can go.
Unless you are in your radish farm, 10 km away from other hicks, it's not safe.

>> No.2896981

What always cracks me up is how the people in the various CSI shows have databases for everything.
I wouldn't be surprised if Caine had a Bowling ball database that would track where you bought it, really;

>> No.2896987

Huge rock or something similar then.

>> No.2896997

It's not a radish farm, I grow apples and pears !

>> No.2897003

Huge rock database.

Strong smells can be carried for miles and still be picked up. Especially by animals.

>> No.2897013
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Sakura is absolutely terrifying.

>> No.2897015

Y'know, unless I've done something wrong, I don't think the cops will come with dogs in my neighborhood when I've kidnapped someone more than eighty miles away in my country's capital.
And the local cops don't have a canine division.
That being said, the huge rock database is a fearful one, remember those episodes where they find a grain of sand in the guy's shoes and know where he hid the body by working on it ?

>> No.2897040

Do you want serious brain damage? If not, stop hanging here like a chanturd and instead bookmark the best site on the Web:

>gkf hl gj y vhcfn nj

>> No.2897630

Cmon, neither Tsukihime or Fate/Stay Night are scary at all.

The most scary thing from them would propably be the scene at the end of Fate in fsn where shirou and saber encountered Kirei in the basement of the church and met with the "living" "dead" "survivors" of the fire at the end of the 4:th holy grail war.

But still, those novels are not really scary.

>> No.2897874

Tsukihime scared the hell out of me at least twice a route.

I always hated dying. Nasu did a good job of making it genuinely frightening to die in the Nrvnsqr hotel scenes.

Fuck Roa the first time you saw him.
Mindfucks with Hisui.
Any time I was in that alleyway... Nanaya, SHIKI, Satsuki.... man, I forgot how much I loved this game.

>> No.2897978

How old are you?
And if you thought that was scary, then you must have found Fate/Stay Night scary as well.
And would you even be able to read something like Chaos Head or Saya no Uta?

>> No.2899297
File: 29 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Zoken eats the girl in the park


>> No.2899311

Nasu is an interesting man.

He can be nonsensical, and then make up for the nonsense by pulling off some truly spine-tingling shit.

>> No.2899315

Not the same guy, but I'd agree Tsukihime was a lot scarier than F/SN. Neither was to the point of shitting yourself, but the atmosphere WAS really nice in a few scenes.

>> No.2899331


FSN had the potential to be scarier in many instances, but a few choice things held it back.

>> No.2899425

Tsukihime as a whole has a much darker, more morbid tone.

The magic level in Tsukihime is much lower level then in FSN. Much last hyper fantastic magic going on. Shiki's Mystic eyes aren't exactly flashy. It just looks like cutting through things easily. The magical stuff is much more low key then Heroic Spirits swinging weapons that sunder mountains.
