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2891995 No.2891995 [Reply] [Original]

Is Japanese beer really that good? I heard it tastes even better than German beer. 本当だ??

>> No.2892007


Although I like sapporo sometimes because the cans are fairly large.

>> No.2892020

Japanese beer is usually a lower quality beer. Somewhere just north of the great American beers and south of most European beers.

>> No.2892040

I prefer Taedonggang.

>> No.2892045

Japanese beer is less good than good beer, but better than both Chinese beer and American beer.

>> No.2892059

Because all American beer is Bud, Coors, and Miller right?

>> No.2892067

>It's japanese, so must be the best, right?


>> No.2892068

Japanese beer is generally shit house for drinking; but, in a beer contest type system can achieve high points--why?

Japanese beer tends to be dominated by the "Dry" and "Superdry" concepts, concepts which as a beer drinker I find questionable, they strip essensial components of the beer experience (malt flavour, yeast flavour, hops flavour) and preference a peculiar anti-sugar sensation of drinking beer. This can produce a very refreshing drink for a hot day, but fails to match the essence (in my mind) of beer, as a highly flavoured (malt / hops / yeast, your choice) day to day drink accompanying most meals--ie, Beer's European origin.

Japanese beer is fundamental disrespect to great and historical Western beer traditions. Uncultured untraditional swine. (heh).

Why does Japanese Beer get excellent points in beer contests? Beer contests are judged against success in a category or type. Japanese beer defines a type or category of its own, and so succeeds at it.

Imagine if we produced a "Bud Light" category; bud light would necessarily win. This does not make bud light a good beer, however.

OTOH non-Japanese sake is fucking appalling.

>> No.2892071
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Negra Modelo or Sapporo

They taste like saltine crackers and I love it.

>> No.2892078

I don't much care for Japanese beer. Really, the rest of the world has a lot of catching up to do with Europe in that area.

>> No.2892080


I have never tasted an American type of beer that was good, but you are welcome to rec me some.

>> No.2892089

Microbrewery stout.

In fact, don't drink anything you can get more than 100mi from its place of manufacture.

>> No.2892106

Steel Reserve would like a word with all you hating on American beer.

>> No.2892110

Thank you, this is very good to know.

>> No.2892121 [DELETED] 
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ITT: Favourite beers

>> No.2892115

i heard the contrary and suposedly german beer is the best in the world

>> No.2892127

There are plenty of small breweries with seasonals that are highly enjoyable. You just need to know where to look.

Stone Imperial Russian Stout - expensive but good.
Great Lakes Brewing has a whole slew of different things.
Sierra Nevada makes quite a few different beers if you like Pale Ales.

>> No.2892128


No, no, steel reserve is a massively shitty beer. It's fun to drink in a self-masochistic way, much for the same reason I'll drink Olde English 800 every now and then, but it is not a good beer.

>> No.2892129

I like reading posts by BEER_EXPERTS. I have no idea what they're talking about, so it's amusing. All I know is that I like beer. It tastes good.

>> No.2892139

I've drank enough Milwaukee's Best to know its the absolute worst beer on the planet. Natty Light is like fine wine in comparison.

>> No.2892147

When one refers to the great american domestics, that is what they are referring to. That is not to say that there aren't wonderful micros in the US, there are. The same can be said for most places that rank in the low-mid tier of the beer scale, just like there are some really shitty micros in countries that are in the upper tiers. It is best to leave micros out when talking about where a country stands at making beer. There are always people who are very good and will be a shining exception to the norm, and in beer these will almost invariably be micro brew.

>> No.2892153

The general beer rule is: on tap, or from a home brewer / micro's bottle. Transporting beer (real beer) is hazardous for the quality.

All mass produced beer sucks.
Repeat with me: all mass produced beer sucks.

If you like a style
(Stout, Brown, Porter, Black Ale, full-spectrum ale, full-spectrum larger, trappist, etc.)
then you can acquire examples of the style, and enjoy them as a drinking beer, but be aware that they're not the best.

If you want to drink good beer, get involved with master grade home brewers.

>> No.2892155

There are chinese and japanese swill that makes this look like a good beer, and that is pretty sad.

>> No.2892160

What about Genesee? It's a close fight.

I think the earlier poster nailed it. Japanese beer is produced for a different climate, palate and cultural niche. The beer you want when it's 35 degrees and there is no air conditioning is not what you're going to want in most beer countries.

>> No.2892162

Fucking normalfaggotry.

>> No.2892201

As an Australian, in a regular 35'C no air conditioning climate. Japanese beer sucks.

The cultural palate issue can be shot in the head: sake does not suck; Japanese beer does.

Compare getting on the piss at 6pm when its 37`C with Asahi versus Carlton Draught, or Tooheys Old, or Kent Brown.

