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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2886911 No.2886911 [Reply] [Original]

"Korean chicks are like Swedish chicks for the Japanese"

wtf jp? please comment

>> No.2886922

They think they're all hot? I dunno man.

>> No.2886921

What disgusting language is that?

also fuck yeah iron maiden

>> No.2886937

is that jew

>> No.2886935

Hebrew, language of the witch from umineko

>> No.2886956


yep, jewspeak

>> No.2886964

No, the witch speaks Italian. She just uses bible verses that are hebrew.

>> No.2886973

when did Beatrice speak Italian in the vn?

>> No.2886977

Actually, I think that's thai or a form of chinese... I studied a little of it in school

>> No.2886980

ישראלי מסריח
לך תזדיין וגם מדינה שלך

>> No.2886985

lol butthurt Arabs, go back to fucking camels in the desert

>> No.2886986
File: 2 KB, 102x126, ilvis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2887002

יאללה תחזור לתנור שלך באירופה

>> No.2887017

תחזור למחנה פליטים שלך בגדה, יש סוכן שב"כ שצריך לעשות לך בדיקה אנלית

>> No.2887022

why are there jews on /jp/

>> No.2887026

Probably means "hot according to the rest of the world and easy to fuck"

>> No.2887028
File: 23 KB, 320x303, 1244037772431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2887035

But Swedish chicks don't like the Japanese.

>> No.2887041

there are Jews everywhere, Jews love japan and umineko.
we worship Beatrice the glorious
we also have our own 4chan:

>> No.2887046

/jp/ - Jew/General

>> No.2887049

thats why they have koreans!

>> No.2887058

My ideal husubando is a Jew with a soft, feminine face, curly dark hair, and dark sad eyes.

>> No.2887060

          ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          ( ´∀`) < JEWS
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       / "⌒ヽ |.イ |
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  .    ノく__つ∪∪   \
    ̄ ̄ヽつ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | | ̄
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>> No.2887065

neko wa tsukue no ue desu

>> No.2887072

/jp/ - Jew/Palestine

>> No.2887076

no such thing as palestine

>> No.2887084

Jews control JP,
Jews did rokkenjima

>> No.2887092


>> No.2887099


>> No.2887110

This isn't /lounge/.

>> No.2887181

וואללה...בדיקה אנלית? אתה הומו בדוק
גם אני חושב שראיתי אותך במצעד גאווה בי"ם

>> No.2887191

wishful israeli thinking
get your ass to uganda

>> No.2887195
File: 5 KB, 116x116, Untitled-1.jpg_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews: kicking shitty Arab ass since 1948

>> No.2887204

Since Dante Alighieri invented her.

>> No.2887203

if you would bother to do proper research you would see it is true.

>> No.2887208

Israelis are some of the most annoying people.

They shit up every country they go to, ESPECIALLY Japan. Japanese customs officials hate seeing Israeli passports. They do nothing but sell drugs, fake goods and stumble around drunk like clueless foreigners in places like Kobe.

>> No.2887211

lies, Ryukishi invented Beatrice

>> No.2887217

למה יש פה ישראלים?

>> No.2887219

sadly even as a proud isreali i must agree with this guy.

>> No.2887222

Japanese were responsible for the only interesting thing that ever happened in the history of Israel:


>> No.2887223

I'm sorry, please educate me with your non-biased Israeli school texts.

ישראלים זבלים

>> No.2887234

ah, yes.. as an Israeli, I know about that. We make REALLY shitty tourists. :(

Whenever I go abroad, I try to act extra-nice to make up for all the other assholes that ruin our image.

>> No.2887236

But Israel is default soon. Sorry, Israeli.

>> No.2887238

i am sorry, please educate me with your totally unbiased Palestinian propaganda.
ערבים מסריחים

>> No.2887252

Beatrice will defend Israel

>> No.2887255

Pull an I'm-Canadian-not-American tourist trick and say you're from Lebanon.

>> No.2887268

Lebanon was good once, now its full of shitty Hezbollah fags, Muslims destroy every country they are in.

>> No.2887275

Hebrew is a shit language which makes no sense, it was just promoted for silly nationalism, when Americans or white people aren't around Israelis just speak Arabic (or Russian if your one of those immigrant Jews).

>> No.2887279

lol Israelis don't speak Arabic, Arabic is a very shitty language

>> No.2887282
File: 168 KB, 564x746, GIBOR LEUMI MOTHERFUCKERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lod is a shitty place anyway

>> No.2887286

also: you can say the same for almost all languages

>> No.2887293

Won't work, they can smell the oppression emanating.

>> No.2887299

Modern Hebrew is a language fabricated by racist Europeans who had Slavic mother tongues and knew nothing about Semitic languages other than how to butcher them.

