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2892577 No.2892577 [Reply] [Original]

Gensokyo is like LA. It is completely lawless with factions going at it against each other. Reimu is the LAPD. She must be brutal against those that break the peace because force is the only thing they understand.

>> No.2892582

Except there are no black people.

>> No.2892589

What about the FEMA.

>> No.2892601


Fairies are the blacks of Gensokyo. They do demeaning tasks and serves as maids and minions.

>> No.2892616 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming your shitty board on the best site:
> flgnkockl

>> No.2892638

And they are also slaughtered by the thousands in every game, which kinda breaks the analogy.

>> No.2892703
File: 52 KB, 600x600, k3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the Senator.

>> No.2892729
File: 310 KB, 920x824, r6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it he was agreeable?

>> No.2892786 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 850x593, k2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon, I will become pure energy. I will burn like the brightest star.

>> No.2892793
File: 195 KB, 800x640, k2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon, I will become pure energy. I will burn like the brightest star.

>> No.2892795
File: 25 KB, 850x460, r8.jpg [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna burn, all right.

>> No.2892817

tonight, both ends burning. Both ends burning, burning, burn. Tonight

>> No.2892815

>Reimu is the LAPD

What does that make Marisa?

>> No.2892824


Reimu =/= LAPD

A police department doesn't engage in recreational activities (i.e tea drinking) with criminals. Your analogy is invalid.

>> No.2892829


A hardass detective who shoots first and asks questions later. She's been out on the beat for so long that the faces and dead bodies just blur in her memory, aided somewhat by the tumblers of gin she tosses back nightly with sleeping pills to get the voices to go away and allow her a quick few hours of sleep. Carries a large-bore gas-operated pistol as a sidearm. Dismissive of a lot of people. Doesn't take bullshit from even the Chief of police.

>> No.2892833

black-white witch

>> No.2892839

You always find cops with experience delving into criminal dens trying to turn up some info.

>> No.2892844


Or she could be a crooked cop, you ever consider that?

>> No.2892859

Arisu is Anna Navarre. Gunther is Mareesu.

>> No.2892879

the dame waltzed her asthmatic rump into my office. She was stacked like a shelf of unwanted books- compactus- but I liked em small and tight. Etc. I'm on a mobile.

>> No.2892887


Fuck yes, hardboiled detective novel-style Marisa, ala Sam Spade or Mike Hammer.

>> No.2892910


I don't like the idea of Reimu or anything touhou related be fused with such realism. But for >>2892829, I can accept it.

>> No.2892990


Glad you approve.