Even Australia's urine (XXXX, VB, MB [still better than VB], New) works better in a hot climate. They taste decently when supercooled, and provide a rich full body with genuine malt flavour. (Yes, we all know its an extract, but the flavour is there, and is produced from malt at some stage).

When you get into the highly available minor breweries, Australia starts to shine for 35`C plus drinking, coops, little creatures, boags.

Japanese commercial beer sucks because it is fail beer; premised poorly, and locked into a poor design / style choice by history. It isn't climate (cf: Australia, or even 333 / Tiger); it isn't palate (cf: Sake). Its a culturally fucked beer culture.

>> No.2892208

What do you drink, NEET? Meths? Turps? Sterilising rubbing alcohol for your bedsores?

>> No.2892213

Its good with food, since that's what its really designed for.
Personally i really enjoy japanese beer, but i still mostly drink stella.

>> No.2892217

I was wondering when this guy would show up. It's always some underage American who thinks that beer can only be acquired at frat parties or something.

>> No.2892235

Alcohol isn't limited to being a normalfag

>> No.2892246

Underaged Hikkis should realise that high functioning alcoholism combined with employment is almost like being stuck in your room all day long; except its being stuck in your drunken mind. Everything becomes this kind of sick VN where you know you're headed to a Bad End but you don't care.

Have you drunk your pint of spirits today?

>> No.2892252

Adding onto this i'm drinking san miguel right now.
Drinking alone at 4AM on a saturday is normal?

>> No.2892278

stella is okay for the first pint, then it turns to muck. I suspect they're cheating in terms of hop complexity, and that the underlying malt isn't that good. stella is a good model of a non-sweet beer which Japan could do, if it pulled its head out of its arse about hopping, and, preferably, yeast tones.

>> No.2892293

Beer and alcoholism doesn't really have much to do with each other.
If you just drink alot of beer you're fine, you're doing great, even if you drink 20 beers a day you're still doing better than an alcoholic.

>> No.2892305

20 pints at 5% = 1 pint of 100% alcohol.

A pint of 50% spirits a day is into alcoholic territory.

The advantages you get as a beer alcoholic are:
1) Essential sugars
2) More complex alcohol nutrition through malt and yeast
3) Better water volume intake
4) Spaced out drinking, leading to a higher functioning state

20 beers a day is still "alcoholic". Not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.2892310

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you drink 20 beers a day you're a fucking alcoholic, and your liver will probably fail in less then a decade.

>> No.2892311

Enjoy being as cool as the other cool kids who drink, and your dead brain cells.

>> No.2892320

10 a morning and 10 a night isn't so bad.
give or take 5 or 6 in the daytime.
i guess i must drink 26 a day if its a good day.
adding onto that i smoke and i'm a pretty heavy drug user, but whatever, i don't really care how long i live since even the most mundane situation is kinda ok.

>> No.2892322

>>2892293 20 beers a day
That's a lot of calories. Enjoy your beer gut.

>> No.2892329
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>it tastes even better than German beer.
Oh you uncultured swine.

>> No.2892331

a beer gut is actually mostly the result of being bloated, not fat buildup.
and i think the amount of puking i do and the fact i don't eat often means i have a balanced enough diet to keep me from being fat.

>> No.2892345

>i guess i must drink 26 a day if its a good day
How do afford that? And if you have a job, how do you make time to do that? I don't think I could drink 26 glasses of water in a day...

>> No.2892350


You're kidding. How the fuck do you consume that much liquid a day, let alone beer? You must go to take a piss every five minutes 24 hours a day.

>> No.2892363

no, no it's not. beer is full of calories, and 'beer gut' is less of a euphemism than some people would like to think.

>the amount of puking i do
ok, just wow. How is it possible to be so stupid on a regular basis?

>> No.2892380


Some people should start a betting pool on how soon you'll die, and from what.

>> No.2892375

Got no job, rich family with a huge wine cellar, we never have less than 100 beers in the house.
On top of that i'm a good guy to drink with, so i often get invited out to get drunk with people i knew in highschool or whatever.
I probably piss like once every couple of hours, on top of the alcohol i drink alot of water and usually some sprite with lunch.

>> No.2892396

Hey guys, try this:

Buy some of the good brand lemon sorbet ice cream.

Mix it with vodka (absolut probably best).

Put it in blender.

Blend till it's like one of those frozen cokes but smoother.


Shit is cash.

>> No.2892410

As the NEET said to the alcoholic.

>> No.2892422

Asahi is pretty awesome.

>> No.2892426

I consider myself immortal, i've been told i'm going to die so many times throughout my life it's lost all meaning.
Of course i don't want to die, but if i do it won't be too bad, i'll have lived a short yet extremely happy life.