So much of their shitty language has Arabic in it, but for some reason Israelis still hate Arabic.

They have no culture whatsoever. Whatever "culture" they do have has been stolen or adopted from neighbouring peoples.

tl;dr Israel is shit

>> No.2887302

Despite it being often spoken with dog on one's breath, Korean is a pretty cool language. Not difficult to learn at all, at least compared to other Asian squiggle languages.

>> No.2887308

Israel has a rich culture,Palestine (which doesn't exists) has non,except beating themselves till their all bloody and exploding in the streets

>> No.2887326

The Soviet Union attempted to create their own version of an 'Israel' in Russia for Jews, but it failed horribly because Russian Jews hated Hebrew and just wanted to speak Russian, most of them didn't even know anything about their so-called 'culture' when the Soviets tried to set it up.

>> No.2887336

Didn't help that the Jewish Autonomous Oblast was in fucking Siberia.

>> No.2887339

if i am not mistaken the Japanese also wanted to make an Israel for Jews but it failed before it began.
everyone wants the Jews for themselves

>> No.2887352

>exploding in the streets
The Jews were doing this in the 40's when they didn't have a state, who says the Palestinians can't do the same now to establish their own state?

The Palestinians have been a nation and people for centuries, going back before the birth of Muhammad and even Christ.

The Jews just emigrated illegally into British-mandate Palestine. The Palestinians were completely peaceful while the Jewish extremists all armed themselves and wouldn't let Arabs into their 'Jewish communities'.

After the British withdrew the Jews took over, stole the land and homes of the Palestinians, and forced them into camps with bad or no sanitation and low living standards.

>> No.2887371

Don't forget that Jews are responsible for what has to be the most evil act of modern terrorism: when they murdered UN negotiator Folke Bernadotte, a guy who'd risked his ass during WW2 to get tens of thousands of Jews out of Nazi Germany.

>> No.2887382

this is what Arab trolls want you to believe.

Jews never exploded in the streets, we used guerrilla warfare yes, but it was aimed at military targets and military officials, and thus can be considered guerrilla warfare and not terrorism.

Palestinians never were a nation,except for a small minority which lived here(and never had any sort of state, you can check that in any book) they sort of gathered when Jews started coming and making a country from what was otherwise a shithole(and still is in Arab areas)
(you can read mark tweins log of his visit to the holy land at around that time).

also Jews did not steal anything, they were given the land by the u.n, and then five butthurt Arab countries declared war on them, and till lost cause Arabs are so shitty, and now they are all butthurt about it, and that's the whole truth

>> No.2887437


>> No.2887469

>Saudi Arabia

Check for reasonably high living standards.


Helps when the Zionists are bombing your economy.


Sell outs to American capitalism, that's why their people live in poverty.

>> No.2887515

>except for a small minority which lived here
>small minority

Haha oh wow.
Israeli propaganda at its finest.

>> No.2887531

>but it was aimed at military targets and military officials

On the other side, "Yishuv troops probably murdered some 800 civilians and prisoners of war".[2] Most of these killings and massacres occurred as villages were overrun and captured during the Second phase of the Civil War, Operation Dani, Operation Hiram and Operation Yoav.[2] The "worst cases" were the Saliha massacre with 70 to 80 killed, the Deir Yassin massacre with around 100, Lydda massacre with around 250, the Al-Dawayima massacre with hundreds and the Abu Shusha massacre with 70.[4]

According to Morris the Israelis were responsible for 24 massacres during the war[2] but Saleh Abdel Jawad has listed 68 villages where acts of indiscriminate killing of prisoners, and civilians, where no threat was posed to Israeli soldiers, took place. He calculates that 455 people were killed at al-Dawayima including 170 women and children.[5]


>> No.2887537

At the beginning of the civil war, the Jewish militias organized several bombing attacks against civilians and military Arab targets.

The next day, Irgun members in a stolen police van rolled a barrel bomb[9] into a large group of civilians who were waiting for a bus by the Jaffa Gate, killing around 16.[10] Another Irgun bomb went off in the Ramla market on February 18, killing 7 residents and injuring 45.[11][12] On 28 February, the Palmah organised a bombing attack against a garage at Haifa, killing 30 people.[13]


>> No.2887750

The War of Independence: the Arab invasion phase
See also: 1948 Arab-Israeli War

Arab League members Egypt, TransJordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq declared war and announced their rejection of the UN partition decision. They claimed the right of self-determination for the Arabs of Palestine over the whole of Palestine.[40] Saudi-Arabia and Sudan also sent forces to participate in the invasion.

so now we are guilty for defending ourselves? lol

>> No.2888131

>so now we are guilty for defending ourselves? lol
>defending ourselves

Don't you mean that Palestinians were defending themselves with the help of other Arab nations due to your invasion?

איפה ההיגיון שלך