>> No.2892429

Last time I went out drinking a bunch of us ended up pissing on the lawn of state parliament, was quite funny at the time.

>> No.2892431

This thread is disgusting.

I hate all the kids here on weekends.

>> No.2892435

German beer is overrated. The best beer I've ever had was actually Russian, and the second best was Mexican.

>> No.2892454 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming your shitty board on the best site:

>> No.2892459

>>2892305 20 pints at 5% = 1 pint of 100% alcohol.
A can is 12 ounces.
A pint is 16 ounces.
A can of beer is not a pint.

Twenty beers = .75 pints of alcohol.

That's still Alcoholics Anonymous material though.

>> No.2892465
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>The best beer I've ever had was actually Russian

>> No.2892470

You see that only occurs when the liver isn't able to filter out all the toxins that the body consumes, and the reason why it isn't able to do it mostly is because there is too much of it to handle because the person is drinking too much, or because of the overuse of the liver from repeated abuse. What heavy drinkers don't realize is that the reason that they aren't able to get drunk from as many beers as other people isn't because "they can handle it", but because they have become tolerant to the alcohol, meaning that their body has become accustomed to the high amount of alcohol in the body by adjusting itself. Unfortunately for them part of this adjustment is in the form of liver build up from fatty tissue, meaning that they are unable to rid their bodies of not only the alcohol, but all the other body waste, and ultimately results in liver failure which can cause death if they can't find a replacement liver. So you see, a beer gut isn't caused by fat in the normal sense, as in under the skin, but because of fatty livers bloating under the skin. So remember kids, drink smart, because one beer isn't going to kill you, but it will if it is one too many.

>> No.2892469
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>> No.2892464
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Actually you are right. It isn't "fat" as most people think it is, rather the liver being bloated. You see, the alcohol that are in the drinks is toxic to the body, not toxic as in life threatening, in fact there are many things that can be considered toxic that people eat everyday. The toxic part really kicks in when you overload yourself on it, which is where the liver comes in. The liver is the blood processing plant of the body, and responsible for cleaning the blood. When a person drinks alcohol the liver takes time to process out the bad parts, which then turn to urea, which is the main part of urine, which is why people who drink often need to relieve themselves afterward. Normally the liver is able to handle the toxins in a drink, but that depends on what you are drinking and how much of it you drink. When people talk about how drinking is bad for you, and that you are destroying your body on the cellular level, they are completely correct, to a point.

>> No.2892475

I remember when I was in a club once at the bar it was really crowded, I was in line to buy a drink. Some girl kept pushing up against me, so I said 'Excuse me, your invading my personal space' and she said 'Is that a problem?' and I said 'Yes' and she muttered something about me being an asshole.

>> No.2892479

If you don't drink beer by the pint,
you're not drinking beer

Fucking seppo.

Also, drinking beer from cans is a crime against beer.

>> No.2892480

Someone's never had a good Russian beer.

>> No.2892487
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I dare you to name a German brand that is better than this.

>> No.2892507

all beer is shit

>> No.2892514

Some Japanese beers are excellent, but of course they're copycats of Europeans beers

>> No.2892519
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forgot my pic

>> No.2893835

I just finshed a bottle of G Sake....

>> No.2893853
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just got proven wrong

>> No.2893857

It is the same with their whiskey industry and scotch. The only good alcohol they have been able to develop on there own, to the best of my samplings so far, is sake.

>> No.2893859


>> No.2893861

Alcohol sucks, you faggots.

>> No.2893866

Their scotch is damn good, considering it's coming from the complete opposite side of the globe.

>> No.2893872

Alcohol is for fagets.

>> No.2893889

Fuck this thread and everybody in it.

Straight edge IS my life.

>> No.2893899

I haven't tasted alcohol in like a year and a half.

>> No.2893913

I never drink to get drunk, but I do enjoy a good beer or whiskey every now and again.

You fags who hate alcohol are really missing out; don't begrudge alcohol for drunkenness-- it's the drunks that cause the problems, not the liquor.

>> No.2893916

You don't use mouthwash, vanilla extract, or medicine?

>> No.2893917

Fuck this thread. You're urging me to grab a beer. I don't want to touch that shit.

>> No.2893921 [DELETED] 

No I don't. Not any of that caffeine shit either. I'm not having this discussion again. Fuck you.

>> No.2893927

But French Toast is delicious.

>> No.2893942

I hate bitter stuff, and so I shall never drink beer.

>> No.2893960

In all of my years in internet I have nevers seen such a blatant troll. Good job, tovarisch.

>> No.2893966

Listen to this man.

>> No.2894261
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when you see it...

>> No.2894265

...Youre too drunk to give a fuck as theyre all horrible piss that serves fine for its function; Getting you fucked up

>> No.2894272


seconded da ze!
